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India’s policy pathways for deep decarbonisation
Nov 11, 2021

India’s policy pathways for deep decarbonisation

What are the policy changes that need to be adopted by India to ensure that it fully utilises the opportunities arising from green transition?

India’s self-inflicted foreign policy challenges in 2020
Jan 05, 2020

India’s self-inflicted foreign policy challenges in 2020

While the Modi government secured some notable gains during its time in office thus far, challenges lie ahead this year and beyond.

India’s South China Sea policy has not changed. Now, as before, there’s no appetite to challenge China
Sep 16, 2019

India’s South China Sea policy has not changed. Now, as before, there’s no appetite to challenge China

India’s back-to-back moves to boost relations with Japan and Russia, particularly in security matters, appear to indicate it wants a bigger naval role in the contested South China Sea to counter a rising China. The reality is far different

Indo-Pacific Policy: भारत की हिंद प्रशांत नीति में रूस की भूमिका
Dec 14, 2021

Indo-Pacific Policy: भारत की हिंद प्रशांत नीति में रूस की भूमिका

अमेरिका और भारत के बीच कई नीतिगत मुद्दों पर समान राय होने

Influencing Chinese behaviour: A need for a strategic shift in India’s policy
Dec 07, 2022

Influencing Chinese behaviour: A need for a strategic shift in India’s policy

India will require both quantitative and qualitative augmentation of its nuclear capabilities if it hopes to deter Chinese military activities in its

IPEF: Trade in policy, not in pact
Jun 22, 2022

IPEF: Trade in policy, not in pact

With Biden and IPEF highlighting economic transparency, it is seen as a way for Washington to create an Indo-Pacific trade bloc without creating a tra

Iran President-elect hints at foreign policy shift
Jun 25, 2013

Iran President-elect hints at foreign policy shift

After garnering more than 50 percent of the votes, Centrist candidate Hassan Rohani won the presidential election in Iran, receiving 18,613,329 out of 36,740,156 votes.

Iraq Policy of the United States: Dimensions of Failure
Jan 25, 2007

Iraq Policy of the United States: Dimensions of Failure

The invasion and occupation of Iraq in March-April 2003 by a 'Coalition of the Willing' led by the United States was the second part of the response to the outrage conducted by a non-state actor on September 11, 2001. This was perceived in Washington as a gift from history, an opportunity to reshape a region of crucial relevance to the politics and economics of the western world. The impulse for drastic action was greater because notwithstanding

Is India Policy Pakistan-Centric?
Sep 03, 2011

Is India Policy Pakistan-Centric?

Manmohan Singh is sometimes accused of focusing too much on Pakistan. Perhaps he could try paying a visit. Also consider visiting towns outside Islamabad and Lahore, such as his own ancestral village, which is waiting with open arms to welcome its prodigal son.

Is India’s Sri Lanka policy working at all?
Aug 28, 2017

Is India’s Sri Lanka policy working at all?

The turning out of the Trincomalee oil tanks deal for India and the Hambantota port deal for China are only indicative of the massive trust deficit or

Is Modi’s foreign policy style reckless and unduly personalised?
Aug 20, 2016

Is Modi’s foreign policy style reckless and unduly personalised?

Many are agnostic to Modi, some may even be sympathetic. Why are they nonplussed?

Is Myanmar impeding India’s Act East Policy?
Mar 27, 2024

Is Myanmar impeding India’s Act East Policy?

Growing political instability in Myanmar is hindering India from achieving its Act East Policy objectives

Is Trump making a departure from the one-China policy?
Dec 12, 2016

Is Trump making a departure from the one-China policy?

Trump's phone-call to Taiwanese President has led the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson issue a statement calling on the US to adhere to its one-China policy commitment

Islam and its role in Indonesia’s foreign policy
Jun 24, 2020

Islam and its role in Indonesia’s foreign policy

Indonesia maintains its policy of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, but is now being more responsive to humanitarian issues

Jaitley has remastered digital India, but policy reform must follow
Feb 06, 2018

Jaitley has remastered digital India, but policy reform must follow

The government will need to take strides over the next few months to pass the auxiliary reforms necessary to actualise its renewed vision for a truly digital India.

Japan's new arms exports policy: Move to make Japan 'normal country'?
Apr 11, 2014

Japan's new arms exports policy: Move to make Japan 'normal country'?

One can see two major reasons for PM Shinzo Abe's decision to change the policy on arms exports. First, Abe is keen to remove many of the self-imposed taboos that have stood in the way of Japan becoming a 'normal country'. At a time when the security environment in East Asia has become so tense, Japan cannot afford to neglect the modernisation of its defence industry.

Japan's New Defence Policy: A Shift from the Past?
Dec 28, 2010

Japan's New Defence Policy: A Shift from the Past?

Japan has announced its new military policy changes, amidst escalating tensions, particularly in Northeast Asia. In a major military policy shift, its new National Defense Programme Guidelines has called for shifting of forces from the northern islands of Hokkaido towards the southern islands,

Japan's new energy policy and the revival of nuclear power
Apr 22, 2014

Japan's new energy policy and the revival of nuclear power

One compelling reason for Japan to adopt the new energy policy was the Abe government's recognition that in the absence of nuclear energy, which accounted for 30% of the total electricity until recently, the country had to pay heavily for importing oil and gas from abroad.

Japan's security policy in the era of new geopolitics
Mar 26, 2015

Japan's security policy in the era of new geopolitics

Japan is facing extremely dangerous situation in North East Asia where North Korea is developing nuclear weapons. It is also witnessing China's excessive assertiveness in the East China Sea and the South China Sea. So, situations like these will influence the way Japan will shape its security policy, says eminent Japanese scholar Prof. Shinichi Kitaoka.

Japan: Deconstructing the denuclearisation policy
Aug 12, 2011

Japan: Deconstructing the denuclearisation policy

The recent decision by the government of Naoto Kan to denuclearise Japan by 2050, regardless of its naivete, has certain traits that could help in overhauling the political economy of Japan's energy sector.

Japan’s Security Policy in the Asia-Pacific during the post-Cold War Period
Oct 09, 2010

Japan’s Security Policy in the Asia-Pacific during the post-Cold War Period

Despite domestic political changes, the alliance with the US continues to be the cornerstone of Japan's security policy in the Asia-Pacific region. Although Japan has taken some siginificant steps in the direction of normal statehood, the domestic constituency in favour of full strategic autonomy is still very weak. Japan's dilemma between its growing security concerns and the limitations laid by its Constitution will continue to be a major chall

Lacking a clear strategic framework, Modi’s foreign policy is coming apart
Jun 17, 2017

Lacking a clear strategic framework, Modi’s foreign policy is coming apart

It is now clear that the heft of the Prime Minister’s persona alone or the goodwill he enjoys cannot drive India’s external engagement.

Land policy vital for Modi's manufacturing dream
Apr 13, 2015

Land policy vital for Modi's manufacturing dream

The land amendment bill, brought in by the Modi government, represents a crucial plank of his government's economic agenda to turbocharge Indian growth. The government would find it difficult to execute its Make-in-India policy without improving the legislative framework for land acquisition.

Latin America: The last frontier for India’s foreign policy
Jun 06, 2022

Latin America: The last frontier for India’s foreign policy

Trade and investment opportunities galore in Latin America; India should formulate a proper policy to make the most of it.

Lessons from COVID-19 on climate change policy
Apr 14, 2020

Lessons from COVID-19 on climate change policy

As the world soldiers on to combat this formidable adversary, another global catastrophe — one involving higher stakes and no cure — looms large.

Look East Policy compulsions
Feb 07, 2013

Look East Policy compulsions

India as an external power is keen to play the role of a credible stabilising factor in the South China Sea region and cannot afford to be ambivalent. The advantages of taking a stand are many. Such a venture in the South China Sea will give India strategic leverage. Hence joining the fray is not an option but an imperative to safeguard our strategic interests and aspirations.

Look Middle East Policy
Jun 02, 2014

Look Middle East Policy

Narendra Modi is in a good position to take a strategic approach to the Middle East. While Delhi must be sensitive to the multiple faultlines, old and new, Modi must signal that India is open to business with all countries in the region.