Search: For - security

2479 results found

Assessing the British Proposal on Space Security
Dec 11, 2020

Assessing the British Proposal on Space Security

The U.K. proposal emphasizes a bottom-up approach and stresses trust-building. It’s a critical first step.

Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Public Health and Nutrition Security
Mar 22, 2024

Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Public Health and Nutrition Security

Climate change poses a significant risk to global food security. Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and shifting precipitation patterns impact food production, disrupting food supply chains, increasing food prices, and diminishing food safety. These effects are particularly apparent in developing countries, where vulnerable populations struggle to access nutritious foods and small farmers face financial challenges. Tackling the impacts

AUKUS and the Eastern Indo-Pacific’s Evolving Security Architecture
Aug 14, 2023

AUKUS and the Eastern Indo-Pacific’s Evolving Security Architecture

The formation of AUKUS (a security alliance between Australia, the UK, and the US) and its likely forward momentum in the near- and medium-term is certain to redefine the security architecture in the eastern Indo-Pacific region. Given the twin objectives of maintaining the balance of power and ensuring deterrence against China, several new initiatives and defence agreements between the member countries are on the anvil. The interface of A

Beckoning Frontiers: Virgin Vistas for Indian Security
Jan 19, 2004

Beckoning Frontiers: Virgin Vistas for Indian Security

A second Green Revolution is in the offing given the recent announcements by the central government. The highlight of Finance minister Mr Jaswant Singh¿s January 9 pre-poll sops was the setting up of a Rs. 50,000 crore Agriculture Infrastructure and Credit Fund, to be operational in four weeks and providing end use credit at 200 base points below PLR.

Beefing up cybersecurity for India’s energy transition
Oct 07, 2023

Beefing up cybersecurity for India’s energy transition

To create a world-class clean energy ecosystem in India that is safe, all stakeholders must work collectively to develop all critical components and a

Best practices in Metro security
Aug 25, 2010

Best practices in Metro security

Informed and aware passengers and staff members remain two of the most effective counter-terrorism measures to safeguard vulnerable mass transit systems like Delhi Metro.

Between General Assembly Debates and Security Council Resolutions, Finding Coherence in the UN System
Mar 22, 2023

Between General Assembly Debates and Security Council Resolutions, Finding Coherence in the UN System

This brief employs text analytics to assess the extent to which speeches at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on matters of peace and security find resonance in resolutions passed by the UN Security Council (UNSC). These two are among the six main organs of the UN system: the UNGA is the main deliberative and representative body; and the UNSC is tasked with maintaining global peace and security. This brief studies four contemporary issue

Between international ambitions and domestic realities — India’s involvement with the Women, Peace and Security Agenda
Feb 11, 2021

Between international ambitions and domestic realities — India’s involvement with the Women, Peace and Security Agenda

India has the potential to emerge as a champion of the WPS agenda — it needs to achieve greater gender equality in domestic security as well.

Between the lines: How the BJP and Congress manifestos hold up on national security
Apr 12, 2019

Between the lines: How the BJP and Congress manifestos hold up on national security

Against the backdrop of the Pulwama suicide bombing and the Balakot air-strikes, national security has acquired a political salience that it might not have otherwise. This is reflected in the manifestos of both the main national parties, the BJP and the Congress.

Beyond the Quad: Booming Security Cooperation Efforts in the Indo-Pacific
Jan 16, 2023

Beyond the Quad: Booming Security Cooperation Efforts in the Indo-Pacific

New defense and security cooperation efforts are springing up across the Indo-Pacific, between some Quad members and those outside the grouping.

BIMSTEC and regional security
Jan 15, 2021

BIMSTEC and regional security

Seen against the backdrop of geopolitical rivalries — and the lack of a common strategic vision among BIMSTEC members — it is hardly surprising th

BIMSTEC imperatives: Food security and energising trade
Jun 07, 2023

BIMSTEC imperatives: Food security and energising trade

India can advance solutions and drive international consensus on critical issues related to priority sectors such as food and energy in the Bay of Ben

BIMSTEC on the Cusp: Regional Security in Focus
Aug 16, 2023

BIMSTEC on the Cusp: Regional Security in Focus

The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) is standing on the threshold of a new inning, as it marks its 25th year in 2022. The past months have been momentous for BIMSTEC, as it adopted a charter at the fifth Summit Meeting in March to outline a clearer purpose for the organisation. During the summit, BIMSTEC rationalised its 14 diverse sectors of cooperation into seven core areas of inte

Biological Weapons and Biosecurity - Lessons from the COVID19 war
May 10, 2020

Biological Weapons and Biosecurity - Lessons from the COVID19 war

In the second of a two-part series on how the Covid-19 pandemic has thrown open doubts on biosecurity, Ambassador Lakshmi Puri writes on how internati

Biological weapons and biosecurity — Lessons from the COVID-19 war
May 09, 2020

Biological weapons and biosecurity — Lessons from the COVID-19 war

In the first of a two-part series on how the COVID-19 pandemic has raised consciousness about the dangers of biological warfare Ambassador Puri writes

Boosting India-Africa defence and security partnership
Mar 24, 2023

Boosting India-Africa defence and security partnership

While new initiatives, platforms, and exercises attest to the growing synergy in Indo-African defence and security partnership, the true potential con

Border Security Force: बीएसएफ का अधिकार क्षेत्र बढ़ाये जाना और उसका अर्थ?
Nov 26, 2021

Border Security Force: बीएसएफ का अधिकार क्षेत्र बढ़ाये जाना और उसका अर्थ?

