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A New India-France alliance?
Sep 05, 2019

A New India-France alliance?

While talk of an alliance may be premature, there is clearly an increasing convergence of interests between the two strategic partners.

A new nuclear non-proliferation initiative? The American Hypocrisy and Pakistan
Mar 17, 2004

A new nuclear non-proliferation initiative? The American Hypocrisy and Pakistan

In February 2004, President George Bush outlined his new nuclear non-proliferation approach, in his ¿seven points¿ speech at the National Defense University. It include the setting up of proliferation security initiative which will control and monitor not only shipments and nuclear transfer of material/technology but also will be empowered to take direct action against the violators of the law.

A New Silk Road Strategy for Afghanistan
Feb 08, 2013

A New Silk Road Strategy for Afghanistan

After the scheduled western forces drawdown from Afghanistan in 2014, one viable option that would assist Afghan economic development is the US-driven New Silk Road Strategy. But, China, Russia, and Iran have specific visions of a viable NSRS, and these do not necessarily sit well with the US strategy.

A New Social Contract for the Digital Age
Dec 19, 2018

A New Social Contract for the Digital Age

A new social contract between citizens, consumers, employees, the state, and enterprise is needed to delineate a new understanding around rights, responsibilities and entitlements. Digital  transformations  are  rapidly  altering  the  nature  of  work,  models  of employment,    contracts,    regulations    and    protections.    Increasingly,    the responsibilities  of the state are becoming the obligations  of,�

A new twist in global politics
Sep 28, 2018

A new twist in global politics

US foreign policy is steadily renouncing multilateralism while China is stepping into its shoes

A pivotal election in Thailand
Mar 05, 2019

A pivotal election in Thailand

The system is configured to the military’s advantage, but Thaksin Shinawatra may hold the key

A Public-Private-People Partnership Model for Digital Economy Recovery in the Post-Pandemic World
Aug 03, 2023

A Public-Private-People Partnership Model for Digital Economy Recovery in the Post-Pandemic World

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic hastened the widespread adoption of digitaltechnologies across the globe. The pace of digitalisation—from the micro levels ofeducation and e-commerce to the macro levels of supply chains and productionnetworks—has galvanised governments to advance digital regulations. Thetightrope walk of creating policies that enable digital innovation and ensureregulations are in the larger public interest have led to inte

A quiet but decisive shift in India’s foreign policy
Jan 30, 2019

A quiet but decisive shift in India’s foreign policy

India is ready to take on a larger global role by being more nimble than ever in playing the great power game.

A redrawn landscape: Anticipated impact, unintended consequences
Aug 06, 2019

A redrawn landscape: Anticipated impact, unintended consequences

If Kashmiri parties boycott polls, they’ll be marginalised; if they participate, it will mean accepting new realities

A Review of the Draft Report on Integrated Energy Policy
Aug 21, 2006

A Review of the Draft Report on Integrated Energy Policy

This critique on the Draft Report on Integrated Energy Policy was serialised in Volume II, Issue 43-46, 50 of ORF Energy News Monitor. It has three sections, first, Concept level issues- identifies the gaps in the Planning Commission's draft report, second, Action plan- for filling those gaps and lastly, Conclusions.

A scheme should raise earnings and not hurt passengers’ pockets
Nov 19, 2018

A scheme should raise earnings and not hurt passengers’ pockets

Government should take suitable steps to improve the share of rail transport in both freight and passenger segments

A silent emergency
Jul 17, 2018

A silent emergency

Rising cases of leprosy among Adivasis call for urgent public action.

A stable government at the Centre after long!
May 17, 2014

A stable government at the Centre after long!

For the first time in 30 years, Elections-2014 has thrown up a decisive Parliament. The Treasury Bench does not have to do number-crunching all the time, to push policy initiatives, legislative initiatives and even budgets - which have more often than not been passed in the midst of din and dust.

A Survey of India-US Defence Cooperation
Mar 15, 2024

A Survey of India-US Defence Cooperation

Manoj Joshi, “A Survey of India-US Defence Cooperation,” ORF Special Report No. 224, March 2024, Observer Research Foundation.

