
32438 results found

Have youth started deserting BJP?
Oct 06, 2017

Have youth started deserting BJP?

When the BJP-led NDA government had come to power in 2014, it enjoyed the support of the young voters.

इतिहास से खिलवाड़ की खतरनाक कोशिश
Oct 06, 2017

इतिहास से खिलवाड़ की खतरनाक कोशिश

ग्लोबलाइज़ेशन और विभिन्न समुदायों के आपसी मेल-जोल के इस �

क्या एशिया-अफ्रीका विकास गलियारा चीन के बीआरआई का जवाब है?
Oct 06, 2017

क्या एशिया-अफ्रीका विकास गलियारा चीन के बीआरआई का जवाब है?

क्या एशिया-अफ्रीका विकास गलियारा(एएजीसी)चीन के बेल्ट एंड

Cybersecurity: The Internet of Risks
Sep 30, 2017

Cybersecurity: The Internet of Risks

International cooperation for cybersecurity is paramount in enabling all countries to make use of developmental potential of the Internet.

New strategic order: Nuclear conundrum
Sep 30, 2017

New strategic order: Nuclear conundrum

If military strength is the final argument in international politics, nuclear weapons are its most emphatic manifestation.

Future of Universal Health Coverage in Asia: Learning from each other
Sep 30, 2017

Future of Universal Health Coverage in Asia: Learning from each other

Universal health coverage is really a health system issue. It is not a scheme, it is not a programme — it has much to do with all aspects that go in

Future of Europe
Sep 30, 2017

Future of Europe

In the current phase of globalisation, where uncertainty and disruption have become the new norm, Europe is no exception.

Making G20 work for SDGs
Sep 30, 2017

Making G20 work for SDGs

The G20 and SDGs are an acronym alphabet soup that do not seem to fit together at first glance.

Women in the new world order
Sep 30, 2017

Women in the new world order

Women must play an equal and active role in framing ethical imperatives and defining prosperity, responsibility and accountability in international po

Bits and Bytes: Reaching money to the bottom of the pyramid
Sep 29, 2017

Bits and Bytes: Reaching money to the bottom of the pyramid

Despite numerous government efforts to popularise digital transactions, India continues to be a cash-dependent economy. This is because the transforma

Talking connectivity
Sep 29, 2017

Talking connectivity

Connectivity is paramount importance to landlocked developing countries that do not have direct links to the sea.

Merkel and media
Sep 29, 2017

Merkel and media

When Germany headed to the polls on 24 September, there was little doubt that Merkel was poised for a comeback. As the election results began to pour

Evolving politics of the Asia-Pacific
Sep 29, 2017

Evolving politics of the Asia-Pacific

The rise of Chinese military leaves Washington with the unenviable and the daunting task of balancing its economic ties with the Asia-Pacific.

The West Asian paradigm
Sep 29, 2017

The West Asian paradigm

With the India–US dynamic and bilateral strategic engagements with West Asian powers increasing significantly, direct policy outcomes will become mo

India’s infrastructure challenges: Domestic constraints and geopolitical opportunities
Sep 29, 2017

India’s infrastructure challenges: Domestic constraints and geopolitical opportunities

With $100 trillion in international long-term capital available for investment, there is no dearth of funding that can be tapped into, to bring India�

Cold War 2.0
Sep 29, 2017

Cold War 2.0

The shared history and its repercussions — which raises doubts regarding a Cold War-like confrontation — limits possibility of such recurrence.

