The previous iteration focused on The Christchurch Call to Action. Representatives from over 20 countries spoke at the conference to engage on the inter-linkages between ideological radicalisation, tech, terror, online hate and misinformation.
Given the unusual times we are living through, this year’s conversations will discuss the spread of extremist violence, terrorism and xenophobia against the backdrop of a global pandemic. In trying to fight the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV2 or Covid-19, has an infodemic — characterised by fake news and religious or racial polarisation — been unleashed globally, in a climate already vitiated by radical, ideological violence?
Through Tackling Insurgent Ideologies, we aim to expand the CVE conversation to tackle hate speech and misinformation at the very root. By engaging with government, academia, civil society, the media and social media/tech companies we aim to discuss challenges of, and evolve prescriptive suggestions to tackle this dangerous infodemic, and help prevent and counter violent extremism.
Associate Professor, Military Studies Programme, RSIS, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore,