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Russia-EU Relations: The End of a Strategic Partnership
Mar 11, 2021

Russia-EU Relations: The End of a Strategic Partnership

The end of the Cold War in 1991 presented Russia and the European Union (EU) with an opportunity to reorganise their bilateral relationship. For more than a decade, they did manage to nurture close ties. Beginning in the mid-2000s, however, the relationship steadily declined, reaching its lowest in 2014 in the aftermath of the Ukrainian crisis. As mutual grievances have accumulated since then, there has been an absence of a forward-looking agenda

Sanctions only delay nuclear Iran
Mar 04, 2013

Sanctions only delay nuclear Iran

To understand the different aspects of the Iranian nuclear programme and its impact on the region, especially India, Observer Research Foundation, in collaboration with the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), organised a workshop on March 4, 2013.

Sanders’s green new deal is a global disaster
Mar 04, 2020

Sanders’s green new deal is a global disaster

Green jobs in the U.S. are nice, but won’t get India and other big emitters off a carbon-intensive development path.

Sankalp Patra: How real are the BJP’s promises?
Apr 10, 2019

Sankalp Patra: How real are the BJP’s promises?

We are far from junking top down, paternalistic, big man rule. Regional political leaders are no different in their preferred style of governance.

Sankalp Patra: How real are the BJP’s promises?
Apr 16, 2019

Sankalp Patra: How real are the BJP’s promises?

Good performance invites the curse of heightened expectations unless tempered by realism. The BJP manifesto fails to walk this tightrope.

Saudi succession
Jan 07, 2015

Saudi succession

The NDA government has not devoted sufficient attention to the Middle East in 2014. As New Delhi turns to the Gulf in 2015 and tends to its high stakes in the region, an intensive engagement with Saudi Arabia must be at the top of PM Narendra Modi's diplomatic priorities.

SC Garg became fall guy for a growing financial mess
Jul 29, 2019

SC Garg became fall guy for a growing financial mess

India is facing a fiscal crunch, and Indians were not told. For this kind of mismanagement, more than a Finance Secretary ought to go.

SC gives back Delhi's elected government its powers — but misses a historical chance
Jul 06, 2018

SC gives back Delhi's elected government its powers — but misses a historical chance

The Supreme Court did award NCR's elected government due authority. But, by leaving reserve subjects with the LG, it contradicted a global governance trend.

Science Fiction as the Blueprint: Informing Policy in the Age of AI and Emerging Tech
Jan 17, 2024

Science Fiction as the Blueprint: Informing Policy in the Age of AI and Emerging Tech

This issue brief examines the complex interplay between science fiction and technology development in the age of disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and brain-computer interfaces. As the line between science and fiction continues to blur, this brief argues for strategically using science fiction narratives to inform and guide technology development and policymaking. Drawing upon historical precedents of scien

Scraping the bottom of the barrel: Budgets, organisation and leadership in the Indian defence system
Aug 22, 2018

Scraping the bottom of the barrel: Budgets, organisation and leadership in the Indian defence system

A recent report of the 2017-2018 Parliamentary Standing Committee on Defence (PSCOD) has revealed that India’s defence services are facing a severe resource crunch. Given the enormous amount of money that the country is already spending on defence, the chances are slim that the government will come up with the significantly higher amounts of funds needed for modernisation. Meanwhile, the armed forces are facing obsolescence in equipment. The wa

SDGs में फाइनेंस मुहैय्या कराने के फ़ासले को दूर करना: G20 के लिए 10-सूत्रीय एजेंडा!
May 18, 2023

SDGs में फाइनेंस मुहैय्या कराने के फ़ासले को दूर करना: G20 के लिए 10-सूत्रीय एजेंडा!

