Search: For - investment

5711 results found

Investment in education can change people's lives
May 03, 2012

Investment in education can change people's lives

It is clear that to reduce the suffering of poor people, there is no better investment than education, specially the quality of school buildings, teaching and other facilities which are not improving at an even pace in all the 28 states.

Investment lessons for India, from Sri Lanka & Maldives
Nov 05, 2016

Investment lessons for India, from Sri Lanka & Maldives

With Indian Government reiterating commitment to facilitate investments in Sri Lanka and Maldives, the need for making case-studies of both

#Budget2022’s big capital investment bonanza leaves the health sector largely untouched
Feb 02, 2022

#Budget2022’s big capital investment bonanza leaves the health sector largely untouched

Against the backdrop of the pandemic, the budget continues to club the health sector with the social determinants of health

African Human Capital investment: Crucial to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
May 25, 2023

African Human Capital investment: Crucial to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Multiple overlapping global crises—such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change-related natural disasters, and regional armed conflicts—have high

Alarming job problem: Time for investment in skills training
Dec 07, 2010

Alarming job problem: Time for investment in skills training

Today the two biggest countries in the world - the US and China - are playing in the world arena on their own terms. Jobs are, indeed, something to be worried about because not only is there a threat of a deflationary spiral in the US but there is also a huge fiscal deficit. This means austerity (decline in demand) and job losses.

An investment in knowledge: Boosting India-US educational ties
Sep 20, 2023

An investment in knowledge: Boosting India-US educational ties

Educational cooperation between India and the United States (US) has gone from strength to strength, and there is much more that can be done.

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: A new banking alternative
Nov 11, 2014

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: A new banking alternative

Considering India's immense infrastructural needs, the AIIB has opened a fresh window for financing in which there will hopefully be fewer conditions and hassles. All other less developing countries will also be able to access loans easily.

Aspirations must be backed by investments for the energy transition
Jan 16, 2024

Aspirations must be backed by investments for the energy transition

To achieve both its development goals and energy transition goals, India needs consistently higher levels of growth in national income to enhance the

Beyond JCPOA — Secondary sanctions, projects and investments
Jul 20, 2018

Beyond JCPOA — Secondary sanctions, projects and investments

India has planned several oil and gas development projects, and pipeline projects in Iran. It is believed that the proposed investment for these proje

Budget 2019: Mobilising investment by open capital account and constrained fiscal policy a risky gamble
Jul 12, 2019

Budget 2019: Mobilising investment by open capital account and constrained fiscal policy a risky gamble

The attempt to woo FIIs and FPIs may look like an innovative step to mobilise investment from abroad, yet this is a gamble which may or may not pay of

Building Back Better: Infrastructure investment as a G20 priority
Sep 19, 2022

Building Back Better: Infrastructure investment as a G20 priority

For India, multilateral cooperation for facilitating investment in infrastructure is the need of the hour.

Can foreign direct investment flows balance the north-south fiscal fizz?
Feb 19, 2019

Can foreign direct investment flows balance the north-south fiscal fizz?

Cooperative federalism must be maintained as an immutable Indian agenda.

China and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Nov 01, 2019

China and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

AIIB is designed to please and be pleasing. In its dealings with established MDBs, it comes to praise, not to bury. It is in this respect an effective

China in Africa: The Role of Trade, Investments, and Loans Amidst Shifting Geopolitical Ambitions
Aug 14, 2021

China in Africa: The Role of Trade, Investments, and Loans Amidst Shifting Geopolitical Ambitions

Chinese influence in Africa is high on the global agenda, as China within just a few decades has become a key political and economic power in the continent. Indeed, its emergence as a dominant economic and political actor might be the most important development in Africa since the end of the Cold War. This paper analyses China's economic and political relations with Africa beginning in the 1990s. It argues that the concern is not that China has e

China’s steadily expanding investments in Russia since the Ukraine conflict
Jul 26, 2023

China’s steadily expanding investments in Russia since the Ukraine conflict

Chinese investment in Russia has surged but it also raises concerns about the potential loss of sovereignty and control over key sectors of the econom

Chinese BRI investments: A cornerstone of the expanding China-Bangladesh ties
Aug 10, 2023

Chinese BRI investments: A cornerstone of the expanding China-Bangladesh ties

Although Bangladesh has been able to seek favourable terms from China, will it manage to leverage economic aid while not allowing China strategic inro

Chinese funding of Indian startups: Key investors and patterns of investment
Oct 03, 2019

Chinese funding of Indian startups: Key investors and patterns of investment

The last few years have seen Chinese investors deepening their push into the Indian startup ecosystem.

Constrained capital: Paving the path for infrastructure investments in India and other emerging economies
Dec 18, 2018

Constrained capital: Paving the path for infrastructure investments in India and other emerging economies

Policy influencers and diplomats will have to find a way to market private investments in an appealing manner for all stakeholders involved.

Corporate tax rate cut will boost investment
Sep 24, 2019

Corporate tax rate cut will boost investment

With a cut in corporate taxes and a depreciated rupee, India may be able to boost its competitiveness.

