
32438 results found

Assessing the NPT: 50 years on
May 01, 2020

Assessing the NPT: 50 years on

Although the global efforts towards nuclear non-proliferation have been strengthened by treaties like the NPT, it is important to assess and evaluate

Urbanisation of pandemics
May 01, 2020

Urbanisation of pandemics

The urban nature of the pandemic becomes clearer when we consider the megacities and the large Indian cities.

COVID-19 numbers: The Calcutta conundrum
May 01, 2020

COVID-19 numbers: The Calcutta conundrum

In addition to the fears of surviving this pandemic, citizens of West Bengal have to unfortunately cater to an additional anxiety resulting from — t

डिजिटल लैब: डिजिटल उपकरण का श्रमिक के मानसिक स्वास्थ्य पर प्रभाव
May 01, 2020

डिजिटल लैब: डिजिटल उपकरण का श्रमिक के मानसिक स्वास्थ्य पर प्रभाव

इस विषय पर अब भी परिचर्चा नहीं हो रही है कि, तमाम सोशल मीडि�

COVID-19’s impact on EU solidarity and US healthcare debate
May 01, 2020

COVID-19’s impact on EU solidarity and US healthcare debate

Even as the coronavirus pandemic strains European solidarity, its ideas on social protection experience a fillip — but this time on the other side o

कोविड-19: यूरोपीय संघ की तरह दोराहे पर खड़ा लक्ज़ेमबर्ग
May 01, 2020

कोविड-19: यूरोपीय संघ की तरह दोराहे पर खड़ा लक्ज़ेमबर्ग

लग्ज़ेमबर्ग की रियासत अपनी मर्ज़ी से भी और हालात के कारण �

COVID-19: Is WHO fit to lead in times of pandemics?
Apr 30, 2020

COVID-19: Is WHO fit to lead in times of pandemics?

Absence of leadership is not the only problem — the pandemic shows how the WHO failed to address deeper and chronic issues.

COVID-19: Mapping developments in the Indo-Pacific
Apr 30, 2020

COVID-19: Mapping developments in the Indo-Pacific

Even as the world continues to be engaged in fighting the pandemic, developments in the Indo-Pacific have taken on diverse forms.

कोविड-19 का संक्रमण और क्राइसिस कम्यूनिकेशन की ज़रूरत!
Apr 30, 2020

कोविड-19 का संक्रमण और क्राइसिस कम्यूनिकेशन की ज़रूरत!

केवल सूचनाओं की सेंसरशिप के दायरे से आगे जाकर, मौजूदा संक�

COVID diplomacy and regional dynamics in Southern Asia
Apr 30, 2020

COVID diplomacy and regional dynamics in Southern Asia

Several Chinese provincial governments have taken the lead on COVID diplomacy in continental Southern Asia.

Risks of putting all eggs in China basket
Apr 30, 2020

Risks of putting all eggs in China basket

The weaknesses in its economy and choppy geopolitical waters should give pause to those hoping for a China-led global revival

COVID-19 and cooperative federalism in India: So far, so good
Apr 30, 2020

COVID-19 and cooperative federalism in India: So far, so good

More states are beginning to relax lockdown restrictions to restore normalcy with preventive measures. How did a country of 1.3 billion, with large sl

Pakistan using COVID-19 as a cover for crossborder militancy
Apr 29, 2020

Pakistan using COVID-19 as a cover for crossborder militancy

The formation of ‘The Resistance Front’ should be seen as an attempt to consolidate strengths, manpower, weaponry, and training of various militan

कोरोना की मार पर दुनिया के मशहूर तेल बाजार
Apr 29, 2020

कोरोना की मार पर दुनिया के मशहूर तेल बाजार

वास्तव में तेल का खेल भू-राजनीति से शुरू हुआ था जो बाद में �

यूरोप में छद्म कूटनीति की आड़ में चीन की आक्रामक विदेश नीति
Apr 29, 2020

यूरोप में छद्म कूटनीति की आड़ में चीन की आक्रामक विदेश नीति

जिसतरह से महामारी को लेकर अनिश्चितता का माहौल है और जनता �

Three intelligence dictums recapitulated in the US’s COVID-19 surprise
Apr 29, 2020

Three intelligence dictums recapitulated in the US’s COVID-19 surprise

Where the stakes are high, political leaders have few incentives to take intelligence warnings seriously.

UAE gets COVID-19 response right: A note from within
Apr 29, 2020

UAE gets COVID-19 response right: A note from within

The nature, frequency, and messaging in the communication that the government is taking, boasts of information, connectivity, and authenticity — all

युगांडा COVID-19 की महामारी पर क्या जीत हासिल होगी?
Apr 28, 2020

युगांडा COVID-19 की महामारी पर क्या जीत हासिल होगी?

जिस समय पूरी दुनिया इस महामारी के संकट से उबरने का प्रयास

How to lift the lockdown when lockdown is the only COVID-19 vaccine available
Apr 28, 2020

How to lift the lockdown when lockdown is the only COVID-19 vaccine available

India still has about one week left before deciding the fate of its nationwide lockdown. Therefore, if there are lessons to be learnt from the countri

Russia-Belarus relations: The future of the union state
Apr 28, 2020

Russia-Belarus relations: The future of the union state

Will Belarus join Russia in a unified state — or will it maintain the status quo and mend relations with the West?

Net neutrality in the time of COVID-19
Apr 28, 2020

Net neutrality in the time of COVID-19

As work from home becomes the new normal, regulators around the world have come under pressure to relook at the rules relating to bandwidth, traffic a

कोविड-19: चीन को अंतरराष्ट्रीय अदालत ले जाने का मामला तो बनता है
Apr 27, 2020

कोविड-19: चीन को अंतरराष्ट्रीय अदालत ले जाने का मामला तो बनता है

नए कोरोना वायरस की महामारी के लिए कौन ज़िम्मेदार है, इस मु

Self-help group women as COVID-19 warriors
Apr 27, 2020

Self-help group women as COVID-19 warriors

The work of the SHG members has not only helped in meeting the increased demand for medical provisions, but has also provided the members themselves w

US-India cooperation against COVID19
Apr 27, 2020

US-India cooperation against COVID19

COVID19 pandemic offers India and the US an opportunity to build a positive-sum consensus

COVID-19 and migrant workers in India: Reinstating ethics of care as state policy
Apr 27, 2020

COVID-19 and migrant workers in India: Reinstating ethics of care as state policy

Migrant workers have perennially remained at the socio-economic margins of our society silently serving as the instrumental labour force of the urban