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47 results found

जॉर्जियाच्या हाय-स्टेक निवडणुकीत EU विरुद्ध रशिया
Dec 05, 2024

जॉर्जियाच्या हाय-स्टेक निवडणुकीत EU विरुद्ध रशिया

नुकत्याच झालेल्या संसदीय निवडणुकांमध्ये रशियाकडे झुकल�

जॉर्जिया का चुनाव: EU और रूस की टक्कर
Dec 04, 2024

जॉर्जिया का चुनाव: EU और रूस की टक्कर

विपक्ष की तरफ से चुनावी धांधली के आरोपों के बीच रूस की समर

EU versus Russia in Georgia’s high-stakes election
Dec 02, 2024

EU versus Russia in Georgia’s high-stakes election

The Russia-leaning Georgian Dream party has secured victory in the recent parliamentary elections amidst Opposition allegations of potential electoral

21 की उम्र में शादी: क्या कानूनी उम्र बढ़ाने से स्वास्थ्य पर बेहतर असर होगा?
Sep 24, 2024

21 की उम्र में शादी: क्या कानूनी उम्र बढ़ाने से स्वास्थ्य पर बेहतर असर होगा?

गरीबी, शिक्षा में कमी और सीमित स्वास्थ्य सुविधाओं से जुड�

गाझा संकटाबद्दल आसियान देशांच्या भूमिकेत इतका गोंधळ का आहे?
Jun 12, 2024

गाझा संकटाबद्दल आसियान देशांच्या भूमिकेत इतका गोंधळ का आहे?

आसियान देशांनी पॅलेस्टाईन आणि इस्रायलला गाझामधील शत्रु

ASEAN's response to the Gaza crisis
May 23, 2024

ASEAN's response to the Gaza crisis

Although ASEAN has issued a statement that seeks to end hostilities in Gaza, it has failed to arrive at a unified ASEAN consensus

आर्थिक बहिष्कारों का परीक्षण: इज़राइल-फ़िलिस्तीन संघर्ष का मामला!
May 20, 2024

आर्थिक बहिष्कारों का परीक्षण: इज़राइल-फ़िलिस्तीन संघर्ष का मामला!

बहिष्कार, विनिवेश और प्रतिबंध (बीडीएस) आंदोलन ज़ोर पकड़त�

Examining economic boycotts: The case of the Israel-Palestine conflict
May 14, 2024

Examining economic boycotts: The case of the Israel-Palestine conflict

The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement has gained momentum as more people protest against Israel’s actions in Gaza by boycotting Isra

Reel v/s real: Examining anti-India sentiments in Bangladesh
May 14, 2024

Reel v/s real: Examining anti-India sentiments in Bangladesh

The credibility of the 'anti-India' sentiments emerging in Bangladesh warrants scrutiny, as reality portrays a different narrative from what is depict

Elections in Bangladesh: A kaleidoscopic overview
Dec 06, 2023

Elections in Bangladesh: A kaleidoscopic overview

Bangladesh’s domestic political climate remains highly charged as it heads for election in 2024 despite nationwide protests.

The Ukraine crisis: Assessing the impact on Biden’s domestic politics
Mar 03, 2022

The Ukraine crisis: Assessing the impact on Biden’s domestic politics

The Ukraine crisis coupled with US’ domestic challenges is weighing down on the Biden administration

चीन की बदनीयती को भारत का जवाब: भारत ने किया शीतकालीन ओलंपिक का बहिष्कार
Feb 09, 2022

चीन की बदनीयती को भारत का जवाब: भारत ने किया शीतकालीन ओलंपिक का बहिष्कार

चीन द्वारा बीजिंग में आयोजित शीतकालीन ओलंपिक आयोजन में ग

2022 का विंटर ओलंपिक: निरंकुश होते चीन को अमेरिका का बहिष्कार
Dec 22, 2021

2022 का विंटर ओलंपिक: निरंकुश होते चीन को अमेरिका का बहिष्कार

अमेरिका ने यह संदेश तो दे ही दिया कि शिनजियांग में मानवाध�

Biden, Beijing Olympics, and Uyghur oppression
Dec 21, 2021

Biden, Beijing Olympics, and Uyghur oppression

Many western countries have decided to boycott the Beijing Winter Olympics on grounds of human rights violations. Can such diplomatic boycott bring an

The 2022 Winter Olympics: A cold reception?
Dec 16, 2021

The 2022 Winter Olympics: A cold reception?