Debt Diplomacy in Action: An Overview of China's Loans and Investments in West Africa
Sep 15, 2023

Debt Diplomacy in Action: An Overview of China's Loans and Investments in West Africa

In recent years, China has increasingly invested in West Africa to further its ambitious Belt and Road Initiative, diversify its supply chains, and acquire critical minerals and raw materials for its domestic industries. Indeed, China sees immense potential in West Africa for the region’s ability to provide a secure supply of critical minerals and energy resources insulated from the West. Beijing is now the region’s largest bilateral trading

Debt Diplomacy in Action: An Overview of China’s Loans and Investments in West Africa
Sep 15, 2023

Debt Diplomacy in Action: An Overview of China’s Loans and Investments in West Africa

In recent years, China has increasingly invested in West Africa to further its ambitious Belt and Road Initiative, diversify its supply chains, and acquire critical minerals and raw materials for its domestic industries. Indeed, China sees immense potential in West Africa for the region’s ability to provide a secure supply of critical minerals and energy resources insulated from the West. Beijing is now the region’s largest bilateral trading

Devas v. Antrix: Lessons for India in Navigating Bilateral Investment Treaty Disputes
Aug 14, 2023

Devas v. Antrix: Lessons for India in Navigating Bilateral Investment Treaty Disputes

In Devas Multimedia Pvt. Ltd v. Antrix Corporation Ltd, the Supreme Court of India has upheld the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) order winding up Devas Multimedia Ltd on the grounds of fraud. Antrix is the commercial arm of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), and Devas is a multimedia services company. The decision comes at a crucial time, as foreign investors of Devas are endeavouring to attach Indian assets

Dragon’s descent: Potential surge of Chinese investments in southern Bangladesh
May 03, 2024

Dragon’s descent: Potential surge of Chinese investments in southern Bangladesh

While Chinese investments can help in developing southern Bangladesh, it will create ripples in the geopolitics of the Bay of Bengal

Exploring the Promises and Perils of Chinese Investments in Tech Startups: The Case of Germany
Mar 10, 2021

Exploring the Promises and Perils of Chinese Investments in Tech Startups: The Case of Germany

China’s tech giants and venture capital funds are making increasing amounts of investment in startups abroad. Startups, being key drivers of digital innovation, are attractive investment targets; the capital can in turn help them grow and scale. These Chinese investments, however, are also the subject of increasing concern, amidst heightening global competition around digital technologies. Investments can lead to a sell-out of technology, an in

Flight of foreign portfolio investments: Perilous to government plans
Sep 10, 2019

Flight of foreign portfolio investments: Perilous to government plans

Despite recent waivers, continuing the withdrawal of FPIs from the Indian economy highlights the perils of an uninsulated capital market in India.

From trade to investments, re-orienting India's ASEAN strategy
Feb 27, 2017

From trade to investments, re-orienting India's ASEAN strategy

It is important for India to analyse its ASEAN strategy more closely, as it has the potential to result in significant benefits.

Gaps in social protection: The US is failing to make needed investments in people
Mar 16, 2022

Gaps in social protection: The US is failing to make needed investments in people

It is high time to dispel the notion that social assistance breeds welfare dependency, as evidence suggests otherwise.

Growing Chinese investments in Myanmar post-coup
Nov 09, 2021

Growing Chinese investments in Myanmar post-coup

Post-coup, Myanmar has lost most of its foreign investments, however Beijing has taken this opportunity to ratchet up its investments instead

Health is Wealth: Indian Private Sector Investments in African Healthcare
May 22, 2023

Health is Wealth: Indian Private Sector Investments in African Healthcare

The increasing range of cross-boundary health issues has prompted the integration of health into the discipline of diplomacy, and this trend is reflected in India-Africa partnership. India’s development partnerships are, however, predicated on the idea of development effectiveness, which requires active private sector engagement. By focusing on four opportunity sectors — medical tourism, tele-health, frugal innovations, and the pharmaceutica

Impact Investments in India: Towards Sustainable Development
Jun 24, 2020

Impact Investments in India: Towards Sustainable Development

Conventional investments cater to investors who intend to gain financial returns. Other investors whose aim is to generate a positive social or environmental impact at a decent rate of return, turn to “impact investments” for their purpose. Mobilised to finance social enterprises, impact investments assume three primary forms: embedded, integrated, and external. This paper discusses the ideas of impact investment and social enterprises, and o

India cracks down on Chinese investment as mood turns against Beijing
Apr 29, 2020

India cracks down on Chinese investment as mood turns against Beijing

Like many countries angered by Beijing’s mishandling of the coronavirus outbreak, India has turned skeptical of economic dependence on China.

India Noncommittal on the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment
Aug 10, 2022

India Noncommittal on the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment

India’s tepid response to the PGII seems odd given Delhi’s opposition to the BRI, which the new G-7 initiative seeks to counter.

India shining or China? Investment plans say it all
Oct 19, 2013

India shining or China? Investment plans say it all

India's external balance is changing fast with new equations being worked out. We need to set our house in order - refurbish our political apparatus, rebuild the crumbling state of our institutions and reorient and revamp our governance capacities.