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2508 results found

Blue Economy in the Indo-Pacific: Navigating Between Growth and Conservation
Jul 28, 2021

Blue Economy in the Indo-Pacific: Navigating Between Growth and Conservation

Once a niche term, Blue Economy (BE) has matured into a popular concept in marine governance discussions in the Indo-Pacific region. As land resources reach their limits, governments in the region are keen to harness the ocean’s wealth for economic projects. Policymakers widely believe the blue paradigm allows marine activities to be earth-friendly and sustainable, and thereby guaranteeing a more equitable future. Recent developments, however,

Booster shots for COVID-19: A moving target
May 19, 2022

Booster shots for COVID-19: A moving target

Would a one-size-fits-all booster policy be a sound decision in the long run?

Borders, enclaves and progressive exchanges
Jun 10, 2015

Borders, enclaves and progressive exchanges

The unanimous passage of the LBA bill through both houses of Parliament underlines the growing maturity of the political discourse on foreign policy in India. In particular, the larger political parties have shown that building consensus on India's foreign policy can increasingly be a bipartisan affair.

Brand Bhutan and tourism in BIMSTEC
Jan 15, 2021

Brand Bhutan and tourism in BIMSTEC

The ‘high-value, low volume’ tourism policy ensures that the number of tourists arriving is consistent with the absorptive carrying capacity of th

Brazil is back
Jul 29, 2023

Brazil is back

The proactive foreign policy by Lula aims to raise Brazil’s global profile. Whether this comes to fruition is yet to be seen and it remains a diffic

Breaking Glass Ceiling? Mapping EU-India Security Cooperation
May 11, 2023

Breaking Glass Ceiling? Mapping EU-India Security Cooperation

This year marks the 15th year since India and the European Union (EU) agreed on a Strategic Partnership in 2004. Over the years, despite robust bilateral relations between individual European states and India, the EU-India relations have largely been in the area of potential rather than accomplishment. This brief evaluates the emerging security partnership by focusing on three key areas, viz. peacekeeping, nuclear issues, and maritime security. I

BRICS: A wall for some and a platform for others
Apr 04, 2013

BRICS: A wall for some and a platform for others

China as the leader of the pack will use BRICS for control and dominance. The West will see this as a threat to existing arrangements and try to pull it down before it takes off. Indian presence will remain weak so long as our economic reforms and progress remain slow and our internal political and policy frameworks remain uncertain.

Bridging the Gulf
Feb 25, 2014

Bridging the Gulf

Any suggestion of a look west policy compels a comparison with India's much-celebrated Look East policy and presents us with a paradox. India's relationship with the Gulf is much denser than with Southeast Asia. Yet the Gulf does not resonate as much as Southeast Asia in Indian Foreign Policy discourse.

Bridging Water Demand and Supply in Delhi: The Potential of Rainwater Harvesting
Aug 19, 2020

Bridging Water Demand and Supply in Delhi: The Potential of Rainwater Harvesting

The Delhi government is facing numerous challenges in managing water demand and supply in the capital, primary of which are water shortages and declining groundwater levels. One of the strategies that are being employed to address these issues is the promotion of rainwater harvesting (RWH). This report provides an account of the growth and development of Delhi’s RWH sector. The analysis shows that while the programme has met with some success,

Bridging Water Demand and Supply in Delhi: The Potential of Rainwater Harvesting
Aug 19, 2020

Bridging Water Demand and Supply in Delhi: The Potential of Rainwater Harvesting

The Delhi government is facing numerous challenges in managing water demand and supply in the capital, primary of which are water shortages and declining groundwater levels. One of the strategies that are being employed to address these issues is the promotion of rainwater harvesting (RWH). This report provides an account of the growth and development of Delhi’s RWH sector. The analysis shows that while the programme has met with some success,

Britain should shed its China obsession to seize the moment in the Indo-Pacific
Aug 05, 2020

Britain should shed its China obsession to seize the moment in the Indo-Pacific

Post-Brexit Britain needs to move away from its China-centric policy and step up trade engagements in the region, which offers potential for win-win economic gains. London should also look to join its allies, including the US, India, Australia in the support of regional security to manage the risks posed by Beijing

Broadening the notion of ‘peace’ in conflict ridden Kashmir
Jul 30, 2019

Broadening the notion of ‘peace’ in conflict ridden Kashmir

With over 415,000 Kashmiri civilians meeting the diagnostic criteria for a major depressive disorder, interventions aimed at improving mental health i

BSF-BGB tension: India-Bangladesh border management need a rethink
Oct 21, 2019

BSF-BGB tension: India-Bangladesh border management need a rethink

The recent India-Bangladesh border incident suggests a need to rethink the dialogue processes among the border guarding forces.

