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2605 results found

Protecting enterprise secrets and intellectual property in a volatile world
Oct 24, 2020

Protecting enterprise secrets and intellectual property in a volatile world

As technology evolves and new solutions emerge, governments have taken greater interest in regulatory matters, particularly in Indo-Pacific economies

Public-Private partnership way forward for engineering education
Aug 21, 2008

Public-Private partnership way forward for engineering education

Some of the country's most prominent scientists, academicians, policy makers and industry leaders have pledged to come together to explore ways to strengthen research-oriented higher studies in engineering education in India. At a panel discussion on 'India's Leadership in Manufacturing: Role of Engineering Education' organised by the Observer Research Foundation (ORF), India's leading

Pushing India’s Small-Scale Industries to the Economic Forefront
Aug 12, 2015

Pushing India’s Small-Scale Industries to the Economic Forefront

India's small-scale industries contribute 15 percent to GDP yet they have been long ignored, receiving little policy support and inadequate infrastructure. As they have the potential to transform the socioeconomic architecture of the country, policy interventions are necessary to make small enterprises more efficient and achieve higher growth rates. This paper describes initiatives to propel India's small-scale industries.

Putin's Delhi visit: A new journey of rediscovery
Dec 09, 2014

Putin's Delhi visit: A new journey of rediscovery

Russian President Putin's Eurocentric approach and having a Europeanist as his primary foreign policy advisor seem to be impacting on his policy towards Asia. The clout that the Orientalists and Indologists once had in the Kremlin is well and truly gone, and the relationship is that much weaker for it.

Putting vocational education centre stage in the implementation of NEP 2020
Jan 14, 2021

Putting vocational education centre stage in the implementation of NEP 2020

The Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system was always a pressing need, even at the best of times, for meeting the requirements

Putting women front and centre of India’s green recovery process
Apr 23, 2021

Putting women front and centre of India’s green recovery process

While gender has been increasingly factored into international climate policy, progress in India has been slow.

Puzzling new GDP data and growing inequality
Feb 11, 2015

Puzzling new GDP data and growing inequality

India's new GDP data speaks of robust growth (6.9%) rather than of policy paralysis and industrial decline in 2013-14. But even Chief Economic Advisor Arvind Subramanian is not convinced by the new data. Because, other indicators do not seem to corroborate the high rate of growth, especially when imports actually declined last year.

Quest for new India - Tackling the double whammy of India's slowdown and unemployment on a mission mode
Jun 10, 2019

Quest for new India - Tackling the double whammy of India's slowdown and unemployment on a mission mode

India needs an effective policy package to reverse its economic slowdown and also tackle the growing unemployment rates.

Radical resurgence in Pakistan: A case study of Jamaat-ud Dawa
May 09, 2008

Radical resurgence in Pakistan: A case study of Jamaat-ud Dawa

Pakistan has not given up the use of terrorist groups like Jamaat-ud Dawa (JuD) to achieve its foreign policy objectives in India and Afghanistan, a policy which threatens to make Asia, and the world, more unsafe in the years to come. JuD, parent body of Lashkar-e-Tayyeba (LeT), is a highly organised, trans-national terrorist group based in Pakistan which has links not only with Pakistan Army and its intelligence agency,

Radiological Security in India: Policies and Challenges
Jun 30, 2020

Radiological Security in India: Policies and Challenges

Radiological sources are used extensively in civilian sectors including for medical, industrial, agricultural and research purposes.  While the positive benefits are well-recognised, concerns about terrorists using these materials to develop a “dirty bomb” are also well-known.  Because of the extensive use of radiological materials in the civilian sector, these are easily accessible. The absence of an overarching regime covering radioactive

Rare diseases in India: Still a blind spot
Feb 28, 2021

Rare diseases in India: Still a blind spot

On Rare Disease Day, an analysis of India’s policy for those suffering from these ailments

Rare Diseases in India: ‘Orphan’ No More?
Jul 14, 2022

Rare Diseases in India: ‘Orphan’ No More?

Of all cases of rare diseases across the globe, around one-third occur in India. Yet, these diseases—‘rare’ because they affect a relatively small number of people—are hardly given attention in the country. With its resource constraints, India continues to lag in awareness, diagnosis, and drug development relating to such diseases, and there is inadequate medical and scientific research, too. India formulated a National Policy on Rare Dis

RBI sets the tone in climate finance thinking with its “Green India” report
May 29, 2023

RBI sets the tone in climate finance thinking with its “Green India” report

This report is a thought leadership push for policymakers, businesses, and civil society to work together to address India's environmental challenges

RBI versus the government: Independence and accountability in a democracy
Dec 07, 2018

RBI versus the government: Independence and accountability in a democracy

Conflicts between central banks and governments are embedded in the evolving discourse of every democracy. The recent discord between the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the Ministry of Finance (MoF) is neither the first nor likely to be the last. Institutionally, once a disagreement between the RBI and the MoF crosses the Rubicon, the government has the power to overrule the central bank’s decisions. Moreover, such a structure is not restricte

RCEP: A catalyst for deepening India-ASEAN partnership
Jan 29, 2018

RCEP: A catalyst for deepening India-ASEAN partnership

India should actively pursue implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership to consolidate its Act East Policy, which would serve to buttress its strategic eminence in its backyard.

