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615 results found

The China-Bhutan border deal should worry India
Oct 22, 2021

The China-Bhutan border deal should worry India

Recent developments suggest a perception in Bhutan that there are limits to which it can depend on India for its security

The India-China Border Question: An Analysis of International Law and State Practices
Dec 16, 2020

The India-China Border Question: An Analysis of International Law and State Practices

Over the years, India has attempted to find political as well as legal solutions to its border dispute with China; these efforts have met with little success. This paper argues that the reason a resolution to the India–China border issue remains elusive is the inadequate understanding—and enforcement—of International Law. It examines the sustainability of China’s position, as well as its general approach to International Law, its interpre

The Wuhan summit and the India–China border dispute
Jun 26, 2018

The Wuhan summit and the India–China border dispute

The recent Wuhan summit between India and China has been called many things: from a “game changer” to a much needed “reset” in Indian-China relations. It has generated expectations in the two countries that they will avoid any clash due to miscalculation and error. This has strengthened the tradition that India and China have maintained since the Border Peace and Tranquility Agreement of 1993, of resolving problems bilaterally through dia

Thrust on making borders irrelevant
Jul 05, 2010

Thrust on making borders irrelevant

Terrorism, water and Afghanistan form facets of the wide range of issues which allow possible collaboration between India and Pakistan. These include trade and commerce, energy sharing, increased transport, communication links and simplified visa procedures.

Trade between India-Pak border areas offers hope for future bilateral ties
Aug 29, 2011

Trade between India-Pak border areas offers hope for future bilateral ties

Indian and Pakistani governments have realised the necessity of better connecting provinces on both sides of the border as a possible means of improving broader relations between the two nations.

Trans-Border Migration: Bridging the Gap between State and Human Security
Apr 26, 2021

Trans-Border Migration: Bridging the Gap between State and Human Security

Cross-border migration poses security challenges for the modern nation-state, as the influx of populations exert massive pressures on a country’s resources and governance ecosystems. The undocumented migrants, for their part, not only struggle for their livelihood but often face fundamental crises of identity and belonging. Using the case of India’s eastern borders, this paper problematises the phenomenon of migration against the dich

Unabating tension with China spurs India’s border infrastructure efforts
Jul 02, 2021

Unabating tension with China spurs India’s border infrastructure efforts

India has reversed its previous neglect of infrastructure near the border, but it has a long way to go to close the gap with China.

Understanding Sino-Indian border issues: An analysis of incidents reported in the Indian media
Feb 12, 2018

Understanding Sino-Indian border issues: An analysis of incidents reported in the Indian media

Reports of incursions by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army along the Line-of-Actual Control (LAC) are rife in the Indian media. A commonly held opinion is that the Indian media tend to sensationalise their reportage of these incursions, or “China’s transgressions”, as the Indian government calls them. This paper analyses these incidents, as reported in select Indian newspapers, over a period of 12 years. It outlines the nature of these

Urgent need to improve India's border infrastructure
Sep 06, 2010

Urgent need to improve India's border infrastructure

India needs to improve its border infrastructure in the background of the changing geopolitics of Asia that will increasingly be shaped by Sino-Indian relations, pointed out a panel discussion on "India's Border Infrastructure" at ORF.

US-Pakistan Military Operations in Pak-Afghan Border (Vol. I Issue)
Apr 07, 2023

US-Pakistan Military Operations in Pak-Afghan Border (Vol. I Issue)

The US-Pakistan deal is as simple as it can get: Pakistan will cooperate with the US to hunt Al Qaeda and in return the US will not annihilate the Taliban which serves Pakistani strategic interests in the region.

