Search: For - social

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Social Evolution & Militancy: Past and Prospects
May 12, 2004

Social Evolution & Militancy: Past and Prospects

The recent US decision to blackball People¿s War (PW) and the Maoist Communist Centre (MCC) may have revived interest in the naxalite movements, nearer home in India. While there can be no two ways about the State and the society fighting militancy, insurgency or terrorism, there is need to study the social causes and implications of such a trend. That way, we can reduce such incidents and instances, if not totally eliminate them.

Social history details and delineates the times, says expert
Jul 18, 2019

Social history details and delineates the times, says expert

Political and economic history typically studied structures and processes. Social history was interested in documenting the values, interests, and everyday lives of the common people.

Social management in the era of coalition politics
Jan 12, 2008

Social management in the era of coalition politics

Dr. V Krishna Ananth, political scientist and author, initiated an interaction on the 'Emerging scenario of coalition politics in India' at the ORF Chennai Chapter of the Observer Research Foundation, on 12 January 2008.

Social marginalisation in urban India and role of the State
Jun 05, 2015

Social marginalisation in urban India and role of the State

Social marginalisation in urban India can be overcome by identifying committed non-State individuals/institutions, and supporting them so that they are able to successfully contribute to the government's reform process.

Social Marginalisation in Urban India and the Role of the State
Sep 15, 2023

Social Marginalisation in Urban India and the Role of the State

Urban inequality is a blight experienced by many cities, even in the developed world.In developing countries like India, these social and economic inequalities become even morepronounced, with living conditions in certain populations crossing the line to the abysmal. Inthese cities, agencies responsible for addressing welfare concerns are unable to do so, as theythemselves grapple with a host of challenges. This paper argues that any positive tra

Social media and disaster preparedness — an ORF-CSIS report
Feb 10, 2017

Social media and disaster preparedness — an ORF-CSIS report

The availability of big data during disasters, in the hands of technology companies can be analysed both real-time and historically to inform best pra

Social Media and Political Leaders: An Exploratory Analysis
Jul 21, 2023

Social Media and Political Leaders: An Exploratory Analysis

Politicians have always used the media to communicate with the electorate. What makes social media unique is the scale, speed, and minimal cost at which leaders can do this task. This paper analyses the relationship between political leaders and the microblogging site, Twitter. It provides a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the use of Twitter by two contemporary Indian political leaders—Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi. It describ

Social Media and Politics
Apr 08, 2014

Social Media and Politics

ORF hosted a panel discussion on "Social Media and Politics", based on Shaili Chopra's book, The Big Connect: Politics in the Age of Social Media.

Social media and politics in Africa: The good, the bad, and the ugly
Jun 07, 2019

Social media and politics in Africa: The good, the bad, and the ugly

As significant as the surge of multiparty politics has been, the decade since a social media boom started in Africa is driving even more transformatio

Social media as the new courtroom for justice — a debate
Feb 25, 2019

Social media as the new courtroom for justice — a debate

Students spoke about the potential of social media in espousing causes like Arab Spring and #MeToo movements, and the Nirbhaya rape case.

Social media becomes the scapegoat in India
Oct 08, 2013

Social media becomes the scapegoat in India

Hate speech, law and order, and mass panic are realities India's states have been living with for years. It would appear that, in dealing with free expression on the internet, India's politicians seem to err on the side of control. Perhaps the next election is not just about the economy, but equally about the Indian citizens freedom of expression and freedom from control.

Social media finally has its campaign in the sun
Jan 07, 2014

Social media finally has its campaign in the sun

Irrespective of whether AAP delivers on all its promises or is somehow muscled out of office in a few months, it has proven something to all Indian media watchers. Social media buzz has helped in shaping the agenda for India's largest and most important city, making a newly formed political party into a serious player in just over a year.

Social mobility in India: Determinants and recommendations for change
May 24, 2023

Social mobility in India: Determinants and recommendations for change

Social mobility reveals the degree to which an individual’s starting point in life determines their chances in the future, and therefore the extent to which talent is rewarded with opportunity. A stronger association between one’s starting point and their outcomes in adulthood, indicates lower social mobility and less meritocracy. For India, realising the potential of its population will be a key driver of progress and growth. This brief expl

Social Protection in the Age of Uber
Dec 05, 2016

Social Protection in the Age of Uber

Global debate on the loss of social protection benefits in a platform economy does not apply in the Indian context and need is for Uber to devise some plan

Social protection to mitigate poverty: Examining the neglect of India’s informal workers
Aug 21, 2023

Social protection to mitigate poverty: Examining the neglect of India’s informal workers

Social protection is crucial in tackling extreme poverty and ensuring equitable development, thus catalysing the transition to a more stable and robust economy. About 50 percent of India’s economy hinges on its informal workers, who comprise 90 percent of the country’s total workforce. Yet, these informal workers continue to be excluded from current social-protection schemes, leaving them with no social or financial safety net and trapping th

