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Joblessness: A bomb ticking away in rural India
Feb 28, 2011

Joblessness: A bomb ticking away in rural India

The unemployment rate is now around 10.1 per cent in the rural areas and 9.4 per cent across the nation. This means that around 40 to 50 million youth are without jobs. Unless they are given proper training, and higher education, they will not be fit to join the service sector or the manufacturing sector.

Jobs for the Poor 'the Employment Guarantee Scheme
Jan 11, 2005

Jobs for the Poor 'the Employment Guarantee Scheme

In industrial countries , with several times higher per capita incomes than India, an 'unemployment benefit' or dole is given to unemployed citizens. In India, the unemployed are supposed to fall back on their own means for survival. The Employment Guarantee Scheme Act that has been introduced in the Parliament recently is meant to address the basic human need for a job ( though it may be only for 100 days).

Joining Wassenaar is India's latest step in the quest for the 'responsible nuclear power' tag
Dec 15, 2017

Joining Wassenaar is India's latest step in the quest for the 'responsible nuclear power' tag

India joins the regime at a time when export regulation of dual-use technology items have become increasingly complex.

Joint command: Theme for a Chinese dream
Feb 07, 2014

Joint command: Theme for a Chinese dream

While the unified structure being adopted by China will lead to the strengthening of its military prowess to back up the country's global ambitions, in India, political waffling has so far prevented the emergence of a similar combined structure for its armed forces.

Judicial Accountability Bill: A step in right direction
Dec 26, 2011

Judicial Accountability Bill: A step in right direction

The Judicial Accountability Bill, looked at in a holistic manner, is indeed a step ahead to restore some of the fundamental values in the judicial bodies of the government -- integrity of the judges, transparency and independence of judiciary.

Judicial appointments: Is the proposed JAC better than the Collegium System?
Sep 05, 2013

Judicial appointments: Is the proposed JAC better than the Collegium System?

Whatever be the model for judicial appointments, the crux of the matter is the necessity of giving "cogent reasons in writing" on nominations as well as appointments and whatever model the executive and legislature chooses in its wisdom must give voice to the same.

Judicial Standards and Accountability Bill 2010: Key Features
Jan 17, 2012

Judicial Standards and Accountability Bill 2010: Key Features

The Judicial Standards And Accountability Bill 2010 seeks to repeal The Judges (Inquiry) Act 1968 which was enacted with a view to lay down the procedure for removal of Supreme Court and High Court Judges, but does not contain the mechanism for it.

Junctions and roadblocks in Arab politics
May 05, 2005

Junctions and roadblocks in Arab politics

THE DISTURBING aspects of Arab democracy, wrote a columnist in Haaretz recently, "are its implications for Israel." These were listed: advent of democracy in Arab countries would make Israel lose its unique character and the "shared values" with America emanating from it; given the freedom of choice, Arab voters might elect Islamist "extremists"; Arab opinion, as per the most recent Arab Human Development Report

Justice Delayed is Justice Denied: The Plight of Indian Poor
May 13, 2005

Justice Delayed is Justice Denied: The Plight of Indian Poor

Securing justice - social, economic and political to all citizens is one of the key mandates of the Indian Constitution. This has been explicitly made so in the Article 39-A of the Constitution that directs the State 'to secure equal justice and free legal aid for the citizens'.

Justice System in Crisis: The Case of India’s Undertrial Prisoners
Aug 20, 2015

Justice System in Crisis: The Case of India’s Undertrial Prisoners

Six of every 10 of India's prisoners languishing in jails across the country are undertrials: their cases have yet to be tried, and they are spending more time in jail than they would have, if convicted. The slow march to justice for undertrials must be seen in the context of a criminal justice system in need of an overhaul. This paper examines the plight of the country's undertrials and recommends ways to move forward.

Justice Verma Committee Report and ORF recommendations
Feb 02, 2013

Justice Verma Committee Report and ORF recommendations

The Justice J.S. Verma Committee report on amendments to criminal law includes many of the ideas of the recommendations submitted by ORF, in association with Hammurabi and Soloman, a law firm.

Justice Verma Committee Report and the need for engendering electoral process
Feb 16, 2013

Justice Verma Committee Report and the need for engendering electoral process

The recommendations of the Verma Committee establishing a link between the urgent need for electoral reforms and gender justice is a novel recommendation in terms of ensuring that candidates / legislators are more gender sensitive.

Kalam raised the status of the presidency
Jul 28, 2015

Kalam raised the status of the presidency

Many politicians and leaders go out of their way to claim that they are the aam aadmi. But if there was ever a man of the people, it was A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, who rose from a humble background to become India's true People's President.

Karachi Cauldron Bubbles Over
Oct 25, 2010

Karachi Cauldron Bubbles Over

If the US is to stay on in Afghanistan's half a dozen or so bases in the event of it scaling down its combat troops by July 2011, these bases will require a steady flow of supplies.