Utilising blockchain for cross-border payments: Implications for India
Aug 20, 2023

Utilising blockchain for cross-border payments: Implications for India

Cross-border payment is one part of the banking sector that has yet to benefit from recent progress in digitalisation. Most international transactions are still processed using a 600-year-old correspondent banking system devised by the Medici.[1] However, this system of manual entry of transactions is not a scalable solution for the burgeoning digital payments space. While this may seem like an issue for institutions, a huge segment of the popul

Why border dispute will remain a thorn in Sino-India relations
May 07, 2018

Why border dispute will remain a thorn in Sino-India relations

If the two countries want to move ahead along the lines indicated in Wuhan, they need to settle this, not set it aside as they have been doing in recent decades.

#Kashmir: PM lacks political aide with sufficient heft
Aug 29, 2016

#Kashmir: PM lacks political aide with sufficient heft

PM Modi’s only problem is that he lacks a political aide with sufficient heft to take the conversation on Kashmir forward.

#भारत-अफ़ग़ानिस्तान संबंध: अपनी शर्तों पर ही तालिबान से संपर्क बढ़ाने की सोच रख भारत!
Jun 22, 2022

#भारत-अफ़ग़ानिस्तान संबंध: अपनी शर्तों पर ही तालिबान से संपर्क बढ़ाने की सोच रख भारत!

करते परवान गुरुद्वारे पर हमले ने अफ़ग़ानिस्तान में भारत की हालिया सक्रियता पर नए सिरे से सवाल खड़े कर दिए हैं क्योंकि काबुल में तालिबान के काबिज होने के बाद नई दिल्ली उसके

A landmark in India-Bangladesh ties
May 12, 2015

A landmark in India-Bangladesh ties

The Land Boundary Agreement between India and Bangladesh will strengthen cooperation on border management. The two countries should not only cooperate with each other in controlling cross-border crimes, but also work on improving the lives of the people on the border by encouraging cross-border trade.

A New Year gift to Syria: A possible agreement?
Dec 28, 2012

A New Year gift to Syria: A possible agreement?

The US is entering its trickiest phase in the Af-Pak region, where elections are due in both, Pakistan and Afghanistan just around the time Washington has set for its troops to depart. Can troops depart without an overt or covert understanding with Iran which has a long border with Afghanistan?

After Attari
Apr 16, 2012

After Attari

The problem of contemporary India's foreign policy making is not that states have acquired a veto over the Centre. Most state leaderships have not only supported regional economic integration and trans-border connectivity, but are also craving for it.

Agenda for the new Govt: Reform and restructure the national security system
May 19, 2014

Agenda for the new Govt: Reform and restructure the national security system

Across Asia, there is a great demand for India to play a more active role, one befitting its size and interests. But, whenever push comes to shove, we run up against two problems-first, our economy that lacks heft and second, our military which unable to play a role outside our borders.

Air Power in Joint Operations: A Game Changer in a Limited Conflict with China
Jun 26, 2020

Air Power in Joint Operations: A Game Changer in a Limited Conflict with China

Any future limited conflict between India and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) will primarily be fought in a high-altitude environment along parts of the 4,000-km-long Line of Actual Control (LAC). With the Indian Army likely to be constrained by the terrain and numerical parity to fight a largely positional battle with limited mobility and offensive options, air power offers several asymmetric opportunities to create operational advantages

Amid China Concerns, India Boosts Defense Budget
Feb 05, 2021

Amid China Concerns, India Boosts Defense Budget

The budget growth, clearly aimed at countering the challenge along the Sino-Indian border, is still marginal.

Amid Russia-Ukraine Conflict, Advantage China in Central Asia
Nov 23, 2023

Amid Russia-Ukraine Conflict, Advantage China in Central Asia

The Central Asian Republics (CARs) have, in recent years, implemented multifaceted foreign policies to achieve strategic autonomy and limit China’s influence and Russia's traditional sway. But domestic uprisings in the CARs, the Taliban's resurgence in Afghanistan, and now the Russia-Ukraine conflict have given China new opportunities to strengthen its presence in Central Asia. This brief investigates China's increased engagement with the CARs

An Introduction to Green and Transition Finance
Sep 17, 2024

An Introduction to Green and Transition Finance

India presents a unique case of balancing decarbonisation efforts with industrial growth. While notable progress is being made in decarbonising the power and transport sectors, reducing industrial emissions poses a formidable challenge. To meet its decarbonisation targets, India will need massive capital flows, projected at US$10.1 trillion by 2070. While green finance will support technologies that align with the Paris Agreement, transition fina

Are combat roles for women suitable in Army and Navy?
Nov 06, 2015

Are combat roles for women suitable in Army and Navy?