A bright red line between social and private costs and benefits
Aug 07, 2023

A bright red line between social and private costs and benefits

In India, the line separating social cost and benefit from private benefit and cost is blurred, leading to less than ideal outcomes for both citizens

A first for the IPCC: The social aspects of mitigation of climate change
Apr 11, 2022

A first for the IPCC: The social aspects of mitigation of climate change

This year’s IPCC covers the demand-side mitigation and states that it can help reduce emission by 40-70 percent by 2050

A New Social Contract for the Digital Age
Dec 19, 2018

A New Social Contract for the Digital Age

A new social contract between citizens, consumers, employees, the state, and enterprise is needed to delineate a new understanding around rights, responsibilities and entitlements. Digital  transformations  are  rapidly  altering  the  nature  of  work,  models  of employment,    contracts,    regulations    and    protections.    Increasingly,    the responsibilities  of the state are becoming the obligations  of,�

A ‘social’ index for ease of doing business
May 29, 2019

A ‘social’ index for ease of doing business

The SDG index is a better alternative to the World Bank’s parameters as it takes a holistic view of development

Bleeding heart liberals are social hypocrites
Jul 31, 2015

Bleeding heart liberals are social hypocrites

After Independence, none of the national parties - the Congress, the Janata Dal, leave alone the BJP - have ever had anyone other than a Hindu as their supreme political leader. The only recent exception is Sonia Gandhi of the Congress. But even her links into politics are exceptionally pucca, upper caste Hindu.

Budget 2023: Assessing the social welfare dimensions
Feb 10, 2023

Budget 2023: Assessing the social welfare dimensions

The budget has prioritised capital expenditure for addressing the needs of public infrastructure along with some focussed welfare initiatives in cruci

Can competition tools fix social media?
Oct 13, 2021

Can competition tools fix social media?

Replacing tech authoritarianism with state overreach will only exacerbate problems plaguing social media platforms

Children’s psychosocial health in a post-pandemic India
Feb 15, 2023

Children’s psychosocial health in a post-pandemic India

Adequate policy interventions need to be put in place to undo the inimical impact of the pandemic on children’s psychosocial development

Chinese nationalism, with socialist characteristics?
Jul 12, 2021

Chinese nationalism, with socialist characteristics?

China’s communist party has survived where others have failed — a testament to its capacity to adapt and reinvent itself with the times. Mao’s successors put ideology aside and focused instead on economic growth.  Yet today, under Xi Jinping’s leadership, there is much lip-service paid to the ideology of the communist past, even while key communist principles like collectivism are actively undermined. With a slowing down economy, communi

COVID19: A wake-up call for urban social protection in India
Mar 20, 2020

COVID19: A wake-up call for urban social protection in India

Having an urban welfare strategy in place would have allowed the government to act immediately to support workers affected by the coronavirus shock. U

Create a social contract between the state and its most alienated citizens
Sep 02, 2019

Create a social contract between the state and its most alienated citizens

Modi must preserve the dignity of the ordinary Kashmiri. This is what he will be judged by.

Dams as displacers: A heavy social cost to incur
Jul 04, 2022

Dams as displacers: A heavy social cost to incur

The hydropower projects in Myanmar are riddled with challenges, therefore, a more holistic approach needs to be adopted, making sure all the stakehold

Decentralised social networks and consumer agency
Jan 27, 2023

Decentralised social networks and consumer agency

Social media and networking is also being scrutinised in the wake new data privacy laws

Development for All: Social security and the G20
Dec 06, 2022

Development for All: Social security and the G20

Devising sustainable models of social security systems and expanding their coverage should be an imperative agenda for the G20

Dharavi redevelopment could create new paradigms in social housing
Jul 18, 2020

Dharavi redevelopment could create new paradigms in social housing

The complexity of Mumbai’s geography along with its bursting population has created lopsided informalities that the city needs to reconsider.

Dravidian 'social justice' has no answers yet to casteism
Jul 10, 2013

Dravidian 'social justice' has no answers yet to casteism

The 'Elavarasan episode' in Tamil Nadu is a product of an electoral malady for which the political class would only offer words, not pro-active solutions. With greater educational opportunities and industrialisation nearer home rewriting the face of caste equations, the problem has worsened.

Emerging role of public opinion and social media in Middle Eastern politics
Feb 22, 2024

Emerging role of public opinion and social media in Middle Eastern politics

Amidst the war in Gaza, the surge of alternative news media outlets and social media has significantly bolstered support for the Palestinian cause

FDI as a tool of social liberation
Dec 11, 2012

FDI as a tool of social liberation

The social and economic profile of the participants in India's vast retail trade is complex and varied. Besides, there is ample evidence that large sections of the petty bourgeoisie (trader and shopkeepers) may not be happy with their current existence. They would not mind if global capital inflows result in the creative destruction of existing arrangements.