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प्रवाति नाइक: आदिवासी समुदायों का ‘डिजिटल सशक्तिकरण’
Oct 17, 2022

प्रवाति नाइक: आदिवासी समुदायों का ‘डिजिटल सशक्तिकरण’

जनजातीय समुदायों में तकनीक की समझ रखने वालों की तादाद अभ�

प्रवाति नाइक: आदिवासी समुदायों का ‘डिजिटल सशक्तिकरण’
Oct 17, 2022

प्रवाति नाइक: आदिवासी समुदायों का ‘डिजिटल सशक्तिकरण’

जनजातीय समुदायों में तकनीक की समझ रखने वालों की तादाद अभ�

Incumbent financiers Vs FinTechs: Why Indian financial regulators should not have favourites yet…
Oct 14, 2022

Incumbent financiers Vs FinTechs: Why Indian financial regulators should not have favourites yet…

The pace of digital innovation far outstrips regulatory oversight; a drastic change in regulatory considerations is the need of the hour

श्रीलंका: एशिया की भू-राजनीति से कैसे निपटेगा
Oct 13, 2022

श्रीलंका: एशिया की भू-राजनीति से कैसे निपटेगा

आईएमएफ की कठोर राहत पैकेज (बेलआउट) शर्तों और चीन के अलग दृ�

ASAT weapons: A real threat to the future of Space
Oct 11, 2022

ASAT weapons: A real threat to the future of Space

Counterspace capabilities such as ASAT weapons have been criticised for accentuating regional insecurities rather than diminishing the threats faced b

Electrifying Mobility in India: The Challenge of Petroleum Tax Revenue
Oct 11, 2022

Electrifying Mobility in India: The Challenge of Petroleum Tax Revenue

Alternate options for replacing petroleum revenue have not received the same level of attention that the promotion of electric mobility has received.

Sri Lanka: Navigating the geopolitics of Asia
Oct 07, 2022

Sri Lanka: Navigating the geopolitics of Asia

Given the IMF's stringent bailout conditions and China's distinct approach, Sri Lanka's road to economic recovery will be a long and arduous one

Russia and Eurasia: Can the region sustain its declining terrorism trend?
Oct 06, 2022

Russia and Eurasia: Can the region sustain its declining terrorism trend?

Since significant linkages between armed conflict and terrorism have been established, a question mark hangs on the ability of Russia and Eurasia to s

नए सीडीएस (CDS) की राह में कई चुनौतियां; एक साथ साधने होंगे एक से ज़्यादा निशाने!
Oct 06, 2022

नए सीडीएस (CDS) की राह में कई चुनौतियां; एक साथ साधने होंगे एक से ज़्यादा निशाने!

जिस प्रकार नए सीडीएस की नियुक्ति में सरकार ने इतना समय लि�

Monetary policy must be complemented by fiscal policy
Oct 03, 2022

Monetary policy must be complemented by fiscal policy

Fiscal policy must be leveraged to contain the impact of rising interest rates on growth.

India’s G20 Presidency and the Macroeconomic Dilemma
Oct 01, 2022

India’s G20 Presidency and the Macroeconomic Dilemma

To stave off the public debt crisis, a tailored long-term macroeconomic policy response is essential to address the challenges at hand.

Europe distances itself from China
Oct 01, 2022

Europe distances itself from China

The CPC's recent policies in China have made the country less attractive to European investors and it has no intention of changing its course.

Delhi’s Mohalla clinics: The first line of defence
Sep 29, 2022

Delhi’s Mohalla clinics: The first line of defence

Despite facing several challenges, Delhi’s mohalla clinics have been instrumental in providing healthcare services to the poor and underserved.

Democratising the Internet: Landscape of digital markets and its impact
Sep 28, 2022

Democratising the Internet: Landscape of digital markets and its impact

Decentralising the internet has always been about letting users have more power. India must align its regulations with global efforts that govern citi

भारत में घरेलू LPG की उपलब्धता में नया क्या है?
Sep 27, 2022

भारत में घरेलू LPG की उपलब्धता में नया क्या है?

अभी भी लगभग आधे भारतीय घरों में खाना बनाने के लिए जैव ईंधन

UNGA में शांति के पक्ष में भारत: कूटनीति और वार्ता ही रूस-यूक्रेन विवाद का हल
Sep 26, 2022

UNGA में शांति के पक्ष में भारत: कूटनीति और वार्ता ही रूस-यूक्रेन विवाद का हल

संयुक्‍त राष्‍ट्र महासभा में भारतीय विदेश मंत्री ने अपन�

Bangladesh-India hydro politics: Sweet deals and contentious issues
Sep 23, 2022

Bangladesh-India hydro politics: Sweet deals and contentious issues

Although Bangladesh and India have excelled in cooperation on several fronts, water sharing remains a bone of contention.

Meta-ethics of quantum technologies
Sep 23, 2022

Meta-ethics of quantum technologies

Despite having several advantages, quantum technologies can adversely impact national security. Ethical frameworks to regulate them must be put in pla

Water augmentation measures for Delhi
Sep 21, 2022

Water augmentation measures for Delhi

Delhi lacks adequate access to clean water and depends heavily on its neighbours' assistance to solve the issue.

An uphill climb for a potential SCO terrorism list
Sep 19, 2022

An uphill climb for a potential SCO terrorism list

The SCO, to build any probable list against terrorism will have to build a consensus on how to define it.

