Search: For - presidential elections

62 results found

Afghan presidential elections: Implications and the road ahead
Apr 16, 2014

Afghan presidential elections: Implications and the road ahead

The voluminous participation by the Afghans in the elections, in which all major candidates asserted their desire to sign the Bilateral Security Agreement with the US, does not bode well for the Taliban, which describes signing of the BSA as "a huge crime".

Belarus presidential elections: A change in the offing?
Aug 03, 2020

Belarus presidential elections: A change in the offing?

Lukashenko’s social contract with the people — offering loyalty in exchange for economic prosperity, is in tatters.

Decoding crucial trends from the Maldives’ Presidential elections
Sep 16, 2023

Decoding crucial trends from the Maldives’ Presidential elections

As Maldives heads to the second round of elections, uncertainty looms large for the island nation

Forthcoming Presidential Elections in India
Jun 08, 2007

Forthcoming Presidential Elections in India

The Observer Research Foundation organised a roundtable on the "Forthcoming Presidential Election in India" on April 27, 2007 at the ORF Campus, Delhi. The roundtable was attended by several eminent personalities from the media, academia, political parties and think-tanks. The discussion largely focused on the possible contenders, the current electoral strengths of various political formations and possible scenarios that are likely to emerge.

How the French Presidential elections can alter European politics
Apr 14, 2022

How the French Presidential elections can alter European politics

The outcome of the ongoing French presidential elections will determine whether France prioritises fulfilling its responsibility to the EU more so ove

Instability in Gabon after presidential elections
Sep 12, 2016

Instability in Gabon after presidential elections

Developing volatility in the aftermath of presidential elections in Gabon.

Putin maintains firm grip on power ahead of 2024 presidential elections
Oct 19, 2021

Putin maintains firm grip on power ahead of 2024 presidential elections

The recent elections in Russia indicated that despite a minor fall in approval ratings, the United Party still enjoys huge support.

The Colombian presidential elections: A consequential change?
Jun 24, 2022

The Colombian presidential elections: A consequential change?

The victory of left-wing senator Gustvao Petro indicates that Colombia is ready for unprecedented changes.

The Taiwanese Presidential elections could shape Asia’s future
Jan 11, 2024

The Taiwanese Presidential elections could shape Asia’s future

The world will be closely watching the Taiwan election as it will play a crucial role in shaping the power dynamics in Asia

Turkmenistan’s presidential elections: No surprise in the offing
Mar 10, 2022

Turkmenistan’s presidential elections: No surprise in the offing

Will a new leadership bring about the much-required change in Turkmenistan as it battles a severe economic and food crisis?

US 2024 presidential elections: A stocktaking
Jan 04, 2024

US 2024 presidential elections: A stocktaking

It seems like the 2024 US election is riding on issue-centric campaigns, given the limited impact of persona from either party

Afghanistan: Challenges for the National Unity Govt
Aug 30, 2014

Afghanistan: Challenges for the National Unity Govt

Amidst claims by the Afghan Independent Election Commission (IEC) that the auditing process is in its final stages, there was hope that the presidential elections will be concluded sooner rather than later.

Afghanistan: Gearing up for presidential polls
Oct 18, 2013

Afghanistan: Gearing up for presidential polls

The registration process for the Afghan presidential elections came to a close last week. As many as 27 candidates have filed nomination and the vetting process, by the Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC),

After Duterte: Key questions on democracy and China policy
Oct 13, 2021

After Duterte: Key questions on democracy and China policy

As the candidates of the 2022 Philippine presidential elections launch their campaigns, questions regarding democracy in the country and its sovereign

Angola’s coming elections: A critical appraisal of Lourenço’s governance record
Mar 24, 2022

Angola’s coming elections: A critical appraisal of Lourenço’s governance record

The outcome of the upcoming Presidential elections in Angola will determine the future of the country's governance and its economy.

