Search: For - Maldives

546 results found

Maldives and Seychelles: Elevating relations to a strategic partnership
Jun 20, 2023

Maldives and Seychelles: Elevating relations to a strategic partnership

Since their long-term visions and concerns converge, elevating the bilateral relationship between Maldives and Seychelles to a strategic partnership i

Maldives as a metaphor
Feb 14, 2018

Maldives as a metaphor

If India is unable to call the shots in Maldives, who will even take it seriously as a player in the region?

Maldives at it again: Courts, protests, arrests
Feb 24, 2015

Maldives at it again: Courts, protests, arrests

Prime Minister Modi is scheduled to visit Maldives in mid-March as part of the first-ever four-nation southern Indian Ocean trip by any Indian leader. The greater success and long-term achievement of the visit, will depend also on how it all goes and goes down well just now.

Maldives crisis: Need for statesmen-like behaviour
Jul 22, 2010

Maldives crisis: Need for statesmen-like behaviour

Three weeks well into the constitutional deadlock that has stalled governmental functioning an parliamentary proceedings alike, there is no end in sight still to the political crisis overwhelming the Maldivian archipelago. The infant democracy, which otherwise used to be inward-looking until the politico-constitutional changes of 2008, cannot allow to fail itself - and its political leaders cannot try to have it both ways, either.

Maldives gearing up for presidential polls in September
Jul 15, 2013

Maldives gearing up for presidential polls in September

With the Election Commission formally notifying the presidential polls for September 7, Maldives is gearing up to prove to itself and the rest of the world that democracy is very much at work in the Indian Ocean archipelago.

Maldives minister’s ‘K-talk’: More than a snub on India?
Mar 15, 2018

Maldives minister’s ‘K-talk’: More than a snub on India?

The Maldivian reaction to Indian initiatives on Maldivian democracy was not totally unexpected.

Maldives polls: Time for consensus by political parties
Sep 21, 2013

Maldives polls: Time for consensus by political parties

With only a week left for the scheduled second-round polling in the presidential elections on Saturday, 28 September, it may be time the stake-holders in Maldives arrived at an interim consensus, keeping the healthy and constructive future of the infant democracy at heart.

Maldives President sacks Defence Minister after police recover weapons
Jan 22, 2015

Maldives President sacks Defence Minister after police recover weapons

In Maldives, a midnight police break-in and alleged yet uncontested seizure of 'dangerous weapons' from Defence Minister Mohamed Nazim's residence has led to his unceremonious replacement by Maj-Gen (Retd) Moosa Ali Jaleel, until then High Commissioner to Pakistan.

Maldives quits C’wealth, Nasheed too going to UNHRC
Oct 14, 2016

Maldives quits C’wealth, Nasheed too going to UNHRC

Maldives in a none-too-unanticipated move has announced its decision to quit the Commonwealth. India as Maldives’ closest neighbour and regional pow

Maldives seeks berth in UN Security Council
Oct 01, 2016

Maldives seeks berth in UN Security Council

Where from here is the question that they would be asking of Maldives – and Maldives should be asking itself.

Maldives slipping into  'pressure cooker' mode?
May 08, 2015

Maldives slipping into 'pressure cooker' mode?

Now, Maldives seems to be slipping steadily into the 'pressure cooker' mode. No solutions are in sight. None one knows what is going to happen next. May be, the ruling Yameen leadership should look around to learn its lessons from neighbouring Sri Lanka.

Maldives' import-reliant economic landscape
Feb 29, 2024

Maldives' import-reliant economic landscape

As Maldives faces a complex economic landscape driven by import dependencies and fiscal policy challenges, strategic policymaking is imperative

Maldives, India, and a hydrography pact
Jan 05, 2024

Maldives, India, and a hydrography pact

The recent decision by Maldives to revoke the hydrographic survey agreement with India is indicative of the ebbing of trust between the two

Maldives:  A case for 'institutional reforms'
Jul 20, 2012

Maldives: A case for 'institutional reforms'

The January 16 arrest of Criminal Court Chief Justice Abdulla Mohammed, and the subsequent prosecution of then President Mohammed Nasheed, his Defence Minister Tholhath Ibrahim Kaleyfaanu and three senior army officials now should indicate the kind of 'institutional reforms' that Maldives requires.

Maldives:  It's over the other 50 per cent voters?
Feb 13, 2013

Maldives: It's over the other 50 per cent voters?

With the presidential elections now set for September 7, political parties in Maldives are vying with one another to identify issues and package them attractively for the voters, many of them youth.

Maldives:  Polls getting trickier after the first-round
Sep 13, 2013

Maldives: Polls getting trickier after the first-round

If the legal proceedings mid-way through the Maldivian presidential polls, now before the High Court, run its course, with the possibilities of appeals before the Supreme Court at different stages, the constitutional scheme could end up threatening its own base and basis, one way or the other.

Maldives:  Security Concerns on the Rise?
Sep 24, 2010

Maldives: Security Concerns on the Rise?