यह संक्षिप्त विवरण विकास के लिए प्रभावी और ज़रूरी ग्लोबल गवर्नेंस के समक्ष आने वाली सबसे बड़ी चुनौतियों में से एक पर चर्चा करता है, यानी संयुक्त राष्ट्र सतत विकास लक्ष्यो�

SDGs, Indian Cities and Seismic Sustainability
May 24, 2023

SDGs, Indian Cities and Seismic Sustainability

Goal 11 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals aims to “make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.” Its targets include the promotion of resilience to disasters such as earthquakes. Many of India’s cities that lie in high-intensity zones—determined by ‘seismic microzonation’—are extremely vulnerable to earthquakes. Such cities, therefore, must move towards developing and adopting policies that pro

Searching for an elusive peace
Nov 16, 2018

Searching for an elusive peace

India must remain engaged with the multiple processes underway on Afghan reconciliation

Seas of Sustenance: Navigating ‘Blue Food’ for Indo-Pacific Food Security
Jun 05, 2024

Seas of Sustenance: Navigating ‘Blue Food’ for Indo-Pacific Food Security

Shoba Suri and Subhasree Ray, Seas of Sustenance: Navigating ‘Blue Food’ for Indo-Pacific Food Security, June 2024, Observer Research Foundation.

Second Asian Forum on Global Governance in October
Oct 14, 2012

Second Asian Forum on Global Governance in October

After its successful maiden meeting last year, the Asian Forum on Global Governance will be organised again in New Delhi from October 14 - 24 this year. The nomination and application process is going on since March 15. The last date for submission of applications is June 1.

Section 66A: The challenge of giving up some freedoms to preserve others remains
Mar 30, 2015

Section 66A: The challenge of giving up some freedoms to preserve others remains

For whatever reason, it seems that Parliament never seriously debated the IT Act and Section 66A now struck down by the Supreme Court. Perhaps all parties wanted the restrictions of Section 66A to be around. It is believed that only three Lok Sabha MPs opposed 66A, the remaining 540 did not.

Securing Afghanistan: Historic Sources of India’s Contemporary Challenge
Sep 10, 2013

Securing Afghanistan: Historic Sources of India’s Contemporary Challenge

This paper looks at debates from the days of the British Raj until now that have shaped India's strategic thought on Afghanistan. It highlights the impact of India's territorial construct on its strategic imagination and argues that India's Afghan policy is determined by its political geography. Afghanistan has proved to be a security lynchpin in South and A Central Asia over the last two decades. Home to a variety of militant networks with regi

Securing India is costly, think afresh on growth
Feb 20, 2019

Securing India is costly, think afresh on growth

A perfect storm is gathering — of escalating external threats, a constrained space for economic growth with the slowing of the world economy and heightened protectionism.

Securing peace in Afghanistan: A primer on Japan’s role
May 24, 2023

Securing peace in Afghanistan: A primer on Japan’s role

The so-called ‘War on Terror’ launched by the United States following the September 11, 2001 attacks in its soil has had far-reaching implications to the pursuit of peace across many parts of the world. One of the crucial areas where the war is being fought is Afghanistan, which has been both a breeding ground of terrorism and a victim of violent terrorist attacks itself. This brief analyses the role played by Japan, a major ally of the US, i

Security in India's Neighborhood: The View from Washington
Mar 14, 2005

Security in India's Neighborhood: The View from Washington

In a talk jointly organized by ORF ORF Chennai and Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Madras on March 14, 2005, at the University of Madras, ORF Chennai,

See Cyprus as gateway to Asia and Europe: Indian High Commissioner
Feb 25, 2019

See Cyprus as gateway to Asia and Europe: Indian High Commissioner

Looking into the future, several challenges seem to be emerging in the Mediterranean that threaten the security of Cyprus.

Seeking a managed exit
Sep 24, 2018

Seeking a managed exit

A year after U.S. President Donald Trump unveiled his new Afghanistan policy, the stalemate continues

Seeking the next frontier
Apr 01, 2019

Seeking the next frontier

India’s successful ASAT test is a technology marker.

Selling Arms for buying Peace
Sep 27, 2004

Selling Arms for buying Peace

Pakistan¿s port city of Karachi has been buzzing with military activity beginning September 2004. There have been two important events: first the inauguration by President Musharraf of the third IDEAS-2004 defence exhibition at the Expo Centre, Karachi.

Selling Arms for buying Peace
Sep 27, 2004

Selling Arms for buying Peace

Pakistan¿s port city of Karachi has been buzzing with military activity beginning September 2004. There have been two important events: first the inauguration by President Musharraf of the third IDEAS-2004 defence exhibition at the Expo Centre, Karachi.

