Search: For - Chinese Communist Party

48 results found

चीनच्या लष्करातील भ्रष्टाचाराविरोधात मोहीम: भीती आणि अविश्वास
Dec 07, 2024

चीनच्या लष्करातील भ्रष्टाचाराविरोधात मोहीम: भीती आणि अविश्वास

शी जिनपिंग यांच्या भ्रष्टाचारविरोधी मोहिमेचा भाग म्हणू

Corruption and purge in the PLA: Apprehension and distrust
Dec 02, 2024

Corruption and purge in the PLA: Apprehension and distrust

The recent purge in the PLA as a result of Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign reveals deep-rooted issues in the military

China’s conflict resolution mechanism in Africa: Mediation with Chinese characteristics
Aug 07, 2024

China’s conflict resolution mechanism in Africa: Mediation with Chinese characteristics

China is shifting from its traditional neutrality to actively participating in international mediation, especially in Africa

टिकटॉकमुळे अमेरिका गोंधळात: भू-राजकीय कोंडीत कोणाची मूल्ये, कोणाचे हित?
Jun 03, 2024

टिकटॉकमुळे अमेरिका गोंधळात: भू-राजकीय कोंडीत कोणाची मूल्ये, कोणाचे हित?

टिकटॉक च्या संदर्भातील अमेरिका आणि चीनमध्ये निर्माण झा�

TikTok’s geopolitical dilemma: Which values, whose interests?
May 01, 2024

TikTok’s geopolitical dilemma: Which values, whose interests?

The TikTok issue between the US and China is not a battle of values but part of a bigger war for geopolitical, geoeconomic, and geotechnological domin

The ‘useful idiots’ in Western academia are really ‘conscious conspirators’ serving China
Jul 18, 2023

The ‘useful idiots’ in Western academia are really ‘conscious conspirators’ serving China

The UK is waking up to the threat to its national security by the Chinese Communist Party

Forging China-Resistant Supplier Compacts
Apr 28, 2022

Forging China-Resistant Supplier Compacts

China’s approach to trade has stood impervious to change. It is time for a new geoeconomic approach to counter China. Like-minded nations can fashio

Why it is important to get the China challenge right
Apr 21, 2021

Why it is important to get the China challenge right

Despite insurmountable challenges, there is no stepping back in global efforts to fight the rising threats of an authoritarian and revisionist power.

Xi Jinping and Uyghur Muslim minorities in Xinjiang
Mar 17, 2021

Xi Jinping and Uyghur Muslim minorities in Xinjiang

Cultural aggression on Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang has been supported by President Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party after the inception of th

CCP centenary and the growing Chinese footprint in Sri Lanka
Jan 25, 2021

CCP centenary and the growing Chinese footprint in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka could explore and benefit more from close ties with the middle powers than equating most foreign policy decisions on binaries.

From Xi with love: A New Year greeting to the new POTUS
Jan 13, 2021

From Xi with love: A New Year greeting to the new POTUS

As a new American President prepares to assume office, China has sent him a greeting card with three messages conveying the terms of Beijing’s engag

China-Turkey extradition treaty and implications on Uyghurs
Jan 05, 2021

China-Turkey extradition treaty and implications on Uyghurs

Ankara will face pressure from within and outside its Parliament if it ratifies the extradition treaty with China.

Spotlight on planet’s largest hydropower project by China on Yarlung/Brahmaputra
Dec 12, 2020

Spotlight on planet’s largest hydropower project by China on Yarlung/Brahmaputra

The Medog project was expected — its announcement is synchronised with the Chinese Communist Party’s fifth plenum.