Recent IAS resignations: An appraisal
Sep 10, 2019

Recent IAS resignations: An appraisal

The depletion of the IAS ranks should not be a worry as the Government seems to be moving in the direction of lateral entry — and a fresh infusion o

Reclaiming the Indo-Pacific narrative
Jul 08, 2019

Reclaiming the Indo-Pacific narrative

The ASEAN’s intent to be in the driving seat is clear as it seeks to manage the emerging regional order with policy moves

Redder than red: The future of China
Mar 23, 2023

Redder than red: The future of China

With mounting pressure domestically and internationally, Xi might resort to a hyper-nationalistic path to deal with the legitimacy crisis

Reforming the Russian economy: COVID-19 crisis and beyond
Jun 01, 2020

Reforming the Russian economy: COVID-19 crisis and beyond

The impact of the recession on Russia at this particular moment in geopolitical history will impact its foreign policy trajectory in very specific way

Reframing the Climate Debate
Jun 14, 2014

Reframing the Climate Debate

The Observer Research Foundation (ORF), India and the Stanley Foundation, USA co-hosted an international workshop on climate change on February 25-27, 2014 in New Delhi. The central objective of the workshop was to unbundle the different policy responses resulting from the multilateral negotiations thus far and their impact upon the evolution of existing and future multilateral frameworks. This Policy Brief aims to capture some of the salient per

Refuge in transition: Thailand's humanitarian challenges amid Myanmar crisis
Jan 05, 2024

Refuge in transition: Thailand's humanitarian challenges amid Myanmar crisis

Thailand would need to implement essential refugee policies that align with international standards to deal with the ongoing humanitarian crisis

Regionalisation: A Better Strategy in a Post-Pandemic World?
May 10, 2023

Regionalisation: A Better Strategy in a Post-Pandemic World?

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced nation states to shut down borders and to look decidedly inwards. In this newly emerging and highly tenuous global political economic landscape, a question that is being widely debated is what globalisation will look like in a post-pandemic world. This brief ponders the question in the context of India and its neighbourhood. Revisiting theoretical insights from ‘New Regionalism’, this analysis examines whether

Regulatory Sandboxes: Decoding India’s attempt to Regulate Fintech Disruption
May 24, 2023

Regulatory Sandboxes: Decoding India’s attempt to Regulate Fintech Disruption

In August 2019, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) released its final guidelines for a regulatory sandbox for fintech firms.[1] Technology innovations are disrupting the traditional financial sector, and the RBI’s regulatory sandbox exercise is an attempt to be more agile and absorb some of this disruption. ‘Sandboxes’ give regulators a chance to work with fintech innovators, mitigate potential risks and develop evidence-based policy, while fi

Reimagining India-Nepal ties: The decade that was and the road ahead
May 21, 2024

Reimagining India-Nepal ties: The decade that was and the road ahead

As the current government in India completes its second stint in power, the timing is opportune to reflect on the trajectory that the bilateral relationship has taken up in the past decade

Reinvention and principled diplomacy — Biden on East and Southeast Asia
Nov 10, 2020

Reinvention and principled diplomacy — Biden on East and Southeast Asia

What would be crucial to note is whether there is a salving of positions taken towards China by Trump, as US policy towards China still stands to dete

Reorienting India’s global value chains post COVID-19
Apr 27, 2021

Reorienting India’s global value chains post COVID-19

With growing digitalisation and amid the ongoing pandemic, India needs to reorient its trade policy with emphasis on developing its own GVCs and upgra

Reservation: India on the edge of a fiscal precipice
Jan 19, 2019

Reservation: India on the edge of a fiscal precipice

Instead of drafting a policy that first reduces, and then ends all reservations, we are moving towards strengthening them.

Resetting Indo-Nepal relations
Aug 05, 2014

Resetting Indo-Nepal relations

The new Indian approach to Nepal, and to the South Asian region, form a core of the Modi government's foreign and security policy. The goal is to bind them closer to India through a web of economic relationships. To implement this vision, Modi also needs to untangle political issues that have bedevilled relations between India and them.

