Search: For - ISI

3758 results found

ISI shaping Pakistan to be run by army
Oct 31, 2018

ISI shaping Pakistan to be run by army

The ISI — on behalf of the army — has shaped Pakistan to the needs of the army chief.

ISIS returnees could pose problem to India
Nov 12, 2015

ISIS returnees could pose problem to India

The terror-cadres who have returned home pose a serious threat to India, as they might serve as potential recruiters for the Syrian rebels and start sending young fighters to Syria, says media-veteran-turned-academic, Dr. Sridhar Krishnaswami.

ISIS's Caliphate declaration: Regional reaction
Aug 16, 2014

ISIS's Caliphate declaration: Regional reaction

Although Nouri al-Maliki's government might be able retake the towns overrun by the IS and the tribes with the help of Iran, United States and Russia, it might not be able to bring peace and stability to the country until an exclusive and effective policy is introduced.

ISIS: Neither death cult nor just a terror group
Jul 13, 2015

ISIS: Neither death cult nor just a terror group

The IS, despite its defeats on the battle field and losses suffered from air attacks, is far from neutralised and is probably gaining volunteers internationally. The problem with the international community's approach is that it has projected the group as a purely terrorist organisation.

ISIS’s new target: South Asia
May 03, 2019

ISIS’s new target: South Asia

The Easter Sunday attacks in Sri Lanka have brought the island nation to the forefront of the global terrorism discourse. The attacks further demonstrate the change in the Islamic State from a territorial group to a sponsor of terrorism worldwide.

#Raisina Dialogue 2022: एक नई दुनिया!
Jul 31, 2023

#Raisina Dialogue 2022: एक नई दुनिया!

ये लेख ओआरएफ़ के वीडियो मैगज़ीन इंडियाज़ वर्ल्ड के ताज़ा

#RisingIndia: उभरते हुए भारत के बारे में कुछ विचार
Jul 30, 2023

#RisingIndia: उभरते हुए भारत के बारे में कुछ विचार

आधुनिक भारत ने उस विचार को झुठला दिया है कि अत्यधिक सामाज�

#RisingIndia: उभरते हुए भारत के बारे में कुछ विचार
Feb 04, 2022

#RisingIndia: उभरते हुए भारत के बारे में कुछ विचार

आधुनिक भारत ने उस विचार को झुठला दिया है कि अत्यधिक सामाज�

#Sri Lanka Economic Crisis: श्रीलंका के गहरे आर्थिक संकट में छिपे सबक
Jul 31, 2023

#Sri Lanka Economic Crisis: श्रीलंका के गहरे आर्थिक संकट में छिपे सबक

श्रीलंका में जो राजपक्षे परिवार सत्ता में है उसने पिछले �

#Sri Lanka Economic Crisis: श्रीलंका के गहरे आर्थिक संकट में छिपे सबक
Apr 07, 2022

#Sri Lanka Economic Crisis: श्रीलंका के गहरे आर्थिक संकट में छिपे सबक

श्रीलंका में जो राजपक्षे परिवार सत्ता में है उसने पिछले �

#Ukraine Crisis: बाइडेन की घरेलू राजनीति पर यूक्रेन संकट के असर की पड़ताल!
Jul 30, 2023

#Ukraine Crisis: बाइडेन की घरेलू राजनीति पर यूक्रेन संकट के असर की पड़ताल!

यूक्रेन संकट के साथ-साथ अमेरिका की घरेलू चुनौतियां बाइडे

#Ukraine Crisis: बाइडेन की घरेलू राजनीति पर यूक्रेन संकट के असर की पड़ताल!
Mar 09, 2022

#Ukraine Crisis: बाइडेन की घरेलू राजनीति पर यूक्रेन संकट के असर की पड़ताल!

यूक्रेन संकट के साथ-साथ अमेरिका की घरेलू चुनौतियां बाइडे

#Ukraine Crisis: यूक्रेन संकट पर दक्षिण एशिया की प्रतिक्रियाओं का एक आकलन
Jul 30, 2023

#Ukraine Crisis: यूक्रेन संकट पर दक्षिण एशिया की प्रतिक्रियाओं का एक आकलन

यूक्रेन संकट को लेकर दक्षिण एशियाई राष्ट्रों द्वारा अलग-

#Ukraine Crisis: यूक्रेन संकट पर दक्षिण एशिया की प्रतिक्रियाओं का एक आकलन
Mar 15, 2022

#Ukraine Crisis: यूक्रेन संकट पर दक्षिण एशिया की प्रतिक्रियाओं का एक आकलन

यूक्रेन संकट को लेकर दक्षिण एशियाई राष्ट्रों द्वारा अलग-

#UkraineCrisis: यूक्रेन को अमेरिकी मदद की बदलती दिशा
Jul 31, 2023

#UkraineCrisis: यूक्रेन को अमेरिकी मदद की बदलती दिशा

अमेरिका के पास ऐसी कोई औपचारिक सुरक्षा छतरी नहीं है जो यू�

'Externalising' the national agenda ?
Oct 04, 2004

'Externalising' the national agenda ?