50 shades of America’s China experts
May 14, 2020

50 shades of America’s China experts

Not much has been heard, especially from the large number of China “believers,” who helped perpetuate the notion China was liberalising, that it w

The ‘China Debate’ in Australia: Implications for the 2019 Federal elections and Australian foreign policy
Apr 17, 2019

The ‘China Debate’ in Australia: Implications for the 2019 Federal elections and Australian foreign policy

The most striking aspect of Australia’s ‘China Debate’ today revolves around the issue of political donations with claims that China is seeking

Poverty Alleviation and Political Primacy: The Way of the Chinese Communist Party
Sep 22, 2021

Poverty Alleviation and Political Primacy: The Way of the Chinese Communist Party

Nearly 100 million people are said to have been lifted out of poverty in China since 2012, coinciding with President Xi Jinping's reign as general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Indeed, closing the income gap is a stated goal of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) and part of the CCP's objectives till 2035. As resentment of the rich has grown, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, Xi has encouraged the wealthy to embrace austeri

The Rise of the Xi Gang: Factional politics in the Chinese Communist Party
Feb 12, 2021

The Rise of the Xi Gang: Factional politics in the Chinese Communist Party

As the global debate on the Chinese model, and especially its domestic political system intensifies, there is a tendency to regard the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as a monolith. This paper corrects such a view and argues that any attempt to comprehend elite politics in China requires an understanding of the factional dynamics within the party. The paper outlines the evolution of factional politics in China, and shows how two factions – the Sh

Australia-China relations: The great unravelling
May 24, 2023

Australia-China relations: The great unravelling

Over the last three decades, Australia and China have established mutually beneficial economic ties. However, Australia’s decision to ask for an independent enquiry into the origins of SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, has led to a backlash from China. This brief examines the more important developments since 2015 that persuaded Australia to take measures aimed at protecting both its open economy and its democratic polity against China’s sys

CCP’s 20th Congress: Xi’s Return and Implications for the People’s Liberation Army
Jan 20, 2023

CCP’s 20th Congress: Xi’s Return and Implications for the People’s Liberation Army

The quinquennial National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is typically the venue for political leadership changes and any restructuring of the country’s military apparatus. However, the 20th CCP Congress in October 2022 saw Chinese President Xi Jinping consolidate his control over the state and military. This brief seeks to understand what Xi’s third term as CCP chief and Central Military Commission chair will mean for t

China - Hu Jintao era
Oct 26, 2004

China - Hu Jintao era

The People's Republic of China (PRC) witnessed the beginning of a new era - Hu Jintao era, when the sixty one year fourth generation leader was elected to the post of Chairman of the Central Military Commission(CMC) during the Fourth Plenum of the 16th Chinese Communist Party(CCP) Central Committee (Beijing, September 16-19

China's communist party plenum signals tougher line on Hong Kong, avoids US trade wars
Nov 05, 2019

China's communist party plenum signals tougher line on Hong Kong, avoids US trade wars

There were expectations that the plenum would take up the burning economic issue, but it seems that the CPC is now focused on shoring up internal unity.

China’s long game in Africa
Jan 09, 2025

China’s long game in Africa

China’s long game in Africa is not just about economic influence or military strength. It is also about the subtle art of diplomacy and influence

China’s Sharp Power: Blunting the World’s Edge or a Moment of Global Awakening?
Aug 16, 2023

China’s Sharp Power: Blunting the World’s Edge or a Moment of Global Awakening?

Sharp power—a state's attempt to alter the behaviour of other countries through the manipulation of culture, education systems, and the media to further its interests—is a key tool of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Issues related to regime legitimacy and the CCP's development priorities have shaped China's sharp power approach. In the Xi Jinping era, there is some anxiety in the party ranks that external conditions are turning aga

China’s Xinjiang Policy and the Silence of Islamic States
Aug 26, 2021

China’s Xinjiang Policy and the Silence of Islamic States

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has detained an estimated one million Uyghur Muslims in concentration camps in the Xinjiang province for forced re-education and political indoctrination. While the West has deplored China’s actions, the major Muslim countries have defended and even welcomed the policy. China has exploited its economic and diplomatic clout and the growing indebtedness of the Muslim world to subdued any criticism of its actions

Chinese nationalism, with socialist characteristics?
Jul 12, 2021

Chinese nationalism, with socialist characteristics?

