851 results found

COP27: बिखरती उम्मीद, भटकती कार्रवाई!
Jul 27, 2023

COP27: बिखरती उम्मीद, भटकती कार्रवाई!

यह उचित समय है कि हम COP एजेंडे में लॉस एंड डैमेज फाइनेंस को �

COP27: भारत का तीन सूत्रीय एजेंडा
Jul 27, 2023

COP27: भारत का तीन सूत्रीय एजेंडा

विकासशील देशों की आवाज़ और जलवायु परिवर्तन से जुड़े अपने

COP 27 एजेंडा को आगे बढ़ाना: Cleantech के लिए भारत का ज़ोर!
Jul 27, 2023

COP 27 एजेंडा को आगे बढ़ाना: Cleantech के लिए भारत का ज़ोर!

क्लाइमेट एक्शन को उत्प्रेरित करने में क्लीनटेक (Cleantech) की क�

COP 27 से उम्मीदें: हरित वित्त के ज़रिए हरित बदलाव का नया ख़ाका!
Jul 27, 2023

COP 27 से उम्मीदें: हरित वित्त के ज़रिए हरित बदलाव का नया ख़ाका!

केवल ऊर्जा परिवर्तन से हरित बदलाव नहीं लाया जा सकता है; इस

Case for R&D in Climate Tech Innovation: जलवायु प्रोद्योगिकी नवाचार में अनुसंधान और विकास के मायने
Jul 26, 2023

Case for R&D in Climate Tech Innovation: जलवायु प्रोद्योगिकी नवाचार में अनुसंधान और विकास के मायने

सरकार, निवेशकों, संस्थाओं एवं उद्यमियों की तरफ से एकसाथ म�

Agriculture 2.0: Harnessing agri-tech towards a US$5 trillion economy
Jul 25, 2023

Agriculture 2.0: Harnessing agri-tech towards a US$5 trillion economy

Galvanising inclusivity, data mining, and exchange and innovation initiatives under the Agriculture Accelerator Fund can help unlock agri-tech’s ful

Delhi-Dhaka-Tokyo cooperation: Charting developmental pathways in the Indo-Pacific
Jul 17, 2023

Delhi-Dhaka-Tokyo cooperation: Charting developmental pathways in the Indo-Pacific

All three countries have unique strengths which they can leverage by working trilaterally and together they can play a major role in shaping the futur

Prevent Zoonoses: Now or never
Jul 06, 2023

Prevent Zoonoses: Now or never

The G20 has the potential to leverage its influence and resources to address the root causes of zoonotic diseases through joint initiatives and take p

Modernising the past through the bully pulpit: PM Modi’s big bets for the present
Jun 23, 2023

Modernising the past through the bully pulpit: PM Modi’s big bets for the present

By using modern tools, PM Modi has been able to revitalise traditional practices to address contemporary challenges

Decoding the Atlantic Declaration
Jun 22, 2023

Decoding the Atlantic Declaration

The Atlantic Declaration is a symbolic representation of the political will in UK and US to work together on critical areas and make this alliance rea

Importance of quantum computing for reducing carbon emissions
Jun 14, 2023

Importance of quantum computing for reducing carbon emissions

The adoption of quantum computing technology could prove to be revolutionary for India to reduce its carbon footprint

The Korea-Pacific Islands Summit: Widening the ambit of ROK-PIC ties
Jun 14, 2023

The Korea-Pacific Islands Summit: Widening the ambit of ROK-PIC ties

In light of the growing focus on the Pacific region, South Korea, alongside other nations, has ramped up bilateral ties with PICs by boosting developm

Climate action plan and Indian cities
Jun 09, 2023

Climate action plan and Indian cities

Since climate change will impact cities worldwide, ULBs will play a crucial role in addressing the climate-related challenges

Air-conditioner use in India: The cause of or the solution to a warmer world?
Jun 08, 2023

Air-conditioner use in India: The cause of or the solution to a warmer world?

Will the increase in energy consumption of the poor masses for cooling and other energy services help them adapt to a warmer world or contribute to a

BIMSTEC: A call for robust institutionalisation
Jun 07, 2023

BIMSTEC: A call for robust institutionalisation

BIMSTEC’s recent initiatives of strengthening institutional mechanisms are indeed a start but the road ahead is long if not arduous

Climate twins: Weathering climate actions with fiscal stability
Jun 05, 2023

Climate twins: Weathering climate actions with fiscal stability

The complex risks associated with climate change pose a threat to the global economy. Thus, it is crucial for regulators to proactively manage these r

A climate-resilient health system of tomorrow can only be possible if healthcare delivery is made greener
Jun 05, 2023

A climate-resilient health system of tomorrow can only be possible if healthcare delivery is made greener

This Environment Day, India can focus on adopting an actionable framework that will ensure the creation of an agile, green, and resilient medical supp

Norway’s Arctic Council chairship: Priorities vs geopolitics
Jun 03, 2023

Norway’s Arctic Council chairship: Priorities vs geopolitics

As Norway takes over as the Chair of the Arctic Council, it will have to tread a fine line between its priorities and the geopolitics in the regions

On the freeway to net zero
Jun 01, 2023

On the freeway to net zero

India can achieve net zero only if its renewable electricity capacity reaches 1,000 GW, a proper gigawatt-sized storage is available, and a resilient

African Human Capital investment: Crucial to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
May 25, 2023

African Human Capital investment: Crucial to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Multiple overlapping global crises—such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change-related natural disasters, and regional armed conflicts—have high