Shadow of India, Hasina government’s corruption, repression of BNP looms over Bangladesh polls
Sep 09, 2018

Shadow of India, Hasina government’s corruption, repression of BNP looms over Bangladesh polls

Allegations against Hasina’s government include authoritarian governance, hounding of the opposition and rampant corruption. These issues and the India factor will dominate the electoral campaign.

Sheikh Hasina’s return to power in Bangladesh dogged by controversy
Jan 01, 2019

Sheikh Hasina’s return to power in Bangladesh dogged by controversy

By the standards of electoral practices in South Asia, incidents of violence in Bangladesh’s elections cannot be viewed as excessive. The allegations of malpractices cannot be dismissed outright since no election in Bangladesh has been free from these aberrations and violence.

Ship-building policy needs change
Sep 03, 2013

Ship-building policy needs change

A performance audit by the Comptroller and Auditor General in 2010-2011 revealed that while shipyards in the US, France, South Korea and Russia took between 66-84 months from the award of contract to the construction of a ship, in India, it took 116 to 120 months.

Shujaat Bukhari's assassination is aimed at disrupting any move towards peace
Jun 15, 2018

Shujaat Bukhari's assassination is aimed at disrupting any move towards peace

The message in the murder is the obvious one. Kashmir’s terrain has changed, all the past verities no longer prevail. In the new situation, you are either for us, or against us, there is no middle ground.

Shujaat Bukhari's killing shows Kashmiri journalists may not live to tell their tale
Jun 16, 2018

Shujaat Bukhari's killing shows Kashmiri journalists may not live to tell their tale

Both journalists and civil society face grave danger in Kashmir today. But as violent militancy grows, the political system seems asleep.

Sidhu’s shenanigans
Sep 21, 2018

Sidhu’s shenanigans

Sidhu has claimed that Pakistan was waiting for India to respond to their ‘offer’ — but the reality is that there was no formal offer or official communication from Pakistan on the issue of the Kartarpur corridor.

Signals from Jalalabad attack
Aug 05, 2013

Signals from Jalalabad attack

After the US withdrawal in 2014, the Taliban, with the help of Pakistan, could plan a low-key but protracted military push towards Kabul. Taliban's attacks in Kabul this year are an indication of this strategy which will push the region towards greater instability in the next one year.

Significance of the changing space security landscape for India
Jun 18, 2019

Significance of the changing space security landscape for India

India is developing appropriate capabilities to tackle the new and emerging space security challenges in outer space.

Similar narratives in India, US elections?
Nov 12, 2015

Similar narratives in India, US elections?

One can draw a range of parallels in the political discourse prevalent in the US and India. In this article, an attempt has been made to find parallels in the narratives that dominated the Indian general election of 2014, with the ones currently dominating the U.S. presidential election in 2016.

Sino-Indian relations: Wuhan spirit under growing strain
Aug 20, 2019

Sino-Indian relations: Wuhan spirit under growing strain

The already tenuous effort by both sides to manage their ties has been further complicated by contemporary developments.

Six things that go against  ...
Sep 13, 2012

Six things that go against<abbr title=

With every day inching closer to the penultimate battle of 2014, the lines ar e being drawn and rules of the game getting clear. Political leaders are maki ng their preferences clear about PM candidates. And with every announceme nt, any chances of Na-rendra Modi making it to 7RCR are receding.

Sleeping with terrorists
Oct 30, 2004

Sleeping with terrorists

A collusive relationship between politicians and Naxalites or the People's War (PW) and Maoist Communist Centre of India (MCCI), which have merged on September 21, 2004, to form the Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-Maoist), is clearly visible in Bihar, as in several other parts of the country.

Small Satellites: Breaking the monopoly of powerful nations in space industry
May 09, 2019

Small Satellites: Breaking the monopoly of powerful nations in space industry

In 2017, India launched a record 104 satellites into space. Barring one, the rest of the satellites that were launched were small satellites.

Social media as the new courtroom for justice — a debate
Feb 25, 2019

Social media as the new courtroom for justice — a debate

Students spoke about the potential of social media in espousing causes like Arab Spring and #MeToo movements, and the Nirbhaya rape case.