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New Army Chief in Bangladesh
Jul 03, 2012

New Army Chief in Bangladesh

Lieutenant General Iqbal Karim Bhuiyan's appointment as the new Chief of Bangladesh Army on June 25 has evoked a keen interest in India and elsewhere. There are two reasons for this interest in an other-wise routine succession--General Bhuiyan succeeded General Abdul Mobeen on his retirement.

North Korean Army should not be under-estimated
Nov 05, 2013

North Korean Army should not be under-estimated

North Korean army, which is the fifth largest in the world with a very high artillery pile, should not to be under-estimated, according a former Indian military intelligence official.

Pak Army Reshuffle & After
Oct 05, 2004

Pak Army Reshuffle & After

As expected, President General Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan announced a major reshuffle of the senior officers of the Pakistan Army of the rank of Generals and Lts.General on October 2 and 3, 2004.

Pak Army should give up politics
May 11, 2005

Pak Army should give up politics

There is only one way in which Pakistan can survive as a nation-state. That is, the Pakistan Army will have to confine itself to being an armed force and not usurp the powers and responsibilities of the legislature and executive branch of the government. The mission objective of an armed force is to safeguard the integrity and sovereignty of the country and not run it. The people of Pakistan have a choice here.

Pak Army to retain its power base
May 27, 2008

Pak Army to retain its power base

Pakistan Army is in the throes of a dramatic transformation both in its profile and approach but is no where near relinquishing its stranglehold over the political and corporate landscape of Pakistan. The office-cadre is much more conservative but not radical,

Pak Army using Islam: Cohen
Nov 06, 2003

Pak Army using Islam: Cohen

The present generation of the Pakistani army is not so much Islamic as political and materialistic, said Professor Stephen Cohen, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution and renowned authority on Pakistan Army. Speaking at the USI as part of a joint ORF-USI lecture, Profession Cohen said the Pakistani army was only using Islam for its political objectives and this has not compromised the professional orientation of the army.

Pak Army's positive attidue changing scene in South Asia
May 05, 2012

Pak Army's positive attidue changing scene in South Asia

India has expressed its willingness to extend technical assistance for improving infrastructure in Pakistan. Pakistan is bound to realise that holding on to terrorism as an instrument of State policy would not be in its interests as Pakistan would be the real sufferers in the long run.

Pak Army's Second Kargil
Apr 13, 2004

Pak Army's Second Kargil

Waziristan last month ostensibly to hunt down al Qaida and Talibanelements has been a visible failure which could dramatically alterthe already existing fault lines in the force divided betweenloyalty to Musharraf, nation and religion.South Waziristan is one of the seven areas -Khyber, Kurram,Orakzai, Mohmand, Bajaur, North and South Waziristan - which wereclubbed together as the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA)by the British who wanted

Pak army's Waziristan problem
Nov 02, 2012

Pak army's Waziristan problem

There are conflicting reports about Pakistan army's decision to launch a military offensive against Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan and other terrorist strongholds in North Waziristan.

Pakistan Army Chief: शहबाज़ सरकार ने आसिम मुनीर को क्‍यों नियुक्त किया सेना प्रमुख?
Jul 28, 2023

Pakistan Army Chief: शहबाज़ सरकार ने आसिम मुनीर को क्‍यों नियुक्त किया सेना प्रमुख?

Pakistan Army Chief आइए जानते हैं कि आखिर ले. अजहर अब्‍बास कौन है. सेना प्रमुख के लिए उनकी दावेदारी क्‍यों मजबूत मानी जा रही थी. क्‍या पाकिस्‍तान सरकार ने सेना प्रमुख की नियुक्ति में निय

Pakistan's Army, Post-Osama
May 17, 2011

Pakistan's Army, Post-Osama

The Pakistani Army is keen to repair its image after the battering it has taken following the discovery that Osama bin Laden was ensconced in a mansion in Abbotabad. And while US criticism has made international headlines,

Pakistan's new army chief: Seniority or politics?
Nov 02, 2013

Pakistan's new army chief: Seniority or politics?

What magnifies Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif's dilemma in picking up a successor to Gen Kayani is his own experience of picking Pervez Musharraf way down the seniority line to lead the army and regretting it forever. He will not like to repeat his past folly.

Pakistan: Army taking over Islamabad without taking over
Mar 15, 2018

Pakistan: Army taking over Islamabad without taking over

Facts on the ground suggest that Army Chief, Qamar Javed Bajwa, and his army are interested only in the formal trappings of democracy.

