Date: Aug 28, 2023
Cybersecurity Futures 2030: India Workshop

Organized by the UC Berkeley Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity (CLTC) and hosted in partnership with the World Economic Forum’s Centre for Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity Futures 2030 is a foresight-focused scenario planning exercise to inform cybersecurity strategic plans around the globe.

Led by subject-matter experts at UC Berkeley’s Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity (CLTC), our future-focused scenarios consider how digital security is set to transform over the next five- to seven years. The project includes a series of international workshops, hosted in partnership with the World Economic Forum’s Centre for Cybersecurity, that will explore fundamental differences

in how societies think about, evaluate, and respond to emerging cybersecurity challenges. Identifying and understanding those differences—and the tensions they will create at the global level—is critical for the researchers, practitioners, firms, and governing bodies to build their capacity to seize opportunities and mitigate cybersecurity risks just over the horizon.

These workshops explore a landscape of future possibilities, examining how emerging forces and uncertainties could intersect to reshape how humans relate to digital technology—and what it means to be secure. Each workshop is designed to engage approximately 30 participants, including global stakeholders from academia, industry, government, and civil society. Workshop participants will “test drive” cybersecurity scenarios for 2030 and come away with new foresight and insights that are broadly applicable across countries and regions. We will carefully

document the findings from these workshops and synthesize insights into how cybersecurity may evolve—nationally, regionally, and globally—and the implications for policy and decision

making across a wide scope of enterprises and organizations.

Key questions for the workshop include:

  • How might persons and institutions in your region react to these future scenarios?
  • How might your region think that the “rest of the world” will react?
  • What are the greatest tensions and challenges that we anticipate arising?
  • Where might surprising commonalities of interests and values surface?
  • What can firms, governments, NGOs, and individuals in your region do now to better ‘shape the playing field’ on which emerging cybersecurity challenges will manifest?


8:30-9:10 Arrivals
9:10-9:15 Welcoming Remarks
9:15-9:45 Introduction and Framing
  • Introduction to the project and scenario methods
  • Workshop goals and process map
9:45-10:30 Small Group Breakouts
  • “Living in the Scenario World”: Small groups will work to deepen and refine their understanding of one scenario
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-11:30 Small Group Breakouts
  • “Reactions, Policies, and Choices in India”: Small groups with the same scenario will focus on distinctively regional reactions to the scenario world that they are in.
  • Small groups prepare a structured report-back on the regional responses to the scenarios. Reports should include specific examples of reactions, policies, and choices made in response to the scenarios.
11:30-12:15 Structured Report Back and Large Group Discussion
  • Small groups report specific examples of reactions, policies, and choices made in response to the scenarios
  • Following report-backs, the larger group identifies commonalities and distinctions among the reported responses to the four scenarios in a facilitated discussion.
12:15-1:00 Lunch
1:00-1:30 Plenary Discussion: “The Possibility Space”
  • The afternoon session moves beyond individual scenarios and into the overall possibility space shaped by the responses and reactions to the scenarios previously discussed.

    The “possibility space” will inform the following breakouts.

1:30-2:15 Small Group Breakouts in New Groups
  • “Global Actors and Their Responses”: Small groups will each role play as a different international actor (e.g. international standards bodies; INGOs, major firms, national and local governments, etc.) to discuss major policy and investment decisions that should be made in response to the possibility space for cybersecurity in 2030.
  • Small groups prepare a structured report-back. Reports should include specific examples of reactions, policies, and choices that their actor makes in response to the possibility space and the implications of those decisions for this region.
2:15-2:30 Break
2:30-3:00 Structured Report Back: “Rest of World View”
  • A member from each group will present specific examples of policy responses and investment decisions from the actor that their group focused on, providing insights on the implications of those policies and investments for the region we are in.
3:00-4:00  Final Discussion:
  • In a facilitated discussion, participants will consider the greatest tensions and interest cleavages that emerge between responses in this region and ‘global’ responses to this future possibility space.
  • Key takeaways from participants and closing comments from the moderator

Venue Address

20, Rouse Avenue Institutional Area, New Delhi, Delhi 110002, India