Many states have decided to boycott the upcoming Winter Olympics in Beijing. Is this platform being used to draw the battle lines?

India-China economic ties: Impact of Galwan
Feb 04, 2021

India-China economic ties: Impact of Galwan

The current trade scenario suggests that the nationalistic notions of bringing China to its knees — by boycotting Chinese goods — has been a flop.

Can the Indian economy afford boycotting Chinese products?
Aug 21, 2020

Can the Indian economy afford boycotting Chinese products?

This article attempts to put forth alternatives that could better India’s fight against China’s economic monopoly and envisage a plausible route t

सीमा पर सेना तैनात, करें चीनी राखी, अगरबत्ती का बहिष्कार
Jul 31, 2020

सीमा पर सेना तैनात, करें चीनी राखी, अगरबत्ती का बहिष्कार

भारत की राष्ट्रीय अर्थव्यवस्था के प्रमुख सिद्धांत के तौ�

After a hot summer, the Valley is on the boil in winter too
Jan 14, 2019

After a hot summer, the Valley is on the boil in winter too

The operational success of the security forces is commendable, but their real test would be against the hard-core and well-trained JeM and LeT terrori

Kashmir: How election boycott has become a deadly trap for NC and PDP
Oct 31, 2018

Kashmir: How election boycott has become a deadly trap for NC and PDP

The results of the Urban Local Body polls show that the BJP and the Congress, piggybacking on the boycott of the two main parties of Kashmir valley, m

Mumbai: The rich, bad boy?
Oct 01, 2018

Mumbai: The rich, bad boy?

If functions and finances of the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) are to be matched, the MCGM’s annual budget should be in the region

ओबीओआर का बहिष्कार, एक बड़ी भूल
Jun 14, 2017

ओबीओआर का बहिष्कार, एक बड़ी भूल

पड़ोस में भारतीय कम्पनियां नहीं, बल्कि वन बेल्ट वन रोड — ओ

Should India boycott Chinese goods?
Oct 24, 2016

Should India boycott Chinese goods?

Call to boycott Chinese goods can be taken up by civil society and leaders of business, trade and industry community in coordination with each other

Decision to boycott Belt and Road Initiative Forum is one of the biggest Indian foreign policy risks
May 18, 2017

Decision to boycott Belt and Road Initiative Forum is one of the biggest Indian foreign policy risks

The Narendra Modi government's decision to boycott the Belt and Road Initiative Forum in China constitutes one of the three biggest Indian foreign policy risks in recent memory.

In Syria, the Big Boys are playing
Oct 01, 2015

In Syria, the Big Boys are playing

Syria and Iraq are no longer just a do-and-kill struggle being enacted by extreme radical Islamists in their brutal search for a Caliphate. The Big Boys - US and Russia -- are now out in the open, the gloves are off and mind games are now being played.

Sri Lanka: Why TNA should not boycott the PSC
Jul 04, 2013

Sri Lanka: Why TNA should not boycott the PSC

The Sri Lankan Government's current efforts at reviving the PSC process may have come a little too late in the day, but then it could claim that it was more focussed on conducting the Northern Provincial Council polls, as promised by President Rajapaksa, in September.

A redrawn landscape: Anticipated impact, unintended consequences
Aug 06, 2019

A redrawn landscape: Anticipated impact, unintended consequences

If Kashmiri parties boycott polls, they’ll be marginalised; if they participate, it will mean accepting new realities

Asim Umar: A new actor in the world jihadist stage
Sep 24, 2014

Asim Umar: A new actor in the world jihadist stage

The 'old boys' network has given Asim Umar an extensive reach among the jihadi groups active in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He can tap into the Taliban network with as much ease as he could work with Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan.

Bangladesh: Election-2014, an assessment
Jan 24, 2014

Bangladesh: Election-2014, an assessment

On 5 January, parliamentary elections were held in Bangladesh. They were boycotted by the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP)-led 18 party alliance, allowing the Awami League to win the election with two thirds majority and with very little opposition.

