Search: For - Indo-Pacific

1251 results found

The BrahMos outreach
Mar 18, 2021

The BrahMos outreach

With India determined to develop itself as a hub of defence manufacturing, how it handles the sale of the BrahMos would be an important factor in its

The BRI at 10, some hits, many misses
Oct 19, 2023

The BRI at 10, some hits, many misses

Even though the tale of Chinese munificence is marred by unsavoury ground realities, all eyes will be on the future of the Belt and Road Initiative

The case for militarising the Quad just got nudged
Jun 12, 2024

The case for militarising the Quad just got nudged

With the emergence of Squad, a new Pacific multilateral, the question whether the Quad should be militarised has resurfaced

The centrality of the East Asia summit is under challenge
Jul 07, 2022

The centrality of the East Asia summit is under challenge

Steering clear of strategic issues by only focusing on non-traditional security challenges has led to a decline in the relevance of the EAS Summit.

The China challenge
Jun 16, 2020

The China challenge

In the evolving geopolitical dynamic after Covid, India should side with democracies.

The China challenge for the US-Japan-South Korea trilateral
Jan 11, 2024

The China challenge for the US-Japan-South Korea trilateral

China looms large in the trilateral in most matters from security to trade

The China factor in India’s economic diplomacy
Apr 26, 2021

The China factor in India’s economic diplomacy

If this is a moment of challenge for the multilateral order, it may be to India’s interest not to let the leadership of that order fall to China. In

The China factor in India’s RCEP move
Nov 09, 2019

The China factor in India’s RCEP move

New Delhi seems to be signalling that Bejing’s rise in the Indo-Pacific has to be tackled politically and economically

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army in transition: Implications for Indian defence
Apr 21, 2018

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army in transition: Implications for Indian defence

The challenge to Beijing is that it may be instigating an arms race where it does not seek one, especially with regard to India, which increasingly se

The Chinese Spy Balloon Incident: An Urgent Need for Communication
Feb 07, 2023

The Chinese Spy Balloon Incident: An Urgent Need for Communication

There is an urgent need for standard operating procedures and open communication, especially when it comes to technology and space.

The danger of China’s maritime aggression amid COVID-19
Apr 11, 2020

The danger of China’s maritime aggression amid COVID-19

Beijing’s behavior, while unsurprising, is only likely to further antagonize its neighbors.

The decade of Mahanian defence — Maritime security trend lines in littoral-Asia
Dec 28, 2020

The decade of Mahanian defence — Maritime security trend lines in littoral-Asia

In a post-COVID world — with tasks increasing and budgets shrinking — the challenges at sea are daunting.

The Delhi-Beijing battle in South Asia
Jan 06, 2021

The Delhi-Beijing battle in South Asia

It is India that is not only challenging China when it comes to the major ideas of our times, but is also standing up and confronting China to preserve its vital interests.

The emergence of “coalitions of the willing” and impact on practical security cooperation in Southeast Asia
Dec 14, 2021

The emergence of “coalitions of the willing” and impact on practical security cooperation in Southeast Asia

Despite the varied opinions of the ASEAN countries with regard to AUKUS, it would have to learn to co-exist and cooperate on regional security issues

The end of innocence: 2020 is the year the scales fell from our eyes, enduring challenges became visible
Dec 24, 2020

The end of innocence: 2020 is the year the scales fell from our eyes, enduring challenges became visible

It will be in the realm of ideas where the world would be seeking India’s leadership.

The EU and ASEAN deepen ties
Dec 20, 2022

The EU and ASEAN deepen ties

In the recent summit, the EU reiterated its interest in ASEAN given the evolving geostrategic and geoeconomic situation

The EU Global Gateway: The narrow path between relevance and invisibility
Dec 23, 2021

The EU Global Gateway: The narrow path between relevance and invisibility

Would the Global Gateway initiative help EU to reconfigure its role in the changing world order?

The EU-India Relationship at 60: Where is it headed in 2023?
Mar 23, 2023

The EU-India Relationship at 60: Where is it headed in 2023?

India and the EU must work together to ensure that their partnership remains a positive force for stability and development in the Indo-Pacific region

The Evolving Arc of New Delhi-Canberra Ties
Mar 09, 2023

The Evolving Arc of New Delhi-Canberra Ties

Trust-based partnerships are re-defining the global landscape today and India is moving ahead with a degree of seriousness not seen in recent history.

The evolving role of the Colombo Security Conclave
Dec 26, 2023

The evolving role of the Colombo Security Conclave

As the Indo-Pacific region grows in prominence, all the members of the CSC, which are democracies, will continue to play their cards based on domestic and external benefits.

The geopolitics of de-risking from China: Is India in for a win?
Feb 02, 2024

The geopolitics of de-risking from China: Is India in for a win?

