Search: For - Covid19

890 results found

Deciphering the colours of India’s economic growth
Sep 11, 2020

Deciphering the colours of India’s economic growth

Can a system — where social security has traditionally been a failure — at all opt for the normative ethical principles of degrowth for the cause

महामारी की आड़ में ‘इटली’ में चीन का माफ़िया राज कर रहा है वापसी!
Sep 09, 2020

महामारी की आड़ में ‘इटली’ में चीन का माफ़िया राज कर रहा है वापसी!

कोविड19 से पहले इटली, चीन से निवेश की संख्या के मामले में पा

From streets to tweets: Surveying the impact of online activism
Sep 08, 2020

From streets to tweets: Surveying the impact of online activism

Despite being criticised as being ‘convenient’ or ‘lazy’ — online activism makes a significant impact. It has become an integral part of act

Why we need a new social contract for our cities
Sep 08, 2020

Why we need a new social contract for our cities

Many cities are suffering due to the weakness of their disaster management capacities and inadequacies of community engagement mechanisms.

Unlocking in the face of a rampaging pandemic
Sep 07, 2020

Unlocking in the face of a rampaging pandemic

With economic compulsions forcing governments to ease lockdown restrictions, the pandemic seems set to run its course in the country

Containing COVID-19 crisis in Nepal
Sep 03, 2020

Containing COVID-19 crisis in Nepal

What is needed most at this critical juncture is to strengthen coordination between the federal, provincial and local level governments by keeping the

Returning to Abraham’s fold: Tolerance in the Gulf
Sep 02, 2020

Returning to Abraham’s fold: Tolerance in the Gulf

Tolerance, both as a term and as a concept, is a commodity that has made strong headway over the past few years in the Gulf — a region more than oft

India unlocks with road rage
Sep 02, 2020

India unlocks with road rage

As India gradually opens up after the lockdown, the gains from the MV Act seem to be unravelling as we seem to be going back to our old normal of cong

The Japanese plan for strategic investment in India
Aug 31, 2020

The Japanese plan for strategic investment in India

What has happened in the interregnum to see an uncharacteristic rapid change in attitude?

Controlling crowds in public areas as India unlocks
Aug 28, 2020

Controlling crowds in public areas as India unlocks

A decentralised cluster planning approach holds the key to social distancing in urban public spaces.

Urban Affairs in the Pandemic Era
Aug 25, 2020

Urban Affairs in the Pandemic Era

In the month of August this year, India has recorded about 60,000 to 70,000 Covid-19 positive cases every day, and the total number of cases has cross

Brazil’s COVID-19 response and regional dynamics
Aug 21, 2020

Brazil’s COVID-19 response and regional dynamics

Multiple social issues, such as rising crimes, poverty and lack of education have made it difficult to contain the spread of the pandemic and spread a

Eight months of COVID-19 in the US, through the lens of Anthony Fauci
Aug 19, 2020

Eight months of COVID-19 in the US, through the lens of Anthony Fauci

As long as you have any member of society, any demographic group, who is not seriously trying to get to the endgame of suppressing this, it will conti

Covid-19: Breathing new life into ‘Make in India’
Aug 19, 2020

Covid-19: Breathing new life into ‘Make in India’

The ‘Make in India’ scheme launched in 2014 could be the starting point in galvanising the economic resurgence in post-pandemic India.