Date: Jan 19, 2022
Reviving the Jaffna Peninsula as a Regional Economic Hub
Since the end of the three-decade-long war, the Jaffna Peninsula in Northern Sri Lanka has undergone a significant transformation. While the city has seen notable development during the past decade in areas such as infrastructure, health and transportation facilities — there is much room for growth in restoring the Jaffna Peninsula to the vibrant regional economic hub that it once used to be in the pre-war years. This panel will explore the opportunities available to promote sustainable economic revival in the Jaffna Peninsula. It will look at the following:
  • How can Sri Lanka and India cooperate to promote the economic revival of the Jaffna region?
  • What role can governments, the private sector, investors and other stakeholders play?
  • What are the promising investments?
  • How can women and the youth of the region promote and benefit from this economic growth?