Search: For - COVID

7264 results found

The Next Normal: Building resilience in the post-COVID-19 workspace
Oct 20, 2020

The Next Normal: Building resilience in the post-COVID-19 workspace

The workplace of the future must acknowledge and embrace a more well-rounded conception of the home and work, including valuing the full range of expe

वैश्विक महामारी COVID19 का 'पिचवर्क' भारत में सिर्फ एक पीक-पीरियड में ही ख़त्म हो जाएगा?
Oct 20, 2020

वैश्विक महामारी COVID19 का 'पिचवर्क' भारत में सिर्फ एक पीक-पीरियड में ही ख़त्म हो जाएगा?

दिल्ली के अनुभव ने हमें सिखाया है, जहां पहले पीक पीरियड की

भारत में फार्मास्युटिकल उद्योग का भविष्य कितना बेहतर?
Oct 20, 2020

भारत में फार्मास्युटिकल उद्योग का भविष्य कितना बेहतर?

कोविड-19 वैक्सीन और मेडिकल उपकरणों के लिए कई देश भारतीय बा�

G20 and climate action post-Covid
Oct 15, 2020

G20 and climate action post-Covid

India is poised in a unique position to influence the climate action discussion to ensure comprehensive mitigation, adaptation, and restoration.

Covid-19: An opportunity to redesign India’s formal-informal economy dynamics
Oct 15, 2020

Covid-19: An opportunity to redesign India’s formal-informal economy dynamics

The pandemic will bring in more of the unorganised sector in the formal fold by means of the economic stimulus announced, and increase the government�

भूटान में कोविड-19 के दौरान बेहतरीन व्यवस्था: एक नजरिया
Oct 14, 2020

भूटान में कोविड-19 के दौरान बेहतरीन व्यवस्था: एक नजरिया

भूटान ने नए कोरोना वायरस की रोकथाम में तो काफ़ी प्रभावी क�

India: Challenges in conducting elections during Covid-19
Oct 14, 2020

India: Challenges in conducting elections during Covid-19

Elections in a demographically large democracy like India demands vibrant — at times chaotic — political interaction, and mass mobilisation on a l

The pandemic is ‘the’ moment. Hack yourself
Oct 13, 2020

The pandemic is ‘the’ moment. Hack yourself

If we are empowered enough, we can see order in chaos and focus our efforts on social innovation to ‘make things happen’ — but above all, we lea

Tech for All: Access, rights, and innovation moving forward
Oct 12, 2020

Tech for All: Access, rights, and innovation moving forward

Digital technologies are quickly becoming an everyday necessity. What can we do to bridge this gap of inequality and establish digital technology as a

Modern democracy: Data, surveillance creep and more authoritarian regimes?
Oct 10, 2020

Modern democracy: Data, surveillance creep and more authoritarian regimes?

There continues to be speculation and worry about what will happen next and about when the pandemic will end and what the world will look like after.

Repurposing innovations: Learning from Bangladesh’s rapid response to the pandemic
Oct 09, 2020

Repurposing innovations: Learning from Bangladesh’s rapid response to the pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic was a new threat that demanded fast decision-making, innovations, flexibility, and a new way of “doing” government.

US Presidential Election: VP debate doesn’t move the needle
Oct 09, 2020

US Presidential Election: VP debate doesn’t move the needle

The debate was a significant cultural and historic moment.

Bike-sharing’s new life in China after lockdown
Oct 09, 2020

Bike-sharing’s new life in China after lockdown

Because of the pandemic, shared vehicles are edging into the mainstream, slowly overtaking public transport and private cars as the favoured way of tr

What can artificial intelligence tell us about the scale of Covid-19 in China?
Oct 09, 2020

What can artificial intelligence tell us about the scale of Covid-19 in China?

How is the discrepancy between the Chinese government’s own words and the statistics it released is so pronounced? The answer to this question can b

कोविड 2020 : जब हो रहा है मानवता के साहस का इम्तिहान
Oct 08, 2020

कोविड 2020 : जब हो रहा है मानवता के साहस का इम्तिहान

कोविड-19 की महामारी ने न केवल वैश्विक स्तर पर किसी महामारी �

Embodied surveillance during Covid-19 in India: A feminist perspective
Oct 08, 2020

Embodied surveillance during Covid-19 in India: A feminist perspective

Guidelines on public mobility may be needed to control community transmission. However, when this is carried out in a manner that evokes fear without

Women and Tech: How 2020 spotlights the digital divide
Oct 08, 2020

Women and Tech: How 2020 spotlights the digital divide

Digital divides have traditionally been associated with the “connected — unconnected” binary around the world, considering only one aspect of th

कोविड19: महामारी के बाद पटरी पर कैसे लौटेगी ज़िंदगी
Oct 07, 2020

कोविड19: महामारी के बाद पटरी पर कैसे लौटेगी ज़िंदगी

कभी-कभी, अप्रत्याशित घटनाओं पर धीमी प्रतिक्रिया, अर्थव्य

इतिहास और कोविड-19 महामारी से हमें ‘ग्लोबल पब्लिक हेल्थ गवर्नेंस’ पर मिली सीख
Oct 06, 2020

इतिहास और कोविड-19 महामारी से हमें ‘ग्लोबल पब्लिक हेल्थ गवर्नेंस’ पर मिली सीख

एक विश्व समुदाय के रूप में हम कोविड-19 महामारी का किस तरह मु

Technologies changing diplomatic practices: Pre and post-Covid-19 reality
Oct 06, 2020

Technologies changing diplomatic practices: Pre and post-Covid-19 reality

In the time of modern means of communication, diplomacy must evolve as well. The question is — what is the right direction of this evolution?

