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#One China Policy: चीनी तारीफ़ से नहीं पिघला भारत, ताइवान पर दी सधी हुई प्रतिक्रिया!
Aug 16, 2022

#One China Policy: चीनी तारीफ़ से नहीं पिघला भारत, ताइवान पर दी सधी हुई प्रतिक्रिया!

चीन ने कहा है कि भारत वन चाइना को मान्‍यता देने वाले पहले �

The Office of the President @75
Aug 15, 2022

The Office of the President @75

Though the President does not enjoy the same level of power that is available to the PM, the President, nonetheless, can control certain key aspects o

Decentralisation @75: How the third-tier institutions have deepened India’s Democracy?
Aug 15, 2022

Decentralisation @75: How the third-tier institutions have deepened India’s Democracy?

Despite many structural shortfalls, the 73rd and the 74th Amendments were able to create critical democratic space for these underrepresented groups s

Civil-military relations in Independent India
Aug 15, 2022

Civil-military relations in Independent India

What explains India’s success in keeping the military out of politics, and how have civil-military relations fared in Independent India?

Asymmetric development geometries and SDGs
Aug 12, 2022

Asymmetric development geometries and SDGs

The global shortages in resources have had skewed effects on the developed and the developing world, with the latter finding it more challenging to

पावना: एक अनूठा सामुदायिक माहवारी स्वच्छता अभियान
Aug 10, 2022

पावना: एक अनूठा सामुदायिक माहवारी स्वच्छता अभियान

‘पावना’ पहल के अंतर्गत तीन सिद्धांतों – पहुंच, जागरूकता �

पावना: एक अनूठा सामुदायिक माहवारी स्वच्छता अभियान
Aug 10, 2022

पावना: एक अनूठा सामुदायिक माहवारी स्वच्छता अभियान

‘पावना’ पहल के अंतर्गत तीन सिद्धांतों – पहुंच, जागरूकता �

Pavna: A unique community-based menstrual hygiene programme
Aug 08, 2022

Pavna: A unique community-based menstrual hygiene programme

The initiative envisages ensuring universal menstrual hygiene through indigenous strategies, based on three principles: Access, Awareness, and Accepta

क्या अर्जेंटीना आर्थिक संकट से बच पाएगा?
Aug 05, 2022

क्या अर्जेंटीना आर्थिक संकट से बच पाएगा?

अर्जेंटीना के आर्थिक संकट की तरफ़ तुरंत राजनीतिक ध्यान द

Can Argentina avoid an economic crisis?
Aug 03, 2022

Can Argentina avoid an economic crisis?

Immediate political attention needs to be paid to the economic woes of Argentina that have been exacerbated by the lingering effects of the pandemic a

17वां CII-एग्ज़िम बैंक कॉन्क्लेव: भारत-अफ़्रीका विकास भागीदारी की संभावना
Jul 30, 2022

17वां CII-एग्ज़िम बैंक कॉन्क्लेव: भारत-अफ़्रीका विकास भागीदारी की संभावना

हाल ही में भारत में संपन्न CII-एग्ज़िम बैंक कॉन्क्लेव से व्�

China Rattling Sabres Over Speaker Pelosi’s Proposed Trip to Taiwan
Jul 27, 2022

China Rattling Sabres Over Speaker Pelosi’s Proposed Trip to Taiwan

China, keen to demonstrate that it is more powerful than Russia, has issued dire warnings to Washington against Pelosi’s visit

Five challenges before India’s G20 Presidency
Jul 27, 2022

Five challenges before India’s G20 Presidency

In a sharply-divided grouping, India needs to turn conflicted values into shared interests.

The 17th CII-EXIM Bank Conclave: The prospects of India-Africa Growth Partnership
Jul 25, 2022

The 17th CII-EXIM Bank Conclave: The prospects of India-Africa Growth Partnership

The recently-held CII-EXIM Bank Conclave in India indicates the keenness to enhance the Indo-Africa ties via trade and entrepreneurial initiatives.

#GST के पांच साल: भारत के वित्तीय संघवाद पर पड़ने वाला असर?
Jul 25, 2022

#GST के पांच साल: भारत के वित्तीय संघवाद पर पड़ने वाला असर?

