Search: For - Xi Jinping

452 results found

Should BRICS rally around China's call for cyber sovereignty?
Jun 07, 2017

Should BRICS rally around China's call for cyber sovereignty?

Two predominant interests guided China's earlier approach to cyber sovereignty.

Should China cozying up to Bangladesh worry India?
Oct 20, 2016

Should China cozying up to Bangladesh worry India?

India’s ties with Bangladesh have not been smooth and faced turbulence despite India supporting Bangladesh in its liberation.

Show of strength: China ups the ante on Taiwan
Feb 22, 2021

Show of strength: China ups the ante on Taiwan

Beijing has been relentless in targeting Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen, but the more she has been bullied, the higher her political profile has risen

Sino-India border dispute: India should err on the side of caution
Jan 16, 2023

Sino-India border dispute: India should err on the side of caution

India should remain wary about Chinese presence on its borders despite Chinese assessments stating otherwise

Six ways on how to improve Sino-Indian ties, post-Wuhan
May 02, 2018

Six ways on how to improve Sino-Indian ties, post-Wuhan

The summit has shown the world that China and India may have troubled relations, but their leaders also have the maturity to recognise when things are going out of hand.

South Asia Weekly | Volume IX; Issue 42 | Afghan Taliban
Oct 17, 2016

South Asia Weekly | Volume IX; Issue 42 | Afghan Taliban

A report by the Long War Journal has stated that the Taliban is now threatening five of Afghanistan's 34 provincial capitals.

Sri Lanka: Implications of Saudi funding in China’s CPC project
Dec 27, 2022

Sri Lanka: Implications of Saudi funding in China’s CPC project

Although Saudi’s funds fit Sri Lanka’s investment needs, it could have unwittingly facilitated the Beijing-Riyadh strategic partnership.

Sri Lanka: Playing peace-maker between India and China?
Apr 03, 2015

Sri Lanka: Playing peace-maker between India and China?

Reports that Chinese President Xi Jinping had proposed trilateral talks involving the shared Indian neighbour at a meeting with visiting Sri Lankan counterpart Maithripala Sirisena should make New Delhi sit up and take notice.

Strategic crossroads: Maldives’ debt dynamics with China
Mar 15, 2024

Strategic crossroads: Maldives’ debt dynamics with China

The China-Maldives FTA encourages economic cooperation between the two countries, potentially resulting in China's debt share growing to unsustainable

Taiwan and the Indo-Pacific
Oct 20, 2021

Taiwan and the Indo-Pacific

Taiwan is an important test case for both the United States and China

Taiwan: Beijing’s growing belligerence is a warning
Aug 12, 2022

Taiwan: Beijing’s growing belligerence is a warning

The message to countries in East and Southeast Asia, as well as India, is clear: Be ready for Beijing’s military intimidation if its unilateral alterations in the status quo are resisted.

Taming the Dragon — Biden on China
Nov 10, 2020

Taming the Dragon — Biden on China

To what extent will Biden’s priorities impact China?

Tech becomes CCP’s new frontier for spreading its influence
Dec 27, 2021

Tech becomes CCP’s new frontier for spreading its influence

CCP’s control over social media continues to expand as it aims to control the global narrative and present a favourable image to the world.

The 16+1 Initiative: Judged Too Quickly?
Oct 02, 2021

The 16+1 Initiative: Judged Too Quickly?

The 16+1 initiative is seen as a Chinese Trojan Horse waiting for entry into the European Union

The 20th Central Military Commission appointments – What to make of it?
Nov 08, 2022

The 20th Central Military Commission appointments – What to make of it?

The line-up of the newly appointed CMC leadership indicates that the growing tensions and economic pressure are compelling China to address regional p

The 20th Party Congress and China’s New Roadmap
Aug 28, 2023

The 20th Party Congress and China’s New Roadmap

The 20th Party Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in October 2022 and the subsequent leadership reshuffle gave a new mandate to a ruling elite that will sit at the helm till 2027. It happened at a time when the CPC is facing strong headwinds, among them a tech war with the United States (US) and a downturn in the domestic economy as a result of President Xi Jinping’s ‘zero-COVID-19’ policy. The CPC saw the protests that ensued a

The Ballooning Trust Deficit
Feb 10, 2023

The Ballooning Trust Deficit

As China and the US compete, episodes like the “Balloongate” are likely to be the norm than exception

The big-picture takeaways from China’s Taiwan drills
Sep 03, 2022

The big-picture takeaways from China’s Taiwan drills

The PLA has still to cover some gaps before it gains the confidence and warfare proficiency in any planned invasion.

