Search: For - Communist Party

148 results found

चीनच्या लष्करातील भ्रष्टाचाराविरोधात मोहीम: भीती आणि अविश्वास
Dec 07, 2024

चीनच्या लष्करातील भ्रष्टाचाराविरोधात मोहीम: भीती आणि अविश्वास

शी जिनपिंग यांच्या भ्रष्टाचारविरोधी मोहिमेचा भाग म्हणू

Corruption and purge in the PLA: Apprehension and distrust
Dec 02, 2024

Corruption and purge in the PLA: Apprehension and distrust

The recent purge in the PLA as a result of Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign reveals deep-rooted issues in the military

चीनची आर्थिक आणि लष्करी शक्ती वाढवण्याची योजना
Aug 23, 2024

चीनची आर्थिक आणि लष्करी शक्ती वाढवण्याची योजना

आशियातील आपली सुरक्षा व्यवस्था आणि ताकद वाढवण्याच्या च�

China’s conflict resolution mechanism in Africa: Mediation with Chinese characteristics
Aug 07, 2024

China’s conflict resolution mechanism in Africa: Mediation with Chinese characteristics

China is shifting from its traditional neutrality to actively participating in international mediation, especially in Africa

Third plenum: China seeks to boost economic and military might
Jul 30, 2024

Third plenum: China seeks to boost economic and military might

India must remain wary of China’s aims of upgrading narrative power and security mechanisms in Asia

Xi expels ex-defence ministers over graft in PLA
Jul 17, 2024

Xi expels ex-defence ministers over graft in PLA

The recurrent purges of senior military officials point to a strained relationship between the Communist Party and the PLA, which may be exacerbated b

Sweeping changes in Nepal-China relations
Jun 18, 2024

Sweeping changes in Nepal-China relations

The current political climate has led to unprecedented cooperation between Nepal and China, bringing them closer than ever. This partnership is likely

टिकटॉकमुळे अमेरिका गोंधळात: भू-राजकीय कोंडीत कोणाची मूल्ये, कोणाचे हित?
Jun 03, 2024

टिकटॉकमुळे अमेरिका गोंधळात: भू-राजकीय कोंडीत कोणाची मूल्ये, कोणाचे हित?

टिकटॉक च्या संदर्भातील अमेरिका आणि चीनमध्ये निर्माण झा�

TikTok’s geopolitical dilemma: Which values, whose interests?
May 01, 2024

TikTok’s geopolitical dilemma: Which values, whose interests?

The TikTok issue between the US and China is not a battle of values but part of a bigger war for geopolitical, geoeconomic, and geotechnological domin

शी जिनपिंग यांनी कापले ‘पीएलए’च्या उच्च अधिकाऱ्यांचे पंख
Feb 06, 2024

शी जिनपिंग यांनी कापले ‘पीएलए’च्या उच्च अधिकाऱ्यांचे पंख

अलीकडे चीनच्या सैन्यातील विविध विभागांच्या वरिष्ठ पदां

Xi clips the wings of PLA’s top brass
Jan 22, 2024

Xi clips the wings of PLA’s top brass

The recent leadership rejig indicates that by being tough on graft, Xi is overhauling PLA’s combat capabilities for the looming battles ahead

इस्लामच्या चीनीकरणाची पाच वर्षे
Nov 02, 2023

इस्लामच्या चीनीकरणाची पाच वर्षे

पाच वर्षांच्या कालावधीत, बीजिंगने चीनमधील मुस्लिमांना �

Five years of sinification of Islam in China
Oct 18, 2023

Five years of sinification of Islam in China

Over the course of five years, Beijing has curbed religious freedom under the pretext of “reorienting” Muslims of China towards core socialist val

The ‘useful idiots’ in Western academia are really ‘conscious conspirators’ serving China
Jul 18, 2023

The ‘useful idiots’ in Western academia are really ‘conscious conspirators’ serving China

The UK is waking up to the threat to its national security by the Chinese Communist Party

Communist Party of China (CPC) declares victory over COVID
Feb 22, 2023

Communist Party of China (CPC) declares victory over COVID

China claims to have beaten COVID amidst global scepticism over the data released by it