GST व्यवस्था लागू होने के पिछले पांच वर्षों के दौरान हमने द�

Pakistan: Aftermath of a destabilising verdict
Jul 23, 2022

Pakistan: Aftermath of a destabilising verdict

Pakistan further descends into chaos as the recent bye-elections send shockwaves throughout the political and economic domains.

The Russia-Ukraine War, Economic Sanctions, and Global Headwinds
Jul 22, 2022

The Russia-Ukraine War, Economic Sanctions, and Global Headwinds

The negative impact of the Russia-Ukraine war and attendant economic sanctions have been seen in different parts of the world, raising a new set of ch

Super Hornets may pip Rafales in Indian Navy’s Carrier-based Fighter Aircraft Procurement
Jul 22, 2022

Super Hornets may pip Rafales in Indian Navy’s Carrier-based Fighter Aircraft Procurement

Purchase of F/A-18 Super Hornets can herald the beginning of a closer long-term relationship with the US, which shall be beneficial for India and espe

भारत का रक्षा बज़ट: नौसेना और उसका आत्मनिर्भर भारत मिशन
Jul 22, 2022

भारत का रक्षा बज़ट: नौसेना और उसका आत्मनिर्भर भारत मिशन

भारतीय नौसेना को लेकर बज़ट की कमी इसके स्वदेशीकरण और नवी�

भारत का रक्षा बज़ट: नौसेना और उसका आत्मनिर्भर भारत मिशन
Jul 22, 2022

भारत का रक्षा बज़ट: नौसेना और उसका आत्मनिर्भर भारत मिशन

भारतीय नौसेना को लेकर बज़ट की कमी इसके स्वदेशीकरण और नवी�

The growing narcotrafficking in Central Asia
Jul 20, 2022

The growing narcotrafficking in Central Asia

A crackdown on narcotrafficking in Central Asia seems imperative as the recent Taliban takeover of Afghanistan and the Ukraine crisis has worsened the

Shinzo Abe: A statesman who saw the future
Jul 20, 2022

Shinzo Abe: A statesman who saw the future

Shinzo Abe’s astute policies on both international and domestic fronts have left an indelible impression on the world.

The road to Smart City planning: A historical co-evolution of urban planning and information systems
Jul 20, 2022

The road to Smart City planning: A historical co-evolution of urban planning and information systems

The internet and urban planning have been historically interrelated and has influenced each other’s development.

Monkeypox epidemic: Ignoring Africa comes at a price
Jul 18, 2022

Monkeypox epidemic: Ignoring Africa comes at a price

Addressing rather than neglecting the crises in Africa is the only viable option which can help us avoid another epidemic and tackle the ongoing ones.

India’s defence budget: The navy and its Atmanirbhar Bharat Mission
Jul 16, 2022

India’s defence budget: The navy and its Atmanirbhar Bharat Mission

The budgetary restrictions on the Indian Navy stifle the indigenisation and innovation process.

After Abe: Implications for India
Jul 16, 2022

After Abe: Implications for India

As the leader who gave an impetus to forge closer ties between Japan and New Delhi, Shinzo Abe’s death comes as a blow for India.

The US and changing geopolitics of the Red Sea
Jul 16, 2022

The US and changing geopolitics of the Red Sea

A great power scramble for the Red Sea region is witnessed as recent geopolitical events have boosted the strategic relevance of the region.

Unrest in Uzbekistan: Karakalpaks oppose constitutional reforms
Jul 14, 2022

Unrest in Uzbekistan: Karakalpaks oppose constitutional reforms

The recent constitutional amendments proposed by the Mirziyoyev administration have led to widespread protests in Karakalpakstan.

#IMF: अंतरराष्ट्रीय मुद्रा कोष की मदद से संकटग्रस्त श्रीलंका का कितना भला हो पाता?
Jul 13, 2022

#IMF: अंतरराष्ट्रीय मुद्रा कोष की मदद से संकटग्रस्त श्रीलंका का कितना भला हो पाता?

इस क्राइसिस से जो संदेश मिला, वो यह कि जब एक अच्छी अर्थव्य�

Prevailing protests: Economic crisis in Ecuador
Jul 12, 2022

Prevailing protests: Economic crisis in Ecuador

Country-wide protests over fuel and food prices have broken out in Ecuador as it descends into an economic crisis.

