Search: For - Delhi

1097 results found

Return of a new non-alignment?
Jun 25, 2020

Return of a new non-alignment?

The middle powers are taking the middle path to dealing with the US and China, which may lead to significant challenges if New Delhi chooses to build

Bridging Water Demand and Supply Gap in Delhi
Jun 24, 2020

Bridging Water Demand and Supply Gap in Delhi

In this article, the situation of water supply and disposal in Delhi is described. The analysis reveals that Delhi government is lagging behind in ser

De-escalation this time around will not be as easy as in Doklam
Jun 23, 2020

De-escalation this time around will not be as easy as in Doklam

New Delhi’s decreased policy manoeuvrability coupled with China’s decreasing need to comply with international norms and conventions is a dangerou

We are all Sinologists now
Jun 10, 2020

We are all Sinologists now

Effective public policy needs sound public debates. If New Delhi is to have a serious China strategy, it must be predicated upon how best India can al

Seychelles and Assumption Island project: Another test for India
May 23, 2020

Seychelles and Assumption Island project: Another test for India

Why did Assumption Island project cause a furore in Seychelles? What are the main concerns of the Seychelles government, opposition and Seychellois pe

New Delhi’s Nepal conundrum
May 21, 2020

New Delhi’s Nepal conundrum

The present inflection point in Indo-Nepalese border tensions has evolved into an awkward position where neither of the two states can realistically b

Modi’s tryst with NAM
May 08, 2020

Modi’s tryst with NAM

There was a time for non-alignment. New Delhi has been there and done that. Today’s India and its aspirations demand much more from its leadership.

Indian diplomacy in the age of COVID-19
May 02, 2020

Indian diplomacy in the age of COVID-19

New Delhi has been quietly focused on tackling the immediate aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis, trying to help others within its own limitations and bu

Sri Lanka terror strike: One year on, it’s time for regional resolve against transnational terror
Apr 21, 2020

Sri Lanka terror strike: One year on, it’s time for regional resolve against transnational terror

While Colombo and New Delhi may carry historic baggage with each other on various issues, fighting ISIS is something that barely interjects with those

COVID19: An opportunity and challenge for ‘Neighbourhood First’ policy
Apr 18, 2020

COVID19: An opportunity and challenge for ‘Neighbourhood First’ policy

India has done well with its neighbours by not giving up on them in their own hour of crisis. Even while the nation was faced with exigencies of every

COVID-19 — Kashmiris welcome ‘transformed’ administrative response for containment
Mar 26, 2020

COVID-19 — Kashmiris welcome ‘transformed’ administrative response for containment

New Delhi must consolidate the positive mood in the Valley to regain the trust of the people after abrogation of Article 370.

Re-imagining the neighbourhood through subregional connectivity
Mar 25, 2020

Re-imagining the neighbourhood through subregional connectivity

Delhi has envisioned various subregions in and around the subcontinent. Re-integrating the subcontinent by re-discovering the old as well as building

India’s revamped interests defines Chabahar and its relations with Iran
Mar 07, 2020

India’s revamped interests defines Chabahar and its relations with Iran

New Delhi now ought to prove its logistical capabilities in accomplishing the full potential of the port to maintain its credibility in the global con

New Delhi’s recent Kashmir policy has hurt its international reputation but not its real position
Mar 02, 2020

New Delhi’s recent Kashmir policy has hurt its international reputation but not its real position

Externally, New Delhi has inconsistently wavered between attempting to influence the international debate on Kashmir and treating it as a purely domes

Questionable role of police in Delhi tragedy; time for police reforms
Mar 02, 2020

Questionable role of police in Delhi tragedy; time for police reforms

A close look at the pattern of violence perpetrated by criminal elements establishes beyond doubt that the violence had spread because of the failure

आईडेंटिटी पॉलिटिक्स से दंगों तक: अपनी पहचान ढूंढता ‘दिल्ली’ शहर!
Mar 02, 2020

आईडेंटिटी पॉलिटिक्स से दंगों तक: अपनी पहचान ढूंढता ‘दिल्ली’ शहर!