Between a Republic and an Emirate: The Future of Afghanistan
Dec 17, 2020

Between a Republic and an Emirate: The Future of Afghanistan

This special report was written before the 2020 United States presidential elections. Under the incoming Biden administration, the US military withdrawal from Afghanistan is likely to be more gradual and “responsible”, despite the President-elect being in favour of American troops exiting the war-weary country soon. In retrospect, Donald Trump’s insistence on pulling out all US troops from Afghanistan by Christmas 2020 was not misguided, si

Bush: Looking Ahead?
Nov 03, 2004

Bush: Looking Ahead?

The final announcement of the results of the US Presidential elections are expected to be announced only after the completion of the counting of the provisional votes in the State of Ohio, which may take some days unless Senator John Kerry decides to concede victory to George Bush without waiting for the completion of the counting.

Democratic candidates' surprisingly low focus on foreign policy
Jul 02, 2015

Democratic candidates' surprisingly low focus on foreign policy

Though foreign policy is going to be an important issue in the US Presidential elections next year, the Democrat candidates for the party's nomination have surprisingly devoted little time to this aspect so far. However, as the campaign progresses and the less serious candidates drop out of the race, the issue is likely to gain greater attention.

Domestic Issues in US Elections 2012
May 11, 2023

Domestic Issues in US Elections 2012

This Paper looks at the three most important domestic issues-the state of the economy, healthcare and social issues-that American voters are grappling with in the run-up to the presidential elections later this year.

Elections in Russia: What’s new this time?
Mar 18, 2024

Elections in Russia: What’s new this time?

The Ukraine conflict, generational shifts, and electionic machines are new entities to Russian elections

Elections in Türkiye: Marking a reset in EU-Türkiye relations?
May 28, 2023

Elections in Türkiye: Marking a reset in EU-Türkiye relations?

Europe is closely observing the Turkish elections as a change in leadership could lead to a reset in Türkiye-EU relations

Erdoğan retains power in Türkiye
May 30, 2023

Erdoğan retains power in Türkiye

The final attempt to win the presidential elections by using a concoction of nationalism and religion helped Erdoğan snatch victory from Kemal Kiliç

Foreign policy issues to dominate GOP primaries
Jun 11, 2015

Foreign policy issues to dominate GOP primaries

As the US Presidential elections unfold, Republican candidates would be thoroughly tested on their merit of thinking creatively on issue-based solutions to global challenges and exploring facets of diplomacy and non-military aspects of foreign policies in contrast to the focus on military interventionism and a hawkish vision of American policies abroad.

Getting acquainted with Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election candidates
Aug 08, 2023

Getting acquainted with Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election candidates

Each of the three candidates bring something new to the table, granting the Taiwanese voters ample alternatives in the upcoming presidential elections

India must pursue a politically neutral trade deal with the US
Feb 20, 2020

India must pursue a politically neutral trade deal with the US

In exploring a limited deal to dampen trade tensions, India must refrain from handing Trump a political endorsement ahead of the 2020 presidential ele

India will keenly watch Russia elections
Feb 01, 2012

India will keenly watch Russia elections

The Indian public sphere is unlikely to engage comprehensively with the happenings in the run up to the Russian presidential elections. On the other hand, the Indian establishment will keenly follow political developments in Russia as the importance of the election outcome.

India-Maldives defence cooperation: Partnership and partisanship
May 18, 2023

India-Maldives defence cooperation: Partnership and partisanship

As Maldives heads to Presidential elections this year, the fate of the defence cooperation will depend on India’s and the Maldives’ capability to

India’s dilemma in Maldives
Feb 13, 2018

India’s dilemma in Maldives

Maldivian President Yameen Abdullah Gayoom’s rejection of the Supreme Court’s decision to release the jailed opposition leaders to ensure a free and fair presidential elections later this year has brought to head the country’s brewing estrangement with its traditional ally, India. India faces a dilemma: How must it deal with the situation in Maldives? This report examines India’s options in the context of China’s expanding power in the

Maldives polls: Time for consensus by political parties
Sep 21, 2013

Maldives polls: Time for consensus by political parties

With only a week left for the scheduled second-round polling in the presidential elections on Saturday, 28 September, it may be time the stake-holders in Maldives arrived at an interim consensus, keeping the healthy and constructive future of the infant democracy at heart.

