Search: For - Ukraine crisis

106 results found

Ukraine crisis affects Tokyo's efforts to improve ties with Moscow?
Mar 31, 2014

Ukraine crisis affects Tokyo's efforts to improve ties with Moscow?

Going by Japan's response to the Ukraine crisis, it appears that Tokyo attaches more importance to its alliance with the US than to the prospects of a robust Russo-Japanese partnership. And, with President Obama scheduled to make a visit to Japan in April, Abe is keen to maintain full solidarity with the US.

Ukraine crisis and its impact on the transatlantic relations
Jun 16, 2022

Ukraine crisis and its impact on the transatlantic relations

The end of the ongoing Ukrainian crisis and accordingly changing Euro-Atlantic and the Indo-Pacific theatres will together determine its impact on the

Ukraine crisis: Are Cold War clouds gathering again?
Mar 28, 2014

Ukraine crisis: Are Cold War clouds gathering again?

For Ukraine, joining EU or NATO would not be prudent as well as joining the Eurasian Union as it would not serve Ukraine's national interest. A close association with Russia as well as special partnership with EU may be a better option.

Ukraine crisis: China gains at the cost of Europe
Apr 03, 2015

Ukraine crisis: China gains at the cost of Europe

Former Prime Minister of Sweden, Mr Goran Persson, feels that India should take an active role in negotiating between the European Union and Russia, who are fighting over Ukraine. He believes that new developments will mean that China-Russia relations will prosper at the cost of Russia-Europe relations.

Ukraine Crisis: चीन पर यूक्रेन युद्ध का असर!
Jul 31, 2023

Ukraine Crisis: चीन पर यूक्रेन युद्ध का असर!

यूक्रेन में युद्ध को देखते हुए यूरोप इस बात की कोशिश कर रह

Ukraine Crisis: चीन पर यूक्रेन युद्ध का असर!
Apr 20, 2022

Ukraine Crisis: चीन पर यूक्रेन युद्ध का असर!

यूक्रेन में युद्ध को देखते हुए यूरोप इस बात की कोशिश कर रह

#Ukraine Crisis: बाइडेन की घरेलू राजनीति पर यूक्रेन संकट के असर की पड़ताल!
Jul 30, 2023

#Ukraine Crisis: बाइडेन की घरेलू राजनीति पर यूक्रेन संकट के असर की पड़ताल!

यूक्रेन संकट के साथ-साथ अमेरिका की घरेलू चुनौतियां बाइडे

#Ukraine Crisis: बाइडेन की घरेलू राजनीति पर यूक्रेन संकट के असर की पड़ताल!
Mar 09, 2022

#Ukraine Crisis: बाइडेन की घरेलू राजनीति पर यूक्रेन संकट के असर की पड़ताल!

यूक्रेन संकट के साथ-साथ अमेरिका की घरेलू चुनौतियां बाइडे

#Ukraine Crisis: यूक्रेन संकट पर दक्षिण एशिया की प्रतिक्रियाओं का एक आकलन
Jul 30, 2023

#Ukraine Crisis: यूक्रेन संकट पर दक्षिण एशिया की प्रतिक्रियाओं का एक आकलन

यूक्रेन संकट को लेकर दक्षिण एशियाई राष्ट्रों द्वारा अलग-

#Ukraine Crisis: यूक्रेन संकट पर दक्षिण एशिया की प्रतिक्रियाओं का एक आकलन
Mar 15, 2022

#Ukraine Crisis: यूक्रेन संकट पर दक्षिण एशिया की प्रतिक्रियाओं का एक आकलन

यूक्रेन संकट को लेकर दक्षिण एशियाई राष्ट्रों द्वारा अलग-

A year of Ukraine Crisis: Where do EU-India relations stand?
Mar 14, 2023

A year of Ukraine Crisis: Where do EU-India relations stand?

As the ties between India and the EU continue to flourish, it is clear that the mutual need for greater security and economic cooperation may continue

Assessing South Asia’s responses to the Ukraine crisis
Mar 10, 2022

Assessing South Asia’s responses to the Ukraine crisis

Despite taking different stances, the South Asian states’ response to the Ukrainian crisis is primarily moulded by their national interests.