Budget 2018 consolidates past policies and invests in future politics
Feb 01, 2018

Budget 2018 consolidates past policies and invests in future politics

The days of Budgets being policy statements and media events are over. Budget 2018 does what it is supposed to: balance the books — the fiscal defic

Building a case for the creative economies of the Global South
Mar 30, 2023

Building a case for the creative economies of the Global South

During its G20 presidency, India should engage with governments and policymakers and address the regulatory constraints faced by this sector to keep i

Building the resilience of India’s internal security apparatus
Nov 26, 2018

Building the resilience of India’s internal security apparatus

26 November 2018 marked a decade since 10 Pakistan-based terrorists killed over 160 people in India’s financial capital of Mumbai. The city remained under siege for days, and security forces disjointedly struggled to improvise a response. The Mumbai tragedy was not the last terrorist attack India faced; there would be many others since. After every attack, the government makes lukewarm attempts to fit episodic responses into coherent frameworks

CAATSA, रूस से S-400s मिसाइल की खरीद और भारत की सुरक्षा के स्वदेशीकरण की चुनौती
Jul 29, 2023

CAATSA, रूस से S-400s मिसाइल की खरीद और भारत की सुरक्षा के स्वदेशीकरण की चुनौती

भारत को सैन्य हार्डवेयर की ख़रीद को लेकर संयुक्त राज्य अ�

Calls for India to play the Taiwan card grow louder
Jul 10, 2020

Calls for India to play the Taiwan card grow louder

As tensions simmer between New Delhi and Beijing, some have called for India to focus on developing stronger relations with Taiwan.

Can Ganga governance problems be engineered away?
Sep 30, 2014

Can Ganga governance problems be engineered away?

There is no easy answer to the question of how best to balance all the competing water use priorities of the Ganga. But one thing is clear: as long as rivers are seen merely as pipes for conveying water, and challenges of distribution are addressed primarily through engineering rather than policy, then no solution will be appropriate.

Can India and Australia anchor a ‘Coalition of Middle Powers’ in the Indo-Pacific?
Jun 03, 2020

Can India and Australia anchor a ‘Coalition of Middle Powers’ in the Indo-Pacific?

Australia seems to be looking to establish a multipolar Indo-Pacific order and ensuring that no single power dominates it.

Can India consider an FTA with Australia in critical minerals?
Aug 26, 2020

Can India consider an FTA with Australia in critical minerals?

Economic growth in current times will ask for identifying new, efficient ways of increased productivity, ways to integrate policy priorities across di

Can the 2019 elections resolve India’s growth headwinds?
Apr 26, 2019

Can the 2019 elections resolve India’s growth headwinds?

India’s economic future faces two imminent headwinds. The 2019 elections cannot solve them if priorities focus on immediacy over the long run. Creat

Cancer patients face new challenges during COVID-19 pandemic
May 09, 2020

Cancer patients face new challenges during COVID-19 pandemic

Cancer patients must learn to treat the post-COVID-19 world as a ‘new normal,’ and remain focused on what they need to do to manage their illness

Capturing the American mindspace
Oct 14, 2014

Capturing the American mindspace

The new generation challenge for our diplomats and policy makers today is to capture the American mindspace. This is a task that requires subtlety, but its crucial asset is the human capital connect that we have established with the US.

Carbon emission reduction: Taking stock
Oct 11, 2021

Carbon emission reduction: Taking stock

The reduction in carbon emission needs to be observed through a global perspective, as most countries have reformed the sectorial makeup of their econ

Care needed in ‘balancing’ NEP panel report: Former IIT chairman
Oct 04, 2019

Care needed in ‘balancing’ NEP panel report: Former IIT chairman

The NEP panel report has both advantages and disadvantages — balancing them in the final policy statement is only one aspect of it.

Catalysing Cultural Entrepreneurship in India
Aug 14, 2023

Catalysing Cultural Entrepreneurship in India

Cultural entrepreneurship promotes a country’s heritage, resources and creative talents through products, services, and experiences. It shapes the country’s cultural economy; enables economic growth, innovation, and sociocultural development; and, when exported, contributes towards building soft power. India, with a millennia-old heritage, indigenous knowledge systems, and practices, has the potential to become a leading cultural and

Cattle smuggling across Indo-Bangla border a security threat: Experts
Aug 17, 2013

Cattle smuggling across Indo-Bangla border a security threat: Experts

There is an urgent need to accept the reality of cattle trade across the Indo-Bangladesh border and the challenge is to bring about a change in the mindset of people on this issue, according experts and former policy makers.

CCP centenary and the growing Chinese footprint in Sri Lanka
Jan 25, 2021

CCP centenary and the growing Chinese footprint in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka could explore and benefit more from close ties with the middle powers than equating most foreign policy decisions on binaries.