Karachi: Reading between the lines
Aug 17, 2011

Karachi: Reading between the lines

The ongoing political oscillation in Karachi reflects structural impediments that a country with a weak state and strong society has to face. It underlines the problems that politicians face due to strong kinship.

Kargil of India's 'War' on terrorism
Apr 08, 2005

Kargil of India's 'War' on terrorism

The Kargil military conflict of 1999 between India and Pakistan came in the wake of the "bhai-bhai" ("we are brothers") euphoria generated by the bus ride of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the then Prime Minister, to Lahore and his high-profile meeting with Mr.Nawaz Sharif, Pakistan's then Prime Minister. In the euphoria, we let ourselves be caught napping by the Pakistan Army in the heights of Kargil.

Kargil war: The neglected heroes
Jul 29, 2010

Kargil war: The neglected heroes

Many military veterans have returned the medals awarded to them for gallantry and fighting wars to the President, a sure sign of frustration and feeling of neglect.

Karzai in Pak
Aug 29, 2013

Karzai in Pak

Whatever happens between Kabul and Rawalpindi, India has no reason to get too anxious. If Delhi holds its nerve and plays well the few cards it has, India could yet have some impact on the evolution of the Af-Pak dynamic.

Kasab hanging: A victory for India's justice system
Dec 11, 2012

Kasab hanging: A victory for India's justice system

The sad fact is the Pakistani rulers are unable to prevent Taliban activists from targeting their own people, the Shias, whose processions have been periodically attacked in Rawalpindi and Karachi. It is high time Pakistani rulers realised the fact that terrorism would consume their own people even before it targeted others in India.

Kashmir After Article 370: India’s Diplomatic Challenge
Jul 16, 2020

Kashmir After Article 370: India’s Diplomatic Challenge

The abrogation of Article 370 and the bifurcation of the state of Jammu and Kashmir in August 2019 provoked intense diplomatic response from the international community. For the most part, India received widespread support for its decision. At the same time, however, there have been criticisms of the restrictions imposed in the region on communication and civil liberties. China and Pakistan, in particular, reacted with hostility and attempted to

Kashmir again becoming a victim of big power game?
Jul 09, 2013

Kashmir again becoming a victim of big power game?

Nawaz Sharif may have made friendly noises towards India, but two years of relative tranquility that the two countries have enjoyed along with Kashmir is threatening to become a casualty of the big power game. Some interested powers have begun to show inordinate interest in the Kashmir dispute all over again.

Kashmir attack: Ominous signs
Jun 26, 2013

Kashmir attack: Ominous signs

The apparent role of Lashkar-e-Tayyeba in the terrorist attack in Srinagar on June 24, killing 8 jawans, has raised several questions which may sour the tone and tenor of New Delhi's renewed engagement with Islamabad.

Kashmir fallout: The three strands of India’s diplomatic challenge
Aug 19, 2019

Kashmir fallout: The three strands of India’s diplomatic challenge

It has had to navigate the debate on civil liberties, overcome history, and deal with China’s posture

Kashmir gambit
Mar 04, 2015

Kashmir gambit

If the Modi government can restore the ceasefire as part of the resumption of talks with Pakistan, strengthen the existing CBMs across the LoC and unveil new ones, the external dimension to J&K could change for the better and create a conducive environment for the ambitious internal agenda for development articulated by the BJP and PDP.

Kashmir in Andorra's box
Dec 10, 2003

Kashmir in Andorra's box

Located between France and Spain in southwestern Europe is a place called Andorra; 468 kilometres in all, 2.5 times the size of Washington DC with a population of 69,150, predominantly Roman Catholics, 43 per cent of whom are Spanish and rest either Andorrans, French or Portuguese.

Kashmir Quake: Army can't lower guard
Oct 26, 2005

Kashmir Quake: Army can't lower guard

On October 8, seismic fault-lines made a mockery of the ceasefire line that was drawn 56 years ago between the Indian and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK). This map delineation, which was renamed as the Line of Control after the 1971 Indo-Pak war, appears to have gone out of control, at least temporarily, by the fury of the massive earthquake that struck J and Northern Areas on that Black Saturday. Thousands have perished on either side, including

Kashmir rail
Jul 02, 2014

Kashmir rail

That China is now preparing to extend its railway into Pakistan Occupied Kashmir should stir PM Modi to recognise the significance of the railways for India's national security and factor it into the rail budget to be presented to Parliament next week.

Kashmir, a systemic failure; dialogue a must
Aug 20, 2010

Kashmir, a systemic failure; dialogue a must

Underlining the urgent need for sustained dialogue representing all stakeholders in Kashmir, speakers at a discussion on the present crisis in Kashmir opined that the situation was very critical.

