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Joblessness: A bomb ticking away in rural India
Feb 28, 2011

Joblessness: A bomb ticking away in rural India

The unemployment rate is now around 10.1 per cent in the rural areas and 9.4 per cent across the nation. This means that around 40 to 50 million youth are without jobs. Unless they are given proper training, and higher education, they will not be fit to join the service sector or the manufacturing sector.

Kartarpur corridor, talks with Taliban, Norwegian ex-PM in Kashmir
Nov 29, 2018

Kartarpur corridor, talks with Taliban, Norwegian ex-PM in Kashmir

The BJP has made a mess of Jammu and Kashmir and India’s policy on Pakistan.

Kashmir and 370: Constitutional coup whose aftereffects will linger a long time
Aug 06, 2019

Kashmir and 370: Constitutional coup whose aftereffects will linger a long time

It is possible to suppress popular opinion for a while, but whether it will bring long-term peace to the state is a matter of speculation.

Kashmir attack: Ominous signs
Jun 26, 2013

Kashmir attack: Ominous signs

The apparent role of Lashkar-e-Tayyeba in the terrorist attack in Srinagar on June 24, killing 8 jawans, has raised several questions which may sour the tone and tenor of New Delhi's renewed engagement with Islamabad.

Kashmir fallout: The three strands of India’s diplomatic challenge
Aug 19, 2019

Kashmir fallout: The three strands of India’s diplomatic challenge

It has had to navigate the debate on civil liberties, overcome history, and deal with China’s posture

Kashmir in Andorra's box
Dec 10, 2003

Kashmir in Andorra's box

Located between France and Spain in southwestern Europe is a place called Andorra; 468 kilometres in all, 2.5 times the size of Washington DC with a population of 69,150, predominantly Roman Catholics, 43 per cent of whom are Spanish and rest either Andorrans, French or Portuguese.

Kashmir’s troubled future
Feb 16, 2019

Kashmir’s troubled future

Kashmir is a live political issue in India in a way that it never has been before. The India of the 1990s had to deal with an insurgency and managed without worrying about national machismo. This is no longer the case.

Kashmir’s year of trial
Aug 26, 2019

Kashmir’s year of trial

Building faith in the democratic intentions of the Union Government will be a long haul

Keep our eyes on the sky
Apr 06, 2019

Keep our eyes on the sky

Now that India has successfully demonstrated its ASAT capability, it should play an important role in mitigating problems such as space debris, space traffic management, orbital frequency issues and other issues.

Keep the SAARC borders soft and irrelevant
May 06, 2011

Keep the SAARC borders soft and irrelevant

The emphasis ever since Dr Manmohan Singh Govt came to power in 2004 has been on 'making borders irrelevant without redrawing them'. To ensure this, there has been a continuing stress on connecting India's border provinces with those of its neighbouring countries.

Keeping an eye on China’s expanding nuclear stack
Aug 19, 2021

Keeping an eye on China’s expanding nuclear stack

Even if there is contention about the scope and prospective size of Beijing’s capabilities, India needs to be watchful

Keeping close tabs on all
Dec 24, 2018

Keeping close tabs on all

Centre’s authorisation on interception of computers imperils citizen’s privacy

Khaleda Zia’s party staring at leadership crisis after verdict against son Tarique
Oct 15, 2018

Khaleda Zia’s party staring at leadership crisis after verdict against son Tarique

BNP is likely to fight parliamentary election in Bangladesh without the kin of Ziaur Rahman leading the campaign.

Laboratory Biosafety in India: In Search of a Sound Regulatory Framework
Apr 09, 2024

Laboratory Biosafety in India: In Search of a Sound Regulatory Framework

In the biomedical field, laboratories must ensure biosafety while managing pathogens and microorganisms in order to protect personnel and the broader community against potential leaks and lab-acquired infections. Global standards provide a roadmap for the biosafety of laboratories, underscoring the importance of their design and equipment, personnel training, waste management, and communication in preventing potential biohazards from breaching co

Learn lessons from the CBI fiasco
Nov 02, 2018

Learn lessons from the CBI fiasco

Given the political slugfest over the CBI, it is clear that the revival of India's premier investigative agency cannot happen at the hands of politicians. Civil society and stakeholders must step up and force the establishment to undertake reform

Learning to probe early: Why research should be made part of UG curriculum in India
Jan 29, 2019

Learning to probe early: Why research should be made part of UG curriculum in India

While the concept of UG research is fairly new in India, it is now taken as a given in many parts of the world.