CCP की पार्टी कांग्रेस से पहले चौतरफ़ा चुनौतियों से घिरा चीन!
Sep 14, 2022

CCP की पार्टी कांग्रेस से पहले चौतरफ़ा चुनौतियों से घिरा चीन!

चीन इस वक़्त एक साथ कई मोर्चों पर संकटों का सामना कर रहा ह�

CCP’s 20th Congress: Xi’s Return and Implications for the People’s Liberation Army
Jan 20, 2023

CCP’s 20th Congress: Xi’s Return and Implications for the People’s Liberation Army

The quinquennial National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is typically the venue for political leadership changes and any restructuring of the country’s military apparatus. However, the 20th CCP Congress in October 2022 saw Chinese President Xi Jinping consolidate his control over the state and military. This brief seeks to understand what Xi’s third term as CCP chief and Central Military Commission chair will mean for t

Central Asia: A region gaining more from Beijing than Washington D.C.
Nov 02, 2020

Central Asia: A region gaining more from Beijing than Washington D.C.

The absence of a comprehensive Central Asian policy under Trump has paved the way for China and Russia to more clearly project their interests in the

Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and its economic implications
Jan 19, 2021

Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and its economic implications

To defend their turf — and prevent extreme decoupling — central banks are keen on designing their own network of digital payments by officially is

Central Bank Digital Currency in India: Deeper engagement and thorough exploration needed before execution
May 21, 2020

Central Bank Digital Currency in India: Deeper engagement and thorough exploration needed before execution

Maximising the effectiveness of fulfilling the essential functions of fiat money should be the primary objective of CBDC.

Central banks: Perils of losing focus
Aug 18, 2023

Central banks: Perils of losing focus

Inflation is proving hard to tame as central banks lose sight of their primary role of inflation-targeting

Changes required in CSR clauses in Companies Act
Jul 24, 2014

Changes required in CSR clauses in Companies Act

While mandating CSR operations for large companies was a more justifiable social policy programme by the UPA-II than others, some of its provisions and recommendations reflect a lack of understanding of the Indian social and economic environment and of the real needs on the ground.

Changing Geographies of Work: India’s Online Gig Workers in a Digitalised Labour Market
Nov 18, 2021

Changing Geographies of Work: India’s Online Gig Workers in a Digitalised Labour Market

Digital labour platforms—or online marketplaces that connect work providers and work seekers—will undoubtedly help shape the future of work. This brief studies the platforms targeted at online gig workers (or freelancers), who use them to find digital work opportunities in their home market or elsewhere, and then produce and deliver their services remotely. The brief explains the underlying technological and economic drivers and how the Covid

Changing landmarks in Indo-Russian economic relations: The Vladivostock summit and beyond
Sep 16, 2019

Changing landmarks in Indo-Russian economic relations: The Vladivostock summit and beyond

The Putin-Modi summit as part of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok was a step further in Indo-Russian relations.

Children’s psychosocial health in a post-pandemic India
Feb 15, 2023

Children’s psychosocial health in a post-pandemic India

Adequate policy interventions need to be put in place to undo the inimical impact of the pandemic on children’s psychosocial development

China acquiring weapons that can target US systems: US scholar
May 11, 2011

China acquiring weapons that can target US systems: US scholar

China has avoided taking up regional and global responsibilities despite the United States' basic policy and efforts to make it a responsible stakeholder in the international community and help it take its rightful place as a global power, according to US scholar Dr Michael Auslin.

China and Africa—Is it the end of the honeymoon period?
Oct 27, 2021

China and Africa—Is it the end of the honeymoon period?

The fading of Sino-optimism seen in African countries and the emergence of new western initiatives in counter to BRI are ample reasons for China to re

China and India Jostle in the Indian Ocean
Dec 05, 2022

China and India Jostle in the Indian Ocean

This has been a longstanding policy of China, but more recently, Beijing has been perturbed by New Delhi’s proactive push in China’s periphery along the wider Indo-Pacific. Beijing is attempting to portray itself as the new leader in the emerging multipolar world

China and Iran: JCPOA and beyond
Feb 18, 2019

China and Iran: JCPOA and beyond

Beijing’s Middle-East policy, especially that towards Iran, remains an enigma of sorts. Though it remains heavily engaged with Teheran, it is taking

China and the 'Global War on Terror'
Mar 19, 2004

China and the 'Global War on Terror'

2003 was an important year in the evolution of China¿s counter-terrorism policy. In December last, its Ministry of Public Security issued a list of identified 'Eastern Turkistan' terrorist organizations. Figuring in the list are the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM), the World Uighur Youth Congress (WUYC),

China BRI Project: भारत की सामरिक चुनौतियों से क्‍या है इसका लिंक
Aug 25, 2022

China BRI Project: भारत की सामरिक चुनौतियों से क्‍या है इसका लिंक

दक्षिण एशिया में कई मुल्‍कों में आए आर्थिक संकट की आंच ची