Resolving the India-China Boundary Dispute: Incentivising Cooperation, Enlarging Bargaining Space and Promoting Constructive Strategies
May 25, 2012

Resolving the India-China Boundary Dispute: Incentivising Cooperation, Enlarging Bargaining Space and Promoting Constructive Strategies

Pessimism towards a foreseeable settlement of the India-China border dispute is not unfounded. At the political level, there is a "trust deficit" which impedes cooperation. Despite the existence of multi-tiered mechanisms to facilitate resolution, there has hardly been any progress on the issue in recent years. This paper identifies the obstacles and explores how a peaceful settlement of the India-China border dispute could be arrived at in the f

Resource use efficiency and productivity: An analysis of India’s food grain sector
Jan 07, 2020

Resource use efficiency and productivity: An analysis of India’s food grain sector

The concept of food security comprises access, affordability, food safety, food preferences and dietary patterns. Recently, there has been a demand-driven shift in food consumption patterns in India towards nutrition-rich and economically high-value horticulture (fruits and vegetables), livestock and dairy products. Providing for such consumption needs will require diversification of agricultural production beyond the staples, especially wheat an

Responding to China’s rise: Japan and India as champions for the rule of law in the Indo-Pacific
Aug 24, 2017

Responding to China’s rise: Japan and India as champions for the rule of law in the Indo-Pacific

The Indo-Pacific region is experiencing profound geo-strategic re-alignments. Post-war norms are being challenged by a rising China that is unconstrained by the established legal, economic and diplomatic order. These changes come at a time of growing uncertainty over US commitments to both its regional allies and a liberal international trade regime. In the absence of American leadership, the only formidable and practical alternative is the emerg

Resurgent Russia joins great game in South Asia
Mar 29, 2017

Resurgent Russia joins great game in South Asia

South Asia's foreign policy calculus is increasingly complex as Russia steps up to vie for power with the US

Rethinking Development Finance in Response to 21st-Century Challenges:  Islamic Climate Finance and Post-Conflict Recovery
Nov 24, 2023

Rethinking Development Finance in Response to 21st-Century Challenges: Islamic Climate Finance and Post-Conflict Recovery

Traditional development financing is proving insufficient to address overlapping global challenges, such as climate change and fragile contexts. This brief explores new thinking in development finance through two examples. The first is Islamic climate finance, which constitutes less than 2 percent of global Islamic finance. The brief identifies policy priorities and proposes dedicated Islamic climate-finance windows (e.g., in the Green Climate Fu

Rethinking the Challenge of Women’s Safety in India’s Cities
May 23, 2023

Rethinking the Challenge of Women’s Safety in India’s Cities

Following the Nirbhaya case of 2012 and the public outrage that it provoked, public safety for women has been increasingly deemed a political issue worthy of attention and concern, particularly in India’s cities. The government’s response has been to promote precautionary policies for women that, while may be well-meaning, tend to reinforce the prevalent social inclination to put the onus of their safety on women themselves, rather than addre

Revitalising Evidence-Based Multisectoral Investments in Early Childhood Development for Sustained and Inclusive Economic Growth in India
May 04, 2023

Revitalising Evidence-Based Multisectoral Investments in Early Childhood Development for Sustained and Inclusive Economic Growth in India

The early years, particularly the first 1,000 days, are a critical period in a child’s development, with lifelong impacts. Evidence shows that one of the most effective strategies for economic growth is investing in the developmental growth of at-risk young children. However, early childhood development (ECD) programmes are severely challenged by the sheer scale of need in the face of early childhood care and education losses due to COVID-19 me

Reviving ‘Neighbourhood First’
May 09, 2018

Reviving ‘Neighbourhood First’

India’s regional reset won’t be complete without a change in its Pakistan policy

Revving up demand is key to economic revival
Mar 03, 2020

Revving up demand is key to economic revival

There has to be an increase in government expenditure in labour-intensive industries and it cannot just rely on the monetary policy through interest rate cuts to stimulate demand.

Rewards for Pakistan, punishment for Afghans
Jul 10, 2019

Rewards for Pakistan, punishment for Afghans

While the old thinking on Pakistan is back in the US, the Afghan government is being seen as a hindrance in US' South Asia policy.

Ride the storm
Jun 05, 2024

Ride the storm

The multilateral order, built on the debris of the Second World War, is no longer fit to address this situation. Global institutions are missing in action just when they are needed the most

Rifle to Rafale: Space for defence
Sep 22, 2023

Rifle to Rafale: Space for defence

With theaterisation taking place in defence, the time is ripe to tap into the potential of space for India’s defence requirements

Risk Assessment and Escalation Management in India-Pakistan Conflicts
Dec 15, 2021

Risk Assessment and Escalation Management in India-Pakistan Conflicts

Since August 2021 when the US withdrew from Afghanistan, ceasefire violations at the India-Pakistan Line of Control (LoC) and killings of minorities in J&K have been reported. Indeed, the fall of Kabul to the Taliban has bolstered the anti-India establishment and the terrorist groups in Pakistan—putting the February 2021 ceasefire agreement between India and Pakistan under stress. India's conventional military response of the type of the 'S