Taxing international shipping to support EU’s post-pandemic recovery
Oct 06, 2020

Taxing international shipping to support EU’s post-pandemic recovery

Why the international community must stall European Parliament’s decision to include shipping in its emissions trading system

भारत में लॉकडाउन खुलने के साथ, सार्वजनिक जगहों पर भीड़ नियंत्रण की चुनौती
Oct 05, 2020

भारत में लॉकडाउन खुलने के साथ, सार्वजनिक जगहों पर भीड़ नियंत्रण की चुनौती

घनी आबादी वाले शहरी इलाक़ों में सामाजिक दूरी के नियमों क�

कोविड-19 से जंग: वैश्विक स्तर पर दक्षिण एशिया का रिकॉर्ड बेहतर, लेकिन लड़ाई लंबी
Oct 03, 2020

कोविड-19 से जंग: वैश्विक स्तर पर दक्षिण एशिया का रिकॉर्ड बेहतर, लेकिन लड़ाई लंबी

अपनी-अपनी अर्थव्यवस्था को सावधानीपूर्वक खड़ा करना होगा �

Treading the unusual alliance between Big Tech and the government post-Covid-19
Oct 02, 2020

Treading the unusual alliance between Big Tech and the government post-Covid-19

No matter how dangerous it is to individual freedoms, government-Big Tech collaboration is necessary, both in times of crisis as well as normalcy as m

आर्थिक डर के साये के बीच, कोविड-19 से कैसे निपटा पुर्तगाल?
Oct 01, 2020

आर्थिक डर के साये के बीच, कोविड-19 से कैसे निपटा पुर्तगाल?

पुर्तगाल में होने वाली मौतों की अपेक्षाकृत कम संख्या को �

नेपाल में कोविड-19 पर काबू करना बना मुश्किल लक्ष्य
Oct 01, 2020

नेपाल में कोविड-19 पर काबू करना बना मुश्किल लक्ष्य

इस महत्वपूर्ण समय में सबसे ज़्यादा ज़रूरत है संघीय, प्रा�

Defying the Odds: Pakistan’s coronavirus story
Sep 29, 2020

Defying the Odds: Pakistan’s coronavirus story

The virus has affected over 25 million people across 213 countries. Governments and citizens alike have had to adapt to the crisis. Pakistan’s story

COVID-19: Lessons from the ‘Spanish lifestyle’ terminator
Sep 28, 2020

COVID-19: Lessons from the ‘Spanish lifestyle’ terminator

The impact of COVID-19 has shown that Spain, like many other countries, must work hard on improving its internal capability to manage pandemics.

Public policy lessons from Pakistan’s experience with COVID-19
Sep 25, 2020

Public policy lessons from Pakistan’s experience with COVID-19

Pakistan must proceed beyond providing immediate relief to its people by investing in programmes that reduce vulnerability and lead to sustained impro

कोविड-19 और भारत के असंगठित कामगार: सरकार के जवाब की समीक्षा
Sep 25, 2020

कोविड-19 और भारत के असंगठित कामगार: सरकार के जवाब की समीक्षा

दिक़्क़तों को दूर करने के लिए केरल की तर्ज़ पर सिविल सोसाय�

Property tax reforms key for India’s post-Covid urban transformation
Sep 24, 2020

Property tax reforms key for India’s post-Covid urban transformation

The very nature of this tax needs to be assessed to understand either why it is not paid or why recovery is poor.

कोविड-19 और टूरिज्म: कुछ बदलावों के साथ पर्यटन उद्योग की तरफ़ सेशेल्स की वापसी
Sep 24, 2020

कोविड-19 और टूरिज्म: कुछ बदलावों के साथ पर्यटन उद्योग की तरफ़ सेशेल्स की वापसी

अब जबकि सेशेल्स कोविड19 के संकट के चलते अपने लिए एक लंबी दू�

Rebooting multilateralism? Lessons still to be learnt
Sep 23, 2020

Rebooting multilateralism? Lessons still to be learnt

There is an urgent need for convincing narratives, backed by data and grounded in fact, that can show people why multilateralism is worth preserving.

Myanmar: Covid-19 second wave deadlier than the first?
Sep 22, 2020

Myanmar: Covid-19 second wave deadlier than the first?

Authorities need to increase testing capacities.