Allowing women in combat roles in the Air Force is very different from such deployments in Navy or Army. This is mainly because, while the Air Force can ensure their selective employment on tasks within our borders, the same does not hold true for naval ships or more so for the Army.

Beijing at sea
Apr 24, 2013

Beijing at sea

The Chinese navy is leading the dramatic shift in the political goals of China's armed forces. Besides territorial defence, the Chinese armed forces now also aim to protect Beijing's expanding interests beyond borders, influence regional security politics and contribute to international peace.

Beyond the Hype: Developing Interoperability Standards for Digital Currency at the G20
Feb 06, 2023

Beyond the Hype: Developing Interoperability Standards for Digital Currency at the G20

The legacy cross-border payment infrastructure is replete with issues of high costs, limited access, low speed, and opaque structures, which have limited the potential of cross-border payments to enhance international trade and foster economic growth in emerging economies. The increased demand for transparent, accessible, faster and cheaper solutions in the financial sector has pushed the private and public sectors to accelerate investments in in

Bhutan: 'National Happiness', environment and the neighbours
Nov 08, 2012

Bhutan: 'National Happiness', environment and the neighbours

The landlocked Kingdom of Bhutan, which borders two Asian giants--China in the north and India to the south-- is some sort of a misfit in this tightly enclosed geographic space. Its two neighbours when compared to Bhutan are a world apart,

Bridging the India-China divide
Jun 20, 2014

Bridging the India-China divide

Whatever shape future talks between India and China takes, bilateral problems, including the border dispute, have taken more time than their people can wait, to address leave alone resolve them.

Bringing India and Thailand Closer via the Trilateral Highway Through Myanmar
Nov 21, 2023

Bringing India and Thailand Closer via the Trilateral Highway Through Myanmar

This brief underlines the immense potential for increased cross-border trade, tourism, and people-to-people interactions between India and its Southeast Asian neighbours. In particular, it evaluates the importance of India–Thailand relations, emphasising the present state of the India–Myanmar–Thailand Trilateral Highway (IMT-TH). Although India and Thailand share a maritime boundary along India’s Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Th

Building a Regional Approach to Energy Security for BIMSTEC
Aug 09, 2021

Building a Regional Approach to Energy Security for BIMSTEC

The seventh of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aims “to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all” by 2030. Such quest for energy security is echoed in subregional strategies as well; in the BIMSTEC region, it is a key priority. As the gap in electricity supply and demand increases in the countries of BIMSTEC, trans-border cooperation can help diversify energy sources, reduce the average cos

Can India-China Relationship Indeed Return to Pre-Galwan Days?
Mar 10, 2021

Can India-China Relationship Indeed Return to Pre-Galwan Days?

Recent Chinese commentary suggests that India must detach the border dispute from other aspects of Sino-Indian ties.

Challenges Galore for the New CDS
Oct 09, 2022

Challenges Galore for the New CDS

Chauhan has served many commands and staff postings in the North and Northeast. As major general, he commanded the Baramulla-based 19th Infantry Division in the Northern Command. So, he has invaluable experience in countering cross-border terrorism emanating from Pakistan. His biggest strength, however, is his stint in the China-facing Eastern Command, from where he retired as commander in May 2021.

Chidambaram's visit improves India's image
Aug 05, 2011

Chidambaram's visit improves India's image

India-Bangladesh relations got a major boost following Home Minister P Chidambaram's visit to Dhaka in July this year. The visit, described by Chidambaram as constructive, infused optimism about the resolution of some of the bilateral issues like border during Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's scheduled visit to India in September this year.

