Search: For - Indo-Pacific

1251 results found

China feels the heat in South Asia and IOR
May 24, 2022

China feels the heat in South Asia and IOR

China needs to strategically reconsider its calculations in South Asia amidst the ongoing shift in the region.

China in Japan's South Asia policy
Oct 15, 2015

China in Japan's South Asia policy

Well aware of China's growing influence in the Bay of Bengal and the changing power dynamics in the Indo-Pacific region, Japan is now presenting itself as an alternative benefactor. With an eye toward Beijing, can the emergence of Japan in this region prove to play a balancing role?

China inks a strategic gambit with Iran in West Asia
Apr 01, 2021

China inks a strategic gambit with Iran in West Asia

While China’s push into Iran is impressive on paper, how Beijing puts this into practice will be the major point to follow.

China on mind, US reboots its priorities
Jun 08, 2021

China on mind, US reboots its priorities

As the gap between its power and that of China grows, India needs the US to balance China in the South Asia-Indian Ocean Region. The Indian contribution, military or economic, towards a strong American Indo-Pacific strategy appears more nebulous. This is an asymmetry which cannot but have real-life consequences. India should not assume that antipathy to China alone will be the over-riding factor in the US global policy.

China one up on America
Jan 18, 2022

China one up on America

It is making giant strides where the US refused to go

China's opportunities and challenges in a crisis-ridden West Asia
Oct 22, 2023

China's opportunities and challenges in a crisis-ridden West Asia

While China may aid West Asian countries to hedge their interests against the US, the lack of Chinese diplomacy on ground shows that there is still a

China: From trade to security in Asia, catching the dragon by its tail
Nov 02, 2020

China: From trade to security in Asia, catching the dragon by its tail

The ‘great divide’ between Washington and Beijing that had simmered for many years before Trump came to office, has crystallised into open hostili

China’s doublespeak on the Ukraine conflict
Feb 06, 2023

China’s doublespeak on the Ukraine conflict

China hopes to chip away at the West’s resolve to partake in the event of its confrontation with Taiwan by prolonging the current war waged by Russi

China’s expanding tech lead through Digital Silk Road
Jun 23, 2023

China’s expanding tech lead through Digital Silk Road

While the DSR has the potential to enhance digital connectivity in developing economies of the Indo-Pacific, it also provides Beijing with a tool to a

China’s growing counter-space capabilities
May 16, 2020

China’s growing counter-space capabilities

The risks posed by China’s military space programme is primarily to other more capable powers such as the US using space as a force multiplier.

China’s long game in West Asia
Oct 17, 2023

China’s long game in West Asia

The West is straining to maintain control over the Gaza war while simultaneously dealing with the conflict in Ukraine; will China be able to make the

China’s naval expansion and the challenges for India
Sep 29, 2021

China’s naval expansion and the challenges for India

The Indo-Pacific concept might have little currency in Beijing, but the Chinese Navy is at a point where not just the Western Pacific, but even the In

China’s Nuclear Ambiguity and its Implications for India
Apr 07, 2021

China’s Nuclear Ambiguity and its Implications for India

China’s evolving security dynamics with the United States have compelled it to rethink its nuclear strategy to achieve effective deterrence. It is aiming to modernise its nuclear arsenal and increase its nuclear ambiguity through conventional-nuclear entanglement. Ambiguity will increase the risks of mischaracterisation and can have a destabilising impact on the Indo-Pacific region. This paper highlights two areas where India ought to be most c

China’s Nuclear Forces Continue to Expand
Feb 05, 2024

China’s Nuclear Forces Continue to Expand

China’s nuclear expansion could lead to a spiraling arms race.

China’s Relationship with ASEAN: An Explainer
Apr 15, 2021

China’s Relationship with ASEAN: An Explainer

Arguably the most significant global phenomenon of the past four decades has been the economic and strategic rise of China. Today analysts are confronting questions of whether China will replace the United States as the world’s biggest power, if it will do so peacefully or through confrontation and conflict, how it will subvert the existing system of global rules and institutions, and whether a new form of bipolarity would emerge to accommodate

China’s worrying military exercises near Taiwan
Apr 18, 2020

China’s worrying military exercises near Taiwan

China’s moves in the region, despite the pandemic, are only likely to generate fear and inspire greater cooperation with Washington.

China’s Xi Proposes Global Security Initiative
May 13, 2022

China’s Xi Proposes Global Security Initiative

Despite the hypocrisy and power politics at the foundation of the GSI, it would be foolish to dismiss it or assume that it will not garner support from other countries.

Clash of Frontiers: US-China conflict over Taiwan
Aug 10, 2022

Clash of Frontiers: US-China conflict over Taiwan

The clash of the frontier between the US and China is inevitable; Nancy Pelosi’s Taiwan visit has simply brought this truth nearer. 

