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105 results found

Trump’s transactional pragmatism may auger well for Africa
Nov 23, 2024

Trump’s transactional pragmatism may auger well for Africa

Though Trump’s economic diplomacy bodes well for African self-reliance, the future of the US-Africa alliance remains shaky

केंद्रीय अर्थसंकल्प २०२४:  धोरणांतील बदल आणि बाजारावरील परिणाम
Aug 07, 2024

केंद्रीय अर्थसंकल्प २०२४:  धोरणांतील बदल आणि बाजारावरील परिणाम

सट्टा बाजाराला आळा घालणे आणि आर्थिक परिस्थितीशी जुळवून �

Union Budget 2024: Evaluating fiscal policy shifts and financial market implications
Aug 02, 2024

Union Budget 2024: Evaluating fiscal policy shifts and financial market implications

The Budget's tax changes aim to curb speculative trading and align with economic conditions but have temporarily dampened market sentiment due to poli

Deepfakes and potential implications for online identity verification
Jul 18, 2024

Deepfakes and potential implications for online identity verification

Research highlights the potential for deepfakes to undermine trust in online identity verification processes, which have come a long way in reducing t

Exploring the nexus: Cryptocurrency, Zakat, and terror funding
May 08, 2024

Exploring the nexus: Cryptocurrency, Zakat, and terror funding

Cryptocurrencies have transformed financial transactions and donations, yet the anonymity they offer has been exploited by terrorist organisations

डीपफेक दुविधेचा सामना: AIच्या युगात सरकारी देखरेख
Apr 10, 2024

डीपफेक दुविधेचा सामना: AIच्या युगात सरकारी देखरेख

तंत्रज्ञान आणि कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्तेच्या आसपासची कायदेश�

भारतातील ऊर्जा पुरवठ्याचे विकेंद्रीकरण
Apr 02, 2024

भारतातील ऊर्जा पुरवठ्याचे विकेंद्रीकरण

भारताच्या ऊर्जेशी संबंधित समस्येचे मुख्य कारण म्हणजे भ�

Navigating the deepfake dilemma: Government oversight in the age of AI
Mar 28, 2024

Navigating the deepfake dilemma: Government oversight in the age of AI

In a world where the legal vacuum surrounding tech and AI persists, how do we safeguard the citizens from the adverse effects of a rapidly developing

Decentralisation of energy supply in India: Energy in sachets
Mar 15, 2024

Decentralisation of energy supply in India: Energy in sachets

India’s key energy problem is the inadequate effective demand for energy, especially from poor rural households in India and an underdeveloped marke

बचत मोडून स्वप्नांची उभारणी: भारतातील महिलांच्या बचतीची गोष्ट
Mar 14, 2024

बचत मोडून स्वप्नांची उभारणी: भारतातील महिलांच्या बचतीची गोष्ट

भारत अधिक आर्थिक समावेशकतेकडे आणि महिला सक्षमीकरणाकडे �

Breaking banks, building dreams: A case for women’s savings in India
Mar 07, 2024

Breaking banks, building dreams: A case for women’s savings in India

India is seeing a shift towards greater financial inclusion and women's empowerment. Policies supporting this trend can create a more equitable financ

Competition in retail electricity: Power of choice
Feb 12, 2024

Competition in retail electricity: Power of choice

Behavioural changes expected in electricity use by the consumer may not play out as anticipated without the intervention of technological inputs

The eyes in the Holy City
Jan 29, 2024

The eyes in the Holy City

The indiscriminate use of checkpoints and monitoring of civilians in areas of occupation such as Hebron is beyond any Orwellian imagination

RegTech & SupTech: Unintended regulatory arbitrage and technological disruption
Sep 15, 2023

RegTech & SupTech: Unintended regulatory arbitrage and technological disruption

Financial institutions must tread a fine line between regulating technological innovation and stifling innovation

Digital Ruble: Growing influence amidst sanctions?
Aug 01, 2023

Digital Ruble: Growing influence amidst sanctions?

As the Digital Ruble becomes more accessible, it promises to revolutionise financial transactions and reshape Russia's financial landscape

A tough road ahead for ASEAN Special Envoy to Myanmar
Mar 28, 2022

A tough road ahead for ASEAN Special Envoy to Myanmar

Although highly-measured steps were taken, the Special Envoy to Myanmar managed to make some headway during the Myanmar visit

The Mon massacre: Time to withdraw AFSPA from the Northeast?
Jan 11, 2022

The Mon massacre: Time to withdraw AFSPA from the Northeast?

The cries to repeal AFSPA have grown louder in the wake of the recent Nagaland massacre. Will it finally be reality?