China feels India needs to be shown its place
Dec 21, 2022

China feels India needs to be shown its place

New Delhi must sharply raise its preparedness to deal with a Beijing that seems bent on aggression

China under Xi is an ‘abnormal’ state
Aug 10, 2023

China under Xi is an ‘abnormal’ state

Incidents of sudden disappearance of celebrities have been common in China. But Qin Gang’s case is special. Not only has he disappeared but his public records are also being erased.

China-India data sharing for early flood warning in the Brahmaputra: A critique
Dec 04, 2019

China-India data sharing for early flood warning in the Brahmaputra: A critique

This brief makes an assessment of the data-sharing arrangement between China and India as outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding for sharing hydrological information on the Brahmaputra river system, aimed at facilitating advance warning for floods in India during monsoon. Using hydro-meteorological data, this brief assesses the arrangement and identifies its limitations, primary of which is the wrong choice for the location of measuring stat

China-India Relations: 2 Years After Galwan Clash
Jun 18, 2022

China-India Relations: 2 Years After Galwan Clash

The prevailing tension on the China-India border is a symptom of the broader strategic competition between the two Asian neighbors.

China: Vision for Tibet-Indian Ocean Trade Route
Sep 21, 2005

China: Vision for Tibet-Indian Ocean Trade Route

The People's Republic of China (PRC) is now revealing, more assertively than before, its high expectations with regard to the opening up of Sino-Indian border trade specifically through revival of Yadong (Shigatse, Tibet) Trade Post, which was set up on May 10,

China’s Arunachal ‘Incursion’: Why India Should Look at the Bigger Picture
Oct 12, 2021

China’s Arunachal ‘Incursion’: Why India Should Look at the Bigger Picture

The 13th round of military commander’s talks between India and China will take place at Moldo today.

China’s Military Modernisation: Recent Trends
Apr 11, 2023

China’s Military Modernisation: Recent Trends

China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has undergone many changes since Xi Jinping became general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 2013. Efforts at modernising the PLA have been conducted in earnest for the past 10 years through the overhaul of the organisation and the introduction of latest technologies to make it battle-ready. This paper describes these capability-related and institutional changes in China’s military, wh

China’s Military Modernisation: Recent Trends - 2024
Sep 24, 2024

China’s Military Modernisation: Recent Trends - 2024

Since Xi Jinping became general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 2013, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has witnessed an accelerated modernisation drive. Following the 2015-16 organisational reforms, the CPC further standardised its services-level force structure and upgraded its military doctrine, combat capabilities, and weapons systems. This report analyses recent improvements in the structure, including the creation of t

Chinese Chatter - What's keeping India from the great Beijing reset?
Sep 17, 2024

Chinese Chatter - What's keeping India from the great Beijing reset?

It is being argued that since 2024, China-India relations have shown signs of easing, with frequent high-level interactions.

Chinese keep a keen eye on Modi's visit
May 11, 2015

Chinese keep a keen eye on Modi's visit

In Beijing, the overwhelming question a visitor faces is: What will be the outcome of the visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi? Will he bring a package to resolve the border question, or will he come with a basket of measures to attract Chinese investment in India?

Chinese shift poses new challenges to India
Dec 09, 2014

Chinese shift poses new challenges to India

The shift in Chinese foreign policy poses new and different kind of challenges to India. Even while we are working feverishly to ensure the defence of our Himalyan border militarily, the Chinese are throwing an economic challenge, as manifested by its growing ties with Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives and Nepal.

Clear danger to India from CBR terrorism: ORF-RUSI Study
Jun 14, 2012

Clear danger to India from CBR terrorism: ORF-RUSI Study

A research study by Observer Research Foundation (ORF) and Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) has found that there is a clear danger to India from CBR (Chemical, Biological and Radiological Materials) terrorism due to the known intentions of terrorist groups active within India's borders.