Search: For - Southeast Asia

140 results found

Southeast Asia’s choices: Economic, political, and geopolitical integration face complications
Dec 14, 2021

Southeast Asia’s choices: Economic, political, and geopolitical integration face complications

In light of the new developments in the Indo-Pacific region, heightened economic and political integration comes with multiple hurdles that will, in t

A maritime stretch: Modi in Southeast Asia
May 30, 2018

A maritime stretch: Modi in Southeast Asia

A more concerted and intensive engagement will serve both India and Indonesia well

COVID-19: FDI dynamism in South and Southeast Asia
Jul 27, 2020

COVID-19: FDI dynamism in South and Southeast Asia

The pandemic will cause global FDI is to fall under the $1 trillion mark for the first time.

COVID19: Impact and response in Southeast Asia amidst China’s ‘soft power’ diplomacy
Mar 21, 2020

COVID19: Impact and response in Southeast Asia amidst China’s ‘soft power’ diplomacy

Given Southeast Asia’s close geographical proximity to China and the number of tourists and workers who visit the ASEAN countries, if anything — t

Digital Southeast Asia: Opportunities for Australia–India cooperation to support the region in the post-COVID-19 context
Feb 10, 2022

Digital Southeast Asia: Opportunities for Australia–India cooperation to support the region in the post-COVID-19 context

The accelerated digital transformation has provided India and Australia with ample opportunities to work together and in collaboration with other like

East and Southeast Asia: A new definition for a pivot to Asia?
Nov 02, 2020

East and Southeast Asia: A new definition for a pivot to Asia?

As the theatre of the ‘new great game’, East and Southeast Asia present the US with a choice - defend the existing rules-based order or allow inte

India emerging as a credible maritime player in Southeast Asia
May 16, 2023

India emerging as a credible maritime player in Southeast Asia

Tensions between the Southeast Asian claimant countries and China have been on the rise in the South China Sea despite negotiations

India’s short-sighted stand will damage its credibility in Southeast Asia
Aug 09, 2019

India’s short-sighted stand will damage its credibility in Southeast Asia

India’s silence on developments in the South China Sea is highly unlikely to win it a lasting friendship with China but has the potential to do it some lasting damage.

Indonesia’s Triumphs and Limitations as It Stakes Claim to Leadership in Southeast Asia
Mar 14, 2023

Indonesia’s Triumphs and Limitations as It Stakes Claim to Leadership in Southeast Asia

Since the creation of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 1967, Indonesia has endeavoured to play a leading role in shaping Southeast Asia’s regional security architecture; this continues to be true amidst the more recent shifts taking place in the global geopolitical landscape. Accordingly, the nature of Jakarta’s contributions towards Southeast Asian security reflects the dynamics of its national foreign policy dec

Is China losing its trusted partners in Southeast Asia?: The Philippines’ story
Nov 10, 2021

Is China losing its trusted partners in Southeast Asia?: The Philippines’ story

The rising Chinese bellicosity in the South China Sea and the lack of Chinese investments has made the Philippines rethink its China policy

Is the United States finally playing its cards right in Southeast Asia?
Dec 22, 2021

Is the United States finally playing its cards right in Southeast Asia?

Moving beyond the anti-China rhetoric, US has attempted to enhance its diplomacy efforts towards Southeast Asia as a whole.

Reinvention and principled diplomacy — Biden on East and Southeast Asia
Nov 10, 2020

Reinvention and principled diplomacy — Biden on East and Southeast Asia

What would be crucial to note is whether there is a salving of positions taken towards China by Trump, as US policy towards China still stands to dete

Rohingya crisis: Southeast Asia's emerging security concern
Dec 14, 2016

Rohingya crisis: Southeast Asia's emerging security concern

'The Rohingya crisis,' has raised several concerns from regional security, humanitarian crisis to the nature of the conflict involving Rohingya Muslim

Room for the river: Mitigating flood risk in South and Southeast Asia
Oct 10, 2020

Room for the river: Mitigating flood risk in South and Southeast Asia

Land use on floodplains needs better regulation so that rivers have space to flood and contribute ecosystem services