The centrality of the East Asia summit is under challenge
Jul 07, 2022

The centrality of the East Asia summit is under challenge

Steering clear of strategic issues by only focusing on non-traditional security challenges has led to a decline in the relevance of the EAS Summit.

The Chinese discourse on Xi’s Middle East visit
Dec 23, 2022

The Chinese discourse on Xi’s Middle East visit

Though Xi’s recent trip to the Middle East might have added new momentum to Sino-GCC cooperation, they still need to iron out certain differences

The Chinese model of governance has now been exposed as hollow
Nov 29, 2022

The Chinese model of governance has now been exposed as hollow

The failure of Beijing’s authoritarian approach to covid is a moment to emphasize why democracies meet aspirations better

The collapse of China’s Zero-COVID policy
Jan 07, 2023

The collapse of China’s Zero-COVID policy

Beijing’s mismanagement of the recent COVID surge is adversely affecting the credibility of both the party and its leader, Xi Jinping

The domestic motivations of Beijing's LAC aggression
May 28, 2020

The domestic motivations of Beijing's LAC aggression

Any appearance of weakness in Xi on the world stage could imperil his grip on power within China

The EU must support Lithuania against China on Taiwan
Nov 22, 2021

The EU must support Lithuania against China on Taiwan

Lithuania’s recent acknowledgement of Taiwan provides the EU with an opportunity to stand up to China’s bullying tactics

The facade cracks for China
Dec 28, 2020

The facade cracks for China

The more pushback Xi Jinping faces globally, the more aggressive his domestic and foreign policy agenda is likely to become.

The Global Gateway and BRI Forums: Few similarities, striking differences
Nov 14, 2023

The Global Gateway and BRI Forums: Few similarities, striking differences

While the BRI faces resistance from some countries, the GG forum has yet to establish itself. On balance, all these initiatives are bound to coexist i

The impact of a shrinking population on China’s economic heft
Feb 01, 2023

The impact of a shrinking population on China’s economic heft

China’s declining population does have positive implications but it needs to be offset by the increasing productivity of the existing workforce

The Indo-Pacific is all a-churn in response to Joe Biden’s victory
Nov 26, 2020

The Indo-Pacific is all a-churn in response to Joe Biden’s victory

The region’s geostrategic and trade dynamics are already in flux and may throw up opportunities for India to capitalize on

The last thing Beijing needs at this time is a trade war
May 24, 2018

The last thing Beijing needs at this time is a trade war

The US wants to thwart China’s technological ambitions as much as Beijing wants to foster them. The US delegation that went to China earlier this month, clearly signalled that it was not in it for just the trade.

The limits of a perceived no-limits partnership
May 04, 2024

The limits of a perceived no-limits partnership

Could the refusal of Chinese banks to process payments in Rubles or China's reliance on alternative trade routes that circumvent Russia be considered

The limits of informality
Oct 14, 2019

The limits of informality

There are clear limits to informal summitry, as India has found out since Wuhan. Despite all the rhetoric and symbolism on display at Mamallapuram, the substantive outcome remains clouded in mystery.

The Moscow-Beijing Entente Cordiale
Oct 26, 2023

The Moscow-Beijing Entente Cordiale

Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping have not really been travelling a lot since the Covid pandemic but they manage to find time for each other amidst the fragmentation of the global order

The muted magic of ‘Mutti’ Merkel’s chancellorship
Sep 20, 2021

The muted magic of ‘Mutti’ Merkel’s chancellorship

A lookback at Angela Merkel’s 16-year leadership of Germany

The need for a strategy to counter China’s Human Rights violations
Mar 03, 2023

The need for a strategy to counter China’s Human Rights violations

The challenge for policymakers is to identify the means necessary to tackle the threat China poses to security while also addressing threats to human