851 results found

Mobilising private capital for green energy in India
Dec 14, 2017

Mobilising private capital for green energy in India

This report is part of the Observer Research Foundation’s “Financing Green Transitions” series which aims to find potential linkages between private capital, in all its forms, and climate action projects. The series will primarily examine domestic and international barriers to private capital entry for mitigation oriented climate projects, while also examining potential avenues for private capital flow entry towards adaptation and resilienc

Mobilising Private Finance for Ecosystem-Based Adaptation Through Nature-Based Solutions
Nov 22, 2024

Mobilising Private Finance for Ecosystem-Based Adaptation Through Nature-Based Solutions

Nature-based solutions (NbS) harness the benefits of nature to address climate change, biodiversity loss, and land degradation while creating pathways for sustainable development. While NbS could generate substantial economic benefits, current private finance flows remain insufficient due to market and information failures. This brief makes a case for increased private investments in NbS, highlighting their cost-effectiveness and sustainability.

Moving Gender Equity to the Mainstream of Climate Action
Sep 29, 2022

Moving Gender Equity to the Mainstream of Climate Action

India is among the countries in the world that are most vulnerable to the consequences of global warming. While there are notable efforts for both mitigation and adaptation, these have failed to consider issues of gender equity even as evidence shows that women and girls bear the disproportionate burden of climate change. This is a gap that needs to be bridged, given the complex interlinkages between climate and gender that encompass livelihoods,

Moving towards a stronger India-Japan partnership
Jun 17, 2013

Moving towards a stronger India-Japan partnership

The India-Japan partnership has matured into an important component of the new security and economic architecture of the Indo-Pacific region. For a long time, the partnership was centered on economic matters. But it has diversified to cover a wide spectrum of interests including security, counter terrorism, sea-lanes, UN reforms, energy security and climate change.

Muddling through Marrakech
Nov 25, 2016

Muddling through Marrakech

To those gathered in Marrakech to respond to what is inarguably one of the most important political and economic challenges of our times—climate change

Oil Supply Routes in the Asia Pacific: China’s Strategic Calculations
Sep 17, 2011

Oil Supply Routes in the Asia Pacific: China’s Strategic Calculations

This Paper examines the existing critiques of China's oil supply diversification strategies in the Asia Pacific. It deconstructs the growing energy relationship between China and the Middle East that has made the security of the Hormuz Strait and the Malacca Strait vital to China's energy security. It also analyses specific geographic and strategic chokepoints in China's oil supply route and concludes that supply diversification motivations are d

On Ecology and Environment as Drivers of Human Disease and Pandemics
May 24, 2023

On Ecology and Environment as Drivers of Human Disease and Pandemics

The COVID-19 pandemic has once again highlighted the increasing frequency of spillover of infectious disease from wild animals into humans. The SARS coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2) almost certainly “jumped” into humans from bats, evolved towards efficient human-to-human transmission, and caused a global pandemic. Ecological changes such as deforestation, increasing greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change are important drivers of disease

Only India can save the Paris climate agreement
Jun 16, 2017

Only India can save the Paris climate agreement

Given the present leadership impasse, the world would be keenly following India’s role on climate action in key upcoming forums such as the G20 and COP23. As China looks for a global partner to leverage its influence at the international stage, India is poised to utilize this potential opportunity and fill the leadership void in global climate change governance.

Optimising Urban Agriculture: A Pathway to Food Security in India
Aug 17, 2023

Optimising Urban Agriculture: A Pathway to Food Security in India

As global and urban populations continue to grow, and climate change threatens food security, it is imperative that cities—often the largest food consumers—contribute to its production through urban agriculture. Urban agriculture comprises food and non-food products grown for self-consumption or sale. Entrepreneurs, non-governmental organisations, and citizens worldwide are adopting new technologies to optimise production amid space c

Post-COVID19 Recovery: Harnessing the Power of Investment in Sustainable Infrastructure
Apr 10, 2023

Post-COVID19 Recovery: Harnessing the Power of Investment in Sustainable Infrastructure

Infrastructure investments are required to enable economic growth and provide the services required by a growing population. The infrastructure already available is threatened by climate change, damaging existing assets and reducing future productivity. Investment in new infrastructure has to increase to fill the gap; as this occurs, the operation and maintenance cost of infrastructure are also expected to rise. Furthermore, as resources are scar

Pragmatic approach to combat climate-change: Former Secretary
Jan 31, 2015

Pragmatic approach to combat climate-change: Former Secretary

India, China and the US share a similar perspective on balancing economic interests with climate-action, seeking a pragmatic approach to combat climate change through plausible self-determined contributions that are cognizant of national interests, says former Union Environment Secretary N R Krishnan.

