Search: For - Indo-Pacific

1250 results found

Does AUKUS Augment or Diminish the Quad?
Sep 23, 2021

Does AUKUS Augment or Diminish the Quad?

AUKUS fits into a growing network of minilaterials crisscrossing the Indo-Pacific and rooted in shared strategic interests.

Domestic reform key to India’s rise
Jan 29, 2021

Domestic reform key to India’s rise

The geoeconomic benefits of working towards more robust growth, both now and in the future, are multiple.

East and Southeast Asia: A new definition for a pivot to Asia?
Nov 02, 2020

East and Southeast Asia: A new definition for a pivot to Asia?

As the theatre of the ‘new great game’, East and Southeast Asia present the US with a choice - defend the existing rules-based order or allow inte

Enhancing Aerospace Power Engagement Among the Quad Countries: A Roadmap
May 13, 2024

Enhancing Aerospace Power Engagement Among the Quad Countries: A Roadmap

The Indo-Pacific region is becoming the world's new strategic and economic ‘centre of gravity’. Indeed, the accelerated trajectory of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) in recent years highlights the region’s growing importance. The Quad countries have committed to a rules-based order and a free and open Indo-Pacific, and are aiming to develop resilience across domains, such as in the maritime space, to counter and deter aggressive

EU Summit Focuses on COVID, But No Breakthrough on IPR Waiver
May 10, 2021

EU Summit Focuses on COVID, But No Breakthrough on IPR Waiver

Under WTO rules such a move would require consensus that can only be worked out by extensive negotiations.

Europe accelerates its free trade agenda
Dec 01, 2022

Europe accelerates its free trade agenda

With the growing need to diversify supply chains, the EU needs to revisit the process of free trade agreements without alienating its members

Europe’s China Policy in Disarray
Apr 29, 2023

Europe’s China Policy in Disarray

Whether France can be a trusted partner in managing China is a question that many have asked after the fiasco of Macron’s visit.

Europe’s great reawakening — Will Brussels walk the talk on its “strategic autonomy”? 
Dec 28, 2020

Europe’s great reawakening — Will Brussels walk the talk on its “strategic autonomy”? 

Europe will have to build on the promising trends and deliver quickly in 2021.

Event Report | Foreign policy under Xi Jinping
Sep 06, 2019

Event Report | Foreign policy under Xi Jinping

The event revolved around the current Chinese foreign policy in south-east Asia, its BRI project and relations with the Indo-Pacific countries and how the world views China under these geopolitical scenarios and Chinese reactions towards them.

Evolving contours of Delhi-Manila ties
Jun 28, 2023

Evolving contours of Delhi-Manila ties

In a region that is increasingly defined by cooperation based on like-mindedness, shared interests, and common concerns, the Philippines-India ties ar

Examining Manila's Contemporary West Philippine Sea Strategy
May 23, 2024

Examining Manila's Contemporary West Philippine Sea Strategy

As China pursues its expansionist ambitions in the greater South China Sea, Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is working to enhance his country’s ability to exercise its sovereignty and sovereign rights. Towards this end, Manila is expanding its strategic options through robust external partnerships and national policy recalibrations to secure its lawful waters in what it calls the West Philippine Sea. There are concerns, however, abou

Exploring New Trends in Development Finance through Private Capital
Jul 27, 2021

Exploring New Trends in Development Finance through Private Capital

This brief examines the efficacy of the inclusion of private capital in development finance, using the cases of certain countries that have met with success in utilising such a strategy. It underlines the experiences of institutions like the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) and the United States International Development Finance Corporation (US-IDFC) that use innovative financial tools to support international financial institution

Exploring the blue in the India-France partnership
Feb 10, 2023

Exploring the blue in the India-France partnership

Their established ties rest on a foundation of common values and goals

First Quad leaders meeting: An agenda beyond security
Mar 16, 2021

First Quad leaders meeting: An agenda beyond security

Besides vaccine diplomacy, this Quad meeting deliberated on matters like climate change, and critical and emerging technologies.

For a multipolar Eurasia, Russia must cooperate with India
Nov 12, 2018

For a multipolar Eurasia, Russia must cooperate with India

India will not politically prefer Russia to the US — rather it must learn to work with both. In the Indo-Pacific, India’s equities lie with Washin

For a Quad strategy
Nov 26, 2019

For a Quad strategy

‘Indo-Pacific’ is being used loosely to mean different things to different nations

For Europe, all publicity is not good publicity
Nov 15, 2022

For Europe, all publicity is not good publicity

The EU and its officials should not alienate the world at a time when it is in need of partners in the midst of the Ukraine crisis

Forging a strategic ‘Gateway’: The Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea
Nov 18, 2020

Forging a strategic ‘Gateway’: The Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea

Security cooperation is intrinsic to a ‘Gateway’ to ensure the safety of stakeholders as well as their efforts at collaboration.

Forward from the Tokyo Quad Summit and IPEF
May 27, 2022

Forward from the Tokyo Quad Summit and IPEF

The growing focus on the Indo-Pacific as reflected by the recent Quad summit and the launch of IPEF indicates that despite the ongoing war in Europe,

France is looking for new allies in Asia
Jul 20, 2019

France is looking for new allies in Asia

It would be worth France, India, and Japan beginning an institutionalised and wide-ranging dialogue to ensure that the three of them can better coordinate their activities in the Indo-Pacific — not necessarily to counter China, but to encourage it to cooperate.