बीएसएफ़ की पुलिस-शक्तियों को बढ़ाने से सीमा सुरक्षा बेहत

Bracing for Trump’s vision of international security
Mar 11, 2024

Bracing for Trump’s vision of international security

Trump’s approach to transatlantic security, the US’s allies in the Indo-Pacific, and security concerns in West Asia will be shaping his vision of

Breaking Glass Ceiling? Mapping EU-India Security Cooperation
May 11, 2023

Breaking Glass Ceiling? Mapping EU-India Security Cooperation

This year marks the 15th year since India and the European Union (EU) agreed on a Strategic Partnership in 2004. Over the years, despite robust bilateral relations between individual European states and India, the EU-India relations have largely been in the area of potential rather than accomplishment. This brief evaluates the emerging security partnership by focusing on three key areas, viz. peacekeeping, nuclear issues, and maritime security. I

BRI in the ‘Af-Pak’ region: Security challenges and China’s response
Oct 12, 2020

BRI in the ‘Af-Pak’ region: Security challenges and China’s response

Beijing's approach to Af-Pak can be attributed to its growing geostrategic interest in South Asia and the Indo-Pakistani rivalry.

Building the resilience of India’s internal security apparatus
Nov 26, 2018

Building the resilience of India’s internal security apparatus

26 November 2018 marked a decade since 10 Pakistan-based terrorists killed over 160 people in India’s financial capital of Mumbai. The city remained under siege for days, and security forces disjointedly struggled to improvise a response. The Mumbai tragedy was not the last terrorist attack India faced; there would be many others since. After every attack, the government makes lukewarm attempts to fit episodic responses into coherent frameworks

Bundeswehr: Cyber security, the German way
Oct 20, 2016

Bundeswehr: Cyber security, the German way

There are a number of measures the Bundeswehr needs to take to fill the ranks of its planned cyber command.

Can IORA aid maritime security efforts in the Indian Ocean?
May 14, 2024

Can IORA aid maritime security efforts in the Indian Ocean?

Maritime security in the Indian Ocean needs to be conceptualised. Thus, a rethink about injecting momentum into collective regional cooperation via IO

Cattle smuggling across Indo-Bangla border a security threat: Experts
Aug 17, 2013

Cattle smuggling across Indo-Bangla border a security threat: Experts

There is an urgent need to accept the reality of cattle trade across the Indo-Bangladesh border and the challenge is to bring about a change in the mindset of people on this issue, according experts and former policy makers.

CBR Security in India: Threat Analysis and Role of Industries
Jun 15, 2013

CBR Security in India: Threat Analysis and Role of Industries

The media in India enjoys a great deal of freedom and when it is threatened, the response is vociferous. Nevertheless, there is the need to maintain a balance between free expression and other community and individual rights; this responsibility should not be borne by the judiciary alone, but by all those who enjoy these rights.  

Changing Paradigms of Security Need for Multi-Disciplinary Approach
Jun 11, 2004

Changing Paradigms of Security Need for Multi-Disciplinary Approach

Over the last few decades, particularly after the end of cold war, a distinctive feature of the strategic and security related environment has been the unprecedented and sheer dynamics of change in the concepts, paradigms and complexities of national, regional and global security.

Changing the face of global security
Feb 22, 2006

Changing the face of global security

During the past couple of weeks, Nepal Maoist chief Prachanda has given three significant interviews. He carefully picked up three influential and understanding media channels, ¿ Kantipur in Nepal, The Hindu in India and the BBC of London ¿ to send a strong message across to Nepal, India and the international community respectively.

China in Afghanistan: Security, regional standing, and status
Oct 24, 2017

China in Afghanistan: Security, regional standing, and status

With the traditional liberal order appearing agile, new questions on international security and peacemaking have come to the fore. In the current context, global players are according Afghanistan greater strategic importance. As NATO troops continue to make headway in that region into the safe havens of ISIS, and with US posturing purportedly getting more robust, China’s role in Afghanistan merits scrutiny. Even though China’s involvement, mi

China's new security concept
Jul 02, 2004

China's new security concept

The Shanghai spirit moved into the next phase of its development as the fourth summit of the six-member Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) began at Tashkent, Uzbekistan on May 17, 2004. From a security-centred organisation that came into being in June 2001,

China: From trade to security in Asia, catching the dragon by its tail
Nov 02, 2020

China: From trade to security in Asia, catching the dragon by its tail

The ‘great divide’ between Washington and Beijing that had simmered for many years before Trump came to office, has crystallised into open hostili