Priorities for Prime Minister Hasina's New Term in Bangladesh
May 09, 2024

Priorities for Prime Minister Hasina's New Term in Bangladesh

Sohini Bose, Ed., “Priorities for Prime Minister Hasina's New Term in Bangladesh,” ORF Special Report No. 225, May 2024, Observer Research Foundation.

Promoting a ‘GDP of the Poor’: The imperative of integrating ecosystems valuation in development policy
Mar 17, 2020

Promoting a ‘GDP of the Poor’: The imperative of integrating ecosystems valuation in development policy

This paper argues in favour of integrating valuation of ecosystem services in development policy planning in India. The paper presents three cases where monetary values of ecosystem services have been estimated to illustrate the significance of the exercise: the Terai Arc Landscape (TAL) in Uttarakhand, the Kunigal Wetlands in Karnataka, and the Indian Sundarbans Delta (ISD) in West Bengal. The first two cases highlight the ecosystem-livelihoods

Protecting coasts can give BIMSTEC an urgent sense of purpose
Oct 28, 2020

Protecting coasts can give BIMSTEC an urgent sense of purpose

Millions living around the Bay of Bengal need urgent protection from climate change impacts such as sea level rise and more severe cyclones

Rating resilience: Factoring climate resilience into infrastructure risk metrics
May 26, 2019

Rating resilience: Factoring climate resilience into infrastructure risk metrics

This paper proposes a framework for defining risk metrics to capture climate resilience in infrastructure assets. It first outlines the risks that infrastructure is exposed to under a future of climate change, before summarising some of the current approaches used by large investment organisations to measure the resilience of this infrastructure. Finally, the paper proposes a method to develop a framework for risk metrics that build on these appr

Re-imagining Climate Finance
Aug 16, 2023

Re-imagining Climate Finance

The international community has been engaged in negotiations around climate finance for three decades now, and working definitions continue to assign the role of funder to advanced economies, and that of recipient, to emerging ones. This brief makes a case for expanding such narrow definitions. It calls on countries such as India to re-imagine not only the idea of climate finance but also the mechanisms of raising funds and the channels f

Reframing the Climate Debate
Jun 14, 2014

Reframing the Climate Debate

The Observer Research Foundation (ORF), India and the Stanley Foundation, USA co-hosted an international workshop on climate change on February 25-27, 2014 in New Delhi. The central objective of the workshop was to unbundle the different policy responses resulting from the multilateral negotiations thus far and their impact upon the evolution of existing and future multilateral frameworks. This Policy Brief aims to capture some of the salient per

Rethinking Development Finance in Response to 21st-Century Challenges:  Islamic Climate Finance and Post-Conflict Recovery
Nov 24, 2023

Rethinking Development Finance in Response to 21st-Century Challenges: Islamic Climate Finance and Post-Conflict Recovery

Traditional development financing is proving insufficient to address overlapping global challenges, such as climate change and fragile contexts. This brief explores new thinking in development finance through two examples. The first is Islamic climate finance, which constitutes less than 2 percent of global Islamic finance. The brief identifies policy priorities and proposes dedicated Islamic climate-finance windows (e.g., in the Green Climate Fu

Russia and the Future of the Arctic
Oct 28, 2021

Russia and the Future of the Arctic

Russia—the state with the longest Arctic coastline—is embarking on an ambitious plan to benefit from the vast natural resources of the region, while undertaking a military modernisation effort that had been stalled after the end of the Cold War. As one of the strongest players in the high north, Russia will be key in determining the future of the region, which is facing challenges brought about by global warming. This paper examines Russia’

SDGs and Structural Vulnerabilities: The Case of BIMSTEC Countries
Feb 21, 2022

SDGs and Structural Vulnerabilities: The Case of BIMSTEC Countries

This paper studies the case of the countries of BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation) to investigate if progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) plays an instrumental role in addressing structural vulnerabilities. It finds that it does. Despite improvements in certain SDGs such as increasing per-capita income levels, improving healthcare, and providing universal

Seas of Sustenance: Navigating ‘Blue Food’ for Indo-Pacific Food Security
Jun 05, 2024

Seas of Sustenance: Navigating ‘Blue Food’ for Indo-Pacific Food Security

Shoba Suri and Subhasree Ray, Seas of Sustenance: Navigating ‘Blue Food’ for Indo-Pacific Food Security, June 2024, Observer Research Foundation.

