
32541 results found

भारत-रूस संबंधों में गरमाहट के लिए प्रयासों की जरूरत
Jun 01, 2017

भारत-रूस संबंधों में गरमाहट के लिए प्रयासों की जरूरत

दो जून को प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी सेंट पीटर्सबर्ग में

Demonetisation slowed economy, need to ensure GST doesn't
Jun 01, 2017

Demonetisation slowed economy, need to ensure GST doesn't

Even as the adverse impact of demonetisation is now fading, a new potential shock to the economy is raising its head — the implementation of the Goo

Kashmir: Losing war of narratives to win tactical battles
Jun 01, 2017

Kashmir: Losing war of narratives to win tactical battles

It is not who wins the war, but whose narrative finds maximum takers. It is important to find a narrative for Kashmir for it to win over the tactical

India-Russia relations: Time for serious dialogue
Jun 01, 2017

India-Russia relations: Time for serious dialogue

On 2 June, PM Modi will be the Guest of Honour at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum which in recent years has emerged as the "Russian Da

India faces the China wall in its NSG drive
May 31, 2017

India faces the China wall in its NSG drive

Since India submitted its formal membership application to the NSG in May 2016, Beijing publicly expressed its objection to it.

Modi’s foreign policy@3
May 31, 2017

Modi’s foreign policy@3

Significant advances have been made in relations with several strategic partners and progress has been registered in critical areas.

मोदी चलें अगला दांव: अमीर किसानों पर टैक्‍स लगाएं
May 29, 2017

मोदी चलें अगला दांव: अमीर किसानों पर टैक्‍स लगाएं

विमुद्रीकरण (नोटबंदी) को मिली सफलता के बाद प्रधानमंत्री �

Trump ups the ante against Iran and stokes fires
May 29, 2017

Trump ups the ante against Iran and stokes fires

Iran which has been waging a war against the ISIS, the declared enemy of President Trump, is dubbed a terrorist country.

BRI: A perspective on China's 100 year march
May 29, 2017

BRI: A perspective on China's 100 year march

The BRI initiative sits perfectly to balance two strategic objectives by leveraging China’s economic might and using it as in instrument to advance

जीएसटी दरों पर सवालिया निशान ठीक नहीं
May 26, 2017

जीएसटी दरों पर सवालिया निशान ठीक नहीं

जीएसटी पर श्रीनगर में बनी आम सहमति के बाद इसी अनुचित आलोच�

मोदी सरकार के तीन साल का 360 डिग्री एनालिसिस
May 26, 2017

मोदी सरकार के तीन साल का 360 डिग्री एनालिसिस

मोदी की समस्या यह नहीं है कि उन्हें अपने पूर्ववर्ती प्रध�

स्टार्टअप राष्ट्र बनने की ओर अग्रसर भारत
May 24, 2017

स्टार्टअप राष्ट्र बनने की ओर अग्रसर भारत

भारत में स्टार्टअप्‍स आखिरकार कैसे सही अर्थों में टिकाऊ

जीएसटी पर श्रीनगर में आम सहमति: विकास पर दांव
May 24, 2017

जीएसटी पर श्रीनगर में आम सहमति: विकास पर दांव

तीखे मतभेदों के बावजूद ‘श्रीनगर वार्ता’ आश्‍चर्यजनक रू�

Friends with (risky) benefits
May 24, 2017

Friends with (risky) benefits

While CPEC will flush billions into the struggling Pakistan economy and rapidly speed up its development infrastructure, it is also one part of China'

कश्मीर: हकीकत का सामना जरूरी
May 20, 2017

कश्मीर: हकीकत का सामना जरूरी

कश्मीर में जो चल रहा है वह आजादी का संघर्ष नहीं है, बल्कि य�

पाक सेना के मंसूबों पर पानी फेरने की जरुरत
May 20, 2017

पाक सेना के मंसूबों पर पानी फेरने की जरुरत

यह भारत द्वारा जवाबी कार्रवाई करने और सीमा पर तनाव या दबा�

परमाणु समझौते के बाद चुनाव की तैयारियों में जुटा ईरान
May 20, 2017

परमाणु समझौते के बाद चुनाव की तैयारियों में जुटा ईरान

ईरान का राजनीतिक परिदृश्य कई परतों वाला है, जिसमें रूढ़ि�

अक्षय ऊर्जा पर चीन के एकछत्र राज की तैयारी
May 20, 2017

अक्षय ऊर्जा पर चीन के एकछत्र राज की तैयारी

चीन की सरकार ने अक्षय ऊर्जा की वैश्विक सप्‍लाई चेन पर अपन�

Missing the OBOR a big mistake
May 20, 2017

Missing the OBOR a big mistake

Chinese and not Indian firms will become more prominent in the neighbourhood, cashing in on their willingness and urgency to join OBOR.

Srinagar Consensus: A gamble on growth
May 20, 2017

Srinagar Consensus: A gamble on growth

Against several odds, what began as the Srinagar conversation has transformed into the Srinagar Consensus, making it arguably the most far-reaching po

India's 21st century jobs struggle
May 20, 2017

India's 21st century jobs struggle

India still struggles to understand the alchemy by which access to new technologies, processes and markets is converted into increase in productivity.

Challenges before new South Korean President
May 19, 2017

Challenges before new South Korean President

South Koreans could not have chosen a better candidate than Moon Jae-in for the presidency, considering the current tense political and strategic situ

Maldives: After poll-loss, Yameen taunts 'divided opposition' leaders to return home
May 18, 2017

Maldives: After poll-loss, Yameen taunts 'divided opposition' leaders to return home

For the opposition to remain hopeful of getting Yameen impeached and disqualified from elections 2018 is a tall order.

The process of GST must not become larger than its purpose
May 18, 2017

The process of GST must not become larger than its purpose

The Srinagar conversations need to ensure that the pass-through nature of GST is frictionless.

India, China and the ironies of Maoism
May 18, 2017

India, China and the ironies of Maoism

During his own lifetime, Mao Zedong struggled with his own ideological prognosis and abandoned his earlier visceral dislike for capitalism.

मालदीव में जारी है राजनीतिक संघर्ष
May 17, 2017

मालदीव में जारी है राजनीतिक संघर्ष

यह सवाल अब तक बरकरार है कि मालदीव में विपक्षी दलों और उनके

भारत-ईरान संबंधों पर अमेरिकी छाया
May 17, 2017

भारत-ईरान संबंधों पर अमेरिकी छाया

ईरान द्वारा बेलिस्टिक मिसाइल का प्रक्षेपण करने पर ट्रम्�

Deep sea fishing seems working to ease off issues with Sri Lanka
May 17, 2017

Deep sea fishing seems working to ease off issues with Sri Lanka

By encouraging deep sea fishing in the Rameswaram area, authorities in India hope to reduce the pressure on the Indian and Sri Lankan seas.