महात्मा गांधी ने भी संपूर्ण राष्ट्र को एक आईडेंटिटी के ज�

After Article 370: New Delhi should not repeat historical blunders
Feb 15, 2020

After Article 370: New Delhi should not repeat historical blunders

Kashmir urgently needs political manoeuvring to start a new political process for democracy, through the will of the people, to triumph.

Why sidelining Jammu and Kashmir Police is dangerous
Feb 15, 2020

Why sidelining Jammu and Kashmir Police is dangerous

There is a growing sense in the police bureaucracy that all decisions big or small will be taken from New Delhi or in concurrence with the wishes of p

ख़लल पैदा करने वाले केजरीवाल कैसे बन गए दिल्ली के ‘विकास-पुरुष’
Feb 13, 2020

ख़लल पैदा करने वाले केजरीवाल कैसे बन गए दिल्ली के ‘विकास-पुरुष’

बेहद ताक़तवर केंद्र सरकार की नाक के नीचे, जो दिल्ली में पु

दिल्ली के सरकारी स्कूलों की दशा सुधरी पर चुनौतियां अभी बाकी
Feb 10, 2020

दिल्ली के सरकारी स्कूलों की दशा सुधरी पर चुनौतियां अभी बाकी

दिल्ली की आम आदमी पार्टी सरकारी स्कूलों के ख़राब होने की �

How did Aam Aadmi Party fix Delhi’s broken government schools?
Feb 01, 2020

How did Aam Aadmi Party fix Delhi’s broken government schools?

While the AAP government has done well to change the perception on government run schools by infusing more funds and plucking low hanging fruits, many

दिल्ली विधानसभा चुनाव: जनता के लिए मुश्किल होगा फैसला करना?
Jan 13, 2020

दिल्ली विधानसभा चुनाव: जनता के लिए मुश्किल होगा फैसला करना?

लगभग 14.6 करोड़ दिल्ली के मतदाताओं की पसंद इस बार भी आसान नह�

दिल्ली चुनावों के ज़रिये कांग्रेस और सोनिया गांधी के सामने नई चुनौती
Jan 09, 2020

दिल्ली चुनावों के ज़रिये कांग्रेस और सोनिया गांधी के सामने नई चुनौती

सोनिया गांधी चाहती हैं कि राहुल जल्द ही कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष

Indian national security and defence in 2019: Modi ticks three boxes
Dec 27, 2019

Indian national security and defence in 2019: Modi ticks three boxes

Political will, which is otherwise scarce in New Delhi, is precisely what Modi demonstrated whether it was Balakot, the Kinetic Direct Ascent Anti-Sat

Understanding the US-India contention over ICT imports duty & concerns over China’s increasing market share
Dec 13, 2019

Understanding the US-India contention over ICT imports duty & concerns over China’s increasing market share

With its emphasis on decreasing India’s ICT import duties across the board, the US is in a way batting with China against India, not realising that

US export of Mahanian thought and India’s alignments in the Indian Ocean
Dec 09, 2019

US export of Mahanian thought and India’s alignments in the Indian Ocean

Seeking to share the burden in the Indian Ocean, Washington is eager for New Delhi to assume the role of a regional goods provider

Actualising US-India cooperation on homeland security
Nov 27, 2019

Actualising US-India cooperation on homeland security

New Delhi and Washington must seek the compartmentalisation of homeland security cooperation by delinking progress on HSPD-6 agreement from divergence

As India chase $5 trillion economy, it faces daunting tasks to improve life
Nov 14, 2019

As India chase $5 trillion economy, it faces daunting tasks to improve life

The transition to a $5 trillion economy will require many drastic changes, especially in the pace of urbanisation.

US Congress hearing on Kashmir: India falls prey to American political polarisation
Oct 25, 2019

US Congress hearing on Kashmir: India falls prey to American political polarisation

As bipartisanship on US foreign policy fractures, New Delhi risks becoming a partisan sticking point.