Search: For - Economic Interdependence

9 results found

Begging will not de-risk Brussels from Beijing
Mar 30, 2024

Begging will not de-risk Brussels from Beijing

Not narratives, not rhetoric: what the EU needs is to wake up from its strategic slumber and act on its China addiction

Nepal: An emerging power centre in South Asia
Jul 03, 2023

Nepal: An emerging power centre in South Asia

India has played a vital role in Nepal’s quest to develop its power sector. The national forces of Nepal should take necessary steps to ensure that

Biden will not bid for war to contain China
Aug 18, 2020

Biden will not bid for war to contain China

If Biden wins in the upcoming elections, a shift in America’s China policy is on the cards.

Escalating conflicts between China and the US — Not just about Trump’s reelection?
Aug 12, 2020

Escalating conflicts between China and the US — Not just about Trump’s reelection?

The possibility of war between the US and China is not something that is exclusive to events today.

The emergent transatlantic consensus against China
Jun 20, 2020

The emergent transatlantic consensus against China

Chinese advocacy for economic interdependence, owing to its centrality in global supply chains, could be met with a renewed transatlantic consensus ce

America First and the Pandemic: Trump’s grand strategy of blaming China
Jun 17, 2020

America First and the Pandemic: Trump’s grand strategy of blaming China

Any predictions about a coming struggle for global influence and regional supremacy have to be measured against enduring realities of global economic

Can Economic Sanctions Replace Armed Forces in Modern Warfare?
Aug 17, 2023

Can Economic Sanctions Replace Armed Forces in Modern Warfare?

Economic sanctions are often seen as an alternative to war, but they do not always have the desired effect. This brief argues that for such sanctions to be effective, economic interdependence must be established, economic rationality must outweigh political ambition in the sanctioned country, and the message of the sanctions must be clear. Using the sanctions against Russia as an example, this brief contends that because of the interdepen

Modi Govt's challenge in Nepal
Jul 25, 2014

Modi Govt's challenge in Nepal

The Modi government's real challenge in Nepal is not China. It is the tragic failure of Delhi's own engagement with Kathmandu. Despite geographic proximity, cultural intimacy, economic interdependence and shared political values, India has stumbled in Nepal.

नेपाळ: दक्षिण आशियातील एक उदयोन्मुख शक्ती केंद्र
Oct 07, 2023

नेपाळ: दक्षिण आशियातील एक उदयोन्मुख शक्ती केंद्र

नेपाळच्या ऊर्जा क्षेत्राचा विकास करण्याच्या प्रयत्नात भारताने महत्त्वाची भूमिका बजावली आहे. हे संबंध अव्याहतपणे सुरू राहतील हे सुनिश्चित करण्यासाठी नेपाळच्या राष्ट्