Pakistan: Challenges before the new Army chief
Jan 22, 2014

Pakistan: Challenges before the new Army chief

For Pakistan and its army, the year 2014 is crucial as the NATO troops withdraw from Afghanistan. There are fears in Pakistan of an Afghan civil war. There is also the long pursued Pakistani strategy of supporting the Afghan Taliban which may backfire.

Pakistan’ Rigged Elections People have voted against the army but it still gets to cook up the next coalition
Feb 12, 2024

Pakistan’ Rigged Elections People have voted against the army but it still gets to cook up the next coalition

People have voted against the military’s political favourites but General Munir still gets to cook up the next coalition government

Post Doklam, army needs reforms that have been stalled for decades
Sep 02, 2017

Post Doklam, army needs reforms that have been stalled for decades

Instead of restructuring its existing combat forces, the army is merely tinkering around with the problem by shaving off marginal costs.

Rebooting the Indian Army: A Doctrinal Approach to Force Restructuring
Feb 03, 2021

Rebooting the Indian Army: A Doctrinal Approach to Force Restructuring

The ongoing conflict on the Sino-Indian border has highlighted the need for structural reforms in the Indian Army. This paper examines the impact of the Joint Doctrine of Indian Armed Forces, 2017 (JDIAF) and the Indian Army’s Land Warfare Doctrine, 2018 (LWD) on the development of the Indian Army’s tactical concepts, organisational structures, and the weapons and equipment profile. It discusses the importance of formulating a formal National

Reigning in a 'rogue' Army
Nov 03, 2014

Reigning in a 'rogue' Army

Chinese President Xi Ginping, who came calling in India recently, has been considered to be the strongest leader of rising China since Deng Xiaoping. But a spate of events has raised questions as to how powerful is he and if he is really in control of the vast PLA.

Terror attacks: Repeated wake-up calls for the Army
Dec 06, 2016

Terror attacks: Repeated wake-up calls for the Army

The attack that killed seven military personnel in Nagrota is a loud wake up call for the Indian Army

The Army's law can be harsh but going soft can make things worse
May 30, 2018

The Army's law can be harsh but going soft can make things worse

Major Leetul Gogoi was commended when he broke the law by taking a Kashmiri civilian hostage. Now, the army is holding a second court of inquiry for another alleged act of indiscipline or worse.

The Bangladesh Army: Documenting its Corporate Interests
Nov 24, 2010

The Bangladesh Army: Documenting its Corporate Interests

Little is known and even less understood about the 2,00,000-strong Bangladesh Army's corporate interests. The importance of the subject owes itself to the fact that the army has been a veritable power of stability in a country that has been dogged by decades of unending political turmoil. The fact that the Army had to step in to keep the country from slipping into a political abyss in 2006 underlines the criticality of its role in providing stabi

The Case for Nurturing Military Scientists in the Indian Army
Jun 24, 2021

The Case for Nurturing Military Scientists in the Indian Army

Many countries across the world are harnessing disruptive technology to maintain technological superiority over their adversaries. Research and development (R&D) organisations are key to this task. In the defence sector, focused R&D drives critical innovations and product development. India continues to lag in defence technology and remains dependent on imports. A crucial impediment is long product development cycles. Under the cu

The Pakistani army planning something against India
May 08, 2015

The Pakistani army planning something against India

It is not the first time that the Pakistan army has accused the R&AW of fomenting trouble in Pakistan. India should be cautious of what lies behind this seemingly sudden provocation. The Pakistan army prepares the ground for a major attack against India and its assets by raising the pitch of allegations to whip up public support at home. This has been the case in the past, including the Mumbai attacks of 2008.

Vice President releases Indian Army Vision 2020
Apr 29, 2008

Vice President releases Indian Army Vision 2020

Indian Army Vision 2020, the new publication of Observer Research Foundation, was released in Delhi on Tuesday (April 29, 2008) by the Vice President of India, Mr. Mohammed Hamid Ansari.

Will the brouhaha over Major Aditya help the Army?
Feb 14, 2018

Will the brouhaha over Major Aditya help the Army?

While Ms. Sitharaman’s flip-flops have seriously damaged the credibility of the Central Government, sadly the wishy-washy comments of the Northern Army Commander, as well as the lack of any public statement from the Army Chief in support of his troops, has not helped matters.

