Search: For - COVID

7257 results found

Refusing setbacks to equity and resiliency in post-COVID-19 cities
Jan 30, 2021

Refusing setbacks to equity and resiliency in post-COVID-19 cities

As cities emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, they cannot afford a setback in the struggle to build more equitable and resilient urban areas. They must

Economic Survey 2020-21 shapes a new India-centric policy narrative
Jan 29, 2021

Economic Survey 2020-21 shapes a new India-centric policy narrative

It gives indications of a fiscal expansion in Budget 2021-22.

Domestic reform key to India’s rise
Jan 29, 2021

Domestic reform key to India’s rise

The geoeconomic benefits of working towards more robust growth, both now and in the future, are multiple.

Reimagine cities, rethink urban policymaking, realign its purpose
Jan 28, 2021

Reimagine cities, rethink urban policymaking, realign its purpose

It is about recognising that while cities offer economic opportunities to millions, they come with poor and overcrowded housing, lack of safe water an

रोज़गार सृजन और नौकरियों में सुरक्षा व समानता: कोविड-19 महामारी से मिले सबक
Jan 28, 2021

रोज़गार सृजन और नौकरियों में सुरक्षा व समानता: कोविड-19 महामारी से मिले सबक

इस उथल-पुथल के लिए कई तरह के कारकों को ज़िम्मेदार ठहराया ग

Paradiplomacy is key for Mumbai to realise full potential
Jan 28, 2021

Paradiplomacy is key for Mumbai to realise full potential

Paradiplomacy and leveraging links with other cities is useful in attracting investment and technology, and fostering cultural understanding.

कोविड-19 और युद्ध? क्या भारत और चीन के पास चुनने को दो ही विकल्प हैं?
Jan 27, 2021

कोविड-19 और युद्ध? क्या भारत और चीन के पास चुनने को दो ही विकल्प हैं?

भारत और चीन दोनों को अपने लंबे इतिहास में प्लेग से लड़ने क

COVID-19: The lofty economic recovery for Latin America
Jan 27, 2021

COVID-19: The lofty economic recovery for Latin America

The sudden fall in commodity prices, export volumes, FDI redirection, and growing unemployment strongly disturbs Latin American economies.

Job creation, protection and equality: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
Jan 27, 2021

Job creation, protection and equality: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic

India’s leap into the services and IT sector without first going through the appropriate growth models and methods of educating and skilling its ent

Israel’s rapid vaccination drive against COVID-19
Jan 25, 2021

Israel’s rapid vaccination drive against COVID-19

Israel has already vaccinated more than 72 percent of those aged 60 and above of its population.

भारत में कोविड-19 महामारी के दौरान धुंआ रहित तंबाकू (ST) पर नीतिगत प्रतिक्रिया
Jan 22, 2021

भारत में कोविड-19 महामारी के दौरान धुंआ रहित तंबाकू (ST) पर नीतिगत प्रतिक्रिया

भारत में धुआं रहित तंबाकू उत्पादों पर नियंत्रण से संबंधि

The virus doesn’t know there’s a new US president
Jan 20, 2021

The virus doesn’t know there’s a new US president

The promise of widespread vaccination is still out of reach for most Americans. A month after the country’s first vaccinations, there’s no federal

From Xi with love: A New Year greeting to the new POTUS
Jan 13, 2021

From Xi with love: A New Year greeting to the new POTUS

As a new American President prepares to assume office, China has sent him a greeting card with three messages conveying the terms of Beijing’s engag

Bhutan: Regional grouping a must for economic revival
Jan 13, 2021

Bhutan: Regional grouping a must for economic revival

Bhutan must create reliable relationships with other countries that can offer the framework of an international community. One such community can be t

Education in 2021: Perspectives from Botswana
Jan 08, 2021

Education in 2021: Perspectives from Botswana

The Teaching at the Right Level approach — delivered both in schools and its principles delivered virtually through mobile phones — is a way to ad

What China has in store for 2021
Jan 08, 2021

What China has in store for 2021

Whether China succeeds or fails, there will be geopolitical consequences which will be difficult to ignore.

कोविड-19 महामारी के दौरान भारत में दिव्यांग किस हाल में रहे?
Jan 07, 2021

कोविड-19 महामारी के दौरान भारत में दिव्यांग किस हाल में रहे?

दिव्यांगों के लिए आसानी से पहुंच वाली स्वास्थ्य सुविधा क

भारत की कोविड-19 वैक्सीन: राष्ट्रवाद, प्रतीकवाद और यथार्थवाद
Jan 06, 2021

भारत की कोविड-19 वैक्सीन: राष्ट्रवाद, प्रतीकवाद और यथार्थवाद

महामारी के अंधकार भरे दौर में ये कई वैक्सीन, उम्मीद की नई �

Japanese PM faces formidable challenges in the New Year
Jan 06, 2021

Japanese PM faces formidable challenges in the New Year

As the COVID-19 pandemic gets more complicated, Prime Minister Suga finds himself in a difficult dilemma struggling to strike a practical balance bet

Running to stand still: Healthcare in India in 2021
Jan 04, 2021

Running to stand still: Healthcare in India in 2021

India will need to invest in a resilient information infrastructure, and 2021 would hopefully see relevant and scientific information being a catalyst

2020 in the Middle East: An assassination, a blast, and peace with the enemy
Jan 03, 2021

2020 in the Middle East: An assassination, a blast, and peace with the enemy

The year 2020 was a bad year for the world, owing to Covid-19 pandemic, but for the Middle East, it was even worse.