प्रवासी राजनीति और विदेश नीति
Sep 28, 2017

प्रवासी राजनीति और विदेश नीति

क्या विशाल प्रवासी भारतीय समुदाय ने भारतीय हितों का विदे

Terror Inc.: Combating state and non-state actors
Sep 27, 2017

Terror Inc.: Combating state and non-state actors

Does non-state terrorism truly exist? Can a terror organisation that is designated as a non-state actor become big without some degree of state involv

Transition to a low carbon economy: China’s influence on outcomes
Sep 27, 2017

Transition to a low carbon economy: China’s influence on outcomes

Transition to a low carbon economy is path dependent as initial conditions such as resource availability and other geographic, climatic, economic, soc

भारत-चीन सहयोग स्थल से आईएस की शरणस्थली तक
Sep 26, 2017

भारत-चीन सहयोग स्थल से आईएस की शरणस्थली तक

डेयर एजोर को आईएसआईएस से खाली करवा लिए जाने के बाद की स्थि

न्यायालय द्वारा तख्ता पलट: पाकिस्तान सेना की नई कार्य प्रणाली!
Sep 26, 2017

न्यायालय द्वारा तख्ता पलट: पाकिस्तान सेना की नई कार्य प्रणाली!

पिछले सत्ता परिवर्तनों के दौरान, सेना द्वारा न्यायालय का

Germany: A wise verdict
Sep 26, 2017

Germany: A wise verdict

The ostrich policy of Merkel’s grand old coalition has reached a dead end. Even without the AfD, the government will have to address uncomfortable q

The BRICS dilemma
Sep 25, 2017

The BRICS dilemma

The question remains: to what extend is the BRICS able to embrace and promote plural discussion.

German elections: Watch out for AfD
Sep 22, 2017

German elections: Watch out for AfD

The AfD will be entering the Bundestag as it is expected to get nine to twelve per cent of votes.

The autumn of the Queen
Sep 22, 2017

The autumn of the Queen

Angela Merkel will win the German elections on Sunday, but her power base is quickly eroding. Here is how she needs to change course.

कितनी उचित है रोहिंग्या शरणार्थियों को लेकर भारतीय रणनीति
Sep 22, 2017

कितनी उचित है रोहिंग्या शरणार्थियों को लेकर भारतीय रणनीति

रोहिंग्या शरणार्थियों को लेकर भारत की जबरन वापसी न करने (�

Why India should go for national election fund?
Sep 22, 2017

Why India should go for national election fund?

While it would cost the public exchequer a bomb, still, time is ripe for India to have a national election fund. Given that India’s current politica

भारत और चीन में प्रदूषण मुक्त विकास?
Sep 21, 2017

भारत और चीन में प्रदूषण मुक्त विकास?

भारत और चीन की 7 प्रतिशत से भी अधिक सालाना जीडीपी वृद्धि द�

Reclaiming the digital: Countering violent extremism online
Sep 21, 2017

Reclaiming the digital: Countering violent extremism online

While counter-speech is an integral part, it cannot be the only mechanism for a successful counter violent extremism strategy.

एनीमिया मुक्त भारत: मानव पूंजी में निवेश
Sep 20, 2017

एनीमिया मुक्त भारत: मानव पूंजी में निवेश

विकास की भारत की दीर्घकालिक रणनीति के लिए आर्थिक मॉडल चा�

बौनापन, कुपोषण और भारत के श्रमिक बल पर इसका प्रभाव
Sep 20, 2017

बौनापन, कुपोषण और भारत के श्रमिक बल पर इसका प्रभाव

बौनेपन के स्थायी और अपरिवर्तनीय परिणाम होते हैं और यह व्�

Will energy Trump climate?
Sep 20, 2017

Will energy Trump climate?

Nuclear energy does not face the intermittency issues associated with renewable energy.

भारत में आर्थिक संकट के प्रबल होते लक्षण
Sep 20, 2017

भारत में आर्थिक संकट के प्रबल होते लक्षण

सबसे पहले लोगों की शिक्षा और कौशल प्रशिक्षण पर ध्‍यान दे�

उम्मीद की किरण है निजता के अधिकार पर फैसला
Sep 20, 2017

उम्मीद की किरण है निजता के अधिकार पर फैसला

सरकार को निजता के अधिकार से जुड़े हाल ही के न्यायिक फैसले