Lehman crashed. But India, China and later, USA rose from 2008's debris
Sep 15, 2018

Lehman crashed. But India, China and later, USA rose from 2008's debris

The global economic crisis of 2008, triggered by the collapse of Lehman Brothers, gave Asia a chance to rise, and let nationalist leaders, including Donald Trump, emerge

Lessons India can learn from Sri Lanka attacks about religion-based terrorism
May 01, 2019

Lessons India can learn from Sri Lanka attacks about religion-based terrorism

Religious terrorism isn’t about poverty, local issues, schools one studies in or the religious milieu in which someone grows up.

Let technology and society dance together
Nov 23, 2012

Let technology and society dance together

India spends over Rs 400,000 crores every year on schemes, projects and programmes broadly falling within the category of social welfare. Embedding appropriate technology in social welfare programmes can give poor Indians a real chance of empowerment.

Let's make things easier for our elders
Oct 03, 2015

Let's make things easier for our elders

The growing vulnerability of the elderly is evident from National Crime Record Bureau's recent move to tabulate data on crimes against senior citizens, beginning from 2014. Predictably, big cities have been found to be the most unsafe for them, with Delhi topping the list.

Let's not shoot the WhatsApp messenger
Jul 07, 2018

Let's not shoot the WhatsApp messenger

The problem that ‘public message attribution’ seeks to fix may already be possible through internal controls built into the WhatsApp platform.

Leveraging Community Engagement in Swift and Skillful Disaster Response
Mar 04, 2024

Leveraging Community Engagement in Swift and Skillful Disaster Response

Jayashree Balasubramanian et al., “Leveraging Community Engagement in Swift and Skillful Disaster Response,” ORF Special Report, March 2024, Observer Research Foundation.

Lingering Doubts over Security Transition
Nov 04, 2011

Lingering Doubts over Security Transition

The ongoing security transition is critical to the success of the peace process in Afghanistan. As part of the US 2014 plan, the NATO forces are to hand over the responsibility of security of the country to the Afghan security forces, district by district.

Look beyond politics on N-issue
Nov 21, 2018

Look beyond politics on N-issue

Nuclear weapons cannot be a panacea for tackling security challenges to India’s sovereignty

Looking beyond crises
Jun 08, 2020

Looking beyond crises

Lack of strategic vision in the NDA has caused it to fail at economic management

Looking beyond the Rafale
Oct 15, 2019

Looking beyond the Rafale

Even as the Indian Air Force gets ready to welcome its new acquisitions, ad hocism should give way to strategic thinking

Machine-driven weapons need an international system of accountability
Feb 22, 2019

Machine-driven weapons need an international system of accountability

In the absence of clear norms on human accountability and attribution for autonomous weapons, we could see states like Pakistan deploy LAWS for operations outside their borders.

Making climate action count: Mainstreaming gender in climate action to accelerate climate compatible development
Nov 06, 2018

Making climate action count: Mainstreaming gender in climate action to accelerate climate compatible development

The first universal, legally binding global climate accord signed at the 21st session of the Conference of Parties (COP) in Paris in 2015 committed to long-term goals for “holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.” However, as world leaders prepare for the Facilitative Dialogue (FD) ahead o

Making sense of India’s foreign policy after 72 years of independence
Aug 16, 2018

Making sense of India’s foreign policy after 72 years of independence

India today is a self-confident power, able to navigate global affairs with aplomb.

Making the Stories Heard.....
Jan 24, 2011

Making the Stories Heard.....

Until the lions write their own history, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter. The sentiment of this famous African proverb came out repeatedly during an interactive session with African journalists at Observer Research Foundation on January 24, 2011.

Maldives: COVID19 brings out best again in India relations
Apr 09, 2020

Maldives: COVID19 brings out best again in India relations

If the COVID19 situation does not reverse and dramatically so over a short term, India may have to redouble its current efforts and also increase supplies.

Maldives: Decision on 'US military base' may have to wait
Jun 03, 2013

Maldives: Decision on 'US military base' may have to wait

Notwithstanding the recent media leaks on a 'US military base' in Maldives, a decision on whatever that facility be, may have to wait until after the parliamentary polls of May 2014, not stopping with the presidential elections due in September this year.

Maldives: From 'autocracy' to acrimony to anarchy?
Nov 01, 2013

Maldives: From 'autocracy' to acrimony to anarchy?

Addressing the 42nd annual celebrations of the bilateral relations organised by the Friendship Association of India and Maldives (FAIM) in Male on Friday, local media reported outgoing President Mohammed Waheed Hassan Manik as saying as much: