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2479 results found

Strategic Studies; National Security
Apr 07, 2014

Strategic Studies; National Security

The focus on the Henderson-Brooks report creates a bias in our minds that the failure of 1962 was that of the Army. Perhaps that is what the babus and politicians wanted. In fact, the real failure was of the Nehru government's China policy and the management of that policy.

Strengthening biosecurity through bioattribution
Dec 05, 2023

Strengthening biosecurity through bioattribution

Establishing a global bioattribution enterprise is crucial to enhancing current frameworks, integrating emerging technologies, and fostering internati

Strengthening energy-health nexus for health security
Jan 26, 2024

Strengthening energy-health nexus for health security

There is a fundamental link between energy and public health. In advancing health, energy security is critical.

Strengthening Global Rule-Making: India’s Inclusion in the UN Security Council
Oct 12, 2021

Strengthening Global Rule-Making: India’s Inclusion in the UN Security Council

India’s August 2021 presidency of the United Nations Security Council allowed New Delhi to exhibit clout, creativity, and diplomacy, as it pushed for its inclusion in the Council permanently. Such a push reignites the “responsible stakeholder” debate in Washington and other Western capitals, particularly to gauge India’s rise against the interests of the US and its allies. This brief argues that the West needs to reassess India in a renew

Strengthening Vietnam-Japan Security Cooperation
Sep 05, 2013

Strengthening Vietnam-Japan Security Cooperation

China's increased assertiveness in the South China Sea has been pushing Japan and Vietnam towards greater security cooperation. Bilateral security cooperation has been increasing.

Subregional Security Cooperation: An Exploratory Study of India’s Approach
Sep 14, 2020

Subregional Security Cooperation: An Exploratory Study of India’s Approach

Subregional economic cooperation has become a prioritised agenda in India’s neighbourhood policy. Policymakers and scholars increasingly conceptualise subregions in the neighbourhood to promote economic and connectivity cooperation. However, the subregional notion is rarely discussed in the context of security cooperation. This raises an important question regarding the subregional approach, or its lack thereof, in building security cooperation

Tackling Pakistan’s anti-India security strategy
Feb 04, 2022

Tackling Pakistan’s anti-India security strategy

A thaw in the India-Pakistan relations remains highly unlikely if Pakistan continues to back anti-India policies

Tactics & Counter-tactics: PWG NAxals & Security Forces
Mar 13, 2004

Tactics & Counter-tactics: PWG NAxals & Security Forces

Naxalites of the People¿s War Group (PWG) and the security forces (SF) continuously devise tactics and counter-tactics to defeat one another. In a latest move, the SFs formed Counter Action Teams (CAT) to target the Permanent Action Teams (PAT) of the PWG. The tactic achieved its first success in Warangal District, Andhra Pradesh (AP). On April 11, 2004 two prominent Naxalites were hunted down by a CAT in the district, after reportedly engaging

Take cyber security seriously
Feb 15, 2013

Take cyber security seriously

Till now India has seen cyber-security only as a simple issue of a malware or a virus. But cyber-security is about protecting India's digital assets from cyber invaders, as India is rapidly turning into a digital society.

Taliban’s Afghanistan: An Emerging Security Challenge for India and Central Asia
Aug 16, 2023

Taliban’s Afghanistan: An Emerging Security Challenge for India and Central Asia

Relations between India and the Central Asia Republics (CARs) have matured over the past three decades, primarily in the areas of military technology, defence, counterterrorism, and economy, and culture. Following the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan and the resultant security, geostrategic, and geoeconomic challenges, India and the CARs must aim to strengthen their ties. This brief assesses the evolving situation in Afghanistan

The challenge of the new US security strategy
Dec 21, 2017

The challenge of the new US security strategy

It veers away sharply from old priorities such as democracy promotion to focus on great power competition and economic rivalry

The Colombo Security Conclave: What is it and what does it mean for Australia?
May 16, 2023

The Colombo Security Conclave: What is it and what does it mean for Australia?

With the support of the CSC, Australia can enhance its engagement with the Northeast Indian Ocean region

The core of security cooperation in BIMSTEC: Maritime Domain Awareness
Jun 29, 2022

The core of security cooperation in BIMSTEC: Maritime Domain Awareness

The importance of the Maritime Domain Awareness is being realised as the Bay is facing security concerns.

The decade of Mahanian defence — Maritime security trend lines in littoral-Asia
Dec 28, 2020

The decade of Mahanian defence — Maritime security trend lines in littoral-Asia

In a post-COVID world — with tasks increasing and budgets shrinking — the challenges at sea are daunting.

The drift to a national security state
Aug 03, 2013

The drift to a national security state

Ensuring national security is an important attribute of a modern nation-state. But as the erstwhile Soviet Union realised, the threats to the state these days do not come from orthodox sources. And looking at India with its nuclear weapons and huge armies, it is even more difficult to believe that any combination of external and internal threats can actually pose an existential challenge to the nation.

