Search: For - Border

613 results found

Defence budget and the big picture
Feb 03, 2021

Defence budget and the big picture

A strong and capable military will deter any adversary from casting an evil design. Let the situation at the borders under the pandemic times be a pus

A reset of India–Nepal relations
Jan 29, 2021

A reset of India–Nepal relations

Interdependence between India and Nepal is the secret to reset the relations between the neighbours.

Conspiring on Afghan soil? Sino-Pak collusion in Kabul
Jan 22, 2021

Conspiring on Afghan soil? Sino-Pak collusion in Kabul

Beijing’s growing interest in co-conspiring with Pakistan on Afghan soil adds to the growing tensions in the subcontinent, heightening concern over

BIMSTEC cooperation on trade: How to ensure incremental growth in intra-regional trade?
Jan 18, 2021

BIMSTEC cooperation on trade: How to ensure incremental growth in intra-regional trade?

BIMSTEC should pursue not only signing an FTA, but also interconnected agreements — including trade facilitation and cross-border connectivity.

Energising tourism for a Bay of Bengal community
Jan 18, 2021

Energising tourism for a Bay of Bengal community

Promotion of the tourism sector is inherently linked with the connectivity in the sub-region.

नेपाल-भारत बॉर्डर का खुलना, किस तरह से दोनों देशों के लिए फ़ायदेमंद हो सकता है?
Jan 11, 2021

नेपाल-भारत बॉर्डर का खुलना, किस तरह से दोनों देशों के लिए फ़ायदेमंद हो सकता है?

यह बेहद आश्चर्यजनक है कि भारत और नेपाल के बीच की सीमा पिछल

Role of infrastructure in promoting SDG 9 in India’s Northeast
Dec 23, 2020

Role of infrastructure in promoting SDG 9 in India’s Northeast

The present institutional linkages are no doubt improving, but these have to be strengthened further to support connectivity projects.

US cotton ban against Xinjiang-based XPCC has strategic value for India
Dec 10, 2020

US cotton ban against Xinjiang-based XPCC has strategic value for India

New Delhi must use the opportunity to strengthen its partnership with the US, which in recent years, has made rapid progress.

Why the reopening of the Nepal-India border would serve the interests of both countries
Nov 25, 2020

Why the reopening of the Nepal-India border would serve the interests of both countries

It is most unusual that the border has been lying closed for over eight months and there is still uncertainty about the prospect of its re-opening.

सीमा पर मज़बूत बुनियादी ढांचा और साहसिक सामरिक नीति
Nov 24, 2020

सीमा पर मज़बूत बुनियादी ढांचा और साहसिक सामरिक नीति

भौगोलिक रूप से महत्वपूर्ण जगह पर स्थित होने और युद्ध, उग्�

चीन के साथ ‘निर्विवाद’ रूप से सीमा विवाद में फंसा नेपाल
Nov 02, 2020

चीन के साथ ‘निर्विवाद’ रूप से सीमा विवाद में फंसा नेपाल

अधिकांश रूप से जिन क्षेत्रों में अतिक्रमण किया गया है, वह

The challenges and opportunities of innovating in India
Oct 30, 2020

The challenges and opportunities of innovating in India

We must build the credibility of Indian innovation within our borders and convince people that the quality of research done in India is at par with th

Nepal: Understanding the India migration in Covid times
Oct 27, 2020

Nepal: Understanding the India migration in Covid times

If there are no alternative livelihood with newer employment opportunities, and given the sluggish economic growth pattern of the country — internat

The elusive watersheds of Ladakh: Explaining India and China’s missing border
Aug 26, 2020

The elusive watersheds of Ladakh: Explaining India and China’s missing border

On top of the violence and upheaval of Partition, the integration of more than 550 princely states, and a war with Pakistan over Kashmir, the British

सुलगती सरहद और भारत-चीन बॉर्डर पर कथित ‘नए सामान्य हालात’? |पार्ट 1
Aug 12, 2020

सुलगती सरहद और भारत-चीन बॉर्डर पर कथित ‘नए सामान्य हालात’? |पार्ट 1

अच्छी ख़बर ये है कि लद्दाख का मौजूदा संकट पहले के गतिरोधो�

Beijing’s imperialism casts a shadow from South China Sea to the Pamirs
Aug 12, 2020

Beijing’s imperialism casts a shadow from South China Sea to the Pamirs

While the undercurrents of China’s aggression in the South China Sea are still gathering storm, Beijing has made a similar “historical” claim on

सीमा पर सेना तैनात, करें चीनी राखी, अगरबत्ती का बहिष्कार
Jul 31, 2020

सीमा पर सेना तैनात, करें चीनी राखी, अगरबत्ती का बहिष्कार

भारत की राष्ट्रीय अर्थव्यवस्था के प्रमुख सिद्धांत के तौ�

Unquiet borders on the Himalayas
Jul 08, 2020

Unquiet borders on the Himalayas

Peace and war are not the only options in any bilateral relationship. Numerous issues, more or less serious, emerge between two countries which demand

सीमा विवाद: भारत की आक्रमक नीति ने चीन की बौख़लाहट बढ़ाई
Jun 30, 2020

सीमा विवाद: भारत की आक्रमक नीति ने चीन की बौख़लाहट बढ़ाई

सीमाओं की अपनी ख़ुद की भाषा, आयाम और अलग नियम होते है. इसलिए

There is an answer to Modi’s enigma on Galwan
Jun 24, 2020

There is an answer to Modi’s enigma on Galwan

Modi’s efforts appear prescient, but the answers to the questions he posed remain equally elusive. How do you maintain stability on a border that h

De-escalation this time around will not be as easy as in Doklam
Jun 23, 2020

De-escalation this time around will not be as easy as in Doklam

New Delhi’s decreased policy manoeuvrability coupled with China’s decreasing need to comply with international norms and conventions is a dangerou

Lessons from the Ladakh crisis
Jun 23, 2020

Lessons from the Ladakh crisis

It has become apparent that there have been grave failures somewhere — but more likely in multiple places — in the Indian intelligence chain, as i

The Simmering Boundary: A “new normal” at the India–China border? | Part 2
Jun 14, 2020

The Simmering Boundary: A “new normal” at the India–China border? | Part 2

Past experience and Occam’s razor suggest wolf warrior diplomacy has seized the day.

The Simmering Boundary: A “new normal” at the India–China border? | Part 1
Jun 13, 2020

The Simmering Boundary: A “new normal” at the India–China border? | Part 1

The good news is, the current crisis in Ladakh bears some resemblance to these prior standoffs, all of which were peacefully resolved. The bad news is

आक्रामक चीन का संशोधनवाद: हांगकांग से भारत की सीमाओं तक
Jun 01, 2020

आक्रामक चीन का संशोधनवाद: हांगकांग से भारत की सीमाओं तक

शी जिनपिंग के नेतृत्व वाले चीन को समझने में भूल मत कीजिए. �

China’s revisionism: From Hong Kong to India’s borders
May 30, 2020

China’s revisionism: From Hong Kong to India’s borders

Make no mistake — China under Xi’s leadership is one of the most assertive and aggressive powers the world has encountered in a long time.

कोविड-19 के बीच भारत-चीन सीमा विवाद: एक पुराने अनुभव की पुनरावृत्ति?
May 26, 2020

कोविड-19 के बीच भारत-चीन सीमा विवाद: एक पुराने अनुभव की पुनरावृत्ति?

आज भारत को एक ऐसे देश से चुनौती मिल रही है, जिसके नेतृत्व क�

Pakistan media’s strange silence on India-China border spat in Ladakh
May 25, 2020

Pakistan media’s strange silence on India-China border spat in Ladakh

Despite reports of unarmed clashes between the Indian and Chinese soldiers and the fact that the stand-offs are taking place at more than one place �

New Delhi’s Nepal conundrum
May 21, 2020

New Delhi’s Nepal conundrum

The present inflection point in Indo-Nepalese border tensions has evolved into an awkward position where neither of the two states can realistically b

सीमाओं में सिकुड़ता भूमंडलीकरण और छिन्न-भिन्न होती आपूर्ति श्रृंखला
May 18, 2020

सीमाओं में सिकुड़ता भूमंडलीकरण और छिन्न-भिन्न होती आपूर्ति श्रृंखला

जिस अति उग्र भूमंडलीकरण ने चीन को औद्योगिक महाशक्ति बनाय

India-Bangladesh border trade tries to get back on track
May 14, 2020

India-Bangladesh border trade tries to get back on track

It seems very difficult to maintain social distancing while transferring goods.

Counterterror ops in Kashmir in the times of COVID-19
May 13, 2020

Counterterror ops in Kashmir in the times of COVID-19

In coming weeks, the battleground in all probability, could be the LoC and the villages dotting the vicinity.

Indo-Nepal borderland: The fate of migrant labourers
May 07, 2020

Indo-Nepal borderland: The fate of migrant labourers

The plight of the Nepali migrant labourers stuck in foreign countries like India advertently questions the interest of these labourers to travel abroa

Pakistan using COVID-19 as a cover for crossborder militancy
Apr 29, 2020

Pakistan using COVID-19 as a cover for crossborder militancy

The formation of ‘The Resistance Front’ should be seen as an attempt to consolidate strengths, manpower, weaponry, and training of various militan

Nepal’s response to Covid19
Mar 30, 2020

Nepal’s response to Covid19

Nepal is yet to make an announcement of plans to see how it works on economic recovery and how it will approach multilateral and bilateral agencies fo

Xi Jinping’s visit to Nepal: A diplomatic victory for China?
Oct 23, 2019

Xi Jinping’s visit to Nepal: A diplomatic victory for China?

Of the 20 agreements signed between Nepal and China, four of the agreements have strong security components that aim at developing greater engagements

Kashmir and other shadows over the Sino-Indian informal summit
Oct 11, 2019

Kashmir and other shadows over the Sino-Indian informal summit

The informal summit of leaders is meant to discuss overarching strategic issues, but given the format, both sides will put all issues bothering them.

Despite improvement in situation, the Government of India should tread cautiously in J&K
Jul 31, 2019

Despite improvement in situation, the Government of India should tread cautiously in J&K

Although statistics and the mood on the ground do reflect considerable progress, bringing normalcy back to the Valley remains an elusive goal.

After taking up 'Pak terror' with China, can India keep Beijing out of 'Kashmir' talks?
Jun 18, 2019

After taking up 'Pak terror' with China, can India keep Beijing out of 'Kashmir' talks?

China would have a seat in the high table when the South Asian neighbours discuss and decide upon the ‘K-issue’.

Exploring cooperation between India’s Northeastern gas grid and Myanmar
Jun 07, 2019

Exploring cooperation between India’s Northeastern gas grid and Myanmar

A cross-border natural gas pipeline between India and Myanmar will be an important symbol of bilateral cooperation and regional connectivity.