Russia’s Relations in Southeast Asia since 2014: Continuity and Change
Aug 20, 2020

Russia’s Relations in Southeast Asia since 2014: Continuity and Change

This paper outlines the development of Russia’s relations with the countries of Southeast Asia, focusing on the years after 2014. As relations with the West reached a new post-Cold War low, Moscow has intensified its efforts at building stronger ties with the East. The paper deals with the impact of these developments on the state of its political, economic and defense engagement in Southeast Asia, both bilaterally and multilaterally. It will s

The bottom line in Blinken’s foray into Southeast Asia
Jan 05, 2022

The bottom line in Blinken’s foray into Southeast Asia

The aim was to drive home the message that America’s Indo-Pacific policy is not just aimed at deterring China’s rise

The Chinese vaccine diplomacy in Southeast Asia
Jun 29, 2022

The Chinese vaccine diplomacy in Southeast Asia

In China’s attempt to project its soft power, it engaged in vaccine diplomacy in Southeast Asia to counter the narrative of the virus’ origins and

The emergence of “coalitions of the willing” and impact on practical security cooperation in Southeast Asia
Dec 14, 2021

The emergence of “coalitions of the willing” and impact on practical security cooperation in Southeast Asia

Despite the varied opinions of the ASEAN countries with regard to AUKUS, it would have to learn to co-exist and cooperate on regional security issues

The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict: Impact on Southeast Asia
Mar 11, 2023

The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict: Impact on Southeast Asia

The disruptions in the supply of key commodities have affected the geographically-distant economies of Southeast Asia

The Trump administration’s record on Southeast Asia
Sep 23, 2020

The Trump administration’s record on Southeast Asia

Regional perceptions of the US are shaped by perceptions of Trump — that of an unreliable leader and partner.

What COVID19 reveals about China-Southeast Asia relations
Apr 26, 2020

What COVID19 reveals about China-Southeast Asia relations

The management of the coronavirus crisis has demonstrated a regional tendency to be loyal to China — to the point of endangering lives.

#East Asia Summit: चुनौतियों से गुज़र रही है पूर्वी एशिया शिखर सम्मेलन की केंद्रीयता
Jul 15, 2022

#East Asia Summit: चुनौतियों से गुज़र रही है पूर्वी एशिया शिखर सम्मेलन की केंद्रीयता

रणनीतिक मुद्दों से बचते हुए, केवल गैर-पारंपरिक सुरक्षा च�

A Chinese re-adjustment on BRI?
Apr 30, 2019

A Chinese re-adjustment on BRI?

For the moment, it is Southeast Asia and Central Asia that are at the centre of BRI and that have embraced the project wholeheartedly

A guidebook on Pacific diplomacy: India looks to the ‘Far East’
Jul 24, 2023

A guidebook on Pacific diplomacy: India looks to the ‘Far East’

Since his assumption to power in 2014, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been slowly stretching the arm of the country’s foreign policy into Pacific waters in furtherance of the ‘Act East’ policy. While India’s relationship with the Pacific island states (read, not Australia and New Zealand) is quite unestablished, Modi is attempting to set the foundations for prosperous future cooperation. In the form of a guidebook for India on Pa

A new phase in China-ASEAN relations?
Dec 06, 2013

A new phase in China-ASEAN relations?

China's renewed engagement with the Southeast Asian neighbours seems to be a policy of the new leadership. However, it must follow up on these successful visits by its efforts and actions. For now, maintaining good relations with ASEAN members seems to be Beijing's new strategy to ease tensions in the SCS.

As global economic growth returns, it’s time to shun autarchy rhetoric
Apr 27, 2017

As global economic growth returns, it’s time to shun autarchy rhetoric

With globalisation-led economic growth shifting to the East, it is only a matter of time that China, India and Southeast Asia create a counter realign

ASEAN Theatre
Jul 04, 2013

ASEAN Theatre

The annual gatherings of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations - at the ministerial level in July and summit level in November at the East Asia Summit - have become good indicators of Asia's volatile geopolitical temperature.