Search: For - LoC

1307 results found

Coping with floods: Indigenous survival strategies in Bangladesh
May 18, 2020

Coping with floods: Indigenous survival strategies in Bangladesh

Vulnerable communities are more confident and comfortable about using their local knowledge in crisis situations and indeed their functional knowledge

COVID-19 and Indian defence planning
May 14, 2020

COVID-19 and Indian defence planning

The Ministry of Defence has fixated on process rather than outcomes for decades with little effort to remedy this, stymying timely modernisation of th

लॉकडाउन में ताज़ी हवा का एक झोंका
May 14, 2020

लॉकडाउन में ताज़ी हवा का एक झोंका

लॉकडाउन के कारण, ज़हरीली गैसों के उत्सर्जन में आई अस्थाय�

Counterterror ops in Kashmir in the times of COVID-19
May 13, 2020

Counterterror ops in Kashmir in the times of COVID-19

In coming weeks, the battleground in all probability, could be the LoC and the villages dotting the vicinity.

Should online sale of liquor and its home delivery be legislated?
May 12, 2020

Should online sale of liquor and its home delivery be legislated?

India is the third largest liquor market in the world with a present value of $35 billion and further to see an exponential growth of 22% by 2022 —

The military and the mullah: Priorities for the Imran Khan government
May 12, 2020

The military and the mullah: Priorities for the Imran Khan government

Is Pakistan simply incapable in securing terrorists or are they hand-in-glove with them?

Cancer patients face new challenges during COVID-19 pandemic
May 09, 2020

Cancer patients face new challenges during COVID-19 pandemic

Cancer patients must learn to treat the post-COVID-19 world as a ‘new normal,’ and remain focused on what they need to do to manage their illness

Steps to restart public transit after lockdown ends
May 07, 2020

Steps to restart public transit after lockdown ends

It is necessary to detail the steps that our transit agencies can take in the face of the restart after 17 May.

Transition from stay home, stay safe to travel safe
May 07, 2020

Transition from stay home, stay safe to travel safe

Overcoming mass mobility challenges post lockdown.

Indo-Nepal borderland: The fate of migrant labourers
May 07, 2020

Indo-Nepal borderland: The fate of migrant labourers

The plight of the Nepali migrant labourers stuck in foreign countries like India advertently questions the interest of these labourers to travel abroa

COVID-19: The question of China and its accountability
May 07, 2020

COVID-19: The question of China and its accountability

It stands to reason that not only is an investigation into the issue a vital necessity, but also that such an investigation would be incomplete and la

भारत -अमेरिका संबंध में स्थानीय स्तर पर सहयोग के नए आयाम
May 07, 2020

भारत -अमेरिका संबंध में स्थानीय स्तर पर सहयोग के नए आयाम

अब जबकि भारत और अमेरिका के बीच बड़े मसलों पर सहमति अटक गई �

The pandemic experience: Preventive and curative measures of India’s major ports
May 05, 2020

The pandemic experience: Preventive and curative measures of India’s major ports

For the first time, healthcare/social responsibility of ports have come into the limelight bearing implications not only for the port community but th

कोविड19: लॉकडाउन के बाद पटरी पर कैसे लौटेगी अर्थव्यवस्था
May 04, 2020

कोविड19: लॉकडाउन के बाद पटरी पर कैसे लौटेगी अर्थव्यवस्था

सबसे बड़ी समस्या जो आने वाली है वो यह है कि जो निर्देश दिल�

Thanks to COVID-19, the future of work is now
May 03, 2020

Thanks to COVID-19, the future of work is now

We need to make the gig economy a dignified one, as it will certainly embrace the future of work, if not be the basis of it.

COVID-19 numbers: The Calcutta conundrum
May 01, 2020

COVID-19 numbers: The Calcutta conundrum

In addition to the fears of surviving this pandemic, citizens of West Bengal have to unfortunately cater to an additional anxiety resulting from — t

COVID-19 and cooperative federalism in India: So far, so good
Apr 30, 2020

COVID-19 and cooperative federalism in India: So far, so good

More states are beginning to relax lockdown restrictions to restore normalcy with preventive measures. How did a country of 1.3 billion, with large sl

UAE gets COVID-19 response right: A note from within
Apr 29, 2020

UAE gets COVID-19 response right: A note from within

The nature, frequency, and messaging in the communication that the government is taking, boasts of information, connectivity, and authenticity — all

How to lift the lockdown when lockdown is the only COVID-19 vaccine available
Apr 28, 2020