Cold War 2.0: The US-DragonBear standoff in a bifurcated global system
Feb 21, 2024

Cold War 2.0: The US-DragonBear standoff in a bifurcated global system

As the world navigates through Cold War 2.0, the interplay between the US and the DragonBear alliance will underpin much of the global and regional te

Colombo Port City project: Controversial since its inception
Dec 28, 2021

Colombo Port City project: Controversial since its inception

Despite visible concerns, the Sri Lankan government has given the green light to commence the Colombo Port City project.

Conditions apply: A case for not delinking politics from development cooperation
Apr 27, 2023

Conditions apply: A case for not delinking politics from development cooperation

The motivation behind deploying aid is often spurred by geopolitical and diplomatic considerations rather than purely developmental goals

Constrained capital: Paving the path for infrastructure investments in India and other emerging economies
Dec 18, 2018

Constrained capital: Paving the path for infrastructure investments in India and other emerging economies

Policy influencers and diplomats will have to find a way to market private investments in an appealing manner for all stakeholders involved.

Contesting neighbours, revised geopolitical playbooks
Oct 27, 2020

Contesting neighbours, revised geopolitical playbooks

The engagement by India and China in the West Asia region is a good example of their metamorphosing approaches

Could the ASEAN Summit achieve anything substantial?
Nov 22, 2022

Could the ASEAN Summit achieve anything substantial?

The escalating tensions between the US and China and the lack of consensus on other critical geopolitical issues have rendered ASEAN ineffectual

Countering Chinese assertiveness: India’s changing posture in the Indian Ocean
Jan 02, 2021

Countering Chinese assertiveness: India’s changing posture in the Indian Ocean

The Indian Ocean is important to China because Chinese trade and energy resources transit this route.

CPEC: Here comes the pushback
Oct 03, 2018

CPEC: Here comes the pushback

It was New Delhi which first pointed out the drawbacks of the Chinese model.

Deepening of India-Japan strategic and global partnership
Mar 23, 2023

Deepening of India-Japan strategic and global partnership

The official two-day visit by PM Kishida indicates that Japan seeks closer cooperation between the Indo-Pacific countries

Defence Budget and its discontents
Jan 24, 2023

Defence Budget and its discontents

Allocations made for capital expenditure must increase if India is to keep pace with China's rising military might

Delhi-Paris tango offers a third way in diplomacy
Feb 01, 2024

Delhi-Paris tango offers a third way in diplomacy

As dependable allies, the India-France partnership is a force for global good in a volatile world engulfed in multiple crises

Despite complex global power equations, India and Russia will maintain good ties in 2022
Dec 31, 2021

Despite complex global power equations, India and Russia will maintain good ties in 2022

Despite the positive signs in India-Russia ties, one must be careful not to overestimate their significance when considered alongside some long-term trends in international affairs such as the relations of the US and its closest challengers China and Russia.

Despite Shifts, Japan’s Defence and Security Policy Remains on Pacifist Ground
Aug 14, 2023

Despite Shifts, Japan’s Defence and Security Policy Remains on Pacifist Ground

In the past decade, Japan made certain critical changes in its defence and security policy. These include enhancing the country’s defence capabilities, introducing the right to collective self-defence, abandoning the ban on arms exports, strengthening its alliance with the United States, and promoting its vision of a ‘Free and Open Indo-Pacific’. Japan has introduced these changes incrementally, as a response to changing strategic circumsta

Destination Manila: New Delhi, Moscow and the BrahMos supersonic missile
Nov 28, 2020

Destination Manila: New Delhi, Moscow and the BrahMos supersonic missile

The sale of the missile will be a major development in the context of an often-tense Southeast Asia with misgivings regarding Beijing’s motives and

Dialogues required to resolve Asian disputes: 7th Fleet Commander
Apr 04, 2013

Dialogues required to resolve Asian disputes: 7th Fleet Commander

Commander of the US Seventh Fleet, Vice Admiral Scott H. Swift, feels that dialogues and frank discussions are the best solution to the ongoing disputes in the Indo-Pacific region.

Did Lavrov’s India trip reset India-Russia ties?
Apr 09, 2021

Did Lavrov’s India trip reset India-Russia ties?

Despite public display of affection, all is not well in the India-Russia relationship.

Diplomacy in a divided world
Apr 21, 2021

Diplomacy in a divided world

Diplomacy is not often revolutionary. This does not fit well in a time that wants rapid change and immediate solutions to problems.

Disruption and disorder will define East Asia in 2024
Feb 01, 2024

Disruption and disorder will define East Asia in 2024

As the US’s global leadership in upholding the rules-based order will be stretched, regional actors will have to rise to the occasion and maintain o

Diverging US and Indian Approaches to Europe: The Problem of Ukraine
Aug 14, 2023

Diverging US and Indian Approaches to Europe: The Problem of Ukraine

The US-India strategic partnership is rooted in the Indo-Pacific region. Nonetheless, developments in Europe, such as the war in Ukraine, have implications for US-India cooperation. The Ukraine conflict could distract the US, diverting its attention to Europe, and impeding its efforts to build Indian strategic capacity. Differing responses to the war can also create tensions between the two countries, as the US seeks to punish Russia, and