Search: For - Indo-Pacific

1251 results found

Reclaiming the Indo-Pacific narrative
Jul 08, 2019

Reclaiming the Indo-Pacific narrative

The ASEAN’s intent to be in the driving seat is clear as it seeks to manage the emerging regional order with policy moves

Reclaiming the Indo-Pacific: A political-military strategy for Quad 2.0
Mar 27, 2018

Reclaiming the Indo-Pacific: A political-military strategy for Quad 2.0

After a decade, officials from India, Japan, Australia and the United States convened in Manila in November 2017 to renew their quadrilateral cooperation in the Indo-Pacific. While the agenda of the quad is still unknown, this paper presents a political-military strategy for the grouping directed at shaping Chinese behaviour in the region. Viewing strategy through the ends-means-ways lens, the paper describes key objectives of dissuasion, deterre

Recommendations for India-US Development Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific
Jul 15, 2021

Recommendations for India-US Development Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific

Defence cooperation is the dominant component of the India-US bilateral relationship. India seeks to leverage this aspect in the Indo-Pacific to diversify the scope of nascent plurilaterals, integrate with US frameworks to expand cooperation with regional nations, and consolidate its position as the preeminent partner for extra-regional players. This brief recommends that India take advantage of ongoing development initiatives with the US and ide

Relocating Mumbai in the geoeconomics of the Indo-Pacific
Jan 30, 2021

Relocating Mumbai in the geoeconomics of the Indo-Pacific

Positioning Mumbai in the Indo-Pacific will require planning. A new version of the ‘Bombay Plan’ — Bombay Plan 2.0 — is needed to build on the

Responding to China’s rise: Japan and India as champions for the rule of law in the Indo-Pacific
Aug 24, 2017

Responding to China’s rise: Japan and India as champions for the rule of law in the Indo-Pacific

The Indo-Pacific region is experiencing profound geo-strategic re-alignments. Post-war norms are being challenged by a rising China that is unconstrained by the established legal, economic and diplomatic order. These changes come at a time of growing uncertainty over US commitments to both its regional allies and a liberal international trade regime. In the absence of American leadership, the only formidable and practical alternative is the emerg

Responses to the Sri Lankan crisis: Reflections of the new world order and the Indo-Pacific
May 10, 2022

Responses to the Sri Lankan crisis: Reflections of the new world order and the Indo-Pacific

The varied responses to the Sri Lankan crisis from India, China, and the West best reflect their respective Indo-Pacific strategy

Robots at war: The future for autonomous systems at sea in the Indo-Pacific
Mar 24, 2021

Robots at war: The future for autonomous systems at sea in the Indo-Pacific

It is not inconceivable that by the 2040s, much of the fighting will be done by the robots, with their human masters kept well behind harm’s way.

Russian factor in India’s Indo-Pacific policy
Dec 07, 2021

Russian factor in India’s Indo-Pacific policy

Despite the policy convergences of India and US, Russia has ample scope to enhance its role in the Indo-Pacific region

Seas of Sustenance: Navigating ‘Blue Food’ for Indo-Pacific Food Security
Jun 05, 2024

Seas of Sustenance: Navigating ‘Blue Food’ for Indo-Pacific Food Security

Shoba Suri and Subhasree Ray, Seas of Sustenance: Navigating ‘Blue Food’ for Indo-Pacific Food Security, June 2024, Observer Research Foundation.

Securing Two Oceans: Bolstering India-Australia Defence Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific
Jul 21, 2023

Securing Two Oceans: Bolstering India-Australia Defence Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific

Countries such as India and Australia are redefining their Indo-Pacific policies amidst the growing belligerence of China in the region. The two have a common interest in stability, while standing firmly against any militarisation. Their willingness to partner closely with like-minded countries in the Indo-Pacific lays the foundation for stronger defence and security cooperation between the two middle-power democracies and Indian Ocean li

Shaping a trilateral as Rome looks to the Indo-Pacific
Jul 12, 2021

Shaping a trilateral as Rome looks to the Indo-Pacific

In the pushback against China, strategic cooperation between India, Italy and Japan can ensure a free Indo-Pacific

Shared Values, Common Goals: Finding Convergences in the Indo-Pacific Strategies of India and South Korea
Sep 26, 2023

Shared Values, Common Goals: Finding Convergences in the Indo-Pacific Strategies of India and South Korea

India and South Korea stand as important middle powers whose influence in the Indo-Pacific region is expanding in their own ways. At the same time, their bilateral partnership today has even bigger potential to serve as a stabilising factor amid shifting regional geopolitical equations. The current year—the 50th since the two countries established formal diplomatic ties—is an opportune moment for harnessing their converging interests. This br

