Progammes & Centres
- Sagarmanthan: The Great Oceans Dialogue
- Yerevan Dialogue
- Raisina Dialogue
- Cape Town Conversation
- The Energy Transition Dialogues
- CyFy
- CyFy Africa
- Kigali Global Dialogue
- BRICS Academic Forum
- Colaba Conversation
- Asian Forum on Global Governance
- Dhaka Global Dialogue
- Kalpana Chawla Annual Space Policy Dialogue
- Tackling Insurgent Ideologies
- Climate Action Champions Network
गिल्बर्ट हिल : मानवी इतिहासाचा बट्ट्याबोळ
श्रीलंकेतील राजकीय अस्थिरतेचा खेळ
RBI versus the government: Independence and accountability in a democracy
दक्षिण एशिया 2.0 के लिए जंग
मुंबईतील स्वच्छता- एक भीषण समस्या
‘एका राष्ट्र- एक निवडणूक’ नागरी हिताच्या विरोधात?
The road to peace in Kashmir: Public perception of the contentious AFSPA and PSA
Cashless India: Getting incentives right
Making India’s sea power formidable and future-ready
India’s dilemma in Maldives
A shadow over Chabahar’s fate
आतंकवाद पर अंतरराष्ट्रीय सहयोग ज़रूरी पर हर देश को अपनी लड़ायी ख़ुद लड़नी पड़ेगी
The 2015 India-Bangladesh land boundary agreement: Identifying constraints and exploring possibilities in Cooch Behar
Surgical Strikes and Deterrence-Stability in South Asia
Mainstreaming Gender in the India-Africa Partnership
Energy News Monitor | Volume XII; Issue 19
Resurgence of Al-Qaeda in South Asia Post-US Drawdown
Renewable Energy: Market and Policy Environment in India