Global Food Crisis:  A looming catastrophe
Jul 11, 2022

Global Food Crisis:  A looming catastrophe

Global challenges such as the pandemic and the Ukraine crisis have worsened the food crisis in recent years.

Reconciliatory dragon: Easing tech crackdown for strategic reasons
Jul 11, 2022

Reconciliatory dragon: Easing tech crackdown for strategic reasons

PRC regulators have eased their crackdown as companies are open to advancing PRC objectives abroad.

Bridging the gaping holes in public policy
Jul 08, 2022

Bridging the gaping holes in public policy

As multiple curve balls hit in the form of the pandemic and the Ukraine crisis, the government would have to help recover the economic damages rendere

ভারত এবং গালফের মধ্যে এক পরিহার্য বিবাদ
Jul 08, 2022

ভারত এবং গালফের মধ্যে এক পরিহার্য বিবাদ

বিজেপি মুখপাত্রের মন্তব্য কি অর্থনৈতিক ও কৌশলগত ভাবে গু�

The UN Charter can reconcile idealism and realism
Jul 07, 2022

The UN Charter can reconcile idealism and realism

The UN member states need to go beyond their narrow national outlook and allow globally agreed principles and values to go hand in hand with their nat

Dams as displacers: A heavy social cost to incur
Jul 04, 2022

Dams as displacers: A heavy social cost to incur

The hydropower projects in Myanmar are riddled with challenges, therefore, a more holistic approach needs to be adopted, making sure all the stakehold

Decade-long detention: Rohingyas in Myanmar camps
Jul 01, 2022

Decade-long detention: Rohingyas in Myanmar camps

The international rules-based order has failed the Rohingyas who now have spent 10 years in Myanmar detention camps.

India-Australia CECA: What is in store for Indian agriculture?
Jun 30, 2022

India-Australia CECA: What is in store for Indian agriculture?

In order to survive the competition posed by the Australian food sector in the level playing ground ushered by the CECA, the existing Indian agricultu

The possibility of a Chinese base in Cambodia: Reality, rationale, and impact
Jun 29, 2022

The possibility of a Chinese base in Cambodia: Reality, rationale, and impact

If a Chinese-funded military base were to come to Cambodia, it will affect regional security in the Southeast Asian region.

G7 सम्मेलन: एकध्रुवीय जमावड़े में बहुपक्षीयवाद के हक़ में खड़ा हिंदुस्तान!
Jun 28, 2022

G7 सम्मेलन: एकध्रुवीय जमावड़े में बहुपक्षीयवाद के हक़ में खड़ा हिंदुस्तान!

भारत और G7 के देशों के बीच अनेक स्तरों पर संवाद की प्रक्रिय�

Gender-based violence in private online spaces
Jun 23, 2022

Gender-based violence in private online spaces

With increasing gender-based violence in online spaces, the need of the hour is to have holistic user protection.

Pakistan economy: ‘Provisional’ budget, fanciful figures
Jun 23, 2022

Pakistan economy: ‘Provisional’ budget, fanciful figures

It has become apparent that Pakistan is on its way to be the next Sri Lanka as it struggles to stay afloat. 

How tourism in Sri Lanka went downhill: Causes and consequences
Jun 22, 2022

How tourism in Sri Lanka went downhill: Causes and consequences

How have the pandemic, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and Sri Lanka's current political turmoil hurt the country’s tourism sector?

The firewalking braves
Jun 20, 2022

The firewalking braves

The success of this new scheme can only be gauged once it has been implemented and tweaked over time.

The Agnipath scheme: Masked socio-political impact
Jun 20, 2022

The Agnipath scheme: Masked socio-political impact

The Agnipath scheme may come short on economic merit but could lead to a huge social change in the regimental system.

नेपाल के मौजूदा आर्थिक हालात, और उससे उपजी स्थितियों की पड़ताल!
Jun 20, 2022

नेपाल के मौजूदा आर्थिक हालात, और उससे उपजी स्थितियों की पड़ताल!

ख़राब शासन व्यवस्था और दोषपूर्ण नीतियों ने नेपाल के आर्थ