France-India-UAE Trilateral: India’s Minilateral Engagements Ticks Up
Feb 16, 2023

France-India-UAE Trilateral: India’s Minilateral Engagements Ticks Up

The trilateral partnership has the potential to emerge as an action-oriented minilateral in the broader Indo-Pacific.

France-UK relations: A much-needed strategic reboot
Dec 08, 2022

France-UK relations: A much-needed strategic reboot

The changing geopolitical reality compels both France and the UK to recalibrate their relations.

France’s West Asia Moment
Feb 15, 2023

France’s West Asia Moment

France is stepping up its strategic role, providing an alternative for countries seeking security guarantees from a powerful, nuclear, Western militar

From turmoil to clarity: International relations in the new decade
Jan 04, 2021

From turmoil to clarity: International relations in the new decade

Indian foreign policy will have to respond to the meta-trends by crafting an approach that is more than just the sum of its bilateral and multilateral

From ‘Pivot to Asia’ to Trump’s ARIA: What drives the US’ Current Asia policy?
Feb 19, 2020

From ‘Pivot to Asia’ to Trump’s ARIA: What drives the US’ Current Asia policy?

After President Donald Trump’s 2017 visit to Asia, the Indo-Pacific region assumed greater significance in the United States’ foreign policy calculus, as articulated in the ‘Indo-Pacific Strategy Report’ released by the US Department of Defence. On 31 December 2018, Trump passed the Asia Reassurance Initiative Act (ARIA), which authorises US$1.5 billion in spending for a range of US programmes in East Asia and Southeast Asia to “develop

G-20 की बैठक में क्यों छाया रहा LAC का मुद्दा
Jul 09, 2022

G-20 की बैठक में क्यों छाया रहा LAC का मुद्दा

इस अंतरराष्‍ट्रीय मंच पर चीन के विदेश मंत्री एलएसी की समस्‍या को छोड़ भारत-चीन संबंधों पर ज्‍यादा बोले. चीनी विदेश मंत्री ने कहा कि चीन एवं भारत के संबंधों में सुधार की दिश�

German defence policy after renewed war in Europe
Dec 08, 2022

German defence policy after renewed war in Europe

Germany’s NSS can help map its return to strategic action by redefining its foreign and security policy

Germany’s China strategy: An anchor at last?
Aug 07, 2023

Germany’s China strategy: An anchor at last?

The new strategy unveiled by Germany signals a fundamental shift in Berlin’s China policy. Whether it walks this tightrope remains to be seen.

Germany’s National Security Strategy: Where the devil is in the lack of detail
Jun 19, 2023

Germany’s National Security Strategy: Where the devil is in the lack of detail

While Germany’s National Security Strategy is a welcome step, it remains ambiguous on a few crucial fronts

Great power competition raises concerns within the ASEAN
Aug 16, 2023

Great power competition raises concerns within the ASEAN

The growing Chinese and US presence near the South China Sea raises concerns in the minds of the ASEAN countries as it might be signalling a potential

Great powers and small islands: The democratic powers need to “lean in”
Dec 19, 2022

Great powers and small islands: The democratic powers need to “lean in”

In the second of a two-part series, as the Indo-Pacific takes central focus in geopolitics, democratic nations must work to keep the region’s strate

Growing Chinese concerns over Japan-India Air Combat Exercise
Feb 14, 2023

Growing Chinese concerns over Japan-India Air Combat Exercise

For China, the Veer Guardian 2023 exercise comes as an ominous portent for the future

Growing Russia-India-China tensions: Splits in the RIC strategic triangle?
Mar 18, 2020

Growing Russia-India-China tensions: Splits in the RIC strategic triangle?

There are growing tensions in New Delhi’s engagement within this arrangement and its other alignments.

Hanging in the balance: Maldives Presidential race & big-ticket infrastructure
Mar 07, 2023

Hanging in the balance: Maldives Presidential race & big-ticket infrastructure

The volatile politics in Male at this crucial juncture can change the course of the Presidential race and the future of big-ticket infrastructure in t

Hard Security Back in Focus at the Quad Foreign Ministers Meet
Mar 13, 2023

Hard Security Back in Focus at the Quad Foreign Ministers Meet

It is relatively easy to establish coalitions to work on non-traditional security issues, but nurturing a group to focus on security issues as the core is not easy, especially for countries like India.

Harnessing the “economic complementarities”: What does PM Modi’s US visit have in store for US-India economic relations?
Jun 22, 2023

Harnessing the “economic complementarities”: What does PM Modi’s US visit have in store for US-India economic relations?

Prime Minister Modi’s visit to the US solidifies the foundation of the India-US trade relationship, opening doors for collaboration across sectors

Has Modi learnt to play Trump better? A look at possible deliverables beyond Motera
Feb 24, 2020

Has Modi learnt to play Trump better? A look at possible deliverables beyond Motera

The Indo-US agenda is vast – there are issues to be clinched, points to be clarified and misunderstandings to be cleared.

Has Ukraine tested the Quad?
Mar 28, 2022

Has Ukraine tested the Quad?

Will conflicts outside the Indo-Pacific region, such as the Ukraine crisis, threaten the solidarity of the QUAD?

How can the world prevent China from taking over Taiwan? Look to India
Feb 28, 2023

How can the world prevent China from taking over Taiwan? Look to India

India’s role in preventing a Chinese takeover of Taiwan is the key to keeping the dragon in check in the region