The democracy conundrum in Myanmar
Sep 15, 2022

The democracy conundrum in Myanmar

Myanmar's path to a disciplined democratic government is paved with obstacles set by the 2008 Constitution.

Will Sheikh Hasina's foreign policy boost her re-election bid?
Sep 15, 2022

Will Sheikh Hasina's foreign policy boost her re-election bid?

The ‘India factor’ has played an undeniable role in the Awami League's past electoral triumphs.

Will Sheikh Hasina’s foreign policy boost her re-election bid?
Sep 15, 2022

Will Sheikh Hasina’s foreign policy boost her re-election bid?

The ‘India factor’ has played an undeniable role in the Awami League's past electoral triumphs.

नेटो का पूर्वी विस्तार : क्या रूस-यूक्रेन युद्ध से बचा जा सकता था?
Sep 07, 2022

नेटो का पूर्वी विस्तार : क्या रूस-यूक्रेन युद्ध से बचा जा सकता था?

अगर पुराने टकरावों से ज़ाहिर हुईं रूसी सुरक्षा चिंताओं क

The OHCHR report: Exposing atrocities in Xinjiang
Sep 05, 2022

The OHCHR report: Exposing atrocities in Xinjiang

The report, which was released despite mounting pressure from China, reveals grave violations against Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities in Xinjiang

INS Vikrant and Maritime Operations
Sep 03, 2022

INS Vikrant and Maritime Operations

The aircraft carrier is key to India’s maritime diplomacy and power projection in the Indian Ocean

NATO’s eastern expansion: Was the Russo-Ukrainian War avoidable?
Sep 02, 2022

NATO’s eastern expansion: Was the Russo-Ukrainian War avoidable?

The Russo-Ukrainian War could have been avoided if Russian security concerns that were spelt out by previous conflicts were addressed.

Rashtriya Poshan Maah: Addressing malnutrition in children
Sep 02, 2022

Rashtriya Poshan Maah: Addressing malnutrition in children

As part of this year’s Poshan Maah, a plethora of activities have been initiated at the district levels to address malnutrition amongst women and ch

साइबरस्पेस में अवतार: वर्चुअल शख़्सियत के अधिकार और जवाबदेही की पड़ताल!
Sep 02, 2022

साइबरस्पेस में अवतार: वर्चुअल शख़्सियत के अधिकार और जवाबदेही की पड़ताल!

साइबरस्पेस के आदर्शवाद या प्रयोगकर्ताओं के वजूद से जुड़�

BRICS’ reserve currency: An attempt to reduce the dollar's dominance?
Sep 01, 2022

BRICS’ reserve currency: An attempt to reduce the dollar's dominance?

Whilst Russia and China are leading de-dollarisation initiatives due to their geopolitical rivalry with the US, India, Brazil, and South Africa have s

The Hypersonic Potential of India-Russia Military-Technical Cooperation
Aug 31, 2022

The Hypersonic Potential of India-Russia Military-Technical Cooperation

With an increasingly belligerent China having demonstrated its hypersonic capabilities and the distinct possibility of proliferation to Pakistan, Indi

17वां CII-एग्ज़िम बैंक कॉन्क्लेव: भारत-अफ़्रीका विकास भागीदारी की संभावना
Aug 30, 2022

17वां CII-एग्ज़िम बैंक कॉन्क्लेव: भारत-अफ़्रीका विकास भागीदारी की संभावना

हाल ही में भारत में संपन्न CII-एग्ज़िम बैंक कॉन्क्लेव से व्�

Actions on Motor Vehicle Emission in Delhi
Aug 30, 2022

Actions on Motor Vehicle Emission in Delhi

Various studies on air quality in Delhi have reported that transport sector is a major contributor to air pollution.

Project-75I Submarine Acquisition: Should the Indian Navy Relax Air-Independent Propulsion Requirement?
Aug 30, 2022

Project-75I Submarine Acquisition: Should the Indian Navy Relax Air-Independent Propulsion Requirement?

The Indian Navy must revisit the fundamental question of whether it wants the newest air-independent propulsion architecture or the newest propulsion

Nigeria’s worsening security situation may jeopardise the 2023 elections
Aug 24, 2022

Nigeria’s worsening security situation may jeopardise the 2023 elections

Many young people across the country might have registered to vote. However, the current security situation could spell trouble.

श्रीलंकाई बंदरगाह पर चीनी नौसैनिक युद्धपोत: सच्चाई की पड़ताल
Aug 23, 2022

श्रीलंकाई बंदरगाह पर चीनी नौसैनिक युद्धपोत: सच्चाई की पड़ताल

भारत चाहता है कि चीनी जहाज की यात्रा के 'वास्तविक उद्देश्�

Minding the balance of payment gaps in Sri Lanka
Aug 22, 2022

Minding the balance of payment gaps in Sri Lanka

Immediate measures need to be taken to ensure that the economic impact of the pandemic, the domestic political turmoil, or the Ukraine–Russia confli

Pelosi’s visit spurs Chinese discussions on a two-front crisis
Aug 20, 2022

Pelosi’s visit spurs Chinese discussions on a two-front crisis

Once Taiwan is taken over, it is argued, the PLA will have a freer hand to deal with India and even recover other disputed territories.

अमेरिका में उलटफेर का दौर: घरेलू मोर्चे पर कामयाब होते बाइडेन
Aug 19, 2022

अमेरिका में उलटफेर का दौर: घरेलू मोर्चे पर कामयाब होते बाइडेन

डेमोक्रेट्स और रिपब्लिकंस के बीच संघर्ष का दौर जारी है. ड