How to lift the lockdown when lockdown is the only COVID-19 vaccine available

India still has about one week left before deciding the fate of its nationwide lockdown. Therefore, if there are lessons to be learnt from the countri

COVID-19 and migrant workers in India: Reinstating ethics of care as state policy
Apr 27, 2020

COVID-19 and migrant workers in India: Reinstating ethics of care as state policy

Migrant workers have perennially remained at the socio-economic margins of our society silently serving as the instrumental labour force of the urban

COVID-19: South Asian countries need a migrant worker-friendly disaster management policy
Apr 23, 2020

COVID-19: South Asian countries need a migrant worker-friendly disaster management policy

The recent incidents shed light on the desperation of the migrant labours in the South Asian countries that worsen during disasters like the present p

Is the Inter-State Migrant Workmen Act 1979, a dead letter?
Apr 21, 2020

Is the Inter-State Migrant Workmen Act 1979, a dead letter?

Where did the States go wrong? Is it not the responsibility of the Central and State government to protect the rights of the migrant workers as enshri

Maharashtra: A COVID-19 status report
Apr 21, 2020

Maharashtra: A COVID-19 status report

How is Maharashtra faring as compared to other states — and what is the status of the spread of COVID-19 within the state?

East to West: India’s migrant crisis looms large during COVID-19
Apr 20, 2020

East to West: India’s migrant crisis looms large during COVID-19

While India has numerous policies for social security when it comes to education, healthcare, skilling, food security and pensions — most of these s

Can the global economy survive COVID19 shocks?
Apr 19, 2020

Can the global economy survive COVID19 shocks?

The COVID19 pandemic has impacted the rich and developed countries. It has reiterated the importance of effective and adequate primary healthcare faci

Health Policy belongs to the national security domain and different stakeholders must engage
Apr 18, 2020

Health Policy belongs to the national security domain and different stakeholders must engage

Samir Saran, President, ORF was interviewed by Oxford Political Review in the backdrop of the Indian government’s decision to enforce a complete loc

COVID19 and displaced Rohingyas in Bangladesh camps
Apr 18, 2020

COVID19 and displaced Rohingyas in Bangladesh camps

The spread of coronavirus in camp areas is equivalent to spread of forest fires which only leads to more destruction — and questions the government�

कोरोना वायरस और टोटल लॉकडाउन: एक आर्थिक एवं मानवीय आपदा
Apr 17, 2020

कोरोना वायरस और टोटल लॉकडाउन: एक आर्थिक एवं मानवीय आपदा

अब ये बात पता है कि इस वायरस के संक्रमण से मृत्यु की दर बहु�

A perspective on secondary effects of the spread of COVID19 in emerging economies
Apr 17, 2020

A perspective on secondary effects of the spread of COVID19 in emerging economies

It is essential for emerging economies to devise strategic responses that suit their specific contexts.

Fighting against a pandemic: A long road ahead
Apr 15, 2020

Fighting against a pandemic: A long road ahead

The fight against COVID-19 has just begun. It will continue over time.

COVID19 impact on India to be more than $40.9 billion in first quarter
Apr 13, 2020

COVID19 impact on India to be more than $40.9 billion in first quarter

Like any other country Indian economy is dealing with a once-in-a-lifetime tectonic disaster.

Militaries, pandemics and leadership
Apr 10, 2020

Militaries, pandemics and leadership

To those at the helm of affairs and in the military, what leadership lessons do they derive from the ongoing worldwide crisis?

COVID19: Despite lockdown and sealing measures, is India still looking at alarming mortality levels?
Apr 09, 2020

COVID19: Despite lockdown and sealing measures, is India still looking at alarming mortality levels?

It is important that India steps up testing. The testing protocol needs to prioritise the high-risk group of individuals with travel history because t

Addressing domestic violence: A forgotten agenda while locking India down
Apr 08, 2020

Addressing domestic violence: A forgotten agenda while locking India down

In the attempt to flatten the COVID19 curve, women’s equality and physical and mental health seems to have suffered a collateral damage.

Reviving reciprocity to tackle behavioural anomalies during COVID19
Apr 07, 2020

Reviving reciprocity to tackle behavioural anomalies during COVID19

The outbreak of COVID19 has riddled a man’s life with a range of uncertainties; the uncertainty of keeping one’s job (or, receive a pay-cut), the

Lockdown and the urban poor
Apr 07, 2020

Lockdown and the urban poor

The lockdown is a tough examination that the nation must pass. Depending on how people behave and how the virus spreads, governments would decide thei