Europe and China: The impact of the Ukraine crisis
Apr 10, 2023

Europe and China: The impact of the Ukraine crisis

Has growing US-Europe ties after the Ukraine crisis impacted EU interests in China?

Glimmer of hope in Ukraine crisis
Mar 01, 2022

Glimmer of hope in Ukraine crisis

Those who want us to join the Western bandwagon and condemn Russia seem oblivious to their own stand when it comes to supporting India against China and Pakistan.

How do India’s choices on the Ukraine crisis affect its foreign relations?
Mar 24, 2022

How do India’s choices on the Ukraine crisis affect its foreign relations?

What are the consequences of India's “balancing act” on the Russia-Ukraine war and its impact on India's security and geopolitical interests wit

Japan’s China conundrum amidst the Ukraine crisis
Jun 22, 2022

Japan’s China conundrum amidst the Ukraine crisis

As regional threats ratchet up, Japan is posturing itself to counter the set of challenges posed by China.

Lessons for India from the Ukraine crisis: Is India prepared to take on China?
Mar 09, 2022

Lessons for India from the Ukraine crisis: Is India prepared to take on China?

The Russia-Ukraine crisis displays the hollowness of the rules-based order and exposes the immediate threat that China poses to India

Modi in Denmark: Russia-Ukraine Crisis Offers a Unique Opportunity to India
May 05, 2022

Modi in Denmark: Russia-Ukraine Crisis Offers a Unique Opportunity to India

The Ukraine war has, if anything, added to the impetus for bringing India closer to the Nordic region.

Reshaping geopolitics: The middle powers’ response to the Ukraine crisis
Jan 16, 2023

Reshaping geopolitics: The middle powers’ response to the Ukraine crisis

With shifting poles of power, the near future will force states to be more innovative to push their interests

Russia-Ukraine Crisis: Why India needs to do more
Mar 23, 2022

Russia-Ukraine Crisis: Why India needs to do more

Will the course and the outcome of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war alter New Delhi's foreign policy towards Moscow?

The EU After the Ukraine Crisis: Juxtaposing Issues of Convergence and Divergence
Apr 21, 2023

The EU After the Ukraine Crisis: Juxtaposing Issues of Convergence and Divergence

The crisis in Ukraine has resulted in an unprecedented level of unity in the often-fractured European Union (EU). The member states have provided Ukraine with economic and military aid, imposed far-reaching sanctions on Russia, strengthened their own defences, and accepted millions of Ukrainian refugees. At the same time, nuanced divergences have also emerged, particularly on how the countries view relations with Russia and calculate thei

The Ukraine crisis and India: Balancing triumph and tribulation
Feb 10, 2022

The Ukraine crisis and India: Balancing triumph and tribulation

Would India be able to keep up its balancing act between the great powers as tensions soar high on the Ukraine front?

The Ukraine Crisis and Latin America’s response
Mar 10, 2022

The Ukraine Crisis and Latin America’s response

Latin American countries remain divided over their stance on Russia's invasion of Ukraine as Russia finds consonance with leaders of Cuba, Nicaragua,

The Ukraine crisis: Assessing the impact on Biden’s domestic politics
Mar 03, 2022

The Ukraine crisis: Assessing the impact on Biden’s domestic politics

The Ukraine crisis coupled with US’ domestic challenges is weighing down on the Biden administration

The Ukraine crisis: Exposing the hollow promises
Mar 02, 2022

The Ukraine crisis: Exposing the hollow promises

The Ukraine crisis effectively exposes the absence of a strong pushback against revisionist states by the international community

The Ukraine crisis: How it ends matters
Jun 27, 2023

The Ukraine crisis: How it ends matters

Ukraine and Russia have entered the defining stage of military confrontation, which should become decisive for the further proceeding of the war.

The Ukraine Crisis: Impact on Indian defence policy
Mar 11, 2023

The Ukraine Crisis: Impact on Indian defence policy

The Ukrainian conflict has compelled India to wean itself off Russian military capabilities

The Ukraine crisis: Its impact on India
Feb 22, 2022

The Ukraine crisis: Its impact on India

India has to tread a fine line in this imbroglio: Taking care of the welfare and evacuation of Indian students and the possibility of oil price hike

The Ukraine crisis: Sovereignty and international law
Feb 18, 2022

The Ukraine crisis: Sovereignty and international law

The Ukraine crisis is raising a few integral questions around our understanding of state sovereignty and the rising “spheres of influence”.