Forging China-Resistant Supplier Compacts
Apr 28, 2022

Forging China-Resistant Supplier Compacts

China’s approach to trade has stood impervious to change. It is time for a new geoeconomic approach to counter China. Like-minded nations can fashio

Russia votes: State Duma elections 2021
Sep 16, 2021

Russia votes: State Duma elections 2021

As Russia prepares to vote, steps have been taken to maintain the status quo

The fall of communism in Nepal
Sep 12, 2021

The fall of communism in Nepal

How intra-party factionalism weakened the strongest government Nepal has seen in decades

China takes on its toxic tech working culture
Sep 07, 2021

China takes on its toxic tech working culture

Chinese courts and the Communist Party of China are cracking down on companies that violate labour laws

Why it is important to get the China challenge right
Apr 21, 2021

Why it is important to get the China challenge right

Despite insurmountable challenges, there is no stepping back in global efforts to fight the rising threats of an authoritarian and revisionist power.

Xi Jinping and Uyghur Muslim minorities in Xinjiang
Mar 17, 2021

Xi Jinping and Uyghur Muslim minorities in Xinjiang

Cultural aggression on Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang has been supported by President Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party after the inception of th

CCP centenary and the growing Chinese footprint in Sri Lanka
Jan 25, 2021

CCP centenary and the growing Chinese footprint in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka could explore and benefit more from close ties with the middle powers than equating most foreign policy decisions on binaries.

From Xi with love: A New Year greeting to the new POTUS
Jan 13, 2021

From Xi with love: A New Year greeting to the new POTUS

As a new American President prepares to assume office, China has sent him a greeting card with three messages conveying the terms of Beijing’s engag

What China has in store for 2021
Jan 08, 2021

What China has in store for 2021

Whether China succeeds or fails, there will be geopolitical consequences which will be difficult to ignore.

China-Turkey extradition treaty and implications on Uyghurs
Jan 05, 2021

China-Turkey extradition treaty and implications on Uyghurs

Ankara will face pressure from within and outside its Parliament if it ratifies the extradition treaty with China.

Tibet returns as fulcrum point between US and China
Dec 26, 2020

Tibet returns as fulcrum point between US and China

Decades after the US pushed the Tibetan resistance movement under the bus, in its bid to befriend Beijing, Washington seems to have developed some rem

Spotlight on planet’s largest hydropower project by China on Yarlung/Brahmaputra
Dec 12, 2020

Spotlight on planet’s largest hydropower project by China on Yarlung/Brahmaputra

The Medog project was expected — its announcement is synchronised with the Chinese Communist Party’s fifth plenum.

China and India in Nepal: A new power play?
Dec 10, 2020

China and India in Nepal: A new power play?

Nepal must make the best of the opportunities that it is receiving from its neighbours and tread carefully.

Taming the Dragon — Biden on China
Nov 10, 2020

Taming the Dragon — Biden on China

To what extent will Biden’s priorities impact China?

China’s economic plans: Reading the tea leaves
Nov 04, 2020

China’s economic plans: Reading the tea leaves

The emphasis on self-reliance, innovation and the whole business of “dual circulation” seems to be aimed at convincing the country that the proces

Chinese proposal to Bangladesh for sister-city alliance
Jun 12, 2020

Chinese proposal to Bangladesh for sister-city alliance

Perception of China being non-interfering in the country’s domestic affairs have favoured shaping of public support to the relationship.

China’s revisionism: From Hong Kong to India’s borders
May 30, 2020

China’s revisionism: From Hong Kong to India’s borders

Make no mistake — China under Xi’s leadership is one of the most assertive and aggressive powers the world has encountered in a long time.

50 shades of America’s China experts
May 14, 2020

50 shades of America’s China experts

Not much has been heard, especially from the large number of China “believers,” who helped perpetuate the notion China was liberalising, that it w

#COVID19: Reading the tea leaves in China
Apr 19, 2020

#COVID19: Reading the tea leaves in China

The public mood is difficult to gauge, but if the internet is any indicator, the State censors are already having a challenging time.