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8688 results found

Bike-sharing’s new life in China after lockdown
Oct 09, 2020

Bike-sharing’s new life in China after lockdown

Because of the pandemic, shared vehicles are edging into the mainstream, slowly overtaking public transport and private cars as the favoured way of tr

Women and Tech: How 2020 spotlights the digital divide
Oct 08, 2020

Women and Tech: How 2020 spotlights the digital divide

Digital divides have traditionally been associated with the “connected — unconnected” binary around the world, considering only one aspect of th

Data localisation in emerging markets: The case of Turkey
Oct 07, 2020

Data localisation in emerging markets: The case of Turkey

Data localisation requirements under Turkish law have so far been sector-specific and, hence, limited in scope.

Afghanistan: Intra-Afghan talks and the challenges ahead
Oct 07, 2020

Afghanistan: Intra-Afghan talks and the challenges ahead

The American endgame in Afghanistan is driven by the need to save face after suffering a military defeat at the hands of insurgents, with or without a

Bangladesh: A positive boost to relationship with India
Oct 07, 2020

Bangladesh: A positive boost to relationship with India

The meeting has paved way for further interaction among the top leadership of the two countries.

हागिया सोफ़िया के बहाने: तुर्की की विदेश नीति में ‘नव-ऑटोमनवाद’ की लहर
Oct 06, 2020

हागिया सोफ़िया के बहाने: तुर्की की विदेश नीति में ‘नव-ऑटोमनवाद’ की लहर

एर्दोगान की इस्लामिक तुर्की को पुनर्जीवित करने की उपद्र�

The menace of building collapses in urban India
Oct 05, 2020

The menace of building collapses in urban India

Solutions to the problem are pretty obvious. The first step is to set the policy right. Governments have to begin by scrapping the rent laws as they s

Governance through the digital disruption of democracy
Oct 05, 2020

Governance through the digital disruption of democracy

In order to save democracy from our own digital tools, we need to adopt a new model of governing digitally — public leaders must take a systemic app

Germany takes view of the Indo-Pacific
Oct 01, 2020

Germany takes view of the Indo-Pacific

Germany is the second EU country to have an Indo-Pacific policy after France — which views itself as an Indian Ocean country. Germany seeks to be pa

Education and capacity building in Africa: The story of two competing Asian giants
Oct 01, 2020

Education and capacity building in Africa: The story of two competing Asian giants

Both India and China have largely played on two different planks.

Pakistan: Growing influence on Taliban may cast shadow on Afghan peace talks
Sep 30, 2020

Pakistan: Growing influence on Taliban may cast shadow on Afghan peace talks

Calls for immediate ceasefire for a comprehensive political solution have fallen flat. Seemingly because Pakistan has used the Taliban as a lever to k

Defying the Odds: Pakistan’s coronavirus story
Sep 29, 2020

Defying the Odds: Pakistan’s coronavirus story

The virus has affected over 25 million people across 213 countries. Governments and citizens alike have had to adapt to the crisis. Pakistan’s story

Water futures market for the hydrological future of South Asia
Sep 29, 2020

Water futures market for the hydrological future of South Asia

The risk associated with water availability gets complicated with global warming and climate change. This affects the scarcity value of water, and eve

The foreign policy dimension of the US presidential election
Sep 29, 2020

The foreign policy dimension of the US presidential election

Whoever wins the November election, the structural constraints that affect US foreign policy behaviour will remain. China will remain a key rival, rel

Gendered public transport as an essential service during the pandemic
Sep 28, 2020

Gendered public transport as an essential service during the pandemic

A gendered understanding of travelling patterns and behaviour trends can help in designing and implementing more equitable policies and efficient mean

After Male's defence pact with US, India needs to check over-crowding of Indian Ocean strategic space
Sep 22, 2020

After Male's defence pact with US, India needs to check over-crowding of Indian Ocean strategic space

There is a real possibility of the neighbourhood Indian Ocean waters getting over-crowded sooner or later with defence pacts and multiple navies criss

Myanmar: Covid-19 second wave deadlier than the first?
Sep 22, 2020

Myanmar: Covid-19 second wave deadlier than the first?

Authorities need to increase testing capacities.

महामारी के बाद न्यू नॉर्मल: लोगों को दें बचत करने की व्यवहारिक प्रेरणा
Sep 22, 2020

महामारी के बाद न्यू नॉर्मल: लोगों को दें बचत करने की व्यवहारिक प्रेरणा

बचत अर्थव्यवस्था की एक महत्वपूर्ण ख़ासियत है जो व्यक्ति

The Taliban’s political strategy
Sep 19, 2020

The Taliban’s political strategy

As negotiations begin and Afghans wait with baited-breath — the future of Afghanistan remains uncertain. The US is ready to leave, the Kabul governm

Industrial production remains in contraction zone, needs urgent support
Sep 16, 2020

Industrial production remains in contraction zone, needs urgent support

Any delay in taking a proactive approach on the part of the government can prove to be fatal.

