Search: For - America

974 results found

CyberSpace governance: The American approach
Oct 04, 2013

CyberSpace governance: The American approach

The US has become more proactive in engaging with the international community to address cyberSpace challenges ever since the policy shift in 2009. However, it still maintains its opposition to the need for an international treaty to govern cyberSpace.

Facing China threat, Vietnam seeks American balance
Jun 05, 2013

Facing China threat, Vietnam seeks American balance

Vietnam's self-assured pursuit of a complex balance of power strategy could be a model for other medium powers in Asia who are deeply concerned about the rise of China, want Washington to balance Beijing, but are reluctant to become formal military allies of the United States.

Gearing up for space wars: on America's plans to build space weapons
Jul 02, 2018

Gearing up for space wars: on America's plans to build space weapons

The implications of the American plans for a space weapons corps are still unclear

God and the ballot: Religion and voting patterns in America
Aug 03, 2015

God and the ballot: Religion and voting patterns in America

The US constitution builds a wall of separation between the church and the state, interpreted as prohibiting the state from meddling into the affairs of the church and vice versa. However, this constitutional provision cannot negate the church's influence in impacting who gets elected as President.

How America is hastily exiting Afghanistan, leaving it to the the Taliban, China and Pakistan
Feb 01, 2019

How America is hastily exiting Afghanistan, leaving it to the the Taliban, China and Pakistan

Even a flawed Afghan government will be better than the Taliban rule, but the US appears to accept any deal in a hurry to get its "boots on the ground" out of Afghanistan.

India and Latin America: Where ignorance is not bliss
Sep 12, 2017

India and Latin America: Where ignorance is not bliss

India and South America have barely managed to maintain minimal bilateral ties for the last several decades. Absent strong ties in geography, what India and South America have instead is a shared post-colonial history. Colonised by European powers for several centuries, both began their journey as independent countries under conditions of underdevelopment and having inexperienced polities with a limited foreign policy agenda. Today, it is not onl

India has failed to cash in on its relationship with America
Feb 04, 2014

India has failed to cash in on its relationship with America

There is a significant difference between the texture of the relationship that the US enjoys with other democracies like UK, Germany, France and Japan, and the one it has with India. And neither are we able to cash in on it to the extent the Chinese and the Pakistanis managed.

Institutionalising India-US defence ties in American legislative precedents
Feb 26, 2019

Institutionalising India-US defence ties in American legislative precedents

This brief probes the role of the current 116th US Congress in strengthening India-US relations in the realm of defence trade and technology transfers. The analysis is done in the context of the Trump administration’s relaxation of arms export policies, as well as a rise in conservative nationalism which abhors arming partner nations that prolong US conflicts overseas. Furthermore, as the Democrat-majority House of Representatives appropriates

Iran cautions against trying to make America great again
Dec 05, 2016

Iran cautions against trying to make America great again

Iran Foreign Minister Dr Mohammad Javad Zarif delivered a special address on “Fighting against Terrorism and Extremism as a Global Menace” an event report

Is the American dream over?
Aug 08, 2011

Is the American dream over?

If Barack Obama can match his oratorical skills with decisive action and emulate Roosevelt's bold economic measures and the Star Wars programme of Ronald Reagan, America can well embark on the path to economic recovery at home and overcome the strategic challenges that threaten its once pre-eminent global position.

Latin American Investments in India: Successes and Failures
Jun 28, 2021

Latin American Investments in India: Successes and Failures

Latin American companies that have invested in India since the 1990s have had varied experiences: some have achieved considerable success and remain in business, while a number of them have exited. This paper is a primer on enterprises from the Latin American region that have engaged the Indian market in the past 30 years. It finds three key factors that have pulled these businesses into India: the country’s myriad value chains, the massive con

Learning from the 'new American'
Jun 21, 2004

Learning from the 'new American'

The successive torture and slaying of individual Americans in Iraq, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere in the Gulf region has a new message for the civilized world. Whatever be the rationale behind the decision-making at the governmental-level, the average American is ready for a long engagement with terrorism and terrorists.

Life after American raids on Pak posts
Dec 06, 2011

Life after American raids on Pak posts

The United States wants a higher strategic relationship with India, which does not include agreeing with Indian views on Pakistan. Our participation in the Bonn conference should bear this in mind.

Look beyond Brazil in Latin America: Expert
Mar 10, 2018

Look beyond Brazil in Latin America: Expert

Several misconceptions exist in India about Latin America and the Caribbean Islands. India’s knowledge of these countries is restricted to news coverage.

Majority of Americans disapprove of Obama's foreign policy
Apr 01, 2014

Majority of Americans disapprove of Obama's foreign policy

Talking about Americans' perceptions about the Obama administration's foreign policy, Mr Bruce Stokes, Director for Global Economic Attitudes at Pew Research Center, US, said 53% of Americans disapproved of his handling of foreign policy.

