Search: For - carbon emissions

79 results found

Access to green technology only way to reduce to carbon emissions: Minister
Oct 21, 2015

Access to green technology only way to reduce to carbon emissions: Minister

Admitting that the government's 'Make in India' initiative will result in increase in carbon emissions as it focuses on manufacturing, and industries, India's Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change Prakash Javedkar emphasises the need for developing countries to get cheaper access to green technology on humanitarian grounds, notwithstanding Intellectual Property Rights.

Importance of quantum computing for reducing carbon emissions
Jun 14, 2023

Importance of quantum computing for reducing carbon emissions

The adoption of quantum computing technology could prove to be revolutionary for India to reduce its carbon footprint

Mega rail projects an opportunity to slash India's carbon emissions
Nov 19, 2009

Mega rail projects an opportunity to slash India's carbon emissions

The Indian railway is the largest passenger rail system in the world, yet it makes up just about 13% of India's transport sector

A bright red line between social and private costs and benefits
Aug 07, 2023

A bright red line between social and private costs and benefits

In India, the line separating social cost and benefit from private benefit and cost is blurred, leading to less than ideal outcomes for both citizens

A carbon price can rationalise mitigation outlays across technologies
Jul 13, 2023

A carbon price can rationalise mitigation outlays across technologies

India’s decarbonisation plans rest on its ability to generate green energy. Until then, the energy transition path till 2070 will remain at best, a

Air-conditioner use in India: The cause of or the solution to a warmer world?
Jun 08, 2023

Air-conditioner use in India: The cause of or the solution to a warmer world?

Will the increase in energy consumption of the poor masses for cooling and other energy services help them adapt to a warmer world or contribute to a

Are Indian CO2 emissions development-oriented?
Oct 22, 2021

Are Indian CO2 emissions development-oriented?

As the third-largest emitter of carbon dioxide, India needs to chart a development plan rooted in green initiatives to achieve the 1.5 ℃ climate tar

Blue Carbon: India’s time to create some waves
Dec 26, 2022

Blue Carbon: India’s time to create some waves

India must adopt blue-carbon solutions if it intends to emerge as a global climate leader

Budget 2022: Enabling finance for green growth and innovation
Jan 28, 2022

Budget 2022: Enabling finance for green growth and innovation

Budget 2022 could be a turning point for India in achieving its climate ambitions if adequate steps are taken to improve investments and innovation in

Can India steer the justice agenda at COP27?
Nov 12, 2022

Can India steer the justice agenda at COP27?

The COP27 can serve as a platform for India to rally for climate justice and further its climate agenda during its upcoming G20 presidency

Can India's G20 Presidency Facilitate Global Energy Transition
Mar 27, 2023

Can India's G20 Presidency Facilitate Global Energy Transition

India is increasingly serving as a model for countries worldwide by demonstrating how economic development and environmental conservation can be complementary.

Carbon trading in India: Local actions for the global commons
Jan 10, 2024

Carbon trading in India: Local actions for the global commons

Indian enterprises stand at the threshold of a lucrative venture, tapping into the thriving global carbon trading markets. These entities also play a

Climate narratives: Reading between the lines
Apr 29, 2022

Climate narratives: Reading between the lines

Developing countries are lagging behind in implementing decarbonisation policies as appropriate climate finance and green technology aren’t being ex

Coal-based power generation capacity additions: Giving way to renewables
May 24, 2023

Coal-based power generation capacity additions: Giving way to renewables

By 2030, RE is expected to have the largest share in power generation capacity

COP27: The West must limit the use of all fossil fuels
Sep 20, 2022

COP27: The West must limit the use of all fossil fuels

The global energy crisis provides a great opportunity for the developed world to reassess its fossil fuel dependence.