Kashmir: A Dialogue for Peace
Jun 08, 2007

Kashmir: A Dialogue for Peace

Excerpts from a lecture delivered by Sardar Abdul Qayuum Khan on April 28, 2007 at the Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi, and the open discussion that followed his presentation. Sardar Sahib led a delegation of 23 persons from PoK, which included senior political leaders from different parties. A galaxy of well-known diplomats, academics, media persons and analysts attended the meeting, which was chaired by Shri. M. Rasgotra, former Foreig

Kashmir: Getting it all wrong
Jul 04, 2012

Kashmir: Getting it all wrong

It is ironic that nine years ago, India had expelled Jalil Abbas Jilani, who was then the acting high commissioner of Pakistan, for funding Kashmiri separatists. Nine years later, he was allowed to meet the same separatists.

Kashmir: Need to side-step hard-liners, address the youth
Sep 25, 2010

Kashmir: Need to side-step hard-liners, address the youth

Despite intermittent violence and media claims, the youth in the Kashmir Valley are apprehensive about the mood and methods of the hard-line political parties and leaders, according to Brigadier K Srinivasan (retd),

Kashmir: New Hope?
Oct 23, 2003

Kashmir: New Hope?

The Cabinet Committee on Security¿s decision to have Deputy Prime Minister Lal Krishna Advani as the new person to be heading the talks with separatist outfits raises several questions. What had prompted the Government to finally involve a separatist outfit at the level of talks that the latter have been demanding for so long? And then what would be the status of talk¿s vis-à-vis Pakistan especially after this peace initiative?

Kashmir: The Problem, and theWay Forward
Apr 28, 2011

Kashmir: The Problem, and theWay Forward

This article evaluates the current situation in Kashmir with a view to explore possibilities of reconciliation and re-assimilation.

Kashmir: Time for the PM to act
Jul 03, 2010

Kashmir: Time for the PM to act

Before Sopor incidents and Amarnath Yatra amalgamate lethally, for heaven's sake, pick up those reports of the five Working Groups on Jammu and Kashmir formed by the Prime Minister in 2006-07. Many of the recommendations can be implemented unilaterally.

Kashmiri leaders from both sides should sit together
Apr 28, 2007

Kashmiri leaders from both sides should sit together

Intra Kashmir dialogue is necessary for peace in Kashmir, said former president and prime minister of Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK), Sardar Abdul Qayyum Khan, while delivering an address at Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi, on April 28, 2007.

Kayani's extension augurs ill for region
Jul 28, 2010

Kayani's extension augurs ill for region

The three-year extension given to Pakistan Army chief General Ashfaq Kayani by the civilian government recently serves short-term objectives of a few vested interests and compromises long term interests of the region and its people.

Keen contest for maritime control
Jul 20, 2015

Keen contest for maritime control

India will need to tread lightly in its pursuit to be more assertive vis-ナ-vis the Chinese in the IOR. Low key, footprint initiatives, like surveillance stations and docking or berthing rights, may be the key in increasing the reach of its security net in the region, minus the political backlash of acting like a regional hegemon.

Keep cyberSpace free
Sep 12, 2013

Keep cyberSpace free

CyberSpace is a free-wheeling mind-Space at the cutting edge of innovation precisely because of the absence of sovereignty and artificial barriers. Declaring sovereignty here is as absurd as extending one's jurisdiction deep into the minds of others.

Keep Space Code of Conduct moving forward
Jul 23, 2015

Keep Space Code of Conduct moving forward

The negotiations on Space code of Conduct, set to begin in New York, provide an opportune moment for states to narrow down their differences and help establish a comprehensive instrument. The EU must be patient and develop the necessary consensus so that it establishes a strong support base, vital for the longevity of the code.

Keep the SAARC borders soft and irrelevant
May 06, 2011

Keep the SAARC borders soft and irrelevant

The emphasis ever since Dr Manmohan Singh Govt came to power in 2004 has been on 'making borders irrelevant without redrawing them'. To ensure this, there has been a continuing stress on connecting India's border provinces with those of its neighbouring countries.

Keeping 'civilisational clash' alive?
Oct 06, 2004

Keeping 'civilisational clash' alive?

The abduction of two French journalists in Iraq citing the new French law against head-scarves in public places as the reason marks a new chapter in the ongoing US-led 'global war on terrorism'. Considering that France, along with Germany, was more sympathetic to Iraq under Saddam Hussein when US launched the 'Second Gulf War', it also marks a new phase in the 'international jihad' after 9/11.

Keeping peace in a war zone
Jun 26, 2015

Keeping peace in a war zone

It is important to examine how female peacekeepers themselves experience gender and other relations while on duty where the power differential in relation to locals is in their favour, but remains different in relation to their male colleagues.

Keeping Teheran on Tenterhooks
Feb 07, 2005

Keeping Teheran on Tenterhooks

To any intelligence analyst, it should be obvious that the US has already embarked on a psychological warfare (PSYWAR) campaign to keep Iran on tenterhooks in the hope of thereby breaking its will to resist US pressure to agree to the dismantling of its uranium enrichment capability.