Addressing Africa’s food insecurity during India’s G20 presidency
May 25, 2023

Addressing Africa’s food insecurity during India’s G20 presidency

Given the influence that the G20 has on global governance issues, India can help initiate a global response to address Africa’s food insecurity

A case for India-Australia climate and human security cooperation in the Pacific Islands
May 16, 2023

A case for India-Australia climate and human security cooperation in the Pacific Islands

While both India and Australia aim to consolidate their strategic presence in the region, the development of security in the Pacific through aid and d

G20: वैश्विक दक्षिण की जलवायु संबंधी वित्तीय आवश्यकताओं को पूर्ण करने का मौका
May 10, 2023

G20: वैश्विक दक्षिण की जलवायु संबंधी वित्तीय आवश्यकताओं को पूर्ण करने का मौका

विकसित देशों की ओर से जलवायु वित्त प्रदान करने को लेकर की

Understanding the implications and mitigation strategies for heatwaves in India
May 06, 2023

Understanding the implications and mitigation strategies for heatwaves in India

The current heat wave situation in India is a wake-up call for the need to address the impact of changing climate on public health

Climate change and the Maldivian economy: Will it capsize or sail through?
May 05, 2023

Climate change and the Maldivian economy: Will it capsize or sail through?

A close study of how climate change influences the Maldivian economy will help analyse its adaptation needs and identify future opportunities

Decarbonisation: Institutionally adrift
May 04, 2023

Decarbonisation: Institutionally adrift

Deeper professionalisation of the decision-making apparatus, with assured continuity of leadership, will prove helpful in mitigating climate change in

IMF’s moderate response despite urgent climate needs
May 02, 2023

IMF’s moderate response despite urgent climate needs

The recent climate resilience loan packages that has been introduced by the IMF fall short

New funding mechanism could generate US$ 15 billion for climate action in Asia
May 02, 2023

New funding mechanism could generate US$ 15 billion for climate action in Asia

IF-CAP can be a key financing vehicle that boosts ADB’s ability to financially support Asia’s developing economies in addressing the climate chall

The disproportionate impact of climate change on women
May 01, 2023

The disproportionate impact of climate change on women

Women’s participation in spaces of power is the need of the hour to solve the current climate crisis

G20: An opportunity to meet the Global South's climate finance needs
May 01, 2023

G20: An opportunity to meet the Global South's climate finance needs

The present commitments made by the developed countries to provide climate finance have proved to be insufficient. The G20 needs to find pragmatic sol

Climate budgeting: Unlocking the potential of India's fiscal policies for climate action
Apr 26, 2023

Climate budgeting: Unlocking the potential of India's fiscal policies for climate action

The significant gap in fiscally integrating climate change concerns within national spending needs to be addressed

Climate actions need both native and Artificial Intelligence
Apr 22, 2023

Climate actions need both native and Artificial Intelligence

By combining the power of AI with the wisdom of native intelligence, more effective climate actions can be developed

From adapting to thriving: Leveraging nature to combat sweltering summers in urban India
Apr 21, 2023

From adapting to thriving: Leveraging nature to combat sweltering summers in urban India

This year’s theme for the Earth Day, ‘Invest in our planet’, is a pivotal point in history as the need to adapt and mitigate the triple planetar

Investing in the Planet: Climate literacy as ESG enabler for Indian corporates
Apr 21, 2023

Investing in the Planet: Climate literacy as ESG enabler for Indian corporates

As per the theme for Earth Day 2023, Indian businesses should invest in green solutions and embark on sustainable and green business models

इलाक़ा एक नज़रिया दो: प्रशांत क्षेत्र जलवायु परिवर्तन और सुरक्षा!
Mar 15, 2023

इलाक़ा एक नज़रिया दो: प्रशांत क्षेत्र जलवायु परिवर्तन और सुरक्षा!

इस क्षेत्र के नीति निर्माताओं ने भारत की बेहतर राष्ट्रीय

भारत-अफ्रीका की पारस्परिक जलवायु कूटनीति
Mar 14, 2023

भारत-अफ्रीका की पारस्परिक जलवायु कूटनीति

जलवायु परिवर्तन के प्रति साझा असमान कमज़ोरी के अलावा, भा�

India’s economic rise is not translating into a rise in city liveability
Feb 23, 2023

India’s economic rise is not translating into a rise in city liveability

There are enough indications that the standard of living of Indian people remains the same despite  India’s robust urban economic productivity

Strengthening India’s partnership with the PICs by addressing climate-resilient agriculture
Feb 16, 2023

Strengthening India’s partnership with the PICs by addressing climate-resilient agriculture

New Delhi’s aim to become a global power in the future with a vision of multipolar world order will be possible by expanding its goodwill amongst th

Why is Bangladesh important in India’s G20 presidency?
Feb 15, 2023

Why is Bangladesh important in India’s G20 presidency?

As India tries to shape the global agenda through G20, it needs Bangladesh’s support to translate many of these ideas into action in its neighbourho

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula: Exploiting the climate crisis in Yemen
Feb 08, 2023

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula: Exploiting the climate crisis in Yemen

The AQAP are addressing climate change-related issues to gain popularity amongst the masses of Yemen

The Indus imbroglio: Hostile hydropolitics and lack of integrated basin governance
Feb 08, 2023

The Indus imbroglio: Hostile hydropolitics and lack of integrated basin governance

The politicisation of the water issues of the Indus system has overshadowed the much-required integrated basin governance

Dire straits: The Horn of Africa faces deepening crises
Jan 23, 2023

Dire straits: The Horn of Africa faces deepening crises

The international community must ensure that measures are in place to deal with the food and health crises unfolding in the Horn region