A few incidents in four weeks, and the Maldivian Government is not taking any chances. The illegal import of five double-edged swords and some 'toy guns', shipped from China, and that of a stun-gun and face-mask as

Maldives: 'Black magic', a national policy?
Jun 08, 2012

Maldives: 'Black magic', a national policy?

In Maldives, Government parties need to come clean on their strategy for the future in the Roadmap Talks. Only based on such a strategy could they work back, on accommodating the MDP's demand on advancing the presidential poll.

Maldives: 'Currency float' cause for political concern
May 20, 2011

Maldives: 'Currency float' cause for political concern

A legislative deadlock involving the Executive and Parliament on the one hand, and the Executive and the Judiciary on the other, both leading to a serious and a series of constitutional crisis kept Maldivian politics and politicians on their toes for most of 2010.

Maldives: 'Democracy-deficit' and 'coercive diplomacy'
Mar 20, 2015

Maldives: 'Democracy-deficit' and 'coercive diplomacy'

A Male criminal court's sentencing of former President Mohammed Nasheed on 'terrorism charges' for 13 years in prison has revived 'democracy-deficit' charges and consequent global (read: West) discourse, this time against the government of incumbent President Abdulla Yameen.

Maldives: 'Institutions' crying for reforms faster than expected?
Feb 15, 2014

Maldives: 'Institutions' crying for reforms faster than expected?

With Maldive's Supreme Court serving 'contempt of court' notice on Election Commission members, a case is now getting increasingly made out for a review of the rights, powers and responsibilities of 'independent institutions'.

Maldives: 'Islam' becoming an election issue?
Dec 09, 2011

Maldives: 'Islam' becoming an election issue?

Two events in as many weeks, and Maldives has been making news, both on the home front and in the global arena, for reasons that had been better left untouched. Coming as they did after the successful SAARC Summit in the southern Addu City.

Maldives: 'Political Islam' here to stay?
Dec 27, 2011

Maldives: 'Political Islam' here to stay?

Maldivians, particularly the security authorities in the country, may have heaved a sigh of relief after the competing rallies by the NGOs and the political Opposition on the one hand, and the ruling MDP on the other, went off peacefully on Friday last.

Maldives: 'Roadmap Talks' still has a larger purpose
Jul 16, 2012

Maldives: 'Roadmap Talks' still has a larger purpose

There seems to be a need for conferring permanency of sorts for the All-Party Roadmap Talks that is now headed by Ali Mujthaba Mujthaba, aimed not only at national reconciliation but even more at national consensus and consequent national reconstruction.

Maldives: 'Water crisis' shows India's heart is as close as the two nations
Dec 11, 2014

Maldives: 'Water crisis' shows India's heart is as close as the two nations

India has assured Maldives to extend all technical expertise to resolve the current water crisis. India pressed the button after Maldivian Foreign Minister Dunya Maumoon called counterpart Sushma Swaraj soon after the seriousness of the crisis was known.

Maldives: 'Western ways of governance' takes the flak
Jul 01, 2011

Maldives: 'Western ways of governance' takes the flak

After privatisation, the 'managed float of rufiyaa against the dollar, and other aspects of governance under President Mohammed Nasheed, the Opposition has begun identifying the ills of 'western ways of governance' to individual sectors, and thus drive home their arguments against the Government, even more.

Maldives: A case for early electoral reforms?
Jan 25, 2013

Maldives: A case for early electoral reforms?

Maldives may have already opened up a national debate on the need for early electoral reforms, with a public assertion by President Mohammed Waheed Hassan Manik that the Bill that he had returned to Parliament on fixing a minimum membership of 10,000 for political parties to be registered for State funding,

Maldives: A further twist to the tale
Feb 19, 2013

Maldives: A further twist to the tale

A piquant situation seems to have arisen in Maldives, on the domestic front and also for its relations with India, after the trial court issued a second order to the police to produce former President Mohammed Nasheed, who has been in the Indian High Commission in Male.

Maldives: A Mini Ukraine in the Making?
Dec 20, 2004

Maldives: A Mini Ukraine in the Making?

That is the question large sections of the people of the Republic of Maldives have been raising as the small country in the Indian Ocean gets ready for the elections to its Parliament (Majlis), which are due to take place on December 31. While the Indian media and analysts have been devoting considerable attention to the coming re-poll (December 26) to elect the next President of Ukraine in order to see whether the elections there would be free a

Maldives: Achieving debt sustainability might prove difficult
Nov 17, 2022

Maldives: Achieving debt sustainability might prove difficult

Global downturns have made it tricky for the Maldivian government to keep debt financing in check

Maldives: Advantage MDP, but possibilities still in parliament polls
Feb 26, 2019

Maldives: Advantage MDP, but possibilities still in parliament polls

The MDP did not seem to suffer from poll fatigue, even months after the presidential elections as a high number of them voted in the MDP primaries, to

Maldives: After convicting MDP MP, will court now turn to Nasheed?
Feb 28, 2014

Maldives: After convicting MDP MP, will court now turn to Nasheed?

In Maldives, all the four present and former presidents need to talk to each other, not talk at each other, as has been the case over the past five years if they are serious about constitutional and administrative reforms, in whatever way each one of them visualise.