Maldives:  It's over the other 50 per cent voters?
Feb 13, 2013

Maldives: It's over the other 50 per cent voters?

With the presidential elections now set for September 7, political parties in Maldives are vying with one another to identify issues and package them attractively for the voters, many of them youth.

Maldives: Advantage MDP, but possibilities still in parliament polls
Feb 26, 2019

Maldives: Advantage MDP, but possibilities still in parliament polls

The MDP did not seem to suffer from poll fatigue, even months after the presidential elections as a high number of them voted in the MDP primaries, to

Maldives: Decision on 'US military base' may have to wait
Jun 03, 2013

Maldives: Decision on 'US military base' may have to wait

Notwithstanding the recent media leaks on a 'US military base' in Maldives, a decision on whatever that facility be, may have to wait until after the parliamentary polls of May 2014, not stopping with the presidential elections due in September this year.

Maldives: The effects of domestic politics on foreign policy
Jan 06, 2023

Maldives: The effects of domestic politics on foreign policy

The Maldivian domestic politics today is in constant flux as the presidential elections draw close

Nepal’s new coalition government: A solution for its political woes?
Apr 12, 2024

Nepal’s new coalition government: A solution for its political woes?

With the formation of a new coalition in Nepal, political matters will most likely overshadow economic and social issues

New political developments in Maldives
Jun 12, 2023

New political developments in Maldives

Maldives’ political front seems to have been upturned as new political parties emerge in the face of the upcoming presidential elections

Obama must win even if America loses
Dec 31, 2009

Obama must win even if America loses

The inadequacy of Barack Obama's Afghanistan and Pakistan strategy stems from the exigencies of the calendar of the next presidential elections in America,

Obama Vs Romney: Bitter Politics over the Economy
Aug 01, 2012

Obama Vs Romney: Bitter Politics over the Economy

By now, even reluctant observers of American politics would have easily discerned that economy will largely decide who will win the November presidential elections.

Obstacles ahead of Afghan presidential polls
Nov 09, 2012

Obstacles ahead of Afghan presidential polls

The Afghan Election Commission has set the next presidential elections for April 5, 2014. This move has been welcomed in the country as well as by the international community as a positive development.

Pakistan Elections 2007-2008: Key Players
Jul 28, 2023

Pakistan Elections 2007-2008: Key Players

In November this year, the world will witness one of the most keenly awaited presidential elections in Pakistan with President Pervez Musharraf seeking a second term from the existing parliament without giving up his uniform. A few months later, in early 2008, will follow the general elections for the National Assembly. Contrary to perceptions, the road to re-election may not be smooth. There are chances that the situation in Balochistan and Wazi

Politics of Russia’s elections
Mar 18, 2024

Politics of Russia’s elections

Despite Putin’s overwhelming victory in the recent Russian presidential elections, a growing shift in the social attitudes of the citizenry was witn

Race recentred: Deepening political divide in the US
Jul 26, 2023

Race recentred: Deepening political divide in the US

How the recent SCOTUS decisions has brought race back to the forefront of the culture war in the US

Risk or Reward? – The Impact of Private Security Contractors and Militias in Afghanistan
Aug 11, 2023

Risk or Reward? – The Impact of Private Security Contractors and Militias in Afghanistan

To supplement the still lagging Afghan and ISAF security capabilities, alternative structures have been used or created, especially in rural or hard-to-reach areas. Two important groups among these are private security contractors (PSCs) and 'community defence' organisations or local militias. This paper assesses the impact of these entities on Afghan stability. Beginning March 19, 2003, the United States invaded Iraq, drawing both material an

Slovakia: EU’s latest headache?
Apr 23, 2024

Slovakia: EU’s latest headache?

Peter Pellegrini’s recent presidential victory could mean Slovakia mirroring Hungary's stance on Ukraine, potentially troubling the EU

South Asia South Asia Weekly 43
Nov 27, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 43

The historic second round of the presidential elections ended in the Maldives on October 8 with the victory of the Maldivian Democratic Party Alliance leader Mohamed "Anni" Nasheed. Known for his progressive views, Anni defeated his rival, the longest serving ruler in Asia,