Bangladesh: Political implications of 'upazila' elections
Mar 28, 2014

Bangladesh: Political implications of 'upazila' elections

The ongoing upazila elections in Bangladesh are a move to deepen democracy at the grassroots. Since the election came just after the parliamentary polls that took place in January and was boycotted by main Opposition Bangladesh Nationalist party (BNP),

Knowing India's nuclear credentials
Jul 24, 2014

Knowing India's nuclear credentials

Through concerted attack on India from the usual suspects in recent days, India is first being made the whipping boy for the failure of the American non-proliferation lobby in their own country. Then it has to accept blame for the complex relations the U.S. shares with Pakistan and China that is driving these Asian allies to increase their arsenals. Can we get real, please?

South Asia South Asia Weekly 11
Mar 23, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 11

With the government declaring May 10 as the polling date for Provincial Council elections in the east, LTTE is worried about the outcome of the possibly "rigged" elections. The group has asked its parliamentary proxy, Tamil National Alliance (TNA) to boycott the elections fearing a total rout in the predominantly Tamil majority area. On the other hand, the group has softened its stand on talking to the Rajapaksa government.

Sport as Geopolitics
Dec 23, 2021

Sport as Geopolitics

The US’s diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympics is setting the stage for the addition of another dimension to the US-China saga of widening confrontation

Sri Lanka: TNA sending out confusing signals to India?
Oct 20, 2014

Sri Lanka: TNA sending out confusing signals to India?

Sri Lanka's Northern Province Tamil Chief Minister C V Wigneswaran seems to be sending contradictory signals to India through his actions. On the one hand, he wants India to play an active role in finding a 'political solution' to the ethnic problem. On the other, he boycotted the India-funded Colombo-Jaffna railway inauguration and earlier President's invitation to be part of the delegation to India.

These troubled waters
Jun 30, 2017

These troubled waters

The Qatar crisis unfolded soon after the Riyadh summit of Muslim countries, attended by President Trump. Iran was the whipping boy at the Riyadh summit.

Tracing the roots of an American brand of extremism
Jan 12, 2021

Tracing the roots of an American brand of extremism

With the attack on Capitol Hill by Trump supporters, some of whom wore QAnon shirts and brandished confederate flags, the far-Right’s threat to American liberal democracy is more visible than ever.

Trump's stand on the Paris deal may help India
Jun 30, 2017

Trump's stand on the Paris deal may help India

Trump's belligerence towards the Paris accords may ironically become its undoing.

चीन की बदनीयती को भारत का जवाब: भारत ने किया शीतकालीन ओलंपिक का बहिष्कार
Jul 30, 2023

चीन की बदनीयती को भारत का जवाब: भारत ने किया शीतकालीन ओलंपिक का बहिष्कार

चीन द्वारा बीजिंग में आयोजित शीतकालीन ओलंपिक आयोजन में गलवान संघर्ष से जुड़े एक सैनिक को सुनियोजित ढंग से खेलों की मशाल थमाने के बाद तो भारत का धैर्य भी जवाब दे गया और उसने �

चीनवरचा बहिष्कार भारताला परवडेल?
Sep 02, 2020

चीनवरचा बहिष्कार भारताला परवडेल?

भारत चीनवर विविध उत्पादनांसाठी अवलंबून आहे. त्यामुळे चीनच्या उत्पादनांवर किंवा गुंतवणुकीवर त्वरित आणि संपूर्ण बहिष्कार घालणे, भारताला परवडणार नाही.

बीजिंग ऑलिम्पिक आणि चिनी दडपशाही
Dec 23, 2021

बीजिंग ऑलिम्पिक आणि चिनी दडपशाही

अनेक पाश्चिमात्य देशांनी मानवाधिकारांचे उल्लंघन केल्याच्या कारणावरून बीजिंग हिवाळी ऑलिम्पिकवर बहिष्कार टाकण्याचा निर्णय घेतला आहे.

बीजिंग ऑलिम्पिक आणि चिनी दडपशाही
Dec 23, 2021

बीजिंग ऑलिम्पिक आणि चिनी दडपशाही

अनेक पाश्चिमात्य देशांनी मानवाधिकारांचे उल्लंघन केल्याच्या कारणावरून बीजिंग हिवाळी ऑलिम्पिकवर बहिष्कार टाकण्याचा निर्णय घेतला आहे.