The Ukraine crisis: Women are fighting a different kind of war
Apr 22, 2022

The Ukraine crisis: Women are fighting a different kind of war

Increasing reports of sexual and physical violence against women are surfacing in the wake of the Ukrainian crisis.

What China may have learnt and unlearnt from the Ukraine crisis
Mar 16, 2022

What China may have learnt and unlearnt from the Ukraine crisis

Backing Moscow beyond a point is likely to hurt Beijing’s economic plans and long-term interests

Why the Ukraine crisis will not derail the Indian economy
Apr 30, 2022

Why the Ukraine crisis will not derail the Indian economy

Despite the prevailing environment of gloom and doom due to the Ukraine crisis, the Indian economy’s ability to resist imported inflation is greater

 How the Ukraine Crisis changed Europe
Feb 26, 2023

 How the Ukraine Crisis changed Europe

The Ukraine Crisis has strengthened the EU from within and forced it to undertake measures to bolster EU institutions

(Re)Claiming its influence: Russia’s role in Afghanistan
Jul 29, 2023

(Re)Claiming its influence: Russia’s role in Afghanistan

The coming months will see Moscow balancing its security and strategic interests in the Afghan region, along with attempts to expand its economic infl

A Divided ‘Visegrad Four’ Navigates Relations with the European Union
Oct 03, 2023

A Divided ‘Visegrad Four’ Navigates Relations with the European Union

The Visegrad Four (V4) countries—Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary—are examples of communist states that have transitioned to liberal and democratic governance systems. In recent years, their visibility in the European Union (EU) has surged due to their contrarian positions on certain critical issues facing the Union, such as mass migration and, since 2022, the conflict in Ukraine. This paper analyses the impact of these trend

A strategic compass guides the India-Australia trade deal
Apr 08, 2022

A strategic compass guides the India-Australia trade deal

The two countries’ geopolitical compulsions, especially regarding containing china in the indo-pacific, have translated into closer trade ties

A ‘Zeitenwende’ in the India-Germany relationship
Mar 08, 2023

A ‘Zeitenwende’ in the India-Germany relationship

Amidst geopolitical shifts and multipolarity, New Delhi’s ties with Berlin could be vital in shaping a new global order

Analysing China on Ukraine
Mar 31, 2022

Analysing China on Ukraine

Will China take advantage of the window of opportunity provided by the Ukraine crisis?

As prospects of arms control wane, the rise of nuclear risks
Mar 10, 2022

As prospects of arms control wane, the rise of nuclear risks

Whichever way the conflict ends, one outcome is clear: Nuclear weapons are here to stay and any prospects for nuclear arms control and nuclear disarmament have receded further.

Assessing the 36th African Union Summit
Mar 07, 2023

Assessing the 36th African Union Summit

Never before has Africa been led by such a tiny island country, and therefore, it brings a tide of change and focuses perhaps on the problems of small

Between a rock and a hard place: African position on the Russia–Ukraine conflict
Mar 11, 2022

Between a rock and a hard place: African position on the Russia–Ukraine conflict

Equivocal sentiments emanate from African countries on their stance on voting for the UN resolution demanding withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrai

Boris Johnson’s India visit: Prioritising bilateral agendas over timing
Apr 21, 2022

Boris Johnson’s India visit: Prioritising bilateral agendas over timing

Despite differing positions on the Ukraine crisis, both the countries are choosing to prioritise their bilateral relations 

Bridging the gaping holes in public policy
Jul 08, 2022

Bridging the gaping holes in public policy

As multiple curve balls hit in the form of the pandemic and the Ukraine crisis, the government would have to help recover the economic damages rendere

China debates the crisis in Ukraine
Feb 28, 2022

China debates the crisis in Ukraine

The Ukraine-Russia crisis places China in a unique situation as it aims to avoid antagonising the West by openly siding with Russia

Crisis as opportunity: Towards a new European security architecture?
Jan 24, 2022

Crisis as opportunity: Towards a new European security architecture?

All players involved in the current dialogue over the Ukraine crisis cannot afford for it to escalate but use the opportunity to reconstruct existing