A Trump-Putin summit is good news for India
Jul 16, 2018

A Trump-Putin summit is good news for India

A one-on-one Trump-Putin meeting being proposed by sections of the Trump Administration would be a big win for Putin who desperately wants recognition as a global statesman

A US-China trade deal is likely, but will not resolve a deteriorating relationship
Nov 12, 2018

A US-China trade deal is likely, but will not resolve a deteriorating relationship

The tariff war is not the only issue hindering cooperation. Differences over Taiwan and the South China Sea, the basic lack of trust in the relationship is acting as a dampener across the board.

A ‘social’ index for ease of doing business
May 29, 2019

A ‘social’ index for ease of doing business

The SDG index is a better alternative to the World Bank’s parameters as it takes a holistic view of development

A. Q. Khan: The Ghost that Continues to Haunt
Dec 21, 2004

A. Q. Khan: The Ghost that Continues to Haunt

Dr.A. Q. Khan, the self-styled father of Pakistan's atomic bomb, is back in the headlines following a statement disseminated by the National Council of Resistance of Iran, a group opposed to the present regime in Teheran, on November 17, 2004, that between 1994 and 1996 (Mrs.Benazir Bhutto was then in power) Dr. Khan gave Iran a Chinese-developed nuclear warhead design.

AAP's arrival signals urban discourse in politics
Dec 10, 2013

AAP's arrival signals urban discourse in politics

There has clearly been a Modi effect in the assembly polls, but but whether or not there is a Modi wave in 2014 will depend on just how the BJP uses the momentum it has now gathered. And the stunning performance of AAP in Delhi signals the arrival of the urban discourse into national politics and the breakdown of identity politics of yore.

Afghanistan's chaos and India's critique
Mar 30, 2020

Afghanistan's chaos and India's critique

The deal with the Taliban is full of contradictions, but it is the best the US could come up with. Rather than criticise it, India should think about what its own options are in securing its flanks

Afghanistan's Uncertain Future
Mar 04, 2011

Afghanistan's Uncertain Future

Nearly ten years in Afghanistan and not a solution is sight makes for sad commentary for the ability of the US to solve its security problems or to force a solution on other regions. The year of reckoning may have been postponed from 2011 to 2014.

Afghanistan, the US and the Taliban
Apr 07, 2015

Afghanistan, the US and the Taliban

The change in leadership in Kabul has provided a new opportunity for the US and Afghanistan to work together. Media reports suggesting a larger role for the United States post-2014 than originally envisaged have been doing the rounds for the better part of the past six months.

Afghanistan: Can the private sector be a driver for growth?
Jun 27, 2014

Afghanistan: Can the private sector be a driver for growth?

The year 2014 is, in many ways, the year of reckoning for Afghanistan which is undergoing three simultaneous transitions - security, political and economic. Unlike the first two, the economic transition has not had the advantage of clear deadlines and roadmaps and has suffered from lack of long term planning.

Afghanistan: COVID-19 exposes weaknesses in health infrastructure
Apr 20, 2020

Afghanistan: COVID-19 exposes weaknesses in health infrastructure

In the midst of growing political instability, emerging complexities in the peace process, and significant aid cuts, the coronavirus outbreak is intensifying the struggle on all fronts in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan: Insurgency on the rise amidst international troop-drawdown
Oct 31, 2014

Afghanistan: Insurgency on the rise amidst international troop-drawdown

New Afghan President Ashraf Ghani fulfilled his promise of signing the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) with the U.S. and Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the NATO within 24 hours of taking office.

Afghanistan: Karzai's regional initiative
Dec 20, 2013

Afghanistan: Karzai's regional initiative

Afghan President Hamid Karzai is desperately seeking external support in order to secure the nation's future. The impending December 2014 deadline for the drawdown of foreign troops from Afghanistan and the consequent reduction of western military and developmental

Afghanistan: Prospects for increased engagement with China
Jul 10, 2015

Afghanistan: Prospects for increased engagement with China

As the US pulls out its troops from Afghanistan, all eyes are set on the potential role China can play in the region. China has shown signs of stepping up its engagement with Afghanistan since the formation of the new government in Kabul in September 2014.