China’s communist party has survived where others have failed — a testament to its capacity to adapt and reinvent itself with the times. Mao’s successors put ideology aside and focused instead on economic growth.  Yet today, under Xi Jinping’s leadership, there is much lip-service paid to the ideology of the communist past, even while key communist principles like collectivism are actively undermined. With a slowing down economy, communi

Emperor Xi Jinping
Oct 27, 2022

Emperor Xi Jinping

The Chinese president has purged the top Chinese Communist Party hierarchy of even a semblance of diversity

Forging China-Resistant Supplier Compacts
Aug 14, 2023

Forging China-Resistant Supplier Compacts

China’s approach to trade has stood impervious to change. It is time for a new geoeconomic approach to counter China. Like-minded nations can fashion rapid arrangements to grow the supply chains that matter most, such as for electric vehicles (EV). The US and India, plus Australia, Canada, Japan, Britain, Taiwan, Korea, and Mexico can form an EV supply chain compact to create a level playing field within the group and incentivise their

Preserving National Security, the Xi Jinping Way
Aug 11, 2023

Preserving National Security, the Xi Jinping Way

China's assessment of its threat environment has evolved under President Xi Jinping, who underscores the imperative of bolstering traditional and non-traditional security. The Chinese Communist Party believes that inimical forces will attempt to overthrow it by penetrating the ideological sphere. Additionally, following the tumultuous presidential succession in the US in 2021, China has sought to cast doubts on the virtues of democracy, and is le

Sino Techno-Nationalism Powers Through With ‘China Manufacturing 2025’
Jun 09, 2021

Sino Techno-Nationalism Powers Through With ‘China Manufacturing 2025’

Despite being the ‘factory of the world,’ many of China’s industrial sectors are energy-intensive and have low value-add. At the same time, global firms are increasingly moving towards sophisticated low-cost manufacturing techniques for higher productivity gains. As a result, the Chinese Communist Party is keen to upgrade the country’s industrial base to compete in the more advanced segments, such as information technology, through the �

The end of innocence: 2020 is the year the scales fell from our eyes, enduring challenges became visible
Dec 24, 2020

The end of innocence: 2020 is the year the scales fell from our eyes, enduring challenges became visible

It will be in the realm of ideas where the world would be seeking India’s leadership.

The West Wanes, China Grows: What’s at Stake for the Liberal Order?
Mar 30, 2021

The West Wanes, China Grows: What’s at Stake for the Liberal Order?

As liberal democracies struggle to deal with their domestic crises, China is finding it opportune to fill the gap in global leadership. China’s economic growth in four decades—called by many analysts as a “miracle”—has made its “state-controlled capitalism” model attractive especially to countries facing massive development challenges. More importantly, President Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have their ey

The Xi Plan: The Political Factors Driving China’s COVID-19 Strategy
Dec 19, 2022

The Xi Plan: The Political Factors Driving China’s COVID-19 Strategy

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is seeking to promote a political model with centralisation and one-party rule at the core to achieve economic growth and stability. This brief assesses the extent to which the CCP’s policymaking mechanisms and internal politics have influenced China’s strategy to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tiananmen Revisited
Apr 05, 2004

Tiananmen Revisited

June 4th was the fifteenth anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Incident. In 1989, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was widely reviled for its violent handling of peaceful student protests. The crackdown prompted stringent political censure of the CCP by the international community and economic sanctions were imposed against China.

Xi’s China, China’s Xi: Current Political and Social Challenges
Dec 11, 2020

Xi’s China, China’s Xi: Current Political and Social Challenges

In recent years, China, under President Xi Jinping, has seen substantial growth and sought a greater leadership role in world affairs. New equations have emerged domestically as well. As Xi fortifies his hold over the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the country, repressive policies in Tibet and Xinjiang and excessive curbs on academic freedom can pose potential political threats. At the same time, issues like ecological degradation and widening

चीनची आफ्रिकेतील दीर्घकालीन खेळी
Jan 22, 2025

चीनची आफ्रिकेतील दीर्घकालीन खेळी

चीनची आफ्रिकेतील दीर्घकालीन खेळी ही केवळ आर्थिक प्रभावासंबंधी नाही की लष्करी ताकदीपुरतीही मर्यादित नाही. ती मुत्सद्देगिरीच्या आणि प्रभावाच्या सूक्ष्म कौशल्याशीही सं