With Imran Khan ousted, Pakistan Army will have a salient role in Islamabad
Apr 12, 2022

With Imran Khan ousted, Pakistan Army will have a salient role in Islamabad

For Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, the foremost challenge will be to handle the economic crisis and keeping the political alliance intact. The incoming government will face a strong opposition from Imran Khan and his PTI, who are masters at street campaigning

Air Power in Joint Operations: A Game Changer in a Limited Conflict with China
Jun 26, 2020

Air Power in Joint Operations: A Game Changer in a Limited Conflict with China

Any future limited conflict between India and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) will primarily be fought in a high-altitude environment along parts of the 4,000-km-long Line of Actual Control (LAC). With the Indian Army likely to be constrained by the terrain and numerical parity to fight a largely positional battle with limited mobility and offensive options, air power offers several asymmetric opportunities to create operational advantages

America's Summer of Discontent
Aug 30, 2005

America's Summer of Discontent

One grieving mother camping outside the ranch where President Bush is on vacation has made her countrymen sit up and introspect about the war the US is waging in Iraq. Cindy Sheehan, mother of army specialist Casey Sheehan who died in the Sadr City section of Baghdad on April 4, 2004, and other family members who too have lost their loved ones, have become the new face of opposition to the war in Iraq.

An interaction with US Congressional Staff
May 01, 2013

An interaction with US Congressional Staff

The US Congressional Staff was pointed out that though Pakistan's political machinery is willing to work with all parties, including India, on Afghanistan, the army apparatus and the ISI still remains a liability. These factors must be taken into account while US deals with Pakistan.

Angels and Demons: Rescuing Kashmir
Sep 10, 2014

Angels and Demons: Rescuing Kashmir

The Indian Army and the much-vilified social media is coming to the rescue of hapless victims of unprecedented flood in J&K. The use of social media for malicious purposes is proven. The use of the medium to incite and radicalise is also rampant. Yet it is a force for good as we saw this past week. Challenge and vilify the user, do not condemn the tool.

Armed drones in Indian military: Can machines understand the rules of war?
Jan 11, 2023

Armed drones in Indian military: Can machines understand the rules of war?

Despite their growing usage in armed conflict, artificially intelligent unmanned combat systems raise questions of law, ethics and accountability

As China signals the coming of a combat-ready and modern military, India must take heed
Oct 30, 2017

As China signals the coming of a combat-ready and modern military, India must take heed

At the congress of the Communist Party of China last week, Xi Jinping announced reforms for the People’s Liberation Army.

ASAT: An asymmetrical response capability vs China?
Mar 30, 2019

ASAT: An asymmetrical response capability vs China?

As China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) continues to undertake significant organisational reforms, the asymmetric inequalities between the Indian military and PLA are set to widen.

Assessing the Submarine Training Capacity of the Chinese Navy
Nov 12, 2024

Assessing the Submarine Training Capacity of the Chinese Navy

China is building nuclear submarines at an estimated rate of 4.5 to six per year. These are in addition to the two or three conventional submarines it has been commissioning each year. Submarines in general and nuclear boats in particular, apart from being expensive to construct and maintain, require highly trained crews to operate. It is therefore imperative for the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy to invest in such capabilities to be able

Baluchistan on the boil
Jan 04, 2006

Baluchistan on the boil

Pakistan¿s largest province, Baluchistan, is again on the boil. Two rocket firing incidents took place in early December, 2005. The first incident involved firing on a helicopter carrying the Inspector-General of the Frontier Corps. In the second, a rocket was fired at a public meeting addressed by Gen Pervez Musharraf at Kohlu. These incidents appear to have provided an immediate provocation to launch an operation by the Pakistan Army and the F

Beijing's Afghan role
Dec 17, 2014

Beijing's Afghan role

China has good relations with most of Afghanistan's neighbours, including Iran, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. But it is Beijing's emerging partnership with the Pakistan army in Afghanistan that is the most interesting new element in the region.

Beyond Cyber Fires and Ukraine: PLASSF Impact on a Sino-Indian Conventional War
Sep 01, 2023

Beyond Cyber Fires and Ukraine: PLASSF Impact on a Sino-Indian Conventional War

The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war has served as a laboratory test to assess the effectiveness of Cyber Warfare (CW) capabilities. It would be misleading, however, to extrapolate sweeping conclusions from this conflict about the relative ineffectiveness of CW. Rather, diligence should be exercised by Indian strategic and military planners in assessing the CW capabilities of the People’s Liberation Army Strategic Support Force (PLASSF) and enhancing