Afghanistan: The zero option
Jul 19, 2013

Afghanistan: The zero option

The possibility of, and debate about, a 'zero option' for American troop presence, or absence, in Afghanistan post-2014 has surfaced once again. According to The New York Times, the US administration has not ruled out the possibility of a complete withdrawal from Afghanistan come 2014.

Afghanistan: what price tag do we put on strategic security?
Feb 05, 2019

Afghanistan: what price tag do we put on strategic security?

India might end up paying a big price for its strategic myopia in Afghanistan.

After Trump’s Kashmir remarks, India must tell the US where it gets off
Jul 23, 2019

After Trump’s Kashmir remarks, India must tell the US where it gets off

Modi needs to emphatically clear the air to control the ramifications of Trump’s prattling.

After WTO what?
Sep 21, 2018

After WTO what?

The WTO has been considerably weakened.

Ageing in India: Current Demographic and Health Trends and Gaps in Policy
Jan 17, 2025

Ageing in India: Current Demographic and Health Trends and Gaps in Policy

Despite the optimism surrounding the potential dividends from India’s youth population, demographic ageing is underway. All but five of India’s 28 states have fertility rates below replacement levels, with the share of older adults growing faster than all other age cohorts. However, existing policies, laws, and schemes targeting older adults have fallen short. Poor drafting, limited implementation, and a disproportionate focus on youth needs

AgustaWestland Row: India-UAE bilateral ties helped extraditions
Feb 11, 2019

AgustaWestland Row: India-UAE bilateral ties helped extraditions

What India can learn from its recent successes in extradition, is to see the best practices it adopted, and implement it in its pending extradition requests.

AI लिंगभेदाचा महिलांवर विविधस्तरांवर प्रभाव
May 01, 2023

AI लिंगभेदाचा महिलांवर विविधस्तरांवर प्रभाव

AI सिस्टीममध्ये दिसणार्‍या या लिंगभेदाचा महिलांवर विविध प्रकार आणि स्तरांवर प्रभाव पडला आहे, ज्यात पूर्वग्रहदूषित नियुक्ती प्रणालीपासून स्त्रियांना होणारे अनन्य नुकस�

Aim at zero-defect products
Apr 14, 2015

Aim at zero-defect products

The new foreign trade policy (2015-20) announced by the Commerce Minister recently is aimed at doubling India's exports from $465.9 billion in 2013-14 to $900 billion in 2020. However, for this, India has to gain the reputation of producing good quality, zero-defect products which can compete in international markets. To achieve this goal, much needs to be done.

Air Power in Joint Operations: A Game Changer in a Limited Conflict with China
Jun 26, 2020

Air Power in Joint Operations: A Game Changer in a Limited Conflict with China

Any future limited conflict between India and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) will primarily be fought in a high-altitude environment along parts of the 4,000-km-long Line of Actual Control (LAC). With the Indian Army likely to be constrained by the terrain and numerical parity to fight a largely positional battle with limited mobility and offensive options, air power offers several asymmetric opportunities to create operational advantages

Ajit Doval's new job description won't change India's national security management
Oct 15, 2018

Ajit Doval's new job description won't change India's national security management

Making the NSA the chairman of the Strategic Policy Group of the National Security Council could be part of an effort to paper over the real problems relating to the dysfunctional defence system.

Al Qaeda: Casablanca & Madrid
Mar 16, 2004

Al Qaeda: Casablanca & Madrid

Sections of the Spanish media, quoting the authorities investigating the Madrid blasts of March 11,2004, have reported that the terrorists, who orchestrated the blasts, had used the mobile telephones as timers for the improvised explosive devices (IEDs) along with copper detonators, different from the aluminium detonators used in the past by the ETA, the Basque terrorist organisation. According to one report, the IEDs had the alarms set for 7-39

America's Summer of Discontent
Aug 30, 2005

America's Summer of Discontent

One grieving mother camping outside the ranch where President Bush is on vacation has made her countrymen sit up and introspect about the war the US is waging in Iraq. Cindy Sheehan, mother of army specialist Casey Sheehan who died in the Sadr City section of Baghdad on April 4, 2004, and other family members who too have lost their loved ones, have become the new face of opposition to the war in Iraq.