The Eastern Corridor and the Law of the Sea: Ensuring Sea-Lane Security
Dec 01, 2020

The Eastern Corridor and the Law of the Sea: Ensuring Sea-Lane Security

The Eastern Corridor is a crucial highway for global trade flows, where any disruption could severely affect the global economy. The route comprises some of the world’s most vulnerable Sea Lanes of Communication (SCLOs), with potential flashpoints such as the South China Sea. For years, these SLOCs have been characterised by tensions in South Asia and Southeast Asia; the more recent years are seeing a heightening of both intent and capacity for

The emergence of “coalitions of the willing” and impact on practical security cooperation in Southeast Asia
Dec 14, 2021

The emergence of “coalitions of the willing” and impact on practical security cooperation in Southeast Asia

Despite the varied opinions of the ASEAN countries with regard to AUKUS, it would have to learn to co-exist and cooperate on regional security issues

The European Union as a security actor: View from India
Jan 15, 2015

The European Union as a security actor: View from India

What is a security actor and how is it different from being a great or major power? In many ways, this question is central to understanding the lack of appreciation of the European Union as an actor in the security arena in India and certainly in some other parts of Asia.

The EU’s Economic Security Strategy update: Ready for a new era?
Apr 06, 2024

The EU’s Economic Security Strategy update: Ready for a new era?

The recent update released by the EU on its Economic Security Strategy is aimed at positioning it as a geopolitical as well as a geoeconomic bloc

The evolving role of the Colombo Security Conclave
Dec 26, 2023

The evolving role of the Colombo Security Conclave

As the Indo-Pacific region grows in prominence, all the members of the CSC, which are democracies, will continue to play their cards based on domestic and external benefits.

The Future of Cybersecurity is in Silicon
Nov 02, 2021

The Future of Cybersecurity is in Silicon

Silicon-based security, including cryptography, secure storage, attestation and authentication, will enable developers to leverage hardware-based functions to secure their products and services.

The importance of geospatial data in national security
Jul 26, 2022

The importance of geospatial data in national security

Regulations of the geospatial data need to be employed in a manner that is conducive to the private sector whilst keeping the defence sector in mind.

The military–security dimension of the 2020 Abraham Accords: An Israeli perspective
Jul 28, 2022

The military–security dimension of the 2020 Abraham Accords: An Israeli perspective

With strong convergences of strategic interests, military-security cooperation looks promising between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain.

The national security case against Aadhaar
Mar 24, 2017

The national security case against Aadhaar

Linking Aadhaar to nearly everything creates a “map of maps” that is vulnerable at multiple points.

The national security discourse is changing
Sep 10, 2021

The national security discourse is changing

Policymakers and practitioners are leading the emerging consensus on the need to fundamentally reassess assumptions

The Quad must take centre stage and work on Indo-Pacific security
May 24, 2022

The Quad must take centre stage and work on Indo-Pacific security

The group’s big challenge is to define the security dimension of its agenda more robustly even as economic talks get underway

The Return of the Taliban: ‘Foreign Fighters’ and Other Threats to India’s Security
Aug 11, 2023

The Return of the Taliban: ‘Foreign Fighters’ and Other Threats to India’s Security

Afghanistan fell to the Taliban in August last year and since then, serious security concerns have arisen for India. There is the spectre of terrorist groups in neighbouring countries gaining strength; there is also the threat of Indians travelling to Afghanistan to either live as civilians desiring a home under “Islamic rule”, or else fight alongside terrorist groups. Indeed, other South Asian countries such as Bangladesh are reporting that

The Role of Women’s Nutrition Literacy in Food Security in South Asia
Aug 17, 2023

The Role of Women’s Nutrition Literacy in Food Security in South Asia

Gender inequality is a major cause and effect of hunger and poverty, with women and girls comprising 60 percent of the global hungry. Women face multiple challenges (such as limited access to education and employment opportunities) that curtail their economic autonomy and weaken their bargaining position within the family, consequently impacting household food security. The pandemic has worsened this situation. It is crucial to apply a ge

The Role of Women’s Nutrition Literacy in Food Security: The Case of Africa
Aug 16, 2023

The Role of Women’s Nutrition Literacy in Food Security: The Case of Africa

Women are vital to food security, especially in developing countries where food is more scarce to begin with. Women’s productive and reproductive roles put them at the centre of food security more than any other group. This is true in Africa where, both as farmers and as home managers, women determine the feeding habits, dietary patterns, and nutritional and food security status of their household. This brief argues that promoting femal

The Saudi crown prince lands into India’s crown security concerns
Feb 21, 2019

The Saudi crown prince lands into India’s crown security concerns

The crux of this visit should be seen from the view of what kind of tectonic changes MBS succeeds in bringing to Saudi Arabia.

The state of surveillance in India: National security at the cost of privacy?
Feb 17, 2022

The state of surveillance in India: National security at the cost of privacy?

As India makes rapid technological advancements, should it rethink its regulatory framework governing surveillance?

The Technology, Water and Security Nexus
Oct 26, 2022

The Technology, Water and Security Nexus

Can emerging technology and the fourth industrial revolution aid in the increasing water insecurity in India and globally?

The threat of a revitalised JMB to India’s security
Jun 06, 2019

The threat of a revitalised JMB to India’s security

While India has made efforts domestically — and along with Bangladesh to counter the threat posed by the JMB, in the past — it leaves much to be d

The Tsunami - Some Security Aspects
Jan 04, 2005

The Tsunami - Some Security Aspects

Some security aspects of the widespread tragedy caused by the Tsunami of December 26, 2004, have not received the attention they deserve.

The Ukraine War and the Paradox of Central and Eastern European Security
Apr 13, 2022

The Ukraine War and the Paradox of Central and Eastern European Security

The ongoing Ukraine war will deteriorate CEE’s security environment but at the same time, strengthen its security architecture