मुंबई: सोशल हाउसिंग में बहुत मददगार हो सकता है धारावी री-डेवलपमेंट प्लान
Sep 15, 2020

मुंबई: सोशल हाउसिंग में बहुत मददगार हो सकता है धारावी री-डेवलपमेंट प्लान

मुंबई के भूगोल की जटिलता के साथ-साथ इसकी बेतहाशा बढ़ती आब�

Saving lives on the world’s fourth-largest railway network
Sep 10, 2020

Saving lives on the world’s fourth-largest railway network

The loss of lives of nearly 10,000 people in “untoward incidents” annually on the Indian Railway network should no longer be allowed to remain as

Nudge to save: The new normal post the pandemic
Sep 09, 2020

Nudge to save: The new normal post the pandemic

Savings is an important feature of the economy, affecting both — the individual and economy’s macroeconomic factors.

Demographic planning for cities
Sep 08, 2020

Demographic planning for cities

The megacities of India have multiplied their populations way beyond the projections arrived at by population studies undertaken by demographic expert

“ग़रीबों की GDP” के लिए पर्यावरण संरक्षण को हर किसी से जोड़ना होगा
Sep 03, 2020

“ग़रीबों की GDP” के लिए पर्यावरण संरक्षण को हर किसी से जोड़ना होगा

विकास एक बहुआयामी तथ्य है जिसके लिए संस्थानों, प्रक्रिया

India unlocks with road rage
Sep 02, 2020

India unlocks with road rage

As India gradually opens up after the lockdown, the gains from the MV Act seem to be unravelling as we seem to be going back to our old normal of cong

कमज़ोर होते राष्ट्र और आक्रामक राष्ट्रवाद की अंतरराष्ट्रीय लहर
Aug 31, 2020

कमज़ोर होते राष्ट्र और आक्रामक राष्ट्रवाद की अंतरराष्ट्रीय लहर

एक कमजोर लचर और लाचार हो चुकी तंत्र व्यवस्था की पतंगबाज़�

The ‘Crore Commanders’ of Pakistan army
Aug 30, 2020

The ‘Crore Commanders’ of Pakistan army

While post-retirement employment is not illegal, there are serious questions of propriety and conflict of interest that crop up, especially when the g

The elusive watersheds of Ladakh: Explaining India and China’s missing border
Aug 26, 2020

The elusive watersheds of Ladakh: Explaining India and China’s missing border

On top of the violence and upheaval of Partition, the integration of more than 550 princely states, and a war with Pakistan over Kashmir, the British

Urban Affairs in the Pandemic Era
Aug 25, 2020

Urban Affairs in the Pandemic Era

In the month of August this year, India has recorded about 60,000 to 70,000 Covid-19 positive cases every day, and the total number of cases has cross

Pie in the sky: The artificial ace
Aug 23, 2020

Pie in the sky: The artificial ace

A spectacular dogfight scoreline is tantalising, but still leaves a lot unsaid about the future of AI and autonomous warfare.

Brazil’s COVID-19 response and regional dynamics
Aug 21, 2020

Brazil’s COVID-19 response and regional dynamics

Multiple social issues, such as rising crimes, poverty and lack of education have made it difficult to contain the spread of the pandemic and spread a

Eight months of COVID-19 in the US, through the lens of Anthony Fauci
Aug 19, 2020

Eight months of COVID-19 in the US, through the lens of Anthony Fauci

As long as you have any member of society, any demographic group, who is not seriously trying to get to the endgame of suppressing this, it will conti

Amalgamating small cogs in the giant tech machine: Three lessons for regulators following the Congressional hearings
Aug 13, 2020

Amalgamating small cogs in the giant tech machine: Three lessons for regulators following the Congressional hearings

The prevailing school of thought on antitrust laws cannot reign in Big Tech. Focus should be given to other forms of anti-competitive behaviour.

Why increased activism has not translated into global women’s empowerment
Aug 12, 2020

Why increased activism has not translated into global women’s empowerment

India has hardly ever seen a purely women-driven movement where women have been the pioneers of a development and have stood up for a cause all by the

क्या नदियों के भी क़ानूनी अधिकार होने चाहिए?
Aug 11, 2020

क्या नदियों के भी क़ानूनी अधिकार होने चाहिए?

नदियों के अस्तित्व में इस नये आयाम को जोड़ने का अर्थ ये हो

Article 370: Ushering in the new normal
Aug 10, 2020

Article 370: Ushering in the new normal

Even those who had built their careers around the old institutional framework seems to have adjusted to the ‘new normal’ where the real stakeholde

Salvaging Lebanon
Aug 10, 2020

Salvaging Lebanon

The lack of a strong governmental architecture may not be the fault of Lebanon alone, but the corruption is.

भारत-अमेरिका नौदल सहकार्याचे वर्तुळ
Aug 07, 2020

भारत-अमेरिका नौदल सहकार्याचे वर्तुळ

भारत-अमेरिका नौदल सहकार्याने हुरळून न जाता आपण अधिक सावध

US-UK actions on China and the skewed ‘special relationship’
Aug 06, 2020

US-UK actions on China and the skewed ‘special relationship’

Although London’s actions on Hong Kong and Huawei suggest a renewed US-UK alignment against China, it also exacerbates Washington’s asymmetric pul

J&K one year later: Not quite a success (Part II)
Aug 06, 2020

J&K one year later: Not quite a success (Part II)

The first part of this article examined the security and political in J&K, one year after August 5th. This, second part, looks the development sce

Trump’s Central Asia policy
Aug 04, 2020

Trump’s Central Asia policy

Does the US in general, and the Trump administration in particular, have a differing approach towards Central Asia developing their relations with Rus