Maldives: Caught in Russo-American tiff, post-Cold War
Jul 11, 2014

Maldives: Caught in Russo-American tiff, post-Cold War

Through a deft post facto damage-control, the Government of President Abdulla Yameen seems to have diffused and warded off - at least for the time being - what threatened to be a major diplomatic incident for Maldives, and involving the US and Russia,

Modi can't take India-America ties for granted with US President Trump
Jun 06, 2017

Modi can't take India-America ties for granted with US President Trump

New Delhi is going through the motions of pretending everything is normal.

Modi's America
Sep 24, 2014

Modi's America

India must improve relations with both Washington and Beijing and not limit ties with one because of the other. India, as Modi says, has the bandwidth to engage both China and the US. The objective must be to build India's comprehensive national power through whatever cooperation is possible with both America and China.

North Korea vs America: क्‍या उत्‍तर कोरिया की मिसाइलों की जद में है अमेरिका
Oct 08, 2022

North Korea vs America: क्‍या उत्‍तर कोरिया की मिसाइलों की जद में है अमेरिका

आइए जानते हैं कि उत्‍तर कोरिया के इस मिसाइल परीक्षण का मकसद क्‍या है. क्‍या उसकी मिसाइलों की मारक क्षमता अमेरिका तक है. आखिर उत्‍तर कोरिया अपने मिसाइल परीक्षण से अमेरिका को

Obama and Muslim anti Americanism
Nov 12, 2012

Obama and Muslim anti Americanism

Hard line Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu must know a few things about Andalusia, of which Cordoba was once the capital. His father Professor Benzion Netanyahu specialized in the history of the Jews in Spain!

Obama must win even if America loses
Dec 31, 2009

Obama must win even if America loses

The inadequacy of Barack Obama's Afghanistan and Pakistan strategy stems from the exigencies of the calendar of the next presidential elections in America,

Obama's second innings: Reinventing America
Jan 24, 2013

Obama's second innings: Reinventing America

Even as the United States tries to retract from being labelled the global policeman, it still cannot ignore the calls that come from being the sole superpower in the world, notwithstanding debates about its relative decline.

Pivot to America
Jan 21, 2013

Pivot to America

If President Obama stays the current realist course on foreign policy, resists the liberal temptation to intervene everywhere, sustains the focus on rejuvenating America, the world will be dealing with a very different America.

Redrawing India-Latin America Relations in the 21st Century
Apr 19, 2023

Redrawing India-Latin America Relations in the 21st Century

India and Latin America have never been more economically relevant to each other than they are today, with trade reaching an all-time high of US$50 billion in 2022. Key to improved economic ties in the recent few years is the heightened political will on both sides. Today there is a sense of optimism that India and the countries of Latin America can continue on this upward trajectory in the coming years of the 21st century. While the private sect

Seasoned faces who could aid the return of America
Dec 02, 2020

Seasoned faces who could aid the return of America

In line with his agenda of restoring America’s place in the world, Biden is banking on Obama-era liberal internationalists

The art of the deal with America
Jan 29, 2015

The art of the deal with America

To understand the strategic significance of the second summit meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Barack Obama, it is necessary to look beyond the very important and tangible outcomes that the two leaders have unveiled.

The decline of America
Mar 23, 2010

The decline of America

The decline has gone unnoticed because of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War

The Global Governance of the Energy Transition: Lessons for the Indo-Pacific and Latin America
Jul 03, 2024

The Global Governance of the Energy Transition: Lessons for the Indo-Pacific and Latin America

Amid disruptive international crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing war in Ukraine, ensuring a secure energy supply for development requires focused efforts by individual countries and the international community. This report examines the global governance of the energy transition from the perspectives of the Latin American and Indo-Pacific regions. Despite their geographic distance, the two regions share similarities in their econ

The great American betrayal
Mar 11, 2013

The great American betrayal

The Obama Administration is putting it out as though the withdrawal is a great achievement. But the reality is shoddier - we are witnessing yet another western retreat from Afghanistan, one that can have baleful consequences for others.

The last lap of America’s Presidential polls
Oct 21, 2020

The last lap of America’s Presidential polls

The US election is just two weeks away. While it is still unpredictable, the probability of Trump winning is getting lower due to a variety of reasons

The unravelling of Pax Americana
Aug 25, 2021

The unravelling of Pax Americana

Afghanistan has eroded US power and credibility. A transactional America will now encounter transactional friends

The upside down world of America the turbulent
Nov 29, 2017

The upside down world of America the turbulent

Trump’s rise symbolises the US’s polarised polity, but he is only the manifestation of the disease, not its cause.