As major economies attempt to de-risk from China, India can make the most of this opportunity by attracting global economic investments in varied sect

The highs and lows of India–US convergence
Jun 06, 2024

The highs and lows of India–US convergence

The strategic convergence between India and the US might be weakening as the US increasingly focuses on the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East and E

The Hiroshima Quad Summit 2023: Building on the momentum
Jun 06, 2023

The Hiroshima Quad Summit 2023: Building on the momentum

Contrary to media narratives, the 2023 Summit has firmly anchored the Quad and made it abundantly clear that the grouping is here to stay

The implications of the PRC’s annexation of Taiwan for Japan, the US, and India
Jan 05, 2023

The implications of the PRC’s annexation of Taiwan for Japan, the US, and India

The Indo-Pacific states confront a real possibility of having China in their strategic backyard if the PRC successfully annex Taiwan in the coming yea

The India and France bonhomie has potential for expansion with the Gulf
Jan 23, 2021

The India and France bonhomie has potential for expansion with the Gulf

The India–France dynamic has moved forward at a rapid pace over the past few years, finding common goals on global issues — including the Indo-Pac

The India ASEAN AOIP-IPOI cooperation
Oct 15, 2022

The India ASEAN AOIP-IPOI cooperation

India and ASEAN commemorate three decades of dialogue partnership this year with the region being more strategically sensitive than ever before

The India-Japan-France trilateral cooperation to tackle the rising Chinese hegemony
Feb 12, 2021

The India-Japan-France trilateral cooperation to tackle the rising Chinese hegemony

India, France and Japan — despite different geographies — share similar interests in the Indo-Pacific.

The India-US defence partnership is deepening
Oct 30, 2020

The India-US defence partnership is deepening

The optics around the 2+2 Dialogue in Delhi are defining — the defence ties between the two countries have come of age

The Indian Ocean Rorschach test
Jan 13, 2020

The Indian Ocean Rorschach test

The Rorschach test asks viewers to describe their interpretations of a series of inkblots.

The India–US trade dispute and India’s evolving geopolitical role
Aug 01, 2019

The India–US trade dispute and India’s evolving geopolitical role

While the strategic partnership between the United States and India remains robust, some analysts see the relationship as becoming significantly strai

The Korea-Pacific Islands Summit: Widening the ambit of ROK-PIC ties
Jun 14, 2023

The Korea-Pacific Islands Summit: Widening the ambit of ROK-PIC ties

In light of the growing focus on the Pacific region, South Korea, alongside other nations, has ramped up bilateral ties with PICs by boosting developm

The Message from NATO at Vilnius
Jul 21, 2023

The Message from NATO at Vilnius

How did Ukraine’s presence influence the Vilnius summit? Why did Turkey lift its opposition against Sweden?

The new calculus of variable geometries in geopolitics
Nov 05, 2021

The new calculus of variable geometries in geopolitics

Middle powers with multiple partnerships like India can play a big role in the emerging global order

The Pacific frontier of France
Aug 04, 2023

The Pacific frontier of France

France hopes to broaden its area of influence in the Indo-Pacific by establishing close cooperation with the Pacific Island States

The pushback against China
Apr 24, 2021

The pushback against China

Now, the European Union has released its own Indo-Pacific strategy too

The Quad Conducts Malabar Naval Exercise
Aug 27, 2021

The Quad Conducts Malabar Naval Exercise

Australia is back for the second year in a row, underscoring the Quad’s deepening commitment to cooperation in the Indo-Pacific.

The Quad Gains Momentum as Strategic Realities Evolve
Sep 27, 2021

The Quad Gains Momentum as Strategic Realities Evolve

As new geopolitical and geo-economic realities emerge in the Indo-Pacific, India is now a critical node in the emerging network of variable geometries in the region. There are important opportunities in the evolving dynamic for New Delhi, as new alliances are crafted and new goals enunciated.

The Quad is rebalancing
May 30, 2023

The Quad is rebalancing

The Pacific theatre is now an obvious area of interest to boost non-traditional activities by the Quad countries

The Quad needs to raise the game in the Indian Ocean
Jun 01, 2023

The Quad needs to raise the game in the Indian Ocean

With India hosting the 2024 Quad Leaders’ Summit, it will be Delhi’s opportunity to draw the grouping’s focus towards the Indian Ocean

The rationale behind Antony Blinken’s nomination and its implications for India
Nov 25, 2020

The rationale behind Antony Blinken’s nomination and its implications for India

Blinken’s record as a clear-eyed internationalist could inform a pragmatic US policy towards India.

The RCEP clamour and India’s priorities
Nov 24, 2020

The RCEP clamour and India’s priorities

There is a growing clamor about India's decision to opt-out of the RCEP. While many experts say Indian SMEs stand to gain a lot if India signs the deal, others say it is likely to hurt Indian manufacturing.

The relevance of the Expanded ASEAN Maritime Forum
Nov 08, 2022

The relevance of the Expanded ASEAN Maritime Forum

The EAMF is fighting for space in an already crowded and complicated geopolitical context and geography

The return of history has begun to unravel the Davos Consensus
Jan 31, 2023

The return of history has begun to unravel the Davos Consensus

Geopolitics has split the world again and bloc-wise trade arrangements will have winners and losers