China’s practice in recognising Governments: The case of Taliban
Sep 15, 2021

China’s practice in recognising Governments: The case of Taliban

International recognition of government has always been more based on realpolitik rather than agreed upon priniciples

मैसाचुसेट्स में वैक्सीन का वितरण: नस्ल और सामाजिक-आर्थिक आधार पर बंटवारा
Aug 26, 2021

मैसाचुसेट्स में वैक्सीन का वितरण: नस्ल और सामाजिक-आर्थिक आधार पर बंटवारा

मैसाचुसेट्स में वैक्सीन की समानता को “सबसे ख़राब” बताया

Access to vaccines in Massachusetts: Divisions along race and socioeconomic lines
Jul 15, 2021

Access to vaccines in Massachusetts: Divisions along race and socioeconomic lines

Vaccine equity in Massachusetts has been called the “best of the worst”; although doing better than other states in terms of equitable distributio

Why should the Commodity Transaction Tax (CTT) be repealed?
Dec 17, 2020

Why should the Commodity Transaction Tax (CTT) be repealed?

India needs world-class derivatives exchanges which will provide for the best risk management practices.

South Asia: Ending, or losing, an ‘endless war’ in Afghanistan?
Nov 02, 2020

South Asia: Ending, or losing, an ‘endless war’ in Afghanistan?

“With improved implementation of the plan of action for South Asia, Trump has impelled the region to constantly recalibrate strategic choices while

Common Cause, Common Sense: How the UN Security Council could regain trust and legitimacy
Sep 19, 2020

Common Cause, Common Sense: How the UN Security Council could regain trust and legitimacy

All permanent five would benefit from a conversation on additional permanent seats as no member of the Security Council can gain any long-term economi

Why it is time for a “sacred alliance” between Japan and India
Aug 07, 2020

Why it is time for a “sacred alliance” between Japan and India

It is imperative to highlight that we’re now reaching a period when a “sacred alliance” between Japan and India should be built up as a force of

Why New Delhi featured in Pompeo’s salvo against Iran
Jul 02, 2020

Why New Delhi featured in Pompeo’s salvo against Iran

India, which maintains good relations with Iran and has strategic interests in that country, has walked the trapeze wire regarding the issue of its nu

Natural gas in India: From Cinderella to Goldilocks
May 20, 2020

Natural gas in India: From Cinderella to Goldilocks

Natural gas can provide ‘always-on’ power — and in addition — provide quick ramp up and down to meet fluctuating demand at a fraction of the c

The weaponisation of cashbacks on UPI by Google Pay
Oct 28, 2019

The weaponisation of cashbacks on UPI by Google Pay

Digital payments are no longer about ensuring that money reaches the intended person or entity. Instead, the data exhaust of the transaction has becom

मोदी ने कैसे खाड़ी देशों को भारत का मुरीद बनाया?
Jul 11, 2019

मोदी ने कैसे खाड़ी देशों को भारत का मुरीद बनाया?

जनसंपर्क और सोशल मीडिया के इस ज़माने में प्रधानमंत्री मो

IMF’s $6 billion loan to Pakistan risks supporting its terror infrastructure
May 14, 2019

IMF’s $6 billion loan to Pakistan risks supporting its terror infrastructure

There is a deeper politics at play here, a politics of negotiation and a transaction of international power games that is diluting the dangers of Paki

औपनिवेशिक शोषण के खिलाफ़ आवाज़: जलियांवाला बाग नरसंहार के 100 साल
May 03, 2019

औपनिवेशिक शोषण के खिलाफ़ आवाज़: जलियांवाला बाग नरसंहार के 100 साल

ब्रिटिश सरकार ने आखिर स्वंय के द्वारा अतीत में की गईं ज़्य�

Reparation for colonial abuse: 100 years of Jallianwala Bagh massacre
Apr 16, 2019

Reparation for colonial abuse: 100 years of Jallianwala Bagh massacre

On the 100th anniversary of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, this article aims to revisit colonial despotism and the options of reparation with former c

Bits and Bytes: Reaching money to the bottom of the pyramid
Sep 29, 2017

Bits and Bytes: Reaching money to the bottom of the pyramid

Despite numerous government efforts to popularise digital transactions, India continues to be a cash-dependent economy. This is because the transforma

डिजिटल ट्रांजैक्‍शन में नए रुझान
Mar 21, 2017

डिजिटल ट्रांजैक्‍शन में नए रुझान

डिजिटल लेन-देन का स्तर किस हद तक अंतर्निहित या वास्‍तविक �

New trends in digital transactions
Mar 06, 2017

New trends in digital transactions

It's possible to calculate the extent to which the level of digital transactions relates to the underlying trends.

Cashless transactions & cyber terrorism
Dec 07, 2016

Cashless transactions & cyber terrorism

Post-demonetisation campaigning for cashless transactions as way to stamp out black money has been stepped up with cybercrime issue needed to be dealt

India-US relations under Trump: Guarding against transactionalism by pivoting to the US legislature
Oct 18, 2018

India-US relations under Trump: Guarding against transactionalism by pivoting to the US legislature

The dynamics of the India-US relationship under the Trump administration bear significantly on the two countries’ security partnership. This relationship, however, is being challenged by President Donald Trump’s increasingly apparent transactional worldview. As witnessed in the case of the United States’ relations with its allies and partners across Europe and Asia, Trump has often linked US defence commitments and partner nations’ securi