The European Union, CAI, and the abyss
Jan 02, 2021

The European Union, CAI, and the abyss

The CAI — despite Ursula von der Leyen’s claim that it will help the EU defend multilateralism — is not multilateral at all. It is a bilateral d

सीओवीआईडी ​​​​19 के बाद: भारत के सबसे बड़े प्राकृतिक दृश्यों में से एक
Dec 31, 2020

सीओवीआईडी ​​​​19 के बाद: भारत के सबसे बड़े प्राकृतिक दृश्यों में से एक

हम एक नई विश्व व्यवस्था का उदय होते देखेंगे, जो राष्ट्रीय

A vaccinated future for the pandemic
Dec 30, 2020

A vaccinated future for the pandemic

How the pandemic will play out in the next few years will depend on vaccines — their availability, coverage and duration of protection.

Mutant virus emerges in the United Kingdom, Christmas killed
Dec 29, 2020

Mutant virus emerges in the United Kingdom, Christmas killed

The UK has suffered enormously over the past year. Most visibly, it has one of the highest rates of COVID deaths per million people, and has suffered

America’s deadliest year, in numbers
Dec 29, 2020

America’s deadliest year, in numbers

This year, more than any other in recent memory, we experienced a public health emergency in the shape of charts and data which told the stories of th

The last wake-up call for a united Europe
Dec 29, 2020

The last wake-up call for a united Europe

After the end of the Cold War, we did not realise that two different and contrasting ambitions were at stake: the transnational purpose of the Western

2021 for the UK — From the COVID vaccine and economic downturn, to Brexit and Biden
Dec 29, 2020

2021 for the UK — From the COVID vaccine and economic downturn, to Brexit and Biden

The impact of the pandemic has been so pervasive that every prominent political and social issue facing the UK has become enmeshed with it.

“Winter is coming” and the pandemic made it quick
Dec 29, 2020

“Winter is coming” and the pandemic made it quick

The hanging question that needs to be addressed globally would be how to ensure the current competitive discourse on AI optimisation can move forward.

Vaccine Diplomacy: In 2021, the UAE will become the new vaccine hub of the Middle East
Dec 29, 2020

Vaccine Diplomacy: In 2021, the UAE will become the new vaccine hub of the Middle East

This “niche diplomacy” is expected to be one of the key guiding principles of Emirati foreign policy in 2021.

Singapore and the post-COVID world
Dec 29, 2020

Singapore and the post-COVID world

What will Singapore look like in the post-COVID world? Three things stand clear.

Latin America and the Caribbean: Facing the pandemic with more democracy, not less
Dec 29, 2020

Latin America and the Caribbean: Facing the pandemic with more democracy, not less

The pandemic has worsened the problems that Latin America and the Caribbean were already facing. 2021 will surely be challenging in terms of political

Building resilience will be key to future success
Dec 29, 2020

Building resilience will be key to future success

Can the pandemic become a means to prepare us to deal more effectively with a number of other seismic shifts which are either already underway or immi

Future of the pandemic in 2021 and beyond — Africa’s economic challenges continue
Dec 29, 2020

Future of the pandemic in 2021 and beyond — Africa’s economic challenges continue

For 2021, governments in Africa will focus on improving their revenue and ending the economic recession, way more than it will focus on managing the p

Armenia against coronavirus: Projection for 2021
Dec 29, 2020

Armenia against coronavirus: Projection for 2021

For Armenia — just like most countries that went through a second wave — it is essential at least to stabilise the situation as soon as possible i

Bridges to the future — Alternative connectivity paradigms and their geopolitical implications
Dec 28, 2020

Bridges to the future — Alternative connectivity paradigms and their geopolitical implications

Driving all of the visions is the fact that the world’s infrastructure needs far exceed what any single country can provide. And those needs are onl

China in the post-COVID-19 era — How will the CCP tackle its image problem?
Dec 28, 2020

China in the post-COVID-19 era — How will the CCP tackle its image problem?

Ultimately, the power of example counts, and the Chinese has matched this with an extremely sophisticated, worldwide propaganda and misinformation cam

The decade of Mahanian defence — Maritime security trend lines in littoral-Asia
Dec 28, 2020

The decade of Mahanian defence — Maritime security trend lines in littoral-Asia

In a post-COVID world — with tasks increasing and budgets shrinking — the challenges at sea are daunting.

Maldives: Discourse over burying Sri Lankan Covid dead turns Islamic
Dec 26, 2020

Maldives: Discourse over burying Sri Lankan Covid dead turns Islamic

The Sri Lankan government’s decision became a hotly-contested political issue after the World Health Organisation cleared burial as a safe procedure