Author : Deba Mohanty

Books and MonographsPublished on Sep 10, 2009
ballistic missiles,Defense,Doctrine,North Korea,Nuclear,PLA,SLBM,Submarines

Arming the Indian Arsenal – Challenges and Policy Options

One of the most arduous tasks before strategic decision makers in the field of security deals with the twin problems of military production and procurement. Fast-paced technology environment and changing security dynamics at the national and international levels are other consequential factors. India has been struggling with these problems for a long time. To look into both the generics and specifics, many reform initiatives have been undertaken in India’s national security management structure. This book attempts to lay out the broad problems in India’s military production and procurement efforts and to examine these in the context of the larger security framework of the country. It offers a set of solutions which, it is hoped, would lead to further deliberations on these important issues.

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Deba Mohanty

Deba Mohanty

Deba Mohanty is a Vice President at Society for the Study of Peace and Conflict (SSPC) ...

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