Decarbonising road transport in India: More wheels needed
Apr 12, 2023

Decarbonising road transport in India: More wheels needed

A policy of carrot and sticks would need to be adopted with affluent and low-income families to decarbonise transport in India

Discom reforms in India: Why the inefficiency narrative is inadequate
Oct 09, 2021

Discom reforms in India: Why the inefficiency narrative is inadequate

Despite substantial policy changes, the discom sector has not improved. Could this be chalked up to inefficiency or should political interventions be

Electric mobility for jobs, growth and sustainability
Nov 29, 2021

Electric mobility for jobs, growth and sustainability

E-mobility is not a magic pill that can cure all emissions ills, careful planning at the state level is required to ensure its success

Empowering the Global South: A call to action for COP28
Nov 30, 2023

Empowering the Global South: A call to action for COP28

COP28 must serve as a unifying forum with a targeted Global South focus agenda and should not continue to be hampered by the burdens of the past

Green accounting: Valuing our common future
Sep 29, 2022

Green accounting: Valuing our common future

Incorporating environmental economic accounting can go a long way in achieving net-zero emission targets.

Green Transitions: Catalysing India–EU relations for a green future
Mar 02, 2021

Green Transitions: Catalysing India–EU relations for a green future

Ways to attain growth, create jobs, and meet developmental targets with minimal carbon emissions are priorities for both India and the EU.

India’s Coal Transition: A Market Case for Decarbonisation
Nov 11, 2021

India’s Coal Transition: A Market Case for Decarbonisation

There are calls for India to declare a net-zero year and offset its carbon emissions by various processes of absorption and removal of greenhouse gases. For India, such calls are irrational; despite international pressure, it has avoided making pledges or setting hard targets beyond its commitments at the Paris climate conference in 2015. This brief argues that “net zero” is not possible with India’s current levels of reliance on coal. Its

India’s dash for gas: Marathon rather than a sprint 
Dec 16, 2021

India’s dash for gas: Marathon rather than a sprint 

A gas-based future looked promising for India, but the country has failed to live up to expectations.

India’s moonshot: Powering development with green energy
Aug 14, 2023

India’s moonshot: Powering development with green energy

With a conducive domestic environment and international support, India has the potential to be the leading example of green development by its 100th y

National stakeholder dialogue on India's 'INDCs
May 07, 2015

National stakeholder dialogue on India's 'INDCs

Only a small trickle of INDCs has been submitted by other countries. So there isn't much by way of international examples for India to consider. The EU has said it will reduce its carbon emissions by 40% by 2030. Mexico has submitted both conditional and unconditional INDCs.

Natural gas and nuclear power in the EU: If you can’t beat them, green them
Jan 20, 2022

Natural gas and nuclear power in the EU: If you can’t beat them, green them

The European Union’s proposal for a new green taxonomy holds valuable lessons for India.

Nuclear fusion and the future of clean energy
Sep 29, 2023

Nuclear fusion and the future of clean energy

The NIF experiment has opened up a new avenue for achieving nuclear fusion. India should invest in it since it can help India achieve its net-zero car

Plucking carbon out of built structures
Dec 22, 2022

Plucking carbon out of built structures

Adequate policy changes need to be adopted to reduce carbon emissions in buildings

Plumbing over poetry
Jan 23, 2015

Plumbing over poetry

Modi and Obama need to focus less on India's near-term carbon emissions and find ways to boost its use of renewable energy like solar and wind. Such an approach will address Delhi's need to grow its economy and Washington's desire to lessen the weight of coal in India?s energy mix.

Power crisis: How China can turn the challenge into an opportunity
Nov 01, 2021

Power crisis: How China can turn the challenge into an opportunity

Will China fall short on its green targets as extensive measures are being adopted to avert the power crisis that it is undergoing?

Power Sector: Stumbling block in India’s net-zero journey
Sep 26, 2022

Power Sector: Stumbling block in India’s net-zero journey

For India to achieve net-zero emissions by 2070, coal power must be phased out entirely, and renewable capacity needs to grow.