Squad and the rise of minilateralism in the Indo-Pacific
May 24, 2024

Squad and the rise of minilateralism in the Indo-Pacific

The rise in Chinese aggression in the Indo-Pacific has prompted the emergence of Squad—a minilateral grouping between the US, Japan, Australia and t

Sri Lanka and the return of geopolitics in the Indo-Pacific
Oct 17, 2020

Sri Lanka and the return of geopolitics in the Indo-Pacific

In South Asia, Sri Lanka — with its geographically unique position in the Indian Ocean, and with a strong BRI partnership established during the pre

Sri Lanka facing the new Cold War in the Indo-Pacific theatre
Dec 20, 2020

Sri Lanka facing the new Cold War in the Indo-Pacific theatre

At present, albeit in a different context, there is another westward strategy from the Eastern Pacific theatre. It is that of the US Pacific Command i

Stronger India-Italy ties can transform Indo-Pacific
Mar 07, 2023

Stronger India-Italy ties can transform Indo-Pacific

At the heart of Italy’s Indo-Pacific vision lies the understanding of this region as the neighbourhood of its strategic Mediterranean Sea.

Taiwan and the Indo-Pacific
Oct 20, 2021

Taiwan and the Indo-Pacific

Taiwan is an important test case for both the United States and China

Teaming up in the Indo-Pacific: JAI dialogue
Sep 26, 2019

Teaming up in the Indo-Pacific: JAI dialogue

Counter-proliferation, counterterrorism, maritime security, maritime domain awareness and HADR are some of the potential areas for JAI to work togethe

Telemedicine in the Indo-Pacific: Easing regulations and promoting international cooperation for improving health infrastructure
Jan 14, 2022

Telemedicine in the Indo-Pacific: Easing regulations and promoting international cooperation for improving health infrastructure

Countries in the Indo-Pacific region can boost their healthcare systems by working closely on the emerging sector of telemedicine

The 1998 Pokhran nuclear tests: reactions and responses from the Indo-Pacific
May 11, 2023

The 1998 Pokhran nuclear tests: reactions and responses from the Indo-Pacific

There is increasing recognition that, given India shares land borders with nuclear-armed countries like Pakistan and China, it was imperative for Indi

The Bay of Bengal in the Emerging Indo-Pacific
May 12, 2023

The Bay of Bengal in the Emerging Indo-Pacific

This brief looks at the growing strategic significance of the Bay of Bengal within the emerging and increasingly contested geography of the Indo-Pacific. In three parts, the brief outlines the historic evolution of the littoral, examines the implications of its strategic location at the heart of the Indo-Pacific, and ponders the unfolding challenges to regionalism in the Bay of Bengal. It concludes with a call on India to intensify its efforts to

The business of capacity-building — US and China scramble for the arms market in the Indo-Pacific
Dec 28, 2020

The business of capacity-building — US and China scramble for the arms market in the Indo-Pacific

Across the Indo-Pacific, countries big and small are building up their military capacity through domestic production and imports.

The Case for a ‘Links, Not Dependencies’ Approach to EU Engagement in the Indo-Pacific
Aug 11, 2023

The Case for a ‘Links, Not Dependencies’ Approach to EU Engagement in the Indo-Pacific

Over the past year, the European Union (EU) increased its efforts to develop a more holistic approach to its engagement with the Indo-Pacific. Specifically, the EU has signalled a more concrete intention to integrate defence and security considerations into the policymaking process, with the publication of a regional strategy of engagement in September 2021. This brief aims to tie existing threads of EU diplomatic, developmental, and security pra

The Digital Silk Road in the Indo-Pacific: Mapping China’s Vision for Global Tech Expansion
Jan 03, 2024

The Digital Silk Road in the Indo-Pacific: Mapping China’s Vision for Global Tech Expansion

The Digital Silk Road (DSR), part of the Belt and Road Initiative, symbolises China’s approach to expanding information exchanges and digital cooperation with emerging markets and developing economies. Under the DSR, several private corporations and state-owned enterprises supported by Chinese state banks are offering inexpensive technological contracts and rapidly building digital infrastructure projects. This brief examines the operationalisa

The EU-India Connectivity Partnership: Can Brussels step up its connectivity game in the Indo-Pacific?
Sep 16, 2021

The EU-India Connectivity Partnership: Can Brussels step up its connectivity game in the Indo-Pacific?

The possibilities and the drawbacks inherent in the EU and India’s venture to provide an alternative to the BRI