Small Hydro Power Can Fill In Energy Deficit
Jan 07, 2011

Small Hydro Power Can Fill In Energy Deficit

Of all the non-conventional renewable energy sources, small hydro represents highest density resource and stands in the first place in generation of electricity from such sources world-wide. It is also the most cost-effective energy technology to be considered for rural electrification and under the climate change scenarios.

Small Hydro: Too Small for a National Mission?
Aug 23, 2023

Small Hydro: Too Small for a National Mission?

As India braces itself for an over-ambitious Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission, it also has to deliberate the prospects of developing other renewable energy resources. Of all the non-conventional renewable energy sources, small hydro represents the highest density resource.

Strategic and Managed Retreat as Adaptation: Addressing Climate Vulnerability in the Sundarbans
Jul 30, 2020

Strategic and Managed Retreat as Adaptation: Addressing Climate Vulnerability in the Sundarbans

Storm strikes are common in the Indian Sundarbans Delta on the northern Bay of Bengal and will only become more frequent and intense in this era of climate change. Every time a cyclone has hit the Sundarbans, the attempt has been to adapt in situ by creating protective infrastructure, and later return to the same conditions prevailing prior to the disaster. Such reliance on the notion of ‘resilience’ has become increasingly unsustainable and

Strengthening CBRN Security in India: Domestic Strategies and Global Collaborations
Nov 06, 2024

Strengthening CBRN Security in India: Domestic Strategies and Global Collaborations

India’s geopolitically sensitive location and complex relationships with neighbours, global powers, and non-state actors necessitate national security strategies that include the Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) domain. This paper discusses the current threat scenario related to CBRN technologies; it makes a case for leveraging multilateral cooperation through alliances like the Quad and regional partnerships to strengthen

Supporting climate resilient development in India
Jun 15, 2015

Supporting climate resilient development in India

Indian climate policy-making should 'mainstream' adaptation strategies into development planning to better address climate change. The Indian Government had formulated the National Action Plan on Climate Change in 2008.

T20 Side Event | Think20 Youth Engagement: Geopolitics of Multilateralism
Feb 14, 2023

T20 Side Event | Think20 Youth Engagement: Geopolitics of Multilateralism

Think20, Youth Engagement, Geopolitics, Multilateralism, G20, Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, SDG, macroeconomics, India, G20 Presidency, RCEP, FTA, Trade, economic, infrastructure, diplomacy, Climate Change

Takeaways for India from IPCC’s Assessment of Global Mitigation Efforts
Aug 14, 2023

Takeaways for India from IPCC’s Assessment of Global Mitigation Efforts

The findings of Working Group-III (WG-III) of the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) clearly highlight the global failure to scale-up mitigation actions to achieve the Paris Climate targets. Immediate and unprecedented action will now be needed to avoid catastrophic global warming in this century. The WG-III report details some of the policy actions needed at the global level to enable a sustai

The Africa Climate Action Performance Report
Aug 12, 2022

The Africa Climate Action Performance Report

Although Africa’s greenhouse gas emissions are low, its contribution to climate change mitigation is critical to global climate action. This report evaluates Africa’s climate policy through the lens of ‘common but differentiated responsibilities,’ an asymmetrical allocation of responsibility for climate action, determined by differences in countries’ contributions to historical emissions and their current capabilities to fight climate c

The Blue Economy: Charting a New Development Path in the Seychelles
Aug 13, 2020

The Blue Economy: Charting a New Development Path in the Seychelles

The Seychelles’ geographical advantages have given it economic gains from its main Blue Economy (BE) sectors—fisheries and tourism. However, overexploitation and unsustainable management practices have placed undue pressure on these resources. In 2018, the country conceived a sustainable ocean-based development pathway—the Seychelles’ Blue Economy Strategic Framework and Roadmap. Various socio-economic and environmental challenges threate

The COVID19 Pandemic: Why It Won’t Be the Last
May 22, 2023

The COVID19 Pandemic: Why It Won’t Be the Last

In the last two decades, the world has witnessed disease outbreaks that have resulted in massive loss of lives and economic disruptions.[1]  The current pandemic of the novel coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, might still not be the last of the pandemics that the world will suffer in the years to come—as long as human activities that use natural resources beyond their capacities, resulting in the spread of viruses, continue unab

The Creation of South Sudan: Prospects and Challenges
Dec 02, 2011

The Creation of South Sudan: Prospects and Challenges

This paper seeks to assess the present challenges that exist for South Sudan through an understanding of the historical narrative of the Sudanese state.