There is a lot to feel hopeful about the maiden meeting between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Pakistan President Pervez Musharaff in distant New York. If the two nations needed to move ahead with the peace process, set in motion by predecessor Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee, Manmohan Singh needed the personal chemistry working with Musharaff. At the end of the day, both said it did work.

30 years after Tiananmen Square: The lingering ghost of the 1989 uprising
Jun 11, 2019

30 years after Tiananmen Square: The lingering ghost of the 1989 uprising

Even 30 years after Tiananmen, China’s leadership is unable to understand — or is stubbornly unwilling to understand — the contradiction between

50 years of Pokhran I: Revisiting India's peaceful nuclear explosion
May 30, 2024

50 years of Pokhran I: Revisiting India's peaceful nuclear explosion

India's nuclear odyssey should be understood through the lens of geopolitical tensions, technological ambitions, and ethical dilemmas

70 Policies — Oil and Natural Gas Division, 1955
Aug 03, 2018

70 Policies — Oil and Natural Gas Division, 1955

Intermingled with ONGC’s corporate structure was India’s strategic goal of energy security, the route to which was through global acquisitions.

A bitterly fought Election exposes the divisions within the Union
Jul 27, 2012

A bitterly fought Election exposes the divisions within the Union

The recent 19th AU Summit was dominated by the drama of the election for the post of the Chairman of the AU Commission. Many analysts feel that the fight for the post has divided the Continent and done a great deal of damage to African Unity.

A cautionary tale for our decision-makers
Feb 14, 2019

A cautionary tale for our decision-makers

Overlay this construct with the income-tax data for the same year and the situation becomes even worse.

A decisive moment
Jun 16, 2023

A decisive moment

Already, there are voices in the United States and Europe questioning the duration of the West’s support for Ukraine given the precarious economic state in most Western nations

A human rights approach to secure health in a humanitarian crisis
Dec 11, 2023

A human rights approach to secure health in a humanitarian crisis

A comprehensive strategy needs to be adopted to uphold health as an essential human right in conflict zones

A long-drawn and rising public-health concern: Hepatitis in the post-COVID world
Jul 28, 2022

A long-drawn and rising public-health concern: Hepatitis in the post-COVID world

As World Hepatitis Day is being observed, it is imperative to be aware of this public health threat, especially since the incidence of hepatitis cases

A political player who is rising, but is still no Lenin
Jan 29, 2021

A political player who is rising, but is still no Lenin

Notwithstanding the euphoria, Alexei Navalny is unlikely to be the catalyst that will lead to ‘regime change’ in Russia

A quiet but decisive shift in India’s foreign policy
Jan 30, 2019

A quiet but decisive shift in India’s foreign policy

India is ready to take on a larger global role by being more nimble than ever in playing the great power game.

A reality check on Modi's Silicon Valley visit
Oct 03, 2015

A reality check on Modi's Silicon Valley visit

India presents more immediate potential for the "top line" obsessed Silicon entrepreneur. But Asian companies from Japan, China, and Korea in sunset industries, are better placed to be responsive to the fragmented Indian market than a Fortune 500 corporate, which survive on scale not agility.

A tale of two visits and a shift in Indian foreign policy
Apr 14, 2021

A tale of two visits and a shift in Indian foreign policy

Last week India hosted two important visitors – Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov, and the US special presidential envoy for climate John Kerry. These were routine visits, one to lay the groundwork for a potential Russian presidential visit to India and the other to assess Indian intentions on climate

A Trump India visit, in campaign mode
Feb 20, 2020

A Trump India visit, in campaign mode

With a trade deal unlikely, New Delhi must calibrate the costs and benefits of the U.S. President’s political tour

A warming warning: Why climate crisis is a public health emergency
May 31, 2024

A warming warning: Why climate crisis is a public health emergency

Recognising climate change as a public health emergency is imperative due to its profound implications for human health and well-being

A year of Ukraine Crisis: Where do EU-India relations stand?
Mar 14, 2023

A year of Ukraine Crisis: Where do EU-India relations stand?

As the ties between India and the EU continue to flourish, it is clear that the mutual need for greater security and economic cooperation may continue