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3094 results found

The Taiwan question in Indian foreign policy
May 16, 2020

The Taiwan question in Indian foreign policy

Taiwan’s successful handling of the pandemic has led it to draw support from some major global players and some are even recalibrating their Taiwan

Water wars over paradigms
May 14, 2020

Water wars over paradigms

The ongoing “water wars” is presently a war over two paradigms — namely the colonial engineering paradigm that is visibly reductionist, and the

Cancer patients face new challenges during COVID-19 pandemic
May 09, 2020

Cancer patients face new challenges during COVID-19 pandemic

Cancer patients must learn to treat the post-COVID-19 world as a ‘new normal,’ and remain focused on what they need to do to manage their illness

India and China: Is Maldives balancing or tilting?
May 07, 2020

India and China: Is Maldives balancing or tilting?

The structure of the international system and balance of power tend to limit the foreign policy choices of smaller states. But we are now living in a

Tardy response to COVID19 pandemic: WHO in dire need of reforms
May 03, 2020

Tardy response to COVID19 pandemic: WHO in dire need of reforms

Although, plentiful has been written about China’s inaction during the early days of the outbreak of this pandemic, there is scant mention of WHO be

COVID-19 crises: Northeast India and the Sikkimese miracle
May 02, 2020

COVID-19 crises: Northeast India and the Sikkimese miracle

It is imperative that the Northeastern region be a major catalyst for India’s foreign policy in the immediate Southeast Asian neighbourhood.

यूरोप में छद्म कूटनीति की आड़ में चीन की आक्रामक विदेश नीति
Apr 29, 2020

यूरोप में छद्म कूटनीति की आड़ में चीन की आक्रामक विदेश नीति

जिसतरह से महामारी को लेकर अनिश्चितता का माहौल है और जनता �

COVID-19 and migrant workers in India: Reinstating ethics of care as state policy
Apr 27, 2020

COVID-19 and migrant workers in India: Reinstating ethics of care as state policy

Migrant workers have perennially remained at the socio-economic margins of our society silently serving as the instrumental labour force of the urban

COVID-19: South Asian countries need a migrant worker-friendly disaster management policy
Apr 23, 2020

COVID-19: South Asian countries need a migrant worker-friendly disaster management policy

The recent incidents shed light on the desperation of the migrant labours in the South Asian countries that worsen during disasters like the present p

COVID19: An opportunity and challenge for ‘Neighbourhood First’ policy
Apr 18, 2020

COVID19: An opportunity and challenge for ‘Neighbourhood First’ policy

India has done well with its neighbours by not giving up on them in their own hour of crisis. Even while the nation was faced with exigencies of every

Health Policy belongs to the national security domain and different stakeholders must engage
Apr 18, 2020

Health Policy belongs to the national security domain and different stakeholders must engage

Samir Saran, President, ORF was interviewed by Oxford Political Review in the backdrop of the Indian government’s decision to enforce a complete loc

Lessons from COVID-19 on climate change policy
Apr 14, 2020

Lessons from COVID-19 on climate change policy

As the world soldiers on to combat this formidable adversary, another global catastrophe — one involving higher stakes and no cure — looms large.

China’s preliminary response to COVID-19 — A crisis communication framework
Mar 25, 2020

China’s preliminary response to COVID-19 — A crisis communication framework

China’s policy narratives against the COVID-19 in the initial stages adopted a denial crisis strategy to deal with the reputational damage.

How to speed up urbanisation
Mar 16, 2020

How to speed up urbanisation

Reckless urbanisation that does not provide for quality of life to the citizens may be counterproductive for the desired levels of growth.

New Delhi’s recent Kashmir policy has hurt its international reputation but not its real position
Mar 02, 2020

New Delhi’s recent Kashmir policy has hurt its international reputation but not its real position

Externally, New Delhi has inconsistently wavered between attempting to influence the international debate on Kashmir and treating it as a purely domes

With Trump’s India visit, US-India ties go one step forward and two steps back
Feb 27, 2020

With Trump’s India visit, US-India ties go one step forward and two steps back

Despite some gains on the policy level, Trump’s visit to India symbolised heightened partisanship and a return to chemistry between leaders defining

Does budget 2020 provide material support for the ongoing health reforms?
Feb 07, 2020

Does budget 2020 provide material support for the ongoing health reforms?

Perhaps for the first time in the history of India’s health policymaking, multiple agencies are moving in a closely coordinated manner.

वो छह मोर्चे जिनपर 2020 में भारत की विदेश नीति केंद्रित हो!
Jan 07, 2020

वो छह मोर्चे जिनपर 2020 में भारत की विदेश नीति केंद्रित हो!

चूंकि, भारत एक लोकतांत्रिक देश है, तो इस के विकास के रास्त�

China in Africa: Developmental partnership or imperial dominance?
Dec 27, 2019

China in Africa: Developmental partnership or imperial dominance?

Like the western powers, China has had no qualms in serving its interest in Africa by supporting autocratic rulers.

Understanding the resolutions on Kashmir in the US Congress
Dec 18, 2019

Understanding the resolutions on Kashmir in the US Congress

The two House Resolutions on Kashmir reflect moderate to extreme conceptions on the role of values in US foreign policy, but both emphasise the centra

Pet control
Nov 19, 2019

Pet control

Cities need to respond to the unprecedented rise in pets with policy and regulation that both facilitate as well as control the pet boom

Net metering versus net billing
Nov 18, 2019

Net metering versus net billing

Hasty net metering policy revisions by states will upset India’s renewable energy targets

New cabinet in Indonesia: Future of Indonesian foreign policy and its relations with India
Nov 04, 2019

New cabinet in Indonesia: Future of Indonesian foreign policy and its relations with India

Both India and Indonesia see ASEAN centrality as a prominent feature in their approach to the Indo-Pacific.

Diversity within the Union: The EU’s midlife checklist
Nov 02, 2019

Diversity within the Union: The EU’s midlife checklist

Even with increased efforts from